The Dictate of the Heart: The Epiphany of the Lord

Today is the Epiphany of the Lord.  This feast focuses on the manifestation, revelation, or showing of Jesus to the world.  We have many experiences that testify to the fact that Jesus manifests Himself to us.  In fact, almost every day of our life, we encounter God’s presence on countless occasions, through meeting of various people with exemplary character and holiness, and at times ordinary people who have shown us to do the right thing.  Their actions are impressive to teach us a lesson and make determination to change.   God is consistent to show us the star where Jesus is. The light of the star is Jesus, the true Light that brings into the world God’s presence. 

The first reading from the book of the Prophet Isaiah made mention of how God actively intervenes in the preparation of the birth by the young girl and her faithful husband waiting for the splendor of Jerusalem.  Because there is the revelation of light to defeat darkness, then radiance will be seen and experienced in one’s heart.  All the actions of those people called, like Mary, Joseph, shepherds and wise men, are something marvelous to fulfill this event.   Through them, God chose to reveal the mystery of God’s plan for the salvation of the entire world.  It ends in showing the “Glory of God.” 

In the second reading, taken from the Letter of St. Paul to the Ephesians, St. Paul exalts that the mystery of salvation treasured by the Jewish people is not an exclusive possession, but God’s intention includes the salvation of the Gentiles, the world beyond the Jews, ”It was not made known to people in other generations as it has now been revealed so that the Gentiles are coheirs, members of the same body, and copartners in the promise in Christ Jesus through the gospel” (Eph3: 5-6). The testimony of St. Paul is that the light reveals the “mystery” of God’s desire and plan to bring all people into the one family of God. 

The gospel for today’s feast, taken from the evangelist Matthew, reminds us of God’s victory to manifests His enduring love for us, revealing the Incarnate Son to the whole world. 

First, Epiphany always reminds us of the three Magi.  However, the Magi reveal the identity of Jesus, with their wisdom and their sharing of astrological skills, which give joy for the special revelation and announcement of Jesus’ birth to all people. 

Second, the Magi bring rich gifts to honor the child and to pay homage to the child’s kingship and divinity in Jesus, a contrast to the poor surroundings of this most special birth. Gold, frankincense, and myrrh, fitting offering to a newborn Jesus.  (If wiser women came to Bethlehem to pay homage to the child, most probably they would offer practical gifts, like diapers, milk and blankets, a down to earth gifts to Jesus; however, it would diminish the meaning of what the gifts symbolized),  Gold for being a King, Frankincense for a Divine God, and Myrrh for someone who will suffer and for the anointing of His body with His impending death for us all.  

Third, the Magi encourage us to listen to the voice of God through an angel to change our route in life.  Thus, the Magi give us hope and courage to seek Jesus always, despite the many obstacles and trials we encounter along the way.  We must have the determination of the Magi to make decisions and right choices and be willing to begin a journey towards our Savior. 

Brothers and Sisters, let us be able to understand that the significance of the feast is great.  We are all invited to keep an eye on Jesus through our fervent prayers so that we will all succeed in our journey to be closer to God.  The Magi were able to focus on their journey searching for Jesus; therefore, our goal throughout this year 2025 is to be like them, to faithfully walk the path of searching and finding God in our hearts.  The Holy Spirit guidance is to show the right path.   Let us rejoice with heartfelt gratitude.  This is our clear Faith” “perspective in our journey together, verifying our common mission to manifest God’s presence to others. 

What is our best gift to Jesus?  I encourage everyone to establish an intentional and personal relationship with the Lord as He promised that gifted relationship with Him would extend to the ends of the earth.  And there is no greater gift you can give than leading someone to Him.  Probably, no one could have realized that it is possible to happen.  

Loving God, walk with us as we travel our way towards you. 

Fr. Arlon, osa


El Dictado del Corazón: La Epifanía del Señor

  • Isaías 60:1-6
  • Salmo 72:1-2, 7-8, 10-11, 12-13
  • Efesios 3:2-3a, 5-6
  • Mateo 2:1-12

Hoy celebramos la Epifanía del Señor. Esta fiesta se centra en la manifestación, revelación o revelación de Jesús al mundo. Tenemos muchas experiencias que atestiguan el hecho de que Jesús se manifiesta a nosotros. De hecho, todos los días de nuestra vida, nos encontramos con la presencia de Dios en innumerables ocasiones, a través de encuentros con diversas personas de carácter ejemplar y santidad. A veces, personas comunes que nos han mostrado cómo hacer lo correcto. Sus acciones son impresionantes y nos enseñan lecciones que nos motivan a cambiar. Dios es constante al mostrarnos la estrella donde está Jesús. La luz de la estrella es Jesús, la Luz verdadera que trae la presencia de Dios al mundo. 

La primera lectura del libro del Profeta Isaías menciona cómo Dios interviene activamente en la preparación del nacimiento de la joven y su fiel esposo, esperando el esplendor de Jerusalén. Hay una revelación de luz para vencer la oscuridad, luego la radiancia se verá y se experimentará en el corazón de cada uno. Todas las acciones de aquellas personas como María, José, los pastores y los sabios son algo maravilloso para cumplir este evento. A través de ellos, Dios eligió revelar el misterio del plan de salvación para todo el mundo. El evento culmina mostrando la “Gloria de Dios”. 

En la segunda lectura tomada de la Carta de San Pablo a los Efesios, San Pablo exalta que el misterio de la salvación, atesorado por el pueblo judío como posesión exclusiva, también fue destinado por Dios para la salvación de los gentiles, el mundo más allá de los judíos: “No fue dado a conocer a las generaciones pasadas como ahora ha sido revelado, para que los gentiles sean coherederos, miembros del mismo cuerpo y copartícipes de la promesa en Cristo Jesús mediante el evangelio” (Efesios 3:5-6). El testimonio de San Pablo es que la luz revela el “misterio” del deseo y el plan de Dios de reunir a todos los pueblos en la única familia de Dios. Dios nos eligió a nosotros, porque somos parte de los gentiles que somos coherederos de las promesas de Dios. 

En el evangelio de la fiesta de hoy, tomado del evangelista Mateo, se nos recuerda la victoria de Dios al manifestar Su amor eterno por nosotros, revelando al Hijo Encarnado al mundo entero. 

En primer lugar, la Epifanía siempre nos recuerda a los tres Reyes Magos. Sin embargo, los Magos revelan la identidad de Jesús con su sabiduría y sus habilidades astrológicas, lo cual trae gozo por la especial revelación y anuncio del nacimiento de Jesús a todos los pueblos. 

En segundo lugar, los Magos traen regalos para honrar al niño y para cumplir con los textos del Antiguo Testamento. Traen ricos obsequios para cumplir las escrituras y honrar al niño ante ellos, en contraste con el entorno pobre de este nacimiento tan especial. Oro, incienso y mirra, apropiados para un rey, se ofrecen a un recién nacido. Si mujeres sabias hubieran llegado a Belén para rendir homenaje al niño, probablemente habrían ofrecido regalos más prácticos, como pañales, leche y mantas, un obsequio más terrenal para Jesús, sin embargo, esto disminuiría el significado de los regalos que simbolizan. Oro, por ser Rey, incienso por ser Dios Divino y mirra por ser alguien que sufrirá, la unción de su cuerpo, Su inminente muerte por todos nosotros. 

En tercer lugar, los Magos nos dan esperanza y valentía para buscar a Jesús siempre, a pesar de los muchos obstáculos y pruebas que encontramos a lo largo del camino. Debemos tener la determinación de los Magos para tomar decisiones y hacer elecciones correctas, dispuestos a comenzar un viaje hacia nuestro Salvador. 

Hermanos y hermanas, comprendamos que el significado de la fiesta es grande. Todos estamos invitados a seguir fielmente nuestro deber de orar fervorosamente para que todos logremos acercarnos más a Dios. Los Magos supieron enfocar su viaje buscando a Jesús, por lo tanto, nuestro objetivo a lo largo de este año 2025 es ser como ellos, caminar fielmente por el camino de búsqueda y encontrar a Dios en nuestros corazones, guiados y siempre mostrados por el Espíritu Santo, la fuente de gran alegría y gratitud. Esta es nuestra perspectiva clara de Fe en nuestro camino de Fe juntos, verificando nuestra misión común de manifestar la presencia de Dios a los demás. 

¿Cuál es nuestro mejor regalo para Jesús? Los animo a todos a establecer una relación personal con el Señor, tal como Él prometió esa relación de regalos con Él que se extendería hasta los confines de la tierra. Nadie pudo haber imaginado que esto fuera posible. Dios misericordioso y amoroso, camina con nosotros mientras viajamos hacia Él. 

Padre Arlon, OSA

The Dictate of the Heart: The Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus

Today is the first Sunday of year 2025.  We celebrate today the Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus.  We welcome the new year with our proclamation of the Holy Name of Jesus, who in His Incarnation made God’s presence become visible.  

Our first reading, taken from the Acts of the Apostles 4:8-12, mentioned to us this remarkable and memorable moment in the Church, where St. Peter filled with the Holy Spirit proclaims boldly to the Sanhedrin that salvation can only be found through Jesus Christ, emphasizing that there is “no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.”.  This passage highlights the unwavering conviction of the early Christians that “there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved.” (Acts 4:12) Peter stated that faith in Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation! 

Salvation is only through faith in Jesus Christ and the good works we do to others.  Salvation is not through the name of Abraham, Isaac or Jacob. It is not through Moses, Joshua or Elijah. It is not through David, Daniel or John the Baptist. They all are pointing towards Jesus Christ.  Moreover, in John 10:7-9, Jesus claimed to be both the door of the sheep and the good shepherd. All who enter through Him are saved. How could He be both the door and the Good Shepherd? Because at night the Good Shepherd would lay at the door of the gate. There was only one way in… and it was through Him.  Have you put your faith in Jesus Christ for your salvation? 

It is not through Buddha, Mohammad or the Dalai Lama, and not through the philosopher and politicians. It is not through mythology, mysticism or new age religions. It is only in Jesus Christ, who died on the cross to pay for the sins of humanity, and He alone rose from the dead proving that He is the Son of God.  St. Peter exposes and explodes saying, “And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved.” (Acts 4:12) 

The act of naming Him “Jesus” started at the beginning of the infancy narrative with the angel Gabriel instructing Mary to name the child Jesus, meaning the Lord saves in Hebrew.  The giving of Jesus’ name on the eighth day fulfills what had been said at the Annunciation.  In St. Paul’s letter to the Philippians 2:6-11, we know that the name of Jesus has its own power, such that it brings all of creation into worship.   

Remember that on this day, we are reminded of the new year beginning which God gave us in His Son.  We need to think that our hopes and dreams can only be realizable when we entrust everything to Jesus, our Lord and Savior.  So…on that eighth day Jesus was named. “What’s in a name?” we might ask. It seems to be just a convenient label—a way to identify someone or something, or even some place.  God does things differently.  It is typical for us believers to start with the invocation of the persons of the Holy Trinity, and Scripture reminds us where God’s name is being proclaimed and His presence and His power. We speak God’s name frequently at all times.   That name takes a part from God’s proper name of Yaweh—Ya—and adds the Hebrew for “saves. Taken together, the given name Jesus means: Yahweh Saves, but pointing to the name of God, the name of Jesus, the name of the Lord. 

Misuse of God’s name these days can be as simple as saying “O my God!” without a second thought. It becomes nothing more than saying “Wow!” Another common misuse of God’s name is to wish that someone or something would spend eternity in hell. The most minor thing can go wrong, and a person asks God to damn it. Children of God don’t want to use the name of the Triune God with the same casual attitude so many do. We don’t want to use it “in vain,” that is, making it common, taking it out of its rightful place of uniqueness. 

On this day when we celebrate the naming of Jesus, remember that the One named the Lord, or God, has blessed us every day, and will continue to bless us into the new year.  Let us praise and rejoice in the name of the Lord, trust in the name of the Lord, call upon God’s name and exalt in God’s name. This is only true because the name of God is an expression of God himself. 

I warn everyone against taking any actions or saying words that profane the name of the Lord. Blaspheme is falsely claiming a right to use God’s name but without his authority. Blaspheme was punishable by death in Israel. It was this charge that was brought against Jesus.  Everything about the name of the Lord is good and holy. Because of the name of Jesus, our names are written in the book of life in heaven. That’s the way we start the new year. 

God bless you. 

Fr. Arlon, osa

The Dictate of the Heart: Solemnity of the Holy Mother of God, Year C

Happy New Year 2025!  On the first day of every year, the Holy Catholic Church dedicates this day by honoring Mary, the Mother of God.  We also offer this day as the World Day of Prayer for Peace.  Through the intercession of the Most Holy Mother of God, she offers her motherly love and protection from evil.  The role of Mary is important in human salvation. Jesus loves Mary; therefore, we must also love her as our Mother.   

Our first reading from the Book of Numbers recalls one of the many conversations the Lord has with Moses. The message is about the beautiful ancient prayer used by priests, beginning from Aaron and his sons, to call down God’s blessings on Israel.

Our second reading from the letter of St. Paul to the Galatians narrates that in the fulness of time, the Son of Man became man, “born of a woman, born under the law, to ransom those under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons and daughters.”  Thus, Jesus who took on our human flesh, except sins, is a victory of our human race over darkness.  Our salvation is intentional and not just accidental, for it has a purpose, a God-given purpose, to change our human status by being dependent on Him, as His adopted children. 

Our gospel taken from St. Luke shows that the focus is on Mary because of her strong faith and trust in God’s plan.  We are invited to reflect and contemplate this gospel passage making Mary as our guide to our meditation and contemplation:

First, “Mary kept all these things, reflecting on them in her heart.” From the moment of the Angel’s announcement, she felt that God blessed her tremendously.  She was chosen as a human instrumentality to safeguard Jesus’ coming unto the world.  Mary became the woman of the new covenant, an encounter with her and the Incarnate Son of God.  With unselfish love she devoted herself to loving her son, Jesus.  

Second, Mary is our model in relating to her son, the Son of God.  Like Mary, we must encounter Jesus with an open heart for an ultimate purpose and goodness.  Mary teaches us to be such a person of integrity, humility and obedience to accept God’s plan to encounter Jesus and to extend that encounter with others. We pray to pass on to others just as Mary does so magnificently in her being the Mother of Jesus, the Mother of God and our mother. 

Third, Mary teaches us that being a disciple of Jesus means keeping Jesus in the center of our hearts and allowing Jesus’ presence to guide all the thoughts, words and actions of our lives. Because of Mary we can nurture a personal relationship with God in an intimate and personal way. She was the first to say His name, Jesus.  We are desired by Jesus Himself to be in communication and in communion with Him. Because of Mary we can call God, Jesus, in prayer and praise His Holy Name. 

Today’s feast honoring Mary, the Mother of God, opens the new year with an assurance that God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son, our Savior and a brother.  This began through Mary’s response in bringing forth Jesus, the Word made flesh.  Her motherhood of Jesus ended with her at the foot of the cross.  Our faith invites us to meditate on Mary, the mother of Jesus and our mother.  God chose her from all women of all time to be God’s own mother and Jesus the son of Mary!  We celebrate Mary, not only because she conceived and bore Jesus, but also because she is Jesus’ most faithful disciple and our model for following Jesus, who while He was on the cross, said to her, “Woman behold your son.”  This is the word of true relationship entrusting Mary as the Mother of the Church and His disciples.  Thus, gathering ourselves offering this Eucharist, let us find Mary as one with us in prayer and worship.  Mary is the “Theotokos,” the God-bearer, the earthly mother of Jesus restoring the world to life to give humanity back to the glory of God.   

When we gather at the Eucharist today, let us imagine Mary as a living prayer. She is the Theotokos, the God-bearer. We are called to be and do the same. “Only Christ-bearers can restore the world to life and give humanity back the vitality of love.” – C. Houselander

May Jesus bless you…let His face shine upon you, be gracious to you and give you peace!  Mary, Mother of God and our mother, pray for us. 

Fr. Arlon, osa


El Dictado del Corazón

Solemnidad de la Santa Madre de Dios, Año C

  • Números 6:22-27
  • Salmo 67:2-3, 5, 6, 8
  • Gálatas 4:4-7
  • Lucas 2:16-21

¡Feliz Año Nuevo 2025! El primer día de cada año, la Santa Iglesia Católica dedica este día honrando a María, la Madre de Dios. También ofrecemos este día como el Día Mundial de la Oración por la Paz. A través de la intercesión de la Santísima Madre de Dios, ella ofrece su amor maternal y protección contra el mal. El papel de María es fundamental en la salvación humana, Jesús ama a María, por lo tanto, también debemos amarla como nuestra Madre. 

Nuestra primera lectura del Libro de los Números recuerda una de las muchas conversaciones que el Señor tuvo con Moisés. El mensaje trata sobre la hermosa oración antigua que los sacerdotes, comenzando por Aarón y sus hijos, usaban para invocar las bendiciones de Dios sobre Israel. 

Nuestra segunda lectura, tomada de la carta de San Pablo a los Gálatas, relata que cuando se cumplió el tiempo, el Hijo del Hombre se hizo hombre, “nacido de mujer, nacido bajo la ley, para redimir a los que estaban bajo la ley, a fin de que recibiéramos la adopción como hijos e hijas”. Así, Jesús, quien asumió nuestra carne humana, excepto el pecado, es una victoria de nuestra raza humana sobre las tinieblas. Nuestra salvación es intencional y no solo accidental, porque tiene un propósito, un propósito dado por Dios para cambiar nuestro estatus humano, haciéndonos dependientes de Él, como sus hijos adoptivos. 

El evangelio de hoy, tomado de San Lucas, nos muestra que el enfoque está en María debido a su fuerte fe y confianza en el plan de Dios. Se nos invita a reflexionar y contemplar este pasaje evangélico, haciendo a María nuestra guía en la meditación y contemplación: 

Primero, “María guardaba todas estas cosas, meditándolas en su corazón”. Desde el momento del anuncio del Ángel, ella sintió que Dios la bendecía enormemente. Ella fue elegida como un instrumento humano para salvaguardar la venida de Jesús al mundo. María se convirtió en la mujer del nuevo pacto, un encuentro con ella y el Hijo Encarnado de Dios. Con un amor desinteresado, se dedicó a amar a su hijo, Jesús.

Segundo, María es nuestro modelo en la relación con su hijo, el Hijo de Dios. Al igual que María, debemos encontrar a Jesús con un corazón abierto, para un propósito último y un bien supremo. María nos enseña a ser personas de integridad, humildad y obediencia para aceptar el plan de Dios de encontrar a Jesús y extender ese encuentro a los demás. Oremos para que, al transmitir a otros lo que María hace tan magníficamente al ser la Madre de Jesús, la Madre de Dios y nuestra madre, sigamos su ejemplo. 

Tercero, María nos enseña que ser discípulos de Jesús significa mantener a Jesús en el centro de nuestros corazones y permitir que su presencia guíe todos nuestros pensamientos, palabras y acciones. Gracias a María, podemos nutrir una relación personal con Dios de manera íntima y personal. Ella fue la primera en pronunciar su nombre, Jesús. Jesús mismo desea que estemos en comunicación y comunión con Él. Gracias a María, podemos llamar a Dios, Jesús, en oración y alabar su Santo Nombre. 

La fiesta de hoy, honrando a María, la Madre de Dios, abre el nuevo año con la certeza de que Dios amó tanto al mundo que envió a su Hijo unigénito, nuestro Salvador y Hermano. Esto comenzó con la respuesta de María al traer a Jesús, la Palabra hecha carne. Su maternidad de Jesús culminó con ella al pie de la cruz. Nuestra fe nos invita a meditar sobre María, la madre de Jesús y nuestra madre. ¡Dios la eligió entre todas las mujeres de todos los tiempos para ser la madre de Dios y la madre del hijo de María! Pero celebramos a María no solo porque concibió y dio a luz a Jesús, sino también porque es la discípula más fiel de Jesús y nuestro modelo para seguir a Jesús, a quien, mientras estaba en la cruz, le dijo: “Mujer, he ahí a tu hijo”. Esta es la palabra de una verdadera relación, encomendando a María como la Madre de la Iglesia y de sus discípulos. Así que, al reunirnos y ofrecer esta Eucaristía, encontrémonos con María como una con nosotros en oración y adoración. María es la “Theotokos”, la Madre de Dios, la madre terrenal de Jesús que restauró al mundo a la vida y devolvió a la humanidad la gloria de Dios. 

Cuando nos reunimos en la Eucaristía hoy, imaginemos a María como una oración viva. Ella es la “Theotokos”, la Madre de Dios. Estamos llamados a ser y hacer lo mismo. “Solo los que llevan a Cristo pueden restaurar al mundo a la vida y devolver a la humanidad la vitalidad del amor”. – C. Houselander 

¡Que Jesús los bendiga… que su rostro brille sobre ustedes, sea misericordioso con ustedes y les dé paz! María, Madre de Dios y nuestra madre, ruega por nosotros. 

Padre Arlon, osa

The Dictate of the Heart: Feast of the Circumcision of the Lord, Extraordinary Form, TLM

Happy New Year to all. We welcome the year 2025 with great hope and expectations of God’s continuous blessings. It is nice to begin with such a positive outlook in life. We start the new year right with an assurance that God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son, JESUS, our Savior and a brother.  This all began through Mary’s response in bringing forth Jesus, the Word made flesh. We give much love to the Blessed Mother, Mary, the Mother of Jesus, and our own mother too.

Our liturgy today celebrates the Circumcision of the Lord.  Preparing my homily today, I reflect on the readings from St.Paul’s epistle to Titus and the one verse gospel reading from St. Luke.  Maybe some of you might think that this event in the life of Jesus becomes insignificant in our Christian faith, and therefore should not be given much importance in the liturgy, especially today when we need a more inspiring homily on the first day of the year 2025.

Since the existence of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, they were faithful to their religious tradition being Jews. They were faithful to the law and commandments.  Thus, circumcision of Jesus is essential to the fulfillment of the Old Testament, though in the New Testament, St. Paul preached hard that circumcision was not required to become followers of Christ.  However, we must affirm to the fact that since it was fulfilled by Jesus to undergo such a ritual, it is therefore meaningful to ponder on.  It would be a mistake if we don’t.  We must accept that Jesus’ words, actions and events that happened to Him were filled with meaning, purpose and importance that is worth celebrating.

There are things we must understand that everything Jesus did on earth was for Him, not to abolish the law, but to fulfill it.  As the Lord Himself said: “Think not that I come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I did not come to destroy, but to fulfill.” (Matthew 5:17)

In its truest sense, from Abraham and up to the ancient Israel they cut off only a small portion of their skin but in the new covenant, we cut off our entire life, whole selves, our whole being, for the Lord.  This is our new circumcision with Jesus, our Savior.

This is the life of the Lord we are called to lead, nothing less than to embrace His humility and example to offer His first blood to make an offering to God. Just as we offer the bread and wine, and we receive them back as the Body and Blood of Christ, we offer ourselves to be transfigured and become a vessel of God’s grace.  I believe that the Lord has given us all things, even His very life. 

The epistle of St. Paul to Titus 2:11–15 reminds us that receiving God’s grace is necessary to act in righteousness and holiness.  It is the foundation on which traits such as self-control, love, patience, compassion, kindness and respect are built.  Pursuing good deeds can be a catalyst to anticipate a brighter and prosperous year.

Today is the first day of the new year; therefore, let us resolve to make a good beginning.  Being proud of doing good externally, but if we live without mercy and love for others, there is no merit from God.  Even though how seemingly dedicated a person is in the eyes of many,  but deep inside there is a rotten spirit of anger and prejudice, then there is no hope for a fruitful year ahead.   We need to seek God’s grace to process our interiority.  

Brothers and sisters, if we fail to give ourselves up to God in that true sense of circumcision of the heart to which we are called today, expect that there is no glory awaiting us for salvation.  Let us take courage to change ourselves.

God bless you.

Fr. Arlon, osa

The Dictate of the Heart: Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, Year C

Today is the feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph.  As we celebrate this feast in the Diocese of Reno, we officially open the “Jubilee Year” with the theme: “Pilgrims of Hope.”  Pope Francis has declared this Jubilee Year as part of the tradition of the Universal Church every 25 years. The aim is to encourage the faithful to embark on pilgrimages for which the Vatican is expecting thousands of faithful visiting Rome. The faithful will be encouraged to repent of their sins, forgive sins of others, and to undergo renewal focusing on spiritual life.  According to Pope Francis, “We must fan the flame of hope that has been given us and help everyone to gain new strength and certainly by looking to the future with an open spirit, a trusting heart and farsighted vision.” 

St. Thomas Aquinas Cathedral will officially open this event in the diocese with the celebration of the Mass on December 29, 2024, at 11:30 amfollowed by the procession of the Jubilee Cross from Our Lady of Wisdom Parish on North Virginia Street to the Cathedral.  The Jubilee Cross will be venerated by all pilgrims throughout the year until the formal closing of the Jubilee Year on the Feast Day of the Epiphany, January 6, 2026. 

Today, I would like to reiterate the teaching of the Church based on the scriptures about the Christian family.  Vatican Council II reflects that the Christian family is “the domestic church.”  We need to reflect on this to understand the experience of Jesus under the love and guidance of Mary and Joseph, He grew in age, wisdom and grace.  Then, during His public ministry, our Lord Jesus calling His disciples a new kind of family that can be understood as a community.  He was not formalizing family, but as history teaches, the community He formed grew so rapidly in its early years because His followers lived like a family who took care of one another, something that attracted in the Roman Empire, gentiles, or pagans, and Jews.  Jesus’ years of witnessing acceptance of everyone as brothers and sisters, beyond blood relationship, but by sharing the common faith, is the seed of this new relationship of being a new kind of family, or the Church. 

Today’s first reading from the Book of Sirach teaches us that in order to live family life pleasing to God, parents should love their children, and children should honor and care for their parents, especially in their old age.  Parent-child relationships are directly related to the relationship with God.  For the prayers of those who respect and honor parents, God hears their supplications.  Furthermore, God will certainly bless them and their offsprings.

The second reading from St. Paul’s letter to the Colossians reminds us that genuine faith in God and true Christian holiness are seen in the acts of kindness, humility, patience and heartfelt compassion.  St. Paul goes on saying, “Let the peace of Christ control your hearts, the peace into which you were also called in one body.” 

The gospel taken from St. Luke narrates about the Holy Family fulfilling their annual obligation according to the Jewish religious tradition.  Like other pious Jewish families, Mary, Joseph and Jesus make their way to the Temple in Jerusalem.  St. Luke’s purpose of writing this episode is to link the Jerusalem pilgrimage to Jesus’ public ministry.  Today, we are invited to reflect on this gospel passage: 

First, while on their way back to Nazareth, Mary and Joseph began to wonder why Jesus was not with them.  They decided to launch a search for their child, and Mary and Joseph travelled back to Jerusalem.  Jesus was found at the temple where He was conversing with the experts of the law.  It was difficult for Mary and Joseph with the loss of their loving child, but they resigned themselves to Jesus’ destiny.  This is an event when Jesus expressed clarity of His intention to focus on His Father’s will and the “Father’s business” by preaching about the Truth for the rest of His public ministry. 

Second, Jesus’ own experience of family with Mary, Joseph and their extended family may have inspired Him in His early days that His mission is over and above the interest of His earthly family which had been built upon the Law of God.  Mary and Joseph are shown as having great reverence for God’s laws by being faithful to Jewish religious practices for the fulfillment of God’s promise of fruitful blessings. 

Third, Jesus was not disrespectful and insensitive to His parents’ initiative to look for Him.  However, Jesus seriously explained to them, “I must be in my Father’s house.” The couple and their child returned home, and by their living according to God’s law, the child grew strong, full of wisdom, and was obedient to them. So, we have a picture of a Holy Family. They received blessings and guidance from God, and they returned filled with gratitude; they were faithful to their lives. 

What makes a family a “holy family?”  Let us follow the example of Mary, Joseph and Jesus by our total dependence on God who called us as His family of disciples, devoted to God’s law or commandments, prayer, generosity of heart and loving God, which makes our family act as one in order to provide each member space for growth and maturity. 

Merry Christmas! I am very grateful that I was able to write a reflection to celebrate the feast of the Holy Family and to be grateful to our own human family.  We cherish our delightful moments and experiences with all the members of our family, even though there may be some unsavory feelings, hurts and inevitable issues or conflicts we have been through. Please  remember that Jesus embraced our full human nature, graced, and  even those who are fallen and weak.  According to the letter to the Hebrews 2:11, “He who consecrates and those who have been consecrated all have one origin, Therefore, Jesus is not ashamed to call them “brothers and sisters.”  We are all brothers and sisters in the Lord, if we are faithful to do His will.  Let our shared faith in life’s journey be the reason to rejoice today, coupled with love and forgiveness by God’s grace and mercy! 

God bless you. 

Fr. Arlon, osa


El Dictado del Corazón

Fiesta de la Sagrada Familia de Jesús, María y José, Año C

  • Eclesiástico 3:2-6, 12-14
  • Salmo Responsorial 128:1-2, 3, 4-5
  • Colosenses 3:12-17
  • Lucas 2:41-52

Hoy celebramos la fiesta de la Sagrada Familia de Jesús, María y José. Al celebrar esta fiesta, en la Diócesis de Reno, inauguramos oficialmente el “Año Jubilar” con el tema: “Peregrinos de la Esperanza”. El Papa Francisco ha declarado este Año Jubilar como parte de la tradición de la Iglesia Universal, que se celebra cada 25 años. El objetivo es animar a los fieles a emprender peregrinaciones, y el Vaticano espera que miles de fieles visiten Roma. Se alentará a los fieles a arrepentirse de sus pecados y perdonar los pecados de los demás, y a someterse a una renovación enfocada en la vida espiritual. Según el Papa Francisco, “debemos avivar la llama de la esperanza que se nos ha dado y ayudar a todos a ganar nueva fuerza y certeza al mirar al futuro con un espíritu abierto, un corazón confiado y una visión de largo alcance.” 

La Catedral de Santo Tomás de Aquino abrirá oficialmente este evento en la diócesis con la celebración de la Misa el 29 de diciembre de 2024 a las 11:30 AM, seguida de la procesión de la Cruz Jubilar desde la Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de Sabiduria en la calle N. Virginia hasta la Catedral. La Cruz Jubilar será venerada por todos los peregrinos durante todo el año, hasta el cierre formal del Año Jubilar en la Fiesta de la Epifanía, el 6 de enero de 2026. 

Hoy, me gustaría reiterar la enseñanza de la Iglesia basada en las escrituras sobre la familia cristiana. El Concilio Vaticano II refleja que la familia cristiana es “la iglesia doméstica”. Necesitamos reflexionar sobre esto para comprender la intención de nuestro Señor al llamar a Sus discípulos a formar un nuevo tipo de familia, que puede entenderse como una comunidad. Él no estaba formalizando la familia, sino que, como enseña la historia, la comunidad que Él formó creció tan rápidamente en sus primeros años porque Sus seguidores vivían como una familia que se cuidaba mutuamente, algo que atrajo tanto a gentiles (o paganos) como a judíos en el Imperio Romano. Los años de Jesús viviendo como testigo, aceptando a todos como hermanos y hermanas, más allá de la relación de sangre, sino por compartir la fe común, es la semilla de esta nueva relación como una nueva clase de familia, o la Iglesia. 

La primera lectura de hoy, tomada del Libro del Eclesiástico, nos enseña que, para vivir una vida familiar que agrade a Dios, los padres deben amar a sus hijos, y los hijos deben honrar y cuidar a sus padres, especialmente en su vejez. Las relaciones entre padres e hijos están directamente relacionadas con la relación con Dios. Las oraciones de aquellos que respetan y honran a sus padres, Dios escucha sus súplicas. Además, Dios ciertamente los bendecirá a ellos y a sus descendientes que cuidan de sus padres. 

La segunda lectura de la carta de San Pablo a los Colosenses nos recuerda que la fe genuina en Dios y la verdadera santidad cristiana se ven en los actos de bondad, humildad, paciencia y compasión sincera. San Pablo continúa diciendo: “que la paz de Cristo gobierne en nuestros corazones, a la que también emos sido llamados en un solo cuerpo.” 

El evangelio, tomado de San Lucas, narra cómo la Sagrada Familia cumplió su obligación anual según la tradición religiosa judía. Como otras piadosas familias judías, María, José y Jesús se dirigieron al Templo de Jerusalén. El propósito de San Lucas al escribir este episodio es vincular la peregrinación a Jerusalén con el ministerio público de Jesús. Hoy, estamos invitados a reflexionar sobre este pasaje del evangelio: 

Primero, en su camino de regreso a Nazaret, María y José comenzaron a preguntarse por qué Jesús no estaba con ellos. Decidieron buscar a su hijo hasta que regresaron a Jerusalén. Jesús fue encontrado en el templo, donde conversaba con los expertos de la ley. Fue difícil para María y José perder a su amado hijo, pero se resignaron al destino de Jesús. Este es un evento en el que Jesús expresó claramente Su intención de centrarse en la voluntad de Su Padre y en los “negocios del Padre” predicando la Verdad durante el resto de Su ministerio público. 

Segundo, la propia experiencia de Jesús en familia con María, José y su familia extendida pudo haber inspirado Sus primeros días, mostrándole que Su misión está por encima de los intereses de Su familia terrenal, que se había edificado sobre la Ley de Dios. María y José se muestran como personas que tienen gran reverencia por las leyes de Dios, siendo fieles a las prácticas religiosas judías para el cumplimiento de la promesa de bendiciones fructíferas de parte de Dios. 

Tercero, Jesús no fue irrespetuoso ni insensible a la intención de Sus padres de buscarlo. Sin embargo, Jesús les explicó seriamente: “Debo estar en la casa de mi Padre”. La Sagrada familia regresaron a casa, y vivieron de acuerdo con la ley de Dios, el niño creció fuerte, lleno de sabiduría y fue obediente a ellos. Así que tenemos una imagen de una Sagrada Familia. Recibieron bendiciones y orientación de Dios, regresaron llenos de gratitud; fueron fieles a sus vidas. 

¿Qué hace que una familia sea una “familia santa”? Sigamos el ejemplo de María, José y Jesús, dependiendo totalmente de Dios, quien nos ha llamado a ser Su familia de discípulos, dedicados a la ley o mandamientos de Dios, a la oración, a la generosidad del corazón y al amor a Dios, lo que hace que nuestra familia actúe como una familia Sagrada, brindando a cada miembro un espacio para crecer y madurar. 

¡Feliz Navidad! Estoy muy agradecido de haber podido escribir una reflexión para celebrar la fiesta de la Sagrada Familia y ser agradecido por nuestra propia familia humana. Valoremosnuestros momentos y experiencias agradables con todos los miembros de nuestra familia, aunque haya algunos sentimientos amargos, heridas e inevitables problemas o conflictos por los que hemos pasado. Recuerden que Jesús abrazó nuestra naturaleza humana completa, graciosa, pero también caída y débil. Según la carta a los Hebreos 2:11, “El que santifica y los santificados tienen todos un mismo origen, por eso Jesús no se avergüenza de llamarlos ‘hermanos’”. Todos somos hermanos y hermanas en el Señor, si somos fieles a hacer Su voluntad. ¡Que nuestra fe compartida, el viaje de la vida, sea la razón para alegrarnos hoy, acompañados de amor y perdón por la gracia y misericordia de Dios! 

Que Dios los bendiga. 

P. Arlon, osa

The Dictate of the Heart: Sunday within the Octave of Christmas, Extraordinary Form, TLM

Pope Francis officially opens the Holy Door and the “Jubilee Year” with the theme: “Pilgrims of Hope.”  His Holiness declares this Jubilee Year as part of the tradition of the Universal Church every 25 years. The aim is to encourage the faithful to embark on pilgrimages for which the Vatican is expecting thousands of faithful visiting Rome.  The faithful will be encouraged to repent of their sins, forgive sins of others, and to undergo renewal focusing on spiritual life.  According to Pope Francis, “We must fan the flame of hope that has been given us and help everyone to gain new strength and certainly by looking to the future with an open spirit, a trusting heart and farsighted vision.” 

St. Thomas Aquinas Cathedral will officially open this event in the diocese with the celebration of the Mass on December 29, 2024, at 11:30 am, followed by the procession of the Jubilee Cross from Our Lady of Wisdom Parish on N. Virginia Street to the Cathedral.  The Jubilee Cross will be venerated by all pilgrims throughout the year until the formal closing of the Jubilee Year on the Feast Day of the Epiphany, January 6, 2026. 

Today’s epistle, taken from the Letter of St. Paul to the Galatians, speaks of our identity in Christ and in the Kingdom of God.  St. Paul is writing this letter to clarify the gospel to gentile Christians with whom this had been shared but was not enough.   They have been instructed that even gentile Christians are part of God’s plan, therefore, expected to live it out. God had promised to Abraham that this was for all nations, not only for a single nation, meaning God’s kingdom has a greater scope, and it is universal.  Thus, like the Galatians, we can find our place in all biblical stories and our identity which is very relevant to us.  First, our knowledge that we are slaves due to sin.  We identify ourselves by the standards of the world, conforming to social media, which we are quick to believe rather than the gospel truth.  Second, easily influenced by non-believers, allowing to accept their opinions and beliefs. That was exactly what the gentiles at the time of St. Paul are dealing with.  Third, we believe to be heirs and yet making ourselves as a standard. What is left behind is an internal struggle and emptiness. 

St. Paul says, “When the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son….to redeem….that we might receive adoption as sons and daughters.”   This is a proclamation of St. Paul that our true identity is this – we are adopted sons and daughters of God. This is really good news.   The Holy Spirit brings joy that truly allows us to love and worship our Father. We cry out, Abba! Father!   We respond this way, because we ourselves are loved. We are beloved. Henri Nouwen says, “Being the Beloved expresses the core truth of our existence”. We have been adopted, and this means that we have been given our true identity, which is Beloved. As Hosea 2:23 says – “Those who were not my people, (slaves) I will call my people, and her who were not beloved, I will call beloved.”  Becoming heirs of the kingdom and ourselves are not standards any longer, but the One who offered Himself given dominion and called to bear God’s image.  Our identity becomes the Beloved, because we have been adopted.  In God’s redemptive work, He has adopted us and called us heirs so that we could live into this calling once again.  Though we were once slaves, we were adopted and called beloved, and we’ve become heirs. This is our identity in the Kingdom of God. Let us rejoice and find great comfort in this truth. 

The gospel from St. Luke is about the prophecy of Simeon pointing Jesus as the Child to be the Son of God.   “And Simeon blessed them and said to Mary his mother: Behold this child is set for the fall, and for the resurrection of many in Israel, and for a sign which shall be contradicted.” (v.34). The blessing of Simeon to Mary and Joseph was customary for venerable and holy men to confer.  The baby Jesus was directly intended by Almighty God to raise many in Israel from a state of sin and ignorance; He became at the same time the occasion of the fall and ruin of many, who through their own perversity rejected Him and His doctrine. 

The Prophet Simeon knows that Jesus is the long-promised Messiah, the glory of God in the flesh, and Jesus will reveal the mercy of God to us all.  Our Lord is not only a sign, but He is in reality a Redeemer and a Savior. 

The Prophetess Anna praises and rejoices to give thanks to God because she knows that the birth of Jesus manifests salvation which will lead to the rising and restoration of God’s holy people and the whole creation.   The Prophetess Anna kept this profound hope on the Goodnews of salvation and redemption brought about by the birth of Jesus.   

Today, Simeon’s blessings and the praise and thanksgiving of the Prophetess Anna are also for us to listen to and seriously take to heart so that Hope is hurriedly given to each of us.  We firmly adhere that through Mary and Joseph, we know what is coming our way.  We are pilgrims of great Hope, getting our hopes up that this or that will come through, without considering that what comes along could be something that will leave us in despair.  Jesus, the holy Child, will bear our grief and carry our sorrows.  He will willingly bear our burden and freely carry the sins of the world.  In His love, you are healed, raised up, restored, and renewed.  It is because this holy Child, Jesus, having come into the world, is everything needed for our salvation.   I believe Jesus has been destined to raise those who trust in Him; thus, let us search and find Him and we shall live.  

God bless you. 

Fr. Arlon, osa

The Dictate of the Heart: The Nativity of the Lord (Night)

Merry Christmas to all. Someone has said that on Christmas Day we are all little children. It is true; indeed, we are all children of God who loves us.  During Christmas Eve every year we wait with the same illusion of childhood for the arrival of the most beautiful and adorable Child Jesus on earth. With Christmas so many things come: the letters and cards from distant relatives and friends, receiving gifts, remembering relatives and friends, and it is the night when there is a home and there is forgiveness; the persons that never talk to us, now becomes our friends again, and the people who never help us, embrace us with love again. 

Christmas is a night of memories, of peace, of love; night of God because Christmas is the world’s remembrance of the coming of God Incarnate here on earth; Christmas is the Word of God omnipotent and creative, assumes human flesh, becomes a child wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger. Christmas is God’s encounter with man. If Christmas is the feast of the Word of God made flesh, and if God in this final stage has spoken to us through His Son, only one thing is necessary: to receive Jesus Christ, the Messiah and Lord.

Tonight, many of you have come to celebrate the birth of the Child Jesus, the Savior of the world. More than two thousand years ago, God promised to his people that a great Light would shine for those who are in darkness; and that light would shine on them to come out of darkness. 

We heard in the first reading that Isaiah says that this great joy can be compared to that of the yoke of animals – a symbol of slavery. When that yoke is removed, a great weight is removed from the shoulders of the people. When that yoke is removed from the shoulders of the people, “upon His shoulder dominion rests,” then that yoke is transferred to the shoulders of the promised Messiah, with different names such as “Wonder-Counselor, God-Hero, Father-Forever, Prince of Peace” because this Child comes to carry the sins of the world, bringing to all people “abundant joy and great rejoicing.”

In the second reading from the letter of St. Paul to Titus, we hear about the things that are happening now. The grace of God has appeared in the world. The Child Jesus was chosen by God the Father to bring us salvation. Our response to God’s grace is that we must renounce our indifference, the lack of piety and the obsessive possessions of things in the world. We are called to live lives of being simple, correct and clean in our thoughts, words and actions with self-control while we await the manifestation of the glory of Jesus when He returns at the end of time.

Never like today have we witnessed such an over-use of social media.  Too much talking, disturbing fake news, artificial intelligence, and through all of these we have not settled in peace, and the word has lost its power of truth.  In the end, we experience emptiness and so much noise.  We only need what is necessary, and that is the “Word.” That “Word is Christ;” the Word made flesh and dwelt amongst us.  According to St. John, we hear that “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning.”

Tonight’s gospel according to St. Luke, confirms that the Child Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary in Bethlehem. She was engaged to Joseph. Because there was no space in the inn, the Child Jesus was born in a manger. In that cold environment, there were no hospital services available; there were no doctors or nurses; there was only swaddling clothes wrapping the Baby Jesus and they laid Him in a manger, signifying purity, holiness and an unblemished perfect child.

Jesus is the presence of God among us. Our human words only manage to imperfectly describe what a person is; but Jesus, the Word of God made flesh, is the exact image of the glory of the Father. When we see that Child, we really see God. Only Jesus Christ will be able to say that he who has seen Him, has seen His Father and that they are ONE.

If there is something that expresses that joy of Christmas, it is light. The light bulbs of a thousand colors are like the laughter of Christmas Eve. The Christmas trees point us to Jesus, and the “Jesse Tree,” flickering with lights to remind us that Christmas is the feast of the true light, Jesus, our Savior. It is good that we remember today what Peter said to Christ: “Lord, where shall we go; only you have words of eternal life.” We could say, where shall we go in a world full of empty words?

Brothers and sisters, as we celebrate Christmas, tonight is a night of memories, and it is also a night of hope, hope that Christ Jesus, the Word of God, falls like morning dew in our hearts and makes us excited to anticipate joy blooming in the New Year 2025. 

May this Christmas bring us the gift of understanding a little more of God in the Child Jesus, and may we also be able to understand each other better in peace and love.  May God have you in the palm of His hand, and let us say together: “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to people of good will.” (Luke 2:14)

Blessings to everyone!

Fr. Arlon, osa


El Dictado del Corazón

La Natividad del Señor (Noche)

  • Isaías 9:1-6
  • Tito 2:11-14
  • Lucas 2:1-14

¡Feliz Navidad a todos! Alguien ha dicho que en el Día de Navidad todos somos niños pequeños. Es cierto; de hecho, somos todos hijos de Dios, quien nos ama. Cada Nochebuena, año tras año, esperamos con la misma ilusión de la infancia la llegada del más bello y adorable Niño Jesús a la tierra. Con la Navidad llegan muchas cosas: las cartas y tarjetas de familiares y amigos lejanos, recibir regalos, recordar a los familiares y amigos, y es la noche en que hay un hogar y hay perdón; la persona que nunca nos habló, ahora se convierte en nuestro amigo nuevamente, y las personas que nunca nos ayudaron, nos abrazan con amor otra vez. 

La Navidad es una noche de recuerdos, de paz, de amor; noche de Dios, porque la Navidad es el recuerdo del mundo de la venida de Dios Encarnado a la tierra; la Navidad es la Palabra de Dios omnipotente y creadora, que asume carne humana, se convierte en un niño envuelto en pañales y acostado en un pesebre. La Navidad es el encuentro de Dios con el hombre. Si la Navidad es la fiesta de la Palabra de Dios hecha carne, y si Dios en esta etapa final nos ha hablado por medio de Su Hijo, solo una cosa es necesaria: recibir a Jesucristo, el Mesías y Señor. 

Esta noche, muchos de ustedes han venido a celebrar el nacimiento del Niño Jesús, el Salvador del mundo. Hace más de dos mil años, Dios prometió a su pueblo que una gran Luz brillaría para aquellos que están en la oscuridad; y esa luz brillaría sobre ellos para que salieran de la oscuridad.

Escuchamos en la primera lectura que Isaías dice que esta gran alegría puede compararse con la del yugo de los animales, un símbolo de la esclavitud. Cuando ese yugo se quita, un gran peso se remueve de los hombros del pueblo. Cuando ese yugo es retirado de los hombros del pueblo, “sobre su hombro reposará el dominio”. Ese yugo se transfiere a los hombros del Mesías prometido, con diferentes nombres, como “Maravilloso Consejero, Dios Fuerte, Padre Eterno, Príncipe de la Paz”, porque este Niño viene a llevar los pecados del mundo, trayendo a todos los pueblos “gran gozo y gran regocijo”. 

En la segunda lectura de la carta de San Pablo a Tito, escuchamos sobre las cosas que están sucediendo ahora. La gracia de Dios ha aparecido en el mundo. El Niño Jesús fue escogido por Dios Padre para traernos la salvación. Nuestra respuesta a la gracia de Dios es que debemos renunciar a nuestra indiferencia, a la falta de piedad y a la obsesión por las posesiones del mundo. Estamos llamados a vivir de manera sencilla, correcta y limpia en nuestros pensamientos, palabras y acciones, con dominio propio, mientras esperamos la manifestación de la gloria de Jesús cuando Él regrese al final de los tiempos. 

Nunca como hoy, somos testigos del uso excesivo de las redes sociales. Demasiada charla, perturbadoras noticias falsas, inteligencia artificial; a través de todo esto no hemos encontrado paz, y la palabra ha perdido su poder de verdad. Al final experimentamos vacío y tanto ruido. Solo necesitamos lo necesario, eso es la “Palabra”, esa “Palabra es Cristo”; la Palabra hecha carne y habitó entre nosotros. Según San Juan, escuchamos que “En el principio era la Palabra, y la Palabra estaba con Dios, y la Palabra era Dios. Él estaba con Dios en el principio.” 

El Evangelio de esta noche, según San Lucas, confirma que el Niño Jesús nació en Belén de la Virgen María. Ella estaba desposada con José. Debido a que no había espacio en la posada, el Niño Jesús nació en un pesebre. En ese ambiente frío, no había servicios hospitalarios disponibles; no había médicos ni enfermeras; solo había pañales envolviendo al Niño Jesús y lo acostaron en un pesebre, significando pureza, santidad y un niño perfecto, sin mancha. 

Jesús es la presencia de Dios entre nosotros. Nuestras palabras humanas solo logran describir imperfectamente lo que es una persona; pero Jesús, la Palabra de Dios hecha carne, es la imagen exacta de la gloria del Padre. Cuando vemos a ese Niño, realmente vemos a Dios. Solo Jesucristo podrá decir que quien lo ha visto, ha visto al Padre, y que ellos son UNO. 

Si hay algo que expresa esa alegría de la Navidad, es la luz. Las bombillas de mil colores son como la risa de la Nochebuena. Los árboles de Navidad nos señalan a Jesús, el “Árbol de Jesé”, parpadeando con luces para recordarnos que la Navidad es la fiesta de la verdadera luz, Jesús, nuestro Salvador. Es bueno recordar hoy lo que Pedro le dijo a Cristo: “Señor, ¿a dónde iremos? Solo Tú tienes palabras de vida eterna”. Podríamos decir, ¿a dónde iremos en un mundo lleno de palabras vacías? 

Hermanos y hermanas, mientras celebramos la Navidad, esta noche es una noche de recuerdos y también es una noche de esperanza, esperanza de que Cristo Jesús, la Palabra de Dios, caiga como el rocío de la mañana en nuestros corazones y nos haga emocionarnos al anticipar las alegrías que florecerán en el Año Nuevo 2025. 

Que esta Navidad nos traiga el regalo de entender un poco más a Dios en el Niño Jesús, y que también podamos entendernos mejor unos a otros en paz y amor. Que Dios los tenga en la palma de Su mano y digamos juntos: “Gloria a Dios en las alturas, y en la tierra paz a los hombres de buena voluntad.” (Lucas 2:14) 

¡Bendiciones a todos! 

Padre Arlon, osa

The Dictate of the Heart: Nativity of Jesus, Christmas Day, Extraordinary Form

I have been reflecting on the gospel of St. John 1:1-14.  We always hear the same gospel every mass as our last gospel.  St. John wrote, “And the Word became flesh and made his dwellings among us.” It connects to our present experience of gathering ourselves to celebrate Christmas not in our permanent place of worship but borrowed.  I would describe our community as if we are in diaspora or in exile.  However, if we really look deeply and understand the gospel, it gives us a profound message of consolation.  When we are encountering these words, “made dwelling among us,” in Greek it means “eskenosen”.  The root word is “skenos” meaning tent.  Other translation is to pitch a tent among us.  The word “dwelling” doesn’t mean someone is making a permanent building for us.  It suggests something different.   

We are searching for our definite way as we continue to journey together, with no clear idea of our future, no clear sense of what we are pursuing.  We are inside a tent, our temporary shelter or place of worship, because we are still thinking, planning, praying and searching for our permanent home.   Many get entangled in messes according to our own making but our loving God continuous to set up a tent alongside ours and this is the reason to rejoice as we say to one another, Merry Christmas!   

This year 2024 has been tied up with so many inconveniences, some are confused as to which way we need to take. There are times that some people cannot accept some detours as we travel, some are overwhelmed by the situation, however my approach is my strong faith in God and His divine guidance, for He never abandon us because He dwells with us.  This loving and merciful God expects us to Hope, to be patient and to be resilient people not to lose our vision to be aware of His presence in the Holy Tabernacle.  

I am just wondering why we have no Creche or Nativity Statues on display.  It doesn’t matter to me because it has a message for us, Mary, Joseph, angels and shepherds are reminders, like us expecting a Savior, but Jesus did not just come to be adored but He came to join us in our journey.  Maybe Jesus doesn’t want to be born again in a manger but in the hearts of those who are ready to accept Him. 

Brothers and sisters, as we celebrate Christmas, Pope Francis opens the Jubilee Year at the Vatican.  The coming year 2025 will be a year of renewal, and we are called “Pilgrims of Hope.”  We must reflect on our present situation that in sadness, pain, hurts, there are Joy and healing from God for us.  We are called agents and witnesses of the gospel in accompanying others to return to God, the Word made flesh and dwells amongst us that falls like morning dew in our hearts.  Let us anticipate this joy blooming in the New Year 2025.  

May this Christmas bring us the gift of understanding a little more of God in the Child Jesus, and may we also be able to understand each other better in peace and love.  St. Augustine says, “Our Savior Jesus Christ has become our justice, our sanctification, our redemption so that as it is written; let Him who glories, glory in the Lord.”  May God have you in the palm of His hand and let us say together: “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to people of good will.” (Luke 2:14)

Merry Christmas and a grace-filled New Year 2025! 

Fr. Arlon, osa

The Dictate of the Heart: 4th Sunday of Advent, Year C

We are in the 4th Sunday and a few days of Advent, anticipating the celebration of Christmas. Many would say, at last, the waiting is over! It is the final preparation of ourselves that we can give to God and expecting what special gift God would give us. What are the grace and blessings of this coming year that awaits us? We pray that our season of waiting will indeed surprise us with abundant blessings.

In the past weeks of Advent we encountered the Goodnews about the coming of the Messiah prophesized by many prophets. The first reading from Prophet Micah foretold the apparent abandonment of Israel by God. However, we hear these words of hope that in David’s lineage will be born a child despite that the Lord will “give them up,” but this birth from within the insignificant Bethlehem will signal God’s fidelity to His people. He will be a Shepherd to His people, but “His greatness shall reach the ends of the earth; He shall be peace!” This is the encouragement of Prophet Micah to ancient Israel. The nation waits for a great leader and great King of Israel.

The second reading from the letter to the Hebrews has been linked to the life of ancient Israel on offering the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins, and God continuously reminded them of their guilt. When Christ came into the world, He says, “Sacrifice and offering you took no delight, but a body you prepared for me; with burnt offerings and sin offerings you neither desired nor delighted in.” This means that sacrificial system never works and is not pleasing to God, but the saving work of Jesus is perfectly pleasing to the Father, which began with Jesus’ Incarnation.

The gospel today taken from St. Luke is short, and it narrates to us Mary’s Visitation to her cousin Elizabeth. There are important actions and salutations that express profound teachings which are sometimes easy to overlook.

First, Mary was going with haste to visit her cousin whom she knows to be pregnant despite her old age. In haste is a gesture of great enthusiasm on the part of Mary to lend a hand to Elizabeth. Mary brings joy and love. This reflection gives a clear message this Christmas that having in mind a simple and small gift to be wrapped up always with the divine love in little packages doesn’t matter. They are small and hastily prepared with the same loving hands of God with the intention of doing for others.

Second, Mary is greeted by her cousin, “Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb.” Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit, thrilled with joy, and sang with many praises to Mary, and the infant, John, leaped for joy inside Elizabeth’s womb. Mary had been chosen among all women in her poverty and fulness and becomes a perfect vessel, to be the “New Arch of the Covenant” because of her complete humility, simplicity and trust in God’s plan. These two pious women, Elizabeth and Mary, dwell in the fullness of waiting for the fulfillment of the promise. The joy is in waiting. We too may persevere to wait for His coming in our hearts with unrestrained longing and waiting always being possible.

Third, Elizabeth further said, “And how does this happen to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me. Blessed are you who believed that what was spoken to you by the Lord would be fulfilled.” Mary is bringing Jesus to her and to us. This is the first Advent, the first coming of so great a promise that Elizabeth accepted to believe, which we now continue to keep and is hard to hide. It is the Good news which Elizabeth found difficult to conceal.

During this period of Advent, we live this experience of joy, longing and desire, not merely waiting for something or for someone, but we wait for its fulness, meaning and importance of its own which is always an affirmation of God’s active presence of fidelity to a covenant desiring an intimate relationship and love. For the gospel says, “Blessed are you who believed that what was spoken to you by the Lord would be fulfilled.” (v. 45)

Remember that Christmas is not only for children, but for us who seek intimacy with God, who humbled Himself to share our humanity; thus, at Christmas we grow up with a sense of worship and adoration to Jesus, who is the reason of our four-week preparation for a meaningful Christmas celebration.
May we continue to use our senses to recognize God, who has come to visit, stay and remain so that we may have life. Like Mary, our life-giving visits remind us that we can handle making the lives of others more uplifting.

Maranatha, Lord Jesus, come.

Fr. Arlon, osa

El Dictado del Corazón Cuarto Domingo de Adviento, Año C

  • Miqueas 5:1-4a
  • Salmos 80:2-3, 15-16, 18-19
  • Hebreos 10:5-10
  • Lucas 1:39-45Nos encontramos en el cuarto y último domingo de Adviento, anticipando la celebración de la Navidad. Muchos dirían, ¡por fin, la espera ha terminado! Nuestra preparación final es la que podemos ofrecerle a Dios, esperando el regalo especial que Él nos dará. ¿Cuáles son las gracias y bendiciones que nos aguardan en este nuevo año? Oremos para que nuestra temporada de espera nos sorprenda con abundantes bendiciones.

    Durante las semanas pasadas de Adviento, hemos escuchado la Buena Nueva sobre la venida del Mesías, profetizado por muchos profetas. La primera lectura, tomada del profeta Miqueas, habla de la aparente deserción de Israel por parte de Dios. Sin embargo, escuchamos palabras de esperanza: de la descendencia de David nacerá un líder, y aunque el Señor “los entregue”, este nacimiento en el insignificante Belén será la señal de la fidelidad de Dios a Su pueblo. Él será el Pastor de Su pueblo, “Su grandeza llegará hasta los confines de la tierra; Él será la paz”. Esta es la exhortación del profeta Miqueas alIsrael antiguo. La nación espera un gran líder y un gran rey para Israel.

    La segunda lectura, tomada de la carta a los Hebreos, conecta la vida de Israel con el antiguo sistema de sacrificios de sangre de toros y cabras para la remisión de los pecados, y cómo Dios constantemente les recordaba su culpa. Cuando Cristo vino al mundo, Jesús dijo: “Sacrificio y ofrenda no quisiste, pero un cuerpo me preparaste; no te complacieron los holocaustos ni los sacrificios por el pecado”. Esto significa que el sistema sacrificial nunca funcionó ni agradó a Dios, pero la obra salvadora de Jesús es perfectamente agradable al Padre y comenzó en la Encarnación de Jesús.

    El evangelio de hoy, tomado de San Lucas, es breve y nos narra la Visita de María a su prima Isabel. Hay acciones y saludos importantes que expresan enseñanzas profundas, que a veces es fácil pasar por alto.

    Primero, María va con prisa a visitar a su prima, que está embarazada a pesar de su avanzada edad. La prisa es un gesto de gran entusiasmo por parte de María para ayudar a Isabel. María trae alegría y amor. Esta reflexión nos da un claro mensaje para esta Navidad: que incluso el más pequeño y simple de los regalos, envueltos siempre con el amor divino, no importa si son pequeños o apresuradamente preparados; son hechos con las mismas manos amorosas de Dios, con la intención de servir a los demás.

    Segundo, cuando Isabel saluda a María, dice: “Bendita eres entre las mujeres y bendito es el fruto de tu vientre”. Isabel, llena del Espíritu Santo, se emociona de alegría y alaba a María, y el niño, Juan, saltó de alegría en el vientre de Isabel. María había sido elegida entre todas las mujeres en su pobreza, llenura y se convierte en un recipiente perfecto, la “Nueva Arca de la Alianza”, por su humildad, simplicidad y confianza en el plan de Dios. Estas dos mujeres piadosas, Isabel y María, viven en la plenitud de la espera por el cumplimiento de la promesa. La alegría está en la espera. Nosotros también debemos perseverar en esperar Su venida en nuestros corazones, con un deseo incontrolable, y siempre la espera será posible.

    Tercero, Isabel dice: “¿Y cómo es que la madre de mi Señor viene a mí? Bendita eres tú que has creído que se cumpliría lo que te fue dicho por el Señor”. María está trayendo a Jesús a ella y a nosotros. Esta es la primera venida, la primera llegada de una gran promesa que Isabel aceptó creer, y que ahora continuamos guardando y difícil de ocultar. Es la Buena Nueva que Isabel no podía esconder.

    Durante este periodo de Adviento, vivimos esta experiencia de gozo, anhelo y deseo, no simplemente esperando algo o a alguien, sino esperando su plenitud, su significado e importancia, que siempre es una afirmación de la presencia activa de Dios, de fidelidad a un pacto que desea una relación íntima y amorosa con nosotros. Porque el evangelio dice: “Bendita eres tú que has creído que se cumpliría lo que te fue dicho por el Señor” (v. 45).

    Recuerden que la Navidad no es solo para los niños, sino para todos nosotros que buscamos la intimidad con Dios, quien se humilló para compartir nuestra humanidad. Así, la Navidad nos hace crecer con un sentido de adoración y veneración hacia Jesús, quien es la razón de nuestra preparación de cuatro semanas para una celebración navideña significativa.

    Oremos, para que sigamos usando nuestros sentidos para reconocer a Dios, quien ha venido a visitarnos, quedarse y permanecer, para que podamos tener vida. Al igual que María, digamos si al Señor y llevemos con nosotros a Jesus a los demás para poder hacer la vida de los demás más edificante.

    Maranatha, Señor Jesús, ven.

    P. Arlon, OSA

The Dictate of the Heart: 4th Sunday of Advent, Extraordinary Form, TLM

We are now in the 4th Sunday of Advent. We are spending these few days of Advent, together with Joseph and Mary, as we wait, watch, ponder and receive all the gift which is significant in our spiritual growth and maturity. St. Paul in today’s epistle from I Cor 4:1-5 states that “Let a man so account of us as of the ministers of Christ and the dispensers of the mysteries of God. Here now it is required among the dispensers that a man be found faithful.” (Sic nos existemit homo ut ministros Christi, et dispensatores mysteriorum Dei. Hic jam quaeritur inter dispensatores, ut fidelis quis inveniatur.)

Being chosen as dispensers of the Goodnews, first and foremost, we must be faithful. We see how the world is preparing for Christmas, busy decorating, buying gifts, and all the noise and commercialization. Causes us to be too much preoccupied, consequently, many people are not receptive to heed the call “to prepare for the coming of the Lord.”

Many people are not listening to the gospel and unfortunately are forgetful of the Word. However, we need to be “faithful” and we need to hear what God wants us to hear, preparing consciously for the Birth of Jesus. God will certainly come; therefore, we need to repent. This is what John the Baptist proclaimed, “Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight. Every valley shall be filled, and every mountain and hill shall be made low, and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough ways made smooth; and all flesh shall see the salvation of God.” John the Baptist baptized the people in preparation for the coming of the Savior. He was baptizing the people with water in order to get rid of the sins. He asked the people to render their heart, recreating oneself anew and preparing their heart and soul for Jesus.

What does this mean to prepare the way of the Lord? What should we prepare then? How do we prepare it? The gospel in Luke 3:1-6 is telling us to re-create ourselves by cleansing our souls. This is the very essence of letting Jesus stay in our hearts through charity. We may not have enough resources to share, but if we have spare blessings, we can share it in any way we can. Indeed, trust in the Lord is what makes us strong. Let be aware of these pointers we need to reflect on:

First, extravagance is not necessary, for what we need is a pure heart and our willingness to help others. Practicing charity and almsgiving are the things we can do in times like this. We must learn from John the Baptist seeking only the presence of God and not seeking the praise from others.

Second, John was in a desert, a voice in the wilderness, and yet people came to hear his preaching. He could have chosen a better place to prepare himself for his ministry, but he prepared in a desolate place that was free from noise and distractions. We, however, should come to a place, like the church, so that we can focus all our attention on God alone. We can just shut the door of our room and pray (Matthew 6:6), switch off the television and put away our mobile phone in a drawer so we can concentrate on listening to the voice of God. The point is we need complete silence because common sense dictates that it is in quietness that we hear God’s voice.

Third, John was serious to fulfill his mission to give the baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. Repentance is necessary for conversion and salvation. The first thing is to accept that we are sinners, with humility, repentance is possible. Change our ways.

Fourth, when we are expecting a special visitor, we clean the whole house, fix everything so that we can make the best impression in order to welcome our visitor with the best hospitality. Can’t we do that for Jesus, our Lord? We still have time these few days of Advent, to fix our lives, clean our minds and hearts and put on the garment of faith, hope and love to welcome our Savior.
Brothers and sisters please return to God – He is our salvation. He is the one that can change your life – It has to be that way. Sacrificiis praaesentibus, quaesumus, Domine, placates intende: ut devotioni nostrae proficient et saluti. Oh Lord, we beseech Thee, look down favorably upon these present sacrifices so that they may profit us both unto devotion and salvation.

God bless you.

Fr. Arlon, osa