The Dictate of the Heart: 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B

Today is the 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B. St. Mark wrote the shortest gospel compared to the other evangelists; however, if we concentrate with full attention to St. Mark’s writings, he wrote with many details of every event. I believe that St. Mark has in mind to present to his readers the life of Jesus so that we may appreciate the continuous invitation of God for us that requires an affirmative response.

In the first reading from the book of Jonah, God called Jonah and sent him to Nineveh to announce repentance and faith in God, or they would all be destroyed. Jonah did as God wants for his people to repent. The whole city of Nineveh repented, and God changed His mind and spared the city and its inhabitants from destruction.

In the 2nd reading from the first letter to the Corinthians, Paul says, “The present form of this world is passing away.” Paul wants to emphasize that the coming of Christ has already effected a change in our lives. The values and attitudes in accordance with our faith in Christ must become operative as believers. Our old attitudes toward everyday life and its affairs must be transformed; thus St. Paul is calling us to a radical understanding of our relationship to the world. This new attitude is to benefit ourselves, those close to us, and all those whom Jesus saves to make the world more as God desires it.

The gospel of St. Mark narrates to us the beginning of the ministry of Jesus in Galilee. Jesus announces the “kingdom of God is at hand,” which is demanded of us to heed the call to repentance, a change of heart or “metanoia.”

Today, we are invited to reflect on God’s faithfulness to us in his unconditional love that keeps constantly, but gently, inviting us towards Him with the necessary response: To repent, to believe and to embrace the coming of the kingdom of God. There are three important progressions of Jesus’ calling:

First, St. Mark has mentioned that John was arrested. John directly put direct consciousness to his rightful place being the precursor of the Lord. The evangelist Mark presented Jesus as the “Son of God,” and led us to focus attentively to Jesus, the Savior of the world.

Second, this gospel proceeds to the first two Apostles, Simon and Andrew, called by Jesus. They were attracted quickly to His call, to be His friends and brothers to form a new way of fishing, not about their former lifestyle of fishing, but becoming “fishers of men.”

Third, the third call and response was made to two more brothers, James, and John. Those fishermen did not have the luck to get more catch, not having been too successful that day and instead they mend their nets to clean up. They heard the invitation of Jesus, “Come after me and I will make you fishers of men.” Without question or further thought, they surrendered everything to follow Jesus. Why did they respond?

From Mark’s gospel, he introduces to us about Jesus, as the Son of God. Jesus himself is the message and the messenger for us to believe in the Goodnews that He is bringing. Those apostles who heard Jesus’ invitation is the very life that only God can give. This invitation has been granted to us by God to assure us of the fullness of “Life” which is continually coming to us and inviting response from us.

Let us be open to move into a deeper relationship that includes the promise that God won’t ever abandon us. When we respond to God’s calling, our trials and difficulties won’t end; instead we become true to ourselves, being ready to grow into a person whose values and commitment perfectly reflect as redeemed children of God.

May the words of Jesus fill the emptiness of our souls so that we respond to be well-informed and committed disciples of Jesus.

God bless you.

Fr. Arlon, osa


El Dictado del Corazón
Tercer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario, año B

  • Jonás 3:1-5, 10
  • Salmo 25:4-5, 6-7, 8-9
  • 1 Corintios 7:29-31
  • Marcos 1:14-20

Hoy es el tercer domingo del Tiempo Ordinario, Año B. San Marcos escribió el evangelio más corto en comparación con los demás evangelistas, sin embargo, si ponemos atención en las escrituras de San Marcos, él escribió mas detalladamente los eventos, San Marcos tenía en mente presentar a sus lectores la vida de Jesús para que apreciemos la continua invitación de Dios para nosotros que requiere una respuesta afirmativa.

En la primera lectura del libro de Jonás, Dios llamó a Jonás y lo envió a Nínive para anunciar el arrepentimiento y la fe en Dios o todos serían destruidos. Jonás hizo lo que Dios quería que su pueblo se arrepintiera. Toda la ciudad de Nínive se arrepintió, y Dios cambió de opinión y salvó a la ciudad y a sus habitantes de la destrucción.

En la segunda lectura de la primera carta a los Corintios, Pablo dice: “La forma actual de este mundo está pasando”. Pablo quiere enfatizar que la venida de Cristo ya ha producido un cambio en nuestras vidas. Los valores y actitudes acordes con nuestra fe en Cristo deben hacerse operativos como creyentes. Nuestras viejas actitudes hacia la vida cotidiana y sus asuntos deben ser transformadas, por eso San Pablo nos llama a una comprensión radical de nuestra relación con el mundo. Esta nueva actitud es para beneficiarnos a nosotros mismos, a quienes están cerca de nosotros y a todos aquellos a quienes Jesús salva para hacer el mundo más como Dios lo desea.

El evangelio de San Marcos nos narra el inicio del ministerio de Jesús en Galilea. Jesús anuncia que “el reino de Dios está cerca”, lo que exige que prestemos atención al llamado al arrepentimiento, a un cambio de corazón o “metanoia”.

Hoy, estamos invitados a reflexionar sobre la fidelidad de Dios hacia nosotros en su amor incondicional que nos mantiene constante pero gentilmente invitándonos hacia Él con la respuesta necesaria: arrepentirnos, creer y abrazar la venida del reino de Dios. Hay tres progresiones importantes del llamado de Jesús:

Primero, San Marcos mencionó que Juan fue arrestado. Juan puso directamente la conciencia directa en el lugar que le corresponde siendo el precursor del Señor. El evangelista Marcos presentó a Jesús como el “Hijo de Dios” y nos llevó a centrarnos atentamente en Jesús, el Salvador del mundo.

En segundo lugar, este evangelio continúa hasta los dos primeros apóstoles, Simón y Andrés, llamados por Jesús. Rápidamente se sintieron atraídos por Su llamado, a ser Sus amigos y hermanos para formar una nueva forma de pescar, no por su antiguo estilo de vida de pesca, sino por convertirse en “pescadores de hombres”.

En tercer lugar, el tercer llamado y respuesta se hizo a dos hermanos más, Santiago y Juan. Esos pescadores no tuvieron la suerte de conseguir más pesca, ya que no tuvieron mucho éxito ese día, sino que remendaron sus redes para limpiarlas. Escucharon la invitación de Jesús: “Síganme y haré de ustedes pescadores de hombres”. Sin dudar ni pensar más, entregaron todo para seguir a Jesús. ¿Por qué respondieron?

En el evangelio de Marcos, nos presenta a Jesús, como el Hijo de Dios. Jesús mismo es el mensaje y el mensajero para que creamos en la Buena Nueva que Él trae. Aquellos apóstoles que escucharon la invitación de Jesús son su propia vida que sólo Dios puede dar. Esta invitación nos ha sido concedida por Dios para asegurarnos la plenitud de la “Vida” que continuamente llega a nosotros e invita a nuestra respuesta.

Estemos abiertos a avanzar hacia una relación más profunda que incluya la promesa de que Dios nunca nos abandonará. Cuando respondemos al llamado de Dios, nuestras pruebas y dificultades no terminarán; en cambio, nos volvemos fieles a nosotros mismos y estamos listos para convertirnos en personas cuyos valores y compromisos se reflejan perfectamente como hijos redimidos de Dios.

Que las palabras de Jesús llenen el vacío de nuestras almas para que respondamos a ser discípulos de Jesús bien informados y comprometidos.
Dios los bendiga.

P. Arlón, osa

The Dictate of the Heart: 3rd Sunday after Epiphany, Extraordinary Form, TLM

Today is the 3rd Sunday after Epiphany. When we completely go through all the liturgical festivities, we tend to be strong in our faith. The grace from God is enormously flowing to recreate us according to His own image. May God, who is merciful and kind, slow to anger and abundant in love reflect the way we treat others.

The first reading from the letter of St. Paul to the Romans narrates to us how Paul continues to call for the good behavior for those who receive the renewal of mind and spirit as their rightful response to God’s mercies. Paul exhorted them to, “Think the same thing toward one another; do not think highly of yourself, but associate with the lowly; do not become proud in your own estimation.” Paul echoes Jesus in calling attention to love as the key moral norm for God’s people. He assumes that his audience knows that they are to love; he exhorts them to make their love for each other genuine. Paul begins his exhortation to “let love be genuine” (verse 9), and then shows what this love looks like. Generally, true love is summed up like this: Hate what is evil and cling to what is good (v9b). Those who have offered their bodies as a living sacrifice and renewed their minds may discern what is good (vv1-2).

In this context, Paul’s purpose is to press Christians to live in the light of God’s mercies, not future vindication. Our primary job is to show love, not to act as judge. Paul showed what happens when people pass judgment on others: they end up falling under judgment themselves (Romans 9:12:21). We must show mercy by tending to enemies in need. By treating opponents like family, then opponents are shamed (Proverbs 25:21-22a). The image of the heaping of burning coals on the enemy’s head suggests making him red in the face. In doing so, we overcome evil with good, showing that if we “cling to what is good,” we are expressing the definition of true love.

The gospel from St. Matthew reminds us that Jesus Christ has authority over everything; thus we are to live our lives in total submission to His will. It is only through humble resignation to Him that we can experience the healing power we seek from Him. This is what happened to both the leper and the Centurion. There are two stories in the gospel today.

First, Jesus heals and transforms a leper. In the Book of Leviticus, lepers were considered “unclean” because leprosy was a feared disease. They were considered marginalized people, people in the periphery. They were outsiders. However, a leper came to Jesus with humble expression of faith, “Lord, if Thou wilt, Thou canst make me clean.” It was from his heart, expressing his genuine need and dependence on Jesus. That was an act of poverty in spirit. Jesus responded, “I WILL. BE THOU MADE CLEAN.” Jesus’ gesture touching the leper was “a contagious touch of His holiness.” He was not afraid of being infected with the leprosy. The leper was made clean.

This leper who was an outsider taught us to be direct in asking Jesus about any of our needs because of his humility and faith. Also, the world today needs Jesus’ touch. It is through us that we effect any kind of change to other people who are suffering from various problems and diseases by leading them to Christ. Authentic Christian service communicates love through contact and identification with others. It requires our loving tender touch.

Second, Jesus welcomed the request of the Roman Centurion to heal his servant. The Centurion felt unworthy to even have the Lord come into his house. However, his profession of faith amazed Jesus when he uttered these powerful words, saying, “Lord, I am not worthy that Thou should enter under my roof; but only say the word and my servant shall be healed,” This is a clear recognition of Christ’s authority, which is sufficiently enough to effect the healing he expected without being present. This is a strong affirmation of his faith as compared to any other person. Being a Roman Officer, he did not impose or demand something, but he came in a spirit of humility and confidence in the Lord for his servant. One good thing, the centurion threw himself on God’s mercy. Hence, Jesus made this Centurion a model of faith for us.

Some of us lack humility and genuine faith. Jesus today reminds us that for self-righteous people it is difficult to experience a miracle of healing. Proud people seem to ignore that we need Jesus’ healing and intervention and fail to perceive our own unworthiness. Relying too much on personal effort, prayer may or may not happen because there is no genuine recognition of God’s presence and grace which we desperately need.

May we learn from these two stories Christian values and acknowledge our own dependence upon God as believers and followers! Let us be open to be healed and to heal others, especially the least among us.

God bless you!

Fr. Arlon, osa

The Dictate of the Heart: 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, B

  • 1 Samuel 3:3b-10, 19
  • Psalm 40:2, 4, 7-8, 8-9, 10
  • 1 Corinthians 6:13c-15a, 17-20
  • John 1:35-42

    We are back to the Ordinary Time of the Church’s liturgical calendar. With the freshness of our mind and spirit, we are given the graces of Advent and Christmas in order to strengthen us in our journey of faith. We increase our love by knowing Jesus more and more. We are back to the color green which symbolizes growth and maturity. Today we are invited again to reflect deeply on the messages of the scriptural readings, which have been a source for the nourishment of our spiritual life. I know that sometimes we experience resistance from the outside and within us, but we are hoping to be responsive through His grace.

    The first reading from the book of Samuel narrates to us the story about God calling him. He does not understand until after three times running towards Eli, he was instructed to respond, “Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.” Eli was able to encourage young Samuel to be open to the word of God, which guided Samuel throughout his life.

    In the second reading from the first Corinthians, St. Paul says, “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? Therefore, glorify God in your body.” It is very clear that our “body is a temple.” We must avoid desecration of our body by exploiting it or exposing it to evil and darkness, particularly to immoral sexual practices. With clarity, St. Paul says, “avoid immorality.” This challenge is for all so that we will appreciate the grace of new life in Jesus and indulge ourselves with purity of mind and heart. Pray and be worthy of our calling as children of God.

    The gospel, taken from St. John, is about the calling of Christ’s disciples to have an open heart to listen quietly to the powerful word and invitation from God for us to respond like the young Samuel, ready to listen and accept God’s desire.

    First, John the Baptist was “standing with two of his disciples.” He said to them, “Behold the Lamb of God” when he sees Jesus. John wants to help them find a life changing experience with the Lamb of God. His disciples were open to his guidance and trusted him as they were introduced to Jesus, the true Messiah.

    Second, the two disciples asked, “Rabbi, where are you staying?” Jesus said, “Come and you will see.” They stayed with Jesus who had come to teach them. There are many things which Jesus teaches that have changed the quality of life. Jesus keeps offering himself to us. What makes us receptive to learn is our humility to embrace His words. Jesus is the anointed, the Christ, who speaks to us every day because we need a Savior.

    Third, Andrew said, “We have found the Messiah: Jesus Christ, who brings us truth and grace.” Andrew, the brother of Simon Peter, was one of the two early disciples of the Lord, who was excited to introduce Jesus to his brother, Peter. It is the faith and trust in Jesus that brings his family member to follow Jesus too. We also must be like Andrew and bring more people to Jesus, our Lord. This is our mission and our vocation, to be inspired and to fulfill our great disposition to work for a greater harvest for Christ.

    Today I am inspired to look for opportunities to be a spiritual guide to others. When can I invite someone to hear God’s call? Let us be willing to teach others about the “Lamb of God.”

    God bless you.

Fr. Arlon, osa


El Dictado del Corazón

Segundo Domingo del Tiempo ordinario, B

  • 1 Samuel 3:3b-10, 19
  • Salmo 40:2, 4, 7-8, 8-9, 10
  • 1 Corintios 6:13c-15a, 17-20
  • Juan 1:35-42

Volvemos al Tiempo Ordinario del calendario litúrgico de la Iglesia, con frescura de mente y espíritu. Se nos dan las gracias del Adviento y la Navidad para fortalecernos en nuestro camino de fe. Aumentamos cada vez más nuestro amor y conocimiento de Jesús. Volvemos al color verde que simboliza crecimiento y madurez. Hoy estamos nuevamente invitados a reflexionar profundamente sobre lo que las lecturas bíblicas nos hacen, que han sido fuente de alimento en nuestra vida espiritual. Sé que a veces experimentamos resistencia externa e interna, pero esperamos ser receptivos a través de Su gracia.

La primera lectura del libro de Samuel nos narra la historia de que Dios lo llama. No lo entendió hasta que después de correr tres veces hacia Elí, se le indicó que respondiera: “Habla, Señor, porque tu siervo escucha”. Elí pudo animar al joven Samuel a estar abierto a la palabra de Dios que guió a Samuel durante toda su vida.

En la segunda lectura de la Primera de Corintios, San Pablo dice: “¿No saben ustedes que su cuerpo es templo del Espíritu Santo, que han recibido de Dios y habita en ustedes? No son ustedes sus propios dueños, porque Dios los ha comprado a un precio muy caro. Glorifiquen, pues, a Dios con el cuerpo.”. Está muy claro que nuestro “cuerpo es un templo”. Debemos evitar la profanación de nuestros cuerpos explotándolos o exponiéndolos al mal y a la oscuridad, en particular, a prácticas sexuales inmorales. Con claridad, dice San Pablo, “eviten la inmoralidad”. Este desafío es para todos para que apreciemos la gracia de la nueva vida en Jesús y nos entreguemos a la pureza de mente y corazón. Orar y ser dignos de nuestro llamado como hijos de Dios.

El evangelio está tomado de San Juan y trata sobre el llamado de los discípulos de Cristo. Con el corazón abierto para escuchar en silencio la poderosa palabra e invitación de Dios para nosotros. Responder como el joven Samuel, dispuesto a escuchar y acoger el deseo de Dios.

Primero, Juan el Bautista estaba “de pie con dos de sus discípulos”. Él les dijo: “He aquí el Cordero de Dios” cuando ve a Jesús. Juan quiere ayudarlos a encontrar una experiencia que les cambie la vida con el Cordero de Dios. Sus discípulos estuvieron abiertos a su guía y confiaron en él cuando conocieron a Jesús, el verdadero Mesías.

En segundo lugar, los dos discípulos preguntaron: “Rabí, ¿dónde vives? Jesús dijo: “Ven y verás”. Se quedaron con Jesús que había venido a enseñarles. Hay muchas cosas que Jesús enseña que han cambiado la calidad de vida. Jesús sigue ofreciéndose a nosotros. Lo que nos hace receptivos al aprendizaje es nuestra humildad para abrazar Sus palabras. Y Jesús es el ungido, el Cristo que nos habla todos los días porque necesitamos un Salvador.

En tercer lugar, Andrés dijo: “Hemos encontrado al Mesías: Jesucristo, que nos trae la verdad y la gracia”. Andrés, el hermano de Simón Pedro, fue uno de los dos primeros discípulos del Señor, que estaba emocionado de presentarle a Jesús a su hermano Pedro. Es la fe y la confianza en Jesús lo que lleva a los miembros de su familia a seguir a Jesús también. Nosotros también debemos ser como Andrés para acercar más personas a Jesús, nuestro Señor. Esta es nuestra misión y nuestra vocación de inspirarnos y cumplir con nuestra gran disposición de trabajar por una cosecha mayor para Cristo.

Hoy me siento inspirado a buscar oportunidades para ser una guía espiritual para los demás. ¿Cuándo puedo invitar a alguien a escuchar el llamado de Dios? Estemos dispuestos a enseñar a otros sobre el “Cordero de Dios”.

Dios los bendiga.

P. Arlón, osa

The Dictate of the Heart: 2nd Sunday after Epiphany, Extraordinary Form, TLM

Today we are celebrating the 2nd Sunday after the Epiphany. This mass that we offer reminds all of us that we constantly respond to an invitation to renew our minds and hearts with humility, which excludes self-importance in our relationship with others. We must be faithful to discharge our duties to contribute to the greater good of our community and the whole Church.

In today’s epistle from the letter of St. Paul to the Romans, Paul illustrates the different gifts we have received and the different ways to use them. These gifts are extraordinary and supernatural which God bestowed freely to the person without receiving them on account of personal merits, like prophecy, ministry or service, teaching, exhorting, giving, mercy etc. These gifts are not for personal spiritual advantage but for the benefit of the whole Church. God gives with fairness, and one should be content with the gift he has received and not desire that of another. The word here, “with simplicity,” means not seeking one’s own interest, but only the welfare of his neighbor for God’s sake. St. Paul also mentioned the word, “Charity,” which is the excellent gift of God to our soul. It means that our brotherly love among ourselves should prompt us to be eager to exhibit mutual signs of respect. Our own interior life must shine through our own external demonstrations of our actions. St. Augustine animates that spirit of investigating and knowing our interior life with much fervor.

The gospel today narrates to us the first miracle of Jesus at the wedding at Cana. Jesus took advantage of that ordinary wedding occasion, though having second thoughts, but it was an opportunity to act, to perform a miracle to provide wine. The miracle was a sign.

There are reflection points we must consider understanding the message.

First, the occasion of the miracle happened in Cana of Galilee. The mother of Jesus was there, and Jesus, together with His disciples, was also invited to the wedding. Many of the other miracles of Jesus took place along the way to Jerusalem. This event was an unplanned wedding party just like an ordinary event; however, Mary, the Mother of Jesus, was there simply engaged in life and saw the need of that moment.

Second, the wedding needed more wine and so the family needed an intervention to free themselves from embarrassment. Therefore, they needed help. Mary, the mother of Jesus, came to Him expressing the unexpected problem. During that time, the wedding feast celebrations lasted for seven days according to Jewish custom. Mary simply says to Jesus, “They have no wine.” She expected Him to do something.

However, Jesus seems to be rejecting his mother’s desires, when He commented, “My hour has not yet come.” In the heart of His Mother Mary, she knew that Jesus was the Messiah. Doing something would provide a good opportunity to announce His own identity, but the timing of His revelation of His Messianic identity was an internal struggle for Him.

Third, the performance of the miracle was an outcome of Jesus seeing the problem and providing a concrete solution. Jesus told the servants to “Fill the waterpots with water.” They quickly obeyed. Then Jesus said, “Draw it out now, and take it to the headwaiter.” Once again, the servants obeyed. They drew some of the liquid out of the waterpots, put it in a smaller vessel, and took it to the headwaiter, who tasted it. John says, he “tasted the water which had become wine.” The miracle had happened! However, the headwaiter did not know that a miracle had taken place. He did not know where the wine came from. The servants did, but he did not.

Fourth, the significance of the miracle. This story should challenge us to believe in the Lord and to give Him glory. Clearly, miracles provide a witness, I guess, and all the guests were in awe by the consistency of the good wine. Jesus performed a miracle in obedience to His mother, who did not understand that the final glorification of her son would come through His death, burial, and resurrection.

Brothers and Sisters, Jesus meets our needs. We must be obedient like the wedding waiters because a miracle may still be needed, but we must do what He asks. We often pray for financial needs, cure of an illness, seeking counsel from Him, but we need to listen carefully and let the Holy Spirit guide you into knowing a course of action that will produce a result for you. Have we listened carefully to what the Lord is telling us? When Jesus answers our prayers, we often are surprised by both the quality and quantity of His provision. He came that we might have “abundant life.” Jesus is present to sustain us. Begin listening now!

God bless you.

Fr. Arlon, osa

The Dictate of the Heart: The Epiphany of the Lord

I am happy to celebrate my birthday today. I thank God for the gifts of life and vocation. A birthday is not just an event to celebrate; it is an opportunity to express gratitude to God for these gifts. It is an opportunity to look back on the events that have transpired in the recent past and to evaluate and plan to improve relationships with God and others. Things that happen to us are just manifestations of God’s presence and love.

On January 2, 2024, a man came to me for counseling. He claimed to be an “agnostic”. He accepts that there is a being higher than us, but he never questions his existence. During our conversation, he relates to me that his mother was a Catholic, and his previous relationships were also with faithful Catholics, which gave him the opportunity to attend masses. The priest who officiated at his wedding imprinted a good memory upon him even to this day. I told him that those experiences he had revealed show how mysterious God is, manifesting His presence and calling him to be open to His grace. He consented to attend mass and come to our RCIA program as an auditor. People who are led to the church for a reason is for me a clear sign of God’s manifestation. There are so many people out there who are waiting to be invited to a new level of a relationship with God shown by our kindness, love, and compassion.

Countless people have a “restless heart” and continue to seek without finding concrete answers. I know that it is the movement of the Holy Spirit that stirs their hearts. They too are looking for a star to show them the road to Jesus in the manger. Let us help them draw out the desire, for God is present in every heart.

Today we celebrate the Epiphany of the Lord. This word came from a Greek word, “Epiphaneia.” It is a revelation that Jesus Christ is the light to all nations and to all the people of the world, represented by the Magi, or the Wise Men.
The first reading from the book of Isaiah states that, “The nations come to your light and kings to your dawning brightness.” (v.3) I believe that for the Prophet Isaiah, he had foreseen this glorious acceptance of Christ by the many nations, which is a providential event in the 8th century BC.

The second reading from the letter of St. Paul to the Ephesians reminds us that during the preaching of St. Paul to the Gentile nations, they responded overwhelmingly, entering the house of faith, the Church. In the reading to the Ephesians, Paul was rejoicing that, “The pagans now share the same inheritance, that they are part of the same body, and that the same promise is made to them, in Christ Jesus, through the gospel.” (vv.5-6)

The gospel from St. Matthew narrates to us the story about the three Magi from the East, who journeyed to pay homage to the baby Jesus in Bethlehem, being guided by a star. It is a beautiful story, not only for children, but for us because it was the manifestation of a great King, Jesus, to bring justice and peace to the world as prophesized by so many prophets throughout the centuries. How do we understand this event clearly?

First, the Magi, or Wise Men, were seekers who were willing to undertake a long and hazardous journey. They wanted to pay homage and find the fullness of truth and love in Jesus, who is the Light of the world.

As we began our journey in this year 2024, it is just like the journey of the Magi in the East, illuminated by the light of Christ that brightens their way. The light of Christ reveals, through His creation and the scriptures, that we need to be open to see signs that manifest God’s guidance. What is important is that we be attentive, alert and listen to Him who speaks to us.

Second, the Magi seemed to teach us that we should not be deceived by appearances, by what the world considers great, wise, and powerful, but we must be attracted to Jesus, who is good, true, and beautiful. We seek the light and keep the faith and focus on our journey by following the example of the three Magi.

There are so many forms of deception in this modern world that we should be on guard, which I believe is necessary to overcome the darkness and heed the voice of God so that we all will be filled with love and faith. To go to see the gentle baby Jesus in a manger teaches us simplicity and commitment to the King of the universe.

Third, the Magi presented to Jesus gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh in order to express the nature of Jesus, being a Universal King and Lord of Creation (Christ’s Kingship), Eternal High Priest (Priesthood) and the Suffering Servant (Christ as Messiah). They have found the true King in a humble dwelling in Bethlehem. They listened to His voice and returned taking a different route.

All this has something to say to us today. What gifts can we offer to Jesus? Let us listen to the voice deep within us and seek the signs God offers us. The light that comes from the face of Jesus is the revelation of the face of His mercy and love; thus, we present Him gifts of our definitive decision to follow JESUS with our understanding, goodness, and love. Let us follow the Light which draws to itself every individual in the world along the path of peace.

God bless you.

Fr. Arlon, osa

El Dictado del Corazón
La Epifanía del Señor

  • Isaías 60:1-6
  • Salmo 72:1-2, 7-8, 10-11, 12-13
  • Efesios 3:2-3a, 5-6
  • Mateo 2:1-12

Estoy feliz de estar celebrando mi cumpleaños hoy. Un cumpleaños no es sólo un evento para celebrar sino una oportunidad para expresar gratitud a Dios por el don de la vida y la propia vocación. Es una oportunidad para mirar retrospectivamente los acontecimientos que han ocurrido en el pasado reciente, para evaluar y planificar para mejorar las relaciones con Dios y con los demás. Lo que nos sucede son manifestaciones de la presencia y el amor de Dios.

El dos de Enero del dos mil veinticuatro, un hombre vino a verme en busca de asesoramiento. Se declaró “agnóstico”. Acepta que existe un ser superior a nosotros, pero nunca a cuestionado su existencia. Durante nuestra conversación, me contó que su madre era católica. Sus relaciones anteriores eran con católicas, lo que le permitía asistir a misa. El sacerdote que ofició su boda le dejó un buen recuerdo aún hoy. Le dije que esas experiencias eran Dios manifestando Su presencia y llamándolo a estar abierto a Su gracia. Aceptó asistir a misa y asistir a nuestro programa RICA como auditor. Las personas que son guiadas a la iglesia por una razón son para mí una señal clara de la manifestación de Dios. Hay muchísimas personas que esperan ser invitadas a un nuevo nivel de relación con Dios mediante nuestra bondad, amor y compasión.

Infinidad de personas tienen un “corazón inquieto” que sigue buscando sin encontrar respuestas concretas. Sé que es el movimiento del Espíritu Santo lo que conmueve sus corazones. Ellos también buscan una estrella que les muestre el camino hacia Jesús en el pesebre. Ayudémosles a sacar a relucir el deseo de que Dios está presente en cada corazón.

Hoy celebramos la epifanía del Señor. Esta palabra proviene de una palabra griega, “Epiphaneia”. Es una revelación de que Jesucristo es la luz para todas las naciones y todos los pueblos del mundo representados por los Magos o Reyes Magos.
La primera lectura del libro de Isaías dice: “Las naciones vienen a tu luz y los reyes a tu resplandor del amanecer”. (v.3) Creo que el profeta Isaías había previsto esta gloriosa aceptación de Cristo por las muchas naciones, que es un evento providencial en el siglo VIII a.C.

La segunda lectura de la carta de San Pablo a los Efesios nos recuerda que durante la predicación de San Pablo a las naciones gentiles, ellas respondieron abrumadoramente entrando a la casa de la fe, la Iglesia. En la lectura a los Efesios, Pablo se regocijaba de que “los paganos ahora comparten la misma herencia, que son parte del mismo cuerpo, y que la misma promesa les es hecha, en Cristo Jesús, por el evangelio. (vv.5-6)

El evangelio de San Mateo nos narra la historia de los tres Reyes Magos de Oriente que viajaron para rendir homenaje al niño Jesús en Belén guiados por una estrella. Es una hermosa historia no solo para los niños sino para nosotros porque fue la manifestación de un gran Rey, Jesús para traer justicia y paz al mundo como lo profetizaron tantos profetas a lo largo de los siglos. ¿Cómo entendemos claramente este acontecimiento?

En primer lugar, los magos o sabios eran buscadores y estaban dispuestos a emprender un viaje largo y peligroso. Querían rendir homenaje y encontrar la plenitud de la verdad y del amor en Jesús, que es la Luz del mundo.

Al comenzar nuestro jornada en este nuevo año, es como el viaje de los Reyes Magos en Oriente iluminados por la luz de Cristo que ilumina su camino. La luz de Cristo se revela a través de Su creación y las Escrituras, a las que debemos estar abiertos para ver señales que manifiestan la guía de Dios. Lo importante es que estemos atentos, alertas y escuchemos a Aquel que nos habla.

En segundo lugar, los Reyes Magos parecieron enseñarnos que no debemos dejarnos engañar por las apariencias, por lo que el mundo considera grande, sabio y poderoso. Pero debemos sentirnos atraídos por Jesús, que es bueno, verdadero y hermoso. Buscamos la luz, mantenemos la fe y nos centramos en nuestro viaje siguiendo el ejemplo de los tres Reyes Magos.

Tantas formas de engaño en este mundo moderno que debemos estar en guardia lo cual es necesario para vencer la oscuridad y escuchar la voz de Dios para que todos seamos llenos de amor y fe. Ir al dulce niño Jesús en un pesebre nos enseña sencillez y compromiso con el Rey del universo.

En tercer lugar, los Magos le presentaron a Jesús regalos de oro, incienso y mirra para expresar la naturaleza de Jesús, siendo un Rey Universal y Señor de la Creación (la Realeza de Cristo), Sumo Sacerdote Eterno (Sacerdocio) y el Siervo Sufriente (Cristo como Mesías). . Han encontrado al verdadero Rey en una humilde morada de Belén. Escucharon Su voz y regresaron por una ruta diferente.

Todo esto tiene algo que decirnos hoy. ¿Qué regalos podemos ofrecerle a Jesús? Escuchemos la voz profunda dentro de nosotros y busquemos las señales que Dios nos ofrece. La luz que surge del rostro de Jesús es la revelación del rostro de su misericordia y amor, por eso le presentamos los dones de nuestra decisión definitiva de seguir a JESUS, nuestra comprensión, bondad y amor. Sigamos la Luz que atrae hacia sí a cada individuo del mundo por el camino de la paz.

Dios los bendiga.

P. Arlón, osa

The Dictate of the Heart: The Feast of the Holy Family, Extraordinary Form, TLM

Today, we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family. We must also remember our own families and for us to consecrate all the members of our family to God. God gives and sustains family life because it is the sacrament of His holy presence by the manner of how the love, respect and honor is shown by children to their parents and for parents to be the first teachers of faith to them.

In the gospel passage from St. Luke, Jesus manifests His Jewish culture and humanity of His time to unfold the importance of family relationships. They come together to keep their religious traditions by relating to the supremacy and holiness of God. Through a yearly pilgrimage to Jerusalem on the feast of the Passover to recall God’s saving Israel from the slavery of Egypt is their sacred past.

After the celebration of Christmas, we are invited to focus on the Holy Family and learn from them. Luke gives us a glimpse of how Jesus, Mary and Joseph lived their faith and love.

First, Jesus, Mary and Joseph went to the Temple in fulfillment of the Jewish traditions worshipping and honoring God. It is God who is the center of their relationships. At His early age, the young Jesus was familiar with the festival and how He would spend His time at the temple. He engaged in the sharing of the word with the experts of the scriptures, questioning the religious leaders and observing His religious tradition of family reverence and authority.

Second, after three days, Mary and Joseph realized that Jesus, the twelve-year-old lad, was not among the returning caravan. They could not find him with other relatives, and they must have panicked. This event is an experience of being troubled and anxious, and they needed to move quickly to find the lost child. Life for Mary and Joseph was not a bed of roses, and life was not perfect for them either. Instead they had been through rough times in their life just like any other family we know; however, what stands out is their perfect and total faith in God as they walked into the mystery with their questions and with their aspirations to let the child grow and to watch over Him with their loving care.

Third, Jesus was found inside the temple surrounded by religious elders and discussing things of the law with the teachers. He had a short conversation between His parents and Himself, and then Jesus returned to Nazareth with Mary and Joseph, faithful to the customs of the family and being obedient to them.

I personally thank my parents for guiding me to the basic Christian principles of giving value to friends and family relationships. Today, it’s my birthday, and I thank God for the gift of life which I am extending to you the joy of having a spiritual family. My siblings, with their coordination with my relatives and friends in Reno, are planning a surprise birthday party late this afternoon. Somebody told me accidentally, and that’s how I learned it. How I wish to invite you all to that party.

Our purpose for living is to be an instrument to reverse the human experience from shame and sin to holiness of life. Jesus apparently saves us from death so as to redeem us for God. Almost every person, family or group Jesus would eventually meet was so we would know Him better for our change and transformation. Our human relationships, either family or church community, belong to a family of God which reminds us of our constant conversion. Holiness has to do with being so human that each of us knows our need for forgiveness and for forgiving.

Husbands and wives are bound together to confront themselves of their weaknesses and strengths and accept themselves by relating to each other in faithfulness and love. Children should enter the process of support, respect, and love of their parents with gratitude by way of their good manners and humble attitudes, promoting each member of any family who lets God’s grace form its ways. Living with Jesus’ peace in our hearts will make it much easier to be compassionate to all family members, especially families who are struggling right now.

We belong to a family, and we are not alone. Let us trust God to learn our worth which begins with our own family. The family that knows how to love knows that love heals, and then comes our strength to face the demons that destroy us because when we call, God answers us because God exists amongst us. When we open up to God, our labor of love flourishes from our family, church, and country. Surely, we cannot tolerate the “culture of walls” that divide us because it rejects love itself. Let us allow ourselves to be open and available to accept the Holy Spirit.

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, pray for us.

Fr. Arlon, osa

The Dictate of the Heart: Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God, Year B

The first of the new year, we dedicate to Mary, the Holy Mother of God. During all the months of the year, we must understand that we have feast days of Mary, who is our good intercessor to God because her heart knows everything we have been going through. Through Mary, we pray with her the beginning of this new year 2024 as we offer our intentions, and together we humbly ask our Mother Mary to pray for us with the new gifts, good health and prosperity.

The year 2024 is still a mystery, and it is hard to determine our future; however, we join the Blessed Mother to reflect upon these things. We also join the shepherds, who returned to their fields after the awesome experience of the birth of the Lord Jesus, glorifying God for all that had happened to them. They were rejoicing for their new vision and the new lives granted to them by Jesus, the Savior.

We honor Mary as the “Mother of God.” It is good for us to understand and remember her good example and guidance.

First, Mother Mary is one of us who, with her humility, participated in God’s plan of salvation. With Mother Mary’s unselfish love, she devoted herself to loving her son, Jesus, and being his first disciple as she watched and learned the ultimate meaning of her calling.

Second, with Mary, this is with full hope ushering us to center on Jesus. Mary is here, placing us with her son. We are committed to the dignity of every human person and for peace in the world.

Third, Mary’s attitude is exemplary. Her greatness does not lie primarily in what she did, but rather in what she allowed God to do with and in her, in her total availability to God’s desire for her. She is not equal to God; instead she teaches us that being a first disciple of Jesus is a matter of the heart. She allows herself to be transformed in her thoughts and actions.

On this feast of the Solemnity of the Blessed Mary, the Mother of God, let us always be inspired to grow in the love for Jesus.

Blessings to all and happy New Year!

Fr. Arlon, osa

The Dictate of the Heart: The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph

Today, we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. We belong to Jesus’ universal family, the Church. We also remember each of the families gathered here today to give thanks to God for the many blessings we have received, especially our patience, love, support, harmony, and peace that exist among us. The creation of a Holy Family must center on God, who created everything.

The first reading from the book of Genesis narrates to us the promise of God to Abraham saying, “Look up at the sky and count the stars, if you can…just so shall your descendants be.” God assures Abraham’s reward will be exceedingly great. This reward suggests fulfillment of such promise which is yet to come but it requires significant trust in God. Then in Genesis 17:21, God tells Abraham that Sarah will bear him a son in a year. Abraham’s response is to believe in the Lord, for He is righteous! Abraham was reminded to glance at the sky by night to reckon God’s faithful promise, and it came true to these days.

The second reading from the letter to the Hebrews cites again the story of Abraham, who boldly stands out in our mind with the strong faith he had in God. The faith of Abraham reminds us that the idea of faith without obedience is a classical teaching of the scriptures. No one can claim faith in God and subsequently be disobedient. Abraham left his place “not knowing where he was going.” (vv. 17-18) Abraham did not question God; he simply obeyed.

He trusts God who sees what he cannot see. He trusts that God knows more than he knows. He trusts God to reward those who live by faith. There is such a calming effect to a life of faith.

Does Abraham’s approach to obedience help you understand your need for faith? Here is what is critical: At every stage of life, and especially in the beginning in our search for God, in our early stage of building a family, we often go through confusion and doubt.

This is precisely the experience of the Holy Family. They also traversed the land of uncertainties during that period of unstable time. How do they overcome those trying moments in the light of the gospel today?

First, patience is necessary. Abraham went out not knowing where he was going. It took years before he arrived in Canaan where his understanding became more real even though he would never see all that God had planned. In the same way, Mary and Joseph were uncertain of the future of their Son, Jesus. However, they relied on God’s plan and providence.

Second, the need to sacrifice is necessary. Mary also heard for the first time that a suffering was going to be a part of her life as prophesized by Simeon. She took this all in and it matured in her heart and soul as Jesus matured in Galilee. Pondering is different from worrying; pondering leads to maturing, worrying leads to more worrying.

Third, the need to be in the temple was necessary to rely on God. Jesus remained in the temple as a beginning gesture of reversing the human experience from shame to holiness. He would live His whole life entrusting Himself to do His Father’s will in order to redeem us and save us from sins. As with almost every person or family He would eventually meet, Jesus invites us to know and receive our true selves as God’s Family.

So, we have a picture of a holy family- what they received from God, they returned with a grateful heart and became faithful to their lives. Let us continuously create a “Holy Family” by loving God which makes our relationships a true and real family circle, all one act of Love and Piety. The parents must show a good example of Christian virtues to provide a space for growth and holiness of every child.

Please create an atmosphere of prayer, especially praying the grace before meals, gathering your children for an angelus and night prayer, regularly coming to church together every Sunday and helping one another. Never let your family be led to your devotion to “sports-nights.” Faith and love, when lived by parents, is how you learn about God and His Church. In family, we learn our worth. For a family that knows how to love, it brings healing, which will easily fight demons that disrupt unity and harmony. Constant forgiveness, reconciliation and communicarion uncover the ugliness of imperfections.

Merry Christmas! On a day that we celebrate the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, I am happy to reflect on our family journey of faith, especially the importance of family. May the Holy Family, Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, be our inspiration.

Fr. Arlon, osa


El Dictado del Corazón – La Sagrada Familia de Jesús, María y José

  • Génesis 15:1-6; 21:1-3
  • Salmo 105:1-2,3-4,5-6,8-9
  • Hebreos 11:8,11-12,17-19
  • Lucas 2:22-40 o 2:22, 39-40

Hoy celebramos la Fiesta de la Sagrada Familia de Jesús, María y José. Pertenecemos a la familia universal de Jesús, la Iglesia. También recordamos a cada una de las familias reunidas hoy aquí y agradecemos a Dios por las muchas bendiciones que hemos recibido; paciencia, amor, apoyo, armonía y paz que existe entre nosotros. La creación de una Sagrada Familia debe centrarse en Dios, que creó todo.

La primera lectura del libro del Génesis nos narra la promesa de Dios a Abraham diciendo: “Mira al cielo y cuenta las estrellas, si puedes… así será tu descendencia”. Dios asegura que la recompensa de Abraham será sumamente grande. Esta recompensa sugiere el cumplimiento de dicha promesa que aún está por llegar, pero requiere una confianza significativa en Dios. Luego, en Génesis 17:21, Dios le dice a Abraham que Sara le dará un hijo dentro de un año. La respuesta de Abraham es creer en el Señor, ¡porque Él es justo! Abraham recordó mirar al cielo por la noche para considerar la fiel promesa de Dios y se cumplió hasta estos días.

La segunda lectura de la carta a los Hebreos vuelve a citar la historia de Abraham, que resalta audazmente en nuestra mente su fuerte fe en Dios. La fe de Abraham nos recuerda que la idea de fe sin obediencia es una enseñanza clásica de las Escrituras. Nadie puede pretender tener fe en Dios y posteriormente ser desobediente. Abraham salió de su lugar “sin saber adónde iba”. (vv. 17-18) Abraham no cuestionó a Dios, simplemente obedeció.

Confía en Dios que ve lo que él no podía ver. Confía en que Dios sabe más que él. Confía en que Dios recompensará a quienes viven por fe. Hay un efecto de tranquilidad en una vida de fe.

¿El enfoque de Abraham sobre la obediencia le ayuda a comprender su necesidad de fe? Esto es lo fundamental: en cada etapa de la vida, y especialmente al comienzo de nuestra búsqueda de Dios, nuestra primera etapa en la construcción de una familia, a menudo pasamos por confusión y duda.

Ésta es precisamente la experiencia de la Sagrada Familia. También atravesaron la tierra de las incertidumbres durante ese período de tiempo inestable. ¿Cómo superan esos momentos de dificultad a la luz del evangelio de hoy?

Primero, es necesario tener paciencia. Abraham salió sin saber adónde iba. Pasaron años antes de que llegara a Canaán, donde su comprensión se volvió más real a pesar de que nunca vería todo lo que Dios había planeado. De la misma manera, María y José estaban inseguros del futuro de su Hijo Jesús. Sin embargo, confiaron en el plan y la providencia de Dios.

En segundo lugar, la necesidad de sacrificarse es necesaria. María también escuchó por primera vez que un sufrimiento iba a ser parte de su vida como lo profetizó Simeón. Ella asimiló todo esto y maduró en su corazón y alma como Jesús maduró en Galilea. Reflexionar es diferente de preocuparse; Reflexionar lleva a madurar, preocuparse lleva a la inseguridad.

En tercer lugar, la necesidad de estar en el templo es necesario para confiar en Dios. Jesús permaneció en el templo como un gesto inicial para revertir la experiencia humana de la vergüenza a la santidad. Viviría toda Su vida encomendándose a hacer la voluntad de Su Padre para redimirnos y salvarnos de los pecados. Casi todas las personas o familias eventualmente conocerían a Jesús y nos invitarían a conocer y recibir nuestro verdadero yo como Familia de Dios.

Así es la imagen que tenemos de la sagrada familia: lo que recibieron de Dios, lo devolvieron con un corazón agradecido y se volvieron fieles a sus vidas. Creemos continuamente en una “Sagrada Familia” amando a Dios que haga de nuestras relaciones un verdadero y real círculo familiar, todo un acto de Amor y Piedad. Los padres deben dar buen ejemplo de virtudes cristianas, para brindar un espacio de crecimiento y santidad a cada hijo.

Crear una atmósfera de oración en el centro familiar es fundamental para la sanación y santidad familiar. Cuando oramos antes de cada comida, reconocemos la providencia de Dios y nos enseña a ser agradecidos. Reúnan a sus hijos para un ángelus y una oración nocturna, vengan juntos a la iglesia con regularidad especialmente todos los domingos, ayúdense unos a otros. Los deportes son importantes, sin embargo, no deben interponerse entre tus obligaciones espirituales y familiares. La fe y el amor cuando son vividos por los padres es la forma en que aprendes sobre Dios y Su Iglesia. En familia aprendemos nuestro valor. Para una familia que sabe amar, trae sanación, que fácilmente luchará contra los demonios que perturban la unidad y la armonía. El perdón constante, la reconciliación y la resciliación descubren la fealdad de las imperfecciones.

¡Feliz navidad! En un día en que celebramos la sagrada familia de Jesús, María y José, me alegra reflexionar sobre nuestro camino familiar de fe, especialmente la importancia de la familia. Que la Sagrada Familia, Jesús, María y José sean nuestra inspiración para vivir el amor de Dios.

P. Arlón, osa

The Dictate of the Heart: Christmas Day, Extraordinary Form, TLM

  • Hebrews 1:1-12
  • John 1:1-14

Merry and Blessed Christmas to all. I hope that you will have a good family dinner today as we celebrate Christmas Day.

The gospel today gives this beautiful message coming from the gospel of St. John which tell us “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” John 1:1. The Eternal Son of God is the Word to us who self-communicate His love and salvation for us. Until today, as we gather at every Mass, the Word of God continues to come down from heaven to take flesh in the form of the Eucharist. The priest makes the mystery real by making Christ’s sacrifice present, not only sacramentally in the Body of Christ present on the altar but truly, really, and personally present. Indeed, God made himself manifest in the person of his only Son, Jesus Christ.

There was a little girl who was surprised knowing that the baby Jesus in the crib was gone. She cried and went to her room, and she asked God’s help. She prayed, “God the Father, if you don’t help me find the baby Jesus, I will totally put off all the light from the Christmas tree.” I believe that we need to find Jesus in our hearts.

Brothers and Sisters, I would like to share this one of the stanzas of a Christmas song, “Let sing Merry Christmas and a happy holiday! This season may we never forget, the love we have for Jesus. Let Him be/ the One to guide us as another new year starts.

And may the spirit of Christmas be always in our hearts.” To say that we have not found Jesus in our hearts, it means that we are walking in the dark and dwelling in a land of uncertainties. Let us ask, “When will I find Jesus in my heart again?”

This is the truth, Jesus has come, and Jesus must always in our hearts. God made himself manifest in the person of His only Son, Jesus Christ. So, let us reflect the powerful messages of the Goodnews.

First, Jesus, the Word, made flesh taking the risk to dwell with us in human history. ` St. Augustine says, “Begotten by the Father, He was not made by the Father; He was made Man in the mother whom He himself had made, so that He might exists here for a while, sprung from her who could never and nowhere have exited except through His power.” (sermon 191) Thus, Jesus humbles himself to journey with humanity proclaiming God’s perfect love and salvation for all.

Second, the Eternal Word taking on our human nature. What an enormous step taken by God who has desired to come close to us by taking on our flesh to prove this love over and over through His life and ultimately offering Himself on the Cross. St. Augustine reminds us of saying that, “What greater cause is there of the Lord’s coming than to show God’s love for us.”

Third, Jesus Christ, the Lord tells us: I am the light of the world; he who follows me will not walk in darkness but will have the light of life. Indeed, Jesus is the Light who shines continuously on his church, his community of disciples who are walking toward the Kingdom of God. As members of the church, as disciples of Jesus, we are challenged by this Christmas Day to continue the mission of Jesus to be Light in our world. But how? Look at neighbor helping neighbor as they provide for whatever is needed in the moment. We just to have to look around for the many examples of women and men who have responded to this call to be light to the world.

Brothers and Sisters, the mystery of the Incarnation is indeed the central doctrine of our Catholic Faith. Let us take time to meditate and take pleasure of how our life has been save by the tender child in a manger whose presence must always be in our hearts.

God bless you.

Fr. Arlon, osa

The Dictate of the Heart: 4th Sunday of Advent, Year B

Today we are encouraged to come twice to the church to fulfill our obligation. It is the last Sunday of Advent, and the Christmas Vigil starts at 4 pm, followed by 6 and 9 in the evening. In this remaining time of Advent, we are called to intense and quiet prayer with the energy to respond to our availability to God.

Let us reflect on the readings today. The first reading from the second book of Samuel narrates to us about the relaxing experience of King David having returned the “Ark of the Covenant” to the Holy City Jerusalem after several wars in order to secure the “Ark” containing the book of Torah. In reverence to the Ark, David is contemplating on building a temple expressing this holy presence, while the Prophet Nathan receives a message from God that the house David was thinking would mean the beginning of his descendants, where the coming Messiah sprung and formed from his lineage. Basically Jesus is the descendant of King David as prophesied. David’s dream of making a house has turned into the house of the people of God, the new house with a family line which will lead from King David’s lineage directly to the coming of the Messiah, Jesus Christ. This is indeed the promise of God to David that a royal dynasty will succeed him and that his throne will last forever.

The second reading from the letter of St. Paul to the Romans expresses that, “the revelation of the mystery that was kept secret for long ages,” becomes a proclamation of the gospel of Jesus for all people, including the Gentiles. St. Paul worked hard for the fulfillment of these prophetic words “to the command of the eternal God, made known to all nations to bring about the obedience of faith.” We cannot do it alone; we must cooperate with the grace of God.

The gospel from St. Luke is about the Annunciation to Mary. An angel reveals God’s message that Mary will have a special role to play in the coming of the promised Messiah to save the world. The message becomes public only when the angels, shepherds, wise men, and apostles finally announce to the whole world with joy and peace about Jesus’ birth.

What would be our thoughts with regards to the fulfillment of God’s promise?
First, God favors Mary, but through her human response, she is troubled and frightened. That was a normal reaction. Though a virgin, her total trust in God involved humble surrender and something that involved faith that made her understand.

Second, Mary was continuously reflecting, listening, and pondering on what the angel had offered and what was revealed to her. Like Mary, it is important that in every decision we make, there is a need to go through the process of discernment. There are “angel-moments” in our lives where we ignore the messenger.

Third, the messenger reveals to Mary the name and the mission of her child to be. It is so certain that as the promised Messiah, His coming is always connected to the House of God as mentioned in the first reading.

As we go through all sorts of trials and difficulties, just think about the time when Jesus was announced by an Angel to be born. God intervenes in history to breathe again new hope and to be restored through the hovering of the Holy Spirit whose power fleshes out the perfect completion of God’s plan for humanity.

Mary, as with David, was faithful to the promise of God in their wholehearted trust to the fulfillment of the “Word.” Let it be done according to your word, continues to echo in our hearts and minds that final coming of our Savior, Jesus Christ. May we let the Holy Spirit come upon us to empower us to be Christ’s holy body, the Church, in this troubled world. Let us welcome Jesus in our hearts!

God bless you.

Fr. Arlon, osa


El Dictado del Corazón
Cuarto Domingo de Adviento, Año B

  • 2 Samuel 7:1-5,8-11,16
  • Salmo 89:2-3,4-5, 27,29
  • Romanos 16:25-27
  • Lucas 1:28-38

Hoy se nos anima a venir dos veces a la iglesia, para cumplir con nuestra obligación del último domingo de Adviento y la Vigilia Navideña. Comienza a las 4 de la tarde, seguida de las 6 y las 9 de la tarde. Durante este tiempo restante de Adviento, estamos llamados a una oración intensa y tranquila, con energía para responder a nuestra disponibilidad a Dios.

En las lecturas de hoy reflexionemos en la primera lectura del segundo libro de Samuel, que nos narra cómo el rey David se instaló en su palacio relajándose, la relajante experiencia del rey David por haber devuelto el “Arca de Dios” al Ciudad Santa de Jerusalén después de varias guerras, para asegurar el “Arca de Dios” que contiene el libro de la Torá. En reverencia al Arca, David está contemplando la construcción de un templo, expresando esta santa presencia mientras el Profeta Natán, recibe un mensaje de Dios de que la casa de David estaba pensando, significaría el comienzo de su descendencia, donde el Mesías venidero surgió y formado en la Casa de Dios. Jesús viene como descendiente de David como fue profetizado. El sueño de David de hacer una casa se ha convertido en la casa de Dios. La nueva casa con linaje familiar, que conducirá desde el linaje del Rey David directamente a la venida del Mesías, Jesucristo. Esta es en verdad la promesa de Dios a David de que una dinastía real lo sucederá y su trono durará para siempre.

La segunda lectura de la carta de San Pablo a los Romanos expresa que “la revelación del misterio que estuvo guardado en secreto durante muchos siglos”, se convierte en un anuncio del evangelio de Jesús para todos los pueblos, incluidos los gentiles. San Pablo trabajó arduamente para el cumplimiento de estas palabras proféticas “al mandato del Dios eterno, dado a conocer a todas las naciones para realizar la obediencia a la fe”. No podemos hacerlo solos, debemos cooperar con la gracia de Dios.

El evangelio de San Lucas trata sobre la Anunciación a María. Un ángel revela el mensaje de Dios: María tiene un papel especial que desempeñar en la venida del Mesías prometido para salvar al mundo. El mensaje se hace público sólo cuando los ángeles, los pastores, los magos y los apóstoles finalmente anuncian al mundo entero con alegría y paz el nacimiento de Jesús.

¿Cuáles serían nuestros pensamientos acerca del cumplimiento de la promesa de Dios?

Primero, Dios favorece a María a través de su respuesta humana, ella estaba muy preocupada. Esa fue una reacción normal. Aunque virgen, su confianza total en Dios implica una entrega humilde y algo que implica una fe que la hace comprender.

En segundo lugar, María reflexionó, escuchó y reflexionó continuamente sobre lo que el ángel le ofreció, dio y le reveló. Como María, es importante que en cada decisión que tomemos sea necesario pasar por un proceso de discernimiento. Hay “momentos angelicales” en nuestras vidas en los que ignoramos el mensaje y al mensajero.

En tercer lugar, el mensajero revela a María el nombre y la misión de su hijo. Es tan cierto que como Mesías prometido, su venida siempre está conectada a la Casa de Dios como se menciona en la primera lectura.

Mientras pasamos por todo tipo de pruebas y dificultades, basta pensar en el momento en que Jesús fue anunciado por un ángel para nacer, Dios interviene en la historia para insuflar de nuevo la nueva esperanza, para ser restaurada por la influencia del Espíritu Santo cuyo poder da cuerpo a la perfecta realización del plan de Dios para la humanidad.

María, como David, es fiel a la promesa de Dios, su confianza incondicional en el cumplimiento de la “Palabra”. Hágase según tu palabra, para hacer eco continuamente en nuestros corazones y mentes de la venida final de nuestro Salvador, Jesucristo. Que dejemos que el Espíritu Santo venga sobre nosotros para capacitarnos para ser el cuerpo santo de Cristo, la Iglesia, en este mundo turbulento. ¡Demos la bienvenida a Jesús en nuestros corazones!

Dios los bendiga.

P. Arlón, osa