The Dictate of the Heart: the 15th Sunday after Pentecost, Extraordinary Form, TLM

I returned from a two-week vacation in Europe on August 28, 2024.  It was short but filled with successful missionary endeavors and meeting old friends and the religious organization called the Society of the Divine Mercy, which branches out to other devotional groups throughout Vienna.  I was able to preach to Filipino devotees of Our Lady of Perpetual Help at the first District under the Filipino Chaplaincy of the Archdiocese of Vienna.  It is nice to be back to continue what God wants to be seen in all of us, that is to do things that are truly good for us.  

The epistle today from the Letter of St. Paul to the Galatians provides us with two important images of Christian maturity. 

First, there are people who tend to be good influencers, and their vision is completely opposite from the action of the Spirit.  Paul reminds them; he writes, “Let us not be made desirous of vainglory, provoking one another, envying one another.” (v.26). Vainglory means being conceited with the pursuit of glory for oneself.  This is a pointless attitude which deprives oneself from finding time to glorify God alone because of his/her pride. It is an empty pride because he wants to glorify himself rather than God.  With this attitude, it creates an effect of provoking one another and even to the point of envying other’s works and achievements.  He or she has an attitude of constant bullying, thinking about himself being above others.  They are focused on themselves; thus, they are deeply insecure.  Therefore, the Holy Spirit moves away from them because they are closely tight thinking of themselves and are not open to change. 

Second, the people who are receptive of the Holy Spirit are people who do the opposite, not seeking for any kind of honor and glory and not picking fights to prove themselves, but rather thinking of themselves as less and humble.  This is what St. Paul envisioned in a community, “Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so you shall fulfill the law of Christ.” (Gal 6:2)  

The Spirit produces our sense of responsibility for those around us.  We are meant to help one another, for your burdens are mine and my burdens are yours.  We share all the burdens for we identify with our community or family. 

Now the idea isn’t hard to understand, for we become mature when we commit to bearing the weight together.  We try to solve the problem together if we can, and we follow through with action.  All the words of encouragement, support and prayers are felt by us, and we never feel that the burden of one is being carried alone.  So, people with deep humility, truly mature people, see their responsibility for the community around them.  St. Paul says, “For each will have to bear his own load.”  (Gal 6:5) 

In our gospel reading taken from St. Luke 7:11-16, this episode is part of the public ministry of Jesus in which that reign becomes visible.   It is a reminder that God continues to work for the salvation of all, the sick and the oppressed, like the widow whose husband died and is now having the burial of her only son.  

Jesus enters into the city of Naim, and while walking with His chosen disciples, He saw the burial of a dead man, the only son of his mother.  Jesus felt deep compassion and comforted the mother when He said, “Weep not.”  Compassion in this text is closely connected to Jesus’ qualities of being Divine and Lord.  This is a powerful message.  Jesus approached and touched the coffin, and He said, “Young man, I say to thee, Arise!”   The dead man came to life and sat up and began to speak.  Jesus raises the son from the dead, which is a sign that God is “amongst His people” in Jesus. (v.22)  For this miracle, St. Luke provided many witnesses because many local people had witnessed Jesus’ miraculous event. 

This story is unique to Luke.  Jesus knew that being a widow, she would suffer because she would have no means of economic support because of the fact that she lost both her husband and mother.  Restoring the life of her son becomes a way to sustain her own life.

When Jesus accomplishes miracles, He reveals His credibility, continuity and genuine identity.   He comes to heal and save!  Jesus’ establishment of God’s reign is clearly understood when weeping is turned into laughing, and one does good to others constantly showing mercy where the Spirit of Jesus leads to a much different image of community.  God’s purpose continues to be that of healing and saving without discrimination among people.   

Today, we must proclaim, “a great prophet has arisen among us and the Lord has visited his people.”  Let us be clear; we are responsible for one another!   

God bless you. 

Fr. Arlon, osa

The Dictate of the Heart: 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B

Today is the 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B. For three consecutive Sunday readings, we are given an opportunity to reflect and have a better understanding of the teaching of Jesus Christ’s real presence in the Eucharist, which is further explained by the Holy Catholic Church with her teaching authority. The Eucharist is an eternal offering of the gift of Jesus’ flesh and blood for our provision and nourishment on our journey to eternal life.

The first reading from the first book of Kings narrates to us the empowering of the Prophet Elijah, who was appointed by God to bring order and a clear message to the disobedient people of Israel. Their unfaithfulness is obviously prevailing during their journey as the chosen people. Elijah was so devastated that he asked for death, but instead God reaches him through an angel. He was encouraged to live, eat and continue his mission and journey with the people he ministered. Elijah was touched by him and cared for him so much that he moved on, knowing his life must go on.

Sometimes we find ourselves in a desolate situation where we have given up on our life continuing. Amid difficulties, we give in to frustrations, like Elijah, with no hope and no energy to live because we are lonely and anxious about life. However, we neglect to see around us that the divine presence manifests amongst those who love and care for us. We are not alone, for God journeys with us to feed our troubled spirit. It is encouraging to take our moment to know how God loves us and offers Himself to us.

In the second reading from the letter of St. Paul to the Ephesians, St. Paul warns against the people’s attitude, “bitterness, fury, anger, shouting and reviling must be removed from you, along with all malice.” This is the mark of being Children of God, bearers of the “fragrant aroma” offered by Jesus’ sacrifice and love. Let us forgive and be compassionate to each other just as “God has forgiven you in Christ Jesus according to St. Paul.

In today’s gospel taken from St. John, Jesus is revealing Himself as the Way to the Father by close affinity, oneness to the Father, and the promise of eternal life for those who believe in Him as the Bread of Life. Chapter 6 of John’s gospel centers around Jesus’ words about His being from God and His being nourishment for eternal life. There are three important utterances of His words we need to reflect on.

First, Jesus says, “I am the bread of life that came down from heaven.” This is the beginning of murmuring because they cannot accept His words. They have witnessed the event when they were in the wilderness, and God provided them manna from heaven. God embraced them and showed loving kindness towards them, and yet they have a short memory of the event when Jesus multiplied the loaves and fish of which they themselves have partaken.

In the Eucharist which we celebrate today, we are aware of God sustaining, nourishing, teaching and drawing us closer to Him, our great provider. Every day of our life, God reaches out to us..

Second, Jesus says, “Everyone who listens to my Father and learns from Him comes to me. Not that anyone has seen the Father except the one who is from God, he has seen the Father.” True knowledge and intimacy with God is an experience of an intimate relationship with Jesus. If we want to learn from Jesus, let us draw near Him through righteousness and purity of hearts. In Proverbs 3:32, “For the Lord detests the perverse but takes the upright into his confidence.” Jesus is, indeed, the model of intimacy with God because He and the Father are one. (John 10:30) So, Jesus goes on to teach them and by listening to Him, God is teaching them, but unfortunately, some will not see the signs and hear the word for they refuse to eat the bread which comes down from heaven in a similar way.

Third, Jesus says, “Whoever believes has eternal life. I am the bread of life…and that I will give is my flesh for the life of the world.” Obviously, some people can’t accept and believe in Jesus being the “Bread of Life.” More so, Jesus as the Bread comes down from heaven and offers eternal life. There was a great debate when people heard Jesus’ words. However, there is a clearer path to understanding, that is to accept or take into one’s life the person and life of Jesus.

Personally, believing in the Eucharistic Real Presence is an issue within us to believe in Jesus and to come forward to receive Him. Our comfort is more than our receiving the Eucharist, but that we have taken Him into our hearts and allowed ourselves to be touched by His real presence. Elijah moaned, “This is enough, O Lord! Take my life,” Jesus says to us, “I am enough! You take my life, eat it all, live it all and you will be already living the eternal life I came and come to share.”

May God bless us with His Eucharistic presence! Psalm 34 reminds us, “Taste and see the goodness of the Lord.”

Fr. Arlon, osa


El Dictado del Corazón

Decimonoveno Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario, Año B

  • 1 Reyes 19:4-8
  • Salmo 34:2-3, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9
  • Efesios 4:30-5:2
  • Juan 6:41-51

Hoy es el Decimonoveno Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario, Año B. Durante tres lecturas dominicales consecutivas, se nos permite reflexionar y comprender mejor la enseñanza de la presencia real de Jesucristo en la Eucaristía, que la Santa Iglesia Católica explica con más detalle con su autoridad docente. La Eucaristía es una ofrenda eterna del don de la carne y la sangre de Jesús para nuestra provisión y alimento en nuestro viaje hacia la vida eterna.

La primera lectura del primer libro de los Reyes nos narra el empoderamiento del profeta Elías, quien fue designado por Dios para traer orden y un mensaje claro al pueblo desobediente de Israel. Su infidelidad prevalece durante su camino como pueblo elegido. Elías estaba tan devastado que pidió la muerte, pero en cambio, Dios lo alcanzó a través de un ángel. Se le animó a vivir, comer y continuar su misión y su camino con el pueblo al que ministraba. Elías se sintió tocado y se preocupó tanto por él que siguió adelante, sabiendo que su vida debía continuar.

A veces nos encontramos en una situación desoladora en la que hemos renunciado a que nuestra vida continúe. En medio de las dificultades, cedemos a las frustraciones, como Elías, sin esperanza y sin energía para vivir porque estamos solos y ansiosos por la vida. Sin embargo, descuidamos ver a nuestro alrededor que la presencia divina se manifiesta entre quienes nos aman y cuidan. No estamos solos, porque Dios camina con nosotros para alimentar nuestro espíritu atribulado. Es alentador tomarnos un momento para saber cómo Dios nos ama y se ofrece a nosotros.

En la segunda lectura de la carta de San Pablo a los Efesios, San Pablo advierte contra la actitud de la gente: “Apártense de ustedes la amargura, la ira, la furia, los gritos y las injurias, junto con toda malicia”. Esta es la marca de ser hijos de Dios, portadores del “fragante aroma” ofrecido por el sacrificio y el amor de Jesús. Perdonémonos y seamos compasivos unos con otros, así como “Dios los ha perdonado en Cristo Jesús según San Pablo”.

En el evangelio de hoy tomado de San Juan, Jesús se revela como el Camino al Padre por la estrecha afinidad, la unidad con el Padre y la promesa de vida eterna para aquellos que creen en Él como el Pan de Vida. El capítulo seis del evangelio de Juan se centra en las palabras de Jesús acerca de que Él viene de Dios y es alimento para la vida eterna. Hay tres declaraciones importantes de Sus palabras en las que debemos reflexionar.

Primero, Jesús dice: “Yo soy el pan de vida que descendió del cielo”. Este es el comienzo de la murmuración porque no pueden aceptar Sus palabras. Fueron testigos del evento cuando estaban en el desierto, y Dios les proporcionó maná del cielo. Dios los abrazó y les mostró bondad amorosa, y sin embargo tienen un breve recuerdo del evento cuando Jesús multiplicó los panes y los peces de los cuales participaron.

En la Eucaristía que celebramos hoy, somos conscientes de que Dios nos sostiene, nos nutre, nos enseña y nos acerca a Él, nuestro gran proveedor. Todos los días de nuestra vida, Dios se acerca a nosotros.

En segundo lugar, Jesús dice: “Todo el que escucha a mi Padre y aprende de Él viene a mí. No que alguien haya visto al Padre, sino el que viene de Dios, ése ha visto al Padre.” El verdadero conocimiento e intimidad con Dios es una experiencia de una relación íntima con Jesús. Si queremos aprender de Jesús, acerquémonos a Él a través de la rectitud y la pureza de corazón. En Proverbios tres:treinta y dos, “Porque el Señor aborrece a los perversos, pero acoge a los rectos en su confianza.” Jesús es, de hecho, el modelo de intimidad con Dios porque Él y el Padre son uno. (Juan diez:treinta) Entonces, Jesús continúa enseñándoles y al escucharlo, Dios les está enseñando, pero desafortunadamente, algunos no verán las señales ni oirán la palabra porque se niegan a comer el pan que desciende del cielo de manera similar.

En tercer lugar, Jesús dice: “El que cree tiene vida eterna. Yo soy el pan de vida… y lo que daré es mi carne por la vida del mundo.”Algunas personas no pueden aceptar y creer en Jesús como el “Pan de Vida”. Más aún, Jesús como el Pan baja del cielo y ofrece vida eterna. Hubo un gran debate cuando la gente escuchó las palabras de Jesús. Sin embargo, hay un camino más claro para entender, que es aceptar o tomar en la propia vida la persona y vida de Jesús.

Personalmente, creer en la Presencia Real Eucarística es una cuestión dentro de nosotros para creer en Jesús y dar un paso adelante para recibirlo. Nuestro consuelo es más que recibir la Eucaristía, lo hemos tomado en nuestros corazones y nos hemos dejado tocar por Su presencia real. Elías gimió: “¡Esto es suficiente, Señor! Toma mi vida”, nos dice Jesús, “¡Soy suficiente! Toma mi vida, cómela toda, vívela toda y ya estarás viviendo la vida eterna que vine y vengo a compartir”.

¡Que Dios nos bendiga con Su presencia Eucarística! El Salmo treinta y cuatro, nos recuerda: “Prueben y vean la bondad del Señor”. “Alabado sea el Señor.”

Padre Arlon, osa

The Dictate of the Heart:  12th Sunday after Pentecost, Extraordinary Form, TLM

Today is the 12th Sunday after Pentecost.  St. Augustine always reminds his brothers that as a community living under the law, what is important is to live life under grace.  It is the divine grace from God that truly moves us to conversion, to adhere to God’s will and standards.  God’s grace is a gift, but we absolutely cooperate. In the first epistle today, on the other hand, St. Paul knew so well that the people of Corinth had begun to lose their understanding of the gospel preached by Paul because they began embracing the false message coming from their Jewish influence.  Even though they have received the law, the Torah, they could not transform them because there is nothing that convinces them in order to change their hearts. 

Life is a matter of choice and decision.  It requires us to be truly careful to make choices which we defend solely on wise judgment among good options.  St. Paul says, “Not that we are sufficient to think anything of ourselves; but our sufficiency is from God.”  This is to prove that we are imperfect, which I believe leads us to realize that we need Jesus, the perfect Incarnate Son, being conscious that we have no ability to save ourselves, but rather depending on His mercy and grace utterly suffices the longing of our hearts and spirits to give glory to Him.  When we open up to God’s grace, we find ourselves to be slaves of Christ, like St. Paul, so that we find the confidence to honor God in Jesus Christ. 

When God’s grace has been received by us, we need to be equally gracious with each other.  Our exposure to Christ’s grace, through the Holy Spirit, transforms our lives to no longer live under the power of sinful choices.  Christ always is on a rescue to take us from these discouraging, defeating and distracting situations.  I would say, all these imperfections are made right when we are with Jesus, who stands in the view of a perfect God, in whose image we are all created.  

St. Paul is clear on this matter that we are not enough in ourselves; and only God can fill the void in our hearts and souls.  We are forever alive in Christ; therefore, let us walk in triumph, “for the ministration of justice, aboundeth in glory,” which is through the regeneration of the Holy Spirit.

The gospel taken from St. Luke narrates to us a parable of Jesus.  Jesus told His disciples, “May your eyes and ears be blessed because many prophets and kings desired to see and hear but did not; therefore, be aware of the promptings of the Holy Spirit.” 

In today’s gospel, Jesus is narrating a story to the disciples and to the listeners who cannot accept the act of goodness performed by the Samaritan having a good heart towards the man who was a victim of robbery. Then a certain lawyer asked, “Master, what must I do to possess eternal life?”  Jesus answered him, “What is written in the law?”  The lawyer remembered, “Shema, Oh Israel, Thou shalt love the Lord, thy God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength and with all your mind and thy neighbor as thyself.” (Dt. 6:4-5)  Jesus responded, “You answered correctly, this do and you shall live.”

Jesus did a follow up by narrating a parable.  Three men saw a man lying half-dead.  The priest, seeing him, passed by and did nothing to rescue the man.  The next, the Levite, did the same without lifting a finger to aid the man.  Lastly, the Samaritan, seeing the same man, was moved by compassion, helped the man, bound up his wounds and brought him to an inn and took care of him.

Only the Samaritan was the one who saw a person, a brother and a neighbor in need of help.  His compassion did not make him think twice or rationalize to qualify the man from being rescued and to be attended.  Even for a person who can be considered a stranger, the Samaritan’s heart went out to show love and compassion.

Jesus never hesitates to say, “Go and be like the Samaritan.“ Jesus simply says, “Go do likewise.” It means go and show your love and mercy!  

Brothers and sisters, who is your neighbor?   Whose neighbor will you be?  Do I exclude others by doing the right thing?  Am I eager to love and be merciful?  I know we want to do the right thing, not seeking personal gratification, recognition, and media mileage, however out of our duty to stop, show love and compassion even to the point of facing personal risks. Our first reaction is to be good responders when we see evil has been done and get involved in moments of a person being maligned and humiliated.   It requires great humility to accept the grace from God, who we are called to be willing to extend goodness and grace.   Who knows, someday the one whom you help and rescue will be the same person Jesus has sent into your life to pull you up from the ditch, from the dirt of shame, and gives you an opportunity to be healed and be transformed.  

Many times, God wipes away our pride to accept someone who is willing to walk with us out of misery and indifference.  Everyone must love every person thru the power of God’s efficient and effective words to change us.

God bless you.

Fr. Arlon, osa

The Dictate of the Heart:  18th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B

Two weeks ago in the US, more than 50 thousand people attended the 10th Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis.  I must admit that I can’t get over it, and I have watched videos uploaded on Youtube.  It is a very dramatic and emotional feeling, during the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament for adoration and the concluding Mass presided by Cardinal Tagle, the Papal representative, who captured the audience commitment to go and be Eucharistic missionaries by sharing the gift received. Eucharist is the eternal gift of Christ’s body and blood from His eternal sanctuary.  His sacrifice of offering Himself on the Cross in Calvary had been a perfect offering which cannot be duplicated; however, Christ wanted it to be eternally offered as our nourishment in the Eucharistic sacrifice of the Mass.

The readings today allow us to dig deeper into our own consciousness and spirituality.  They help us to focus on what is essential in our journey of faith. 

The first reading from the Book of Exodus narrates this beautiful story of how the Israelites were taken out from slavery in Egypt by Moses, who led them to the promised land.  While they were in exodus, they were hungry in the desert.  They complained and grumbled that it was better for them to go back to Egypt than die of hunger.   Moses listened to their cry and prayed to God to satisfy their hunger and thirst as they moved to the wilderness.  That was an attitude of weak faith for they looked for comfort under the tyranny of slavery and not under the guidance of the living God, who is with them all along their history.  Moses told them, “This is the bread that the Lord has given you to eat.”  (Ex 16:15) God answered Moses’ prayer giving them “manna” from heaven, a mysterious bread which the Israelites do not comprehend.  The loving God provides them provisions as they journey daily so as not to worry about the next day.  The provision that God has given today is to remind us of His continuous invitation to trust in Him. The word “provision, has two combined words, pro which means “toward or for” and videre which means “to look.”  We must always look forward to God’s providential care with profound faith.

The second reading taken from the letter of St. Paul to the Ephesians reminds them to consider renewing their life in Christ Jesus.  St. Paul is clear to set aside their old ways, not too dependent on what the world offers, like fleeting pleasures, untrustworthiness and the failure to fully satisfy cravings of worldly things, while hindering themselves from progress toward a well-meaningful life and relationship with God and others, which limits the potential of being beloved children of God.

God has designed every person as the “new man created in God’s image.”  It is through our Lord Jesus Christ that we discover that holiness and wholeness which manifests the call of being “Christ” to the world.   What must I do to conform to the Spirit calling you and me to be a new person?

Jesus tells us in today’s gospel reading from St. John about the “Bread Discourse.”  The readings today help me center myself and focus on what is truly important.  Jesus shares the simple but profound message that He is the bread of life and whoever comes to Him will never hunger and whoever believes in Him will never thirst, but it seems that we do not always readily embrace this powerful message.

First, Jesus says, “you are looking for me not because you saw signs but because you ate the loaves and were filled.”   From this gospel, we see Jesus in his human form reminding the people about their interest in Him being only to be filled, satisfying their hunger.  Their motivation clearly demonstrates how Jesus was tired after feeding the large crowds of people with loaves and fishes, and yet there are cries from people in the crowd who want proof of who Jesus is by demanding from Him to perform more miracles.  Although frustrated with the demands of the crowd, Jesus continues to support ,guide and teach them. 

Second, Jesus says, “That is the work of God, that you believe in the one He sent.”   Jesus shares that it is important to know and believe in the goodness of God.  He wants them to focus not on working for food that perishes, but for the food that gives eternal life that comes from the one who sent Him.  I think of the times when I am searching for an answer to a challenging situation, so I can imagine the confusion the people in the crowd must have experienced when they heard Jesus saying that the way to accomplish the work of God is to believe in the one He sent.  That teaching is simultaneously so simple and not so complicated.   Jesus wants us to recognize that every event in our life leads us to accept that God always intervenes with us, which usually manifests His love and His presence.

Third, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me will never hunger, and whoever believes in me will never thirst.”  I imagine Jesus talking to His disciples uttering these words.  It seems that Jesus is enjoying the encounter as a great teaching moment, categorically speaking that He is the bread of life, to feed us so we won’t feel hungry again, and to believe in Him so we will never be thirsty again.

I love the Eucharist because it is an invitation to enter the offering of the risen Jesus’ eternal sanctuary, a gift of His very self. This celebration is not only a liturgical celebration but a great mystery of God’s real presence.  

This gospel from St. John chapter 6, is a biblical text proving the Eucharist, the Sacrament which we all cherish.  If we do not believe in the Eucharist and instead merely receive it, it won’t assure salvation for those who receive the Holy Eucharist with no understanding of its value and worth in our Christian life.

I would like to say that the scriptures and the teaching and doctrine of the Church tell us that the true treasure comes from above.  

We seek it just like St. Augustine who never gave up in searching and in finding God.  Thus, we seek it but do not earn it.  Our greatness lies in the very gift of God through faith, for we are gifted to share this precious gift with others.  “Gifted to receive, gifted to share ourselves as Eucharistic missionaries” according to the closing homily of Cardinal Luis Tagle, the papal envoy to the 10th National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis.

May we simply receive and believe and then we live. Intimacy and communion with Jesus is always achievable.

God bless you!

Fr. Arlon, osa 


El Dictado del Corazón

Décimo Octavo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario, Año B

  • Éxodo 16:2-4, 12-15
  • Salmo 78:3-4, 23-24, 25, 54
  • Efesios 4:17, 20-24
  • Juan 6:24-35

Hace dos semanas en Estados Unidos, más de 50 mil personas asistieron al décimo Congreso Eucarístico en Indianápolis. Debo admitir que no lo puedo superar, y he visto videos en YouTube. Es un sentimiento muy dramático y emotivo, durante la Exposición del Santísimo Sacramento para la adoración y la Misa de clausura presidida por el Cardenal Tagle, el representante papal, quien captó el compromiso de la audiencia de ir y ser misioneros eucarísticos compartiendo el don recibido. La Eucaristía es el don eterno del cuerpo y la sangre de Cristo a través de su santuario eterno. Su sacrificio de ofrecerse a sí mismo en la cruz del Calvario había sido una ofrenda perfecta que no se puede duplicar; sin embargo, Cristo quería que se ofreciera eternamente como nuestro alimento en el sacrificio eucarístico de la Misa.

Las lecturas de hoy nos permiten profundizar en nuestra conciencia y espiritualidad. Nos ayudan a centrarnos en lo que es esencial en nuestro camino de fe.

La primera lectura del Libro del Éxodo narra esta hermosa historia de cómo los israelitas fueron sacados de la esclavitud en Egipto por Moisés, quien los condujo a la tierra prometida. Mientras estaban en éxodo, tenían hambre en el desierto. Se quejaron y murmuraron de que era mejor para ellos regresar a Egipto que morir de hambre. Moisés escuchó su clamor y oró a Dios para que saciara su hambre y sed mientras se dirigían al desierto. Esa era una actitud de fe débil porque buscaban consuelo bajo la tiranía de la esclavitud y no bajo la guía del Dios vivo, que está con ellos a lo largo de toda su historia. Moisés les dijo: “Este es el pan que el Señor les ha dado para comer” (Éx 16:15). Dios respondió la oración de Moisés dándoles “maná” del cielo, un pan misterioso que los israelitas no comprendían. El Dios amoroso les provee mientras viajan diariamente para que no se preocupen por el día siguiente. La provisión que Dios ha dado hoy es para recordarnos Su invitación continua confiando en Él. La palabra “provisión”, tiene dos palabras combinadas, pro que significa “hacia o para” y videre que significa “mirar”. Siempre debemos esperar el cuidado providencial de Dios con una fe profunda.

La segunda lectura tomada de la carta de San Pablo a los Efesios nos recuerda que consideremos renovar nuestra vida en Cristo Jesús. San Pablo es claro al dejar de lado sus viejas costumbres, demasiado dependientes de lo que el mundo ofrece, como los placeres fugaces, la falta de confianza y el fracaso en satisfacer plenamente los antojos de cosas mundanas, en lugar de obstaculizarse a sí mismos en el progreso hacia una vida y una relación bien intencionada con Dios y los demás, lo que limita el potencial de ser hijos amados de Dios.

Dios ha diseñado a cada persona como el “hombre nuevo creado a imagen de Dios”. Es a través de nuestro Señor Jesucristo que descubrimos esa santidad que manifiesta el llamado a la apertura para que también nosotros podamos ser “Cristo” para el mundo. ¿Qué debo hacer para conformarme al Espíritu que me llama a ser una nueva persona?

Jesús nos habla en la lectura del evangelio de hoy de San Juan sobre el “Discurso del Pan”. Las lecturas de hoy me ayudan a centrarme y enfocarme en lo que es verdaderamente importante. Jesús comparte el mensaje simple pero profundo de que Él es el pan de vida y quien viene a Él nunca tendrá hambre y quien cree en Él nunca tendrá sed, pero parece que no siempre aceptamos fácilmente este poderoso mensaje.

Primero, Jesús dice: “Ustedes me buscan, no porque vieron señales, sino porque comieron panes y se saciaron”. En este evangelio, vemos a Jesús en su forma humana recordándole a la gente que su interés en Él es solo para saciarse, satisfacer su hambre. Su motivación demuestra cómo Jesús estaba cansado después de alimentar a las grandes multitudes de personas con panes y peces, y sin embargo, hay gritos de personas en la multitud que quieren una prueba de quién es Jesús exigiéndole que haga más milagros. Aunque frustrado con las demandas de la multitud, Jesús continúa guiándolos y enseñándoles.

En segundo lugar, Jesús dice: “Esa es la obra de Dios, que crean en el que Él envió”. Jesús comparte que es importante conocer y creer en la bondad de Dios. Él quiere que se enfoquen no en trabajar por el alimento que perece, sino por el alimento que da vida eterna que viene de aquel que lo envió. Pienso en las veces en que estoy buscando una respuesta a una situación desafiante, así que puedo imaginar la confusión que la gente en la multitud debe haber experimentado cuando escucharon a Jesús decir que la manera de realizar la obra de Dios es creer en el que Él envió. Esa enseñanza es a la vez tan simple y no tan complicada. Jesús quiere que reconozcamos que cada evento en nuestra vida nos lleva a aceptar que Dios siempre interviene con nosotros, lo que generalmente manifiesta el amor de Dios y Su presencia.

Tercero, “Yo soy el pan de vida; el que viene a mí, no tendrá nada que perder”. “No tendra hambre, y el que cree en mí no tendrá sed jamás.” Me imagino a Jesús hablando a sus discípulos pronunciando estas palabras. Parece que Jesús está disfrutando el encuentro como un gran momento de enseñanza, hablando categóricamente de que Él es el pan de vida, para alimentarnos para que no tengamos hambre otra vez, y para creer en Él para que nunca más tengamos sed.

Amo la Eucaristía porque es una invitación a entrar en la ofrenda del santuario eterno de Jesús resucitado, un don de Sí mismo. Esta celebración no es sólo una celebración litúrgica sino un gran misterio de la presencia real de Dios. Este evangelio de San Juan capítulo seis, es un texto bíblico que prueba la Eucaristía, el Sacramento que todos apreciamos. Si no creemos en la Eucaristía y en cambio simplemente la recibimos, no asegurará la salvación para aquellos que reciben la Sagrada Eucaristía sin comprender su valor y mérito en nuestra vida cristiana. Me gustaría decir que las Escrituras y la enseñanza y doctrina de la Iglesia nos dicen que el verdadero tesoro viene de arriba. Lo buscamos como San Agustín, que nunca se dio por vencido en la búsqueda y el encuentro con Dios. Por lo tanto, lo buscamos, pero no lo ganamos. Nuestra grandeza reside en el don mismo de Dios a través de la fe, porque estamos dotados para compartir este precioso don con los demás. “Dotados para recibir, dotados para compartirnos como misioneros eucarísticos”, según la homilía de clausura del cardenal Luis Tagle, enviado papal al Décimo Congreso Eucarístico Nacional en Indianápolis.

Que simplemente recibamos y creamos, y luego vivamos. La intimidad y la comunión con Jesús siempre es alcanzable.

¡Dios los bendiga!

Padre Arlon, osa

The Dictate of the Heart: 11th Sunday after Pentecost, Extraordinary Form, TLM

On August 3, 2024, the first Saturday of August, I had an opportunity to spend time with some of you after the 9 am mass.  I would like to thank you for the potluck we shared together.  Thank you to those who prepared the food.  Certainly, when Catholics gather, there is always food on the table. 

Today is the 11th Sunday after Pentecost.  St. Paul dedicates himself to preaching on the importance of Christ’s resurrection.  If Christ has not been raised, the entire Christian faith falls apart.  If we don’t believe, then we are the most miserable people in the world, the fact that we have no hope.  St. Paul warns the Corinthians against those who denied the resurrection of Christ.  He carefully describes the gospel he preached and what they received in faith, which they need to take a stand on because it is that they have been saved.  Otherwise, if they never hold on to his preaching about the gospel, their belief would be in vain.  For St. Paul, the gospel is everything to him and to the Corinthians.  Therefore, he exhorts them to persevere in the faith they have received and to live what they have been taught.  

St. Paul confronts all heresy during his time by affirming that Christ has been physically raised from the dead and that our belief in the resurrection makes all the difference for us in the present and the future.  

What do you believe as part of your Christian profession of faith?  I do believe that there are many tenets of our faith; however, we must fully accept the totality of our Catholic faith, not just one or some areas of faith.  We cannot be selective on matters we simply adhere to or accept or choose among those we agree with. It is not our own ideas but the very teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ in accordance with the Magisterium of the Holy Catholic Church.  We must understand that Faith is our whole life in God.  St. Augustine says, “Christianity is not just a religion but a way of life.”  More than anything else, what counts most though is faith, which is crucial and essential, but Christianity is at heart about relationship. The expression of our faith always rests in a relationship and communion with each other to manifest the true Body of Christ, the Church. 

Today’s gospel taken from St. Mark really puts things into the right perspective of a man who is deaf and has a speech impediment but is with some faithful friends with an astounding belief in Jesus.  The gospel narrates that “they bring to Him one deaf and dumb, and they besought Him that He would lay His hands upon him.”  This suggests that it was not only faith but having emphasis on their relationship or friendship that made the cure possible.   

In any human relationships, this story reminds us of how much of an impact Jesus Christ can have in our lives.  We are maybe inattentive of so many instances where we do little things or minute acts of goodness to others which to those recipients are little miracles in their lives, and we never realize are works of God Himself through us.  Maybe our simple gesture of greeting a person in the morning can lift their spirits realizing that they are loved.  Sending a simple card or note to a friend or family member with a message of concern and care, or contacting an elderly person who needs to hear from you are all unexpected works of love of God thru you.  Our faith lightens the heart of others by our sincere way of expressing a loving relationship. 

Our Spirit of faith needs to be validated by our right attitudes and faithful living out of our belief in God who made manifest in how we relate to the world.  We must shine that sparks in the midst of our confused society and once healed like the deaf and dumb, we can speak out freely about everything in the light of faith and truth and genuine witnessing. 

Jesus separated the deaf and dumb man apart from the multitude of people, not because he was different, but because He doesn’t want to cause a commotion noticeable to those who were around Him.  Oftentimes, Jesus acts in the most low-key status where He avoids recognition.  He simply wants a kind of relationship that works through the goodness of His heart to help and to cure those who are afflicted by any kind of physical and spiritual malady.  

Brothers and sisters, somehow you may have some physical, emotional, or spiritual issues today.   Perhaps you have been coming to this community for some time now, but many times you have slipped in your walk with God.  Today, God has caught you reflecting on this gospel passage.  Maybe you are not talking to someone, a friend or a family relative, for so many years. Let your lips speak forth His praise to open your heart for reconciliation.  Today Jesus speaks straight to your heart, “Be opened!”   Do not allow yourselves to own that stony heart which you have kept for so long. Please open your heart to God and be healed.  The miracle of healing that will be yours is greater than the miracle received by the deaf man, for today the miracle that is yours is indeed the miracle of your integral salvation. 

“Be opened!”  Be open to God working in your life, be open to the Holy Spirit guiding you and be open to Jesus, His only Son, to His holy will that whatever may be disturbing you, He is here for you.  He has done all things well, and He will do all things well for you. “Be opened to the mighty power of God and His amazing love for you.”  In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. 

Fr. Arlon, osa

The Dictate of the Heart: 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B 

At the recently concluded 10th National Eucharistic Congress, Catholic families gathered in Indianapolis, Indiana with a profound religious experience and personal renewal through the power of Christ’s loving presence in the Eucharist, the source and summit of our faith and Christian life.  We appreciate the effort of the US Conference of Bishops to bring into our consciousness this Eucharistic revival, with the intention of facilitating this life-changing acceptance and belief in the real presence of Jesus after the consecration.  If we don’t believe in Jesus being present in the Eucharist, His body, soul and divinity, we are weakened, and we become less responsive to service and love because we cannot offer something from what we truly believed and received.  As our parish response, we are invited beginning on August 4, for a series of sessions from 2-3:30 PM.  Please check the schedule in our bulletin.  

We are in the 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time.   Our readings today speak of God’s providence for us to be satisfied. The first reading from the 2nd book of Kings narrates to us about Elisha, a holy man who frequently visited a woman. He promised her that she would be blessed with a child because of her generosity when he comes to her house.  Unfortunately, Elisha came back during the time of depression and famine. He gave the people food to eat, “when they had eaten there was some left over.” (v.43)    

In today’s 2nd reading, St. Paul urges us “to live in a manner worthy of the call you have received.”  This is the same calling we too received as we were baptized, which we hope that thru our renewal of mind and heart we shall live with humility, compassion, generosity, gentleness and love.

We will be hearing in the next three Sundays’ gospel about Jesus’ discourse on the Bread of Life,  and today is Jesus’ miracle of the multiplication of the loaves. Jesus as Eucharist nourishes us, being familiar of the gift of God to the chosen people, the abiding gift of manna in the Old Testament. 

The gospel today taken from St. John talks about the multiplication of the loaves.  Jesus, seeing the large crowd following Him, was conscious of their hunger and intention to hear Him speak, and He was worried how He would feed them.  Let us come to understand this gospel’s story.

First, Jesus asked Philip where they might buy enough food to feed everyone.  With the help of Andrew, he found a boy with five barley loaves and two fish, and from that there was enough for everyone.  It remained a mystery to His disciples. I believe that this teaching moment of Christ emphasizes compassion and generosity, and by putting a little of what we have could be translated into creating an endless abundance of what we truly need.  But this concept of sharing would never decrease my belief that Jesus has performed a genuine miracle by multiplying the loaves and two fish.  Jesus also teaches us to love and to have faith in each other and convinces us that even if we have shared what meager food we have, our own needs will always be satisfied.

Second, “Jesus took the loaves, gave thanks and distributed them to those who were reclining.” (v11) Five thousand people had their fill of bread and fish, and there were leftovers which filled 12 wicker baskets of fragments. This is a sign of abundance; thus people promoted Him as king because Jesus answered their bodily hunger, and they were very satisfied.  With Jesus’ knowledge of the intent of the people,  He slipped away in order to give them the opportunity to search in faith, not in accordance of their experience of being physically provided for with food, but leading them to accept and follow Jesus, the Messiah.

Third, our experience and encounter of Jesus in our daily Christian life significantly opens our hearts and minds to understand that signs and sacraments of His loving presence are essential to make a profound decision, not to look for a King, but a loving Savior.

It is revealed in the scriptures, both in the Old and New Testament, that the Eucharist is prefigured in the first reading,  2 Kings 4:42-44 and in John 6:1-15, that God provides nourishment for our journey to heaven.  As a priest, chosen and allowing my two hands to consecrate the hosts and the wine, changing them into the real Body and Blood of Christ, is the greatest gift where God graciously empowers me to bring Jesus closer to you.  I humbly feel the eucharistic presence of Jesus with such great blessings of faith and the faith of the whole community I am ministering.   During the consecration, I am His servant, profoundly bowing my head, and my two arms closely attached to the altar as a gesture that I need to lean onto Christ, the altar, the center and the main actor of our celebration.  

Apparently, for some it may be impossible to think of the reality of Jesus’ presence in the Eucharist; however, it is an act of faith to believe in Jesus.  It may seem too little of a demand from us, and it requires humility to comprehend that Jesus opted to be present in the simple bread and wine, just as the Father, who created everything, opted to live with us in human flesh thru His Incarnate Son, Jesus Christ.  Today, we need to realize that the all-powerful God has given an abundance of Himself to us. 

May we continue to live as Eucharistic people. The more loving we are, the more we wish we could do to serve the marginalized people in our society by bringing hope, peace, love and justice as we all reclaim the reality of God’s presence and His Kingdom here on earth.

God bless you.

Fr. Arlon, osa


El Dictado del Corazón

Decimoséptimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario, Año B 

  • 2 Reyes 4:42-44
  • Salmo 145:10-11, 15-16, 17-18
  • Efesios 4:1-6
  • Juan 6:1-15

Familias católicas se reunieron en Indiana, Indianápolis, para el recientemente concluido Décimo Congreso Eucarístico Nacional. Con una experiencia profunda y personal, de renovación a través del poder de la presencia amorosa de Cristo en la Santísima Eucaristía, que es la fuente y la cumbre de la fe católica. Apreciamos el esfuerzo de la Conferencia de Obispos de los Estados Unidos para traer a nuestra conciencia este renacimiento eucarístico. Para hacer conciencia y creencia que radique nuestra vida, en la presencia real de Jesús en la Eucaristía. Si no creemos en la presencia de Jesús en la Eucaristía, Su cuerpo, alma y divinidad, no estamos viviendo nuestra fe al máximo y nos volvemos menos receptivos al servicio y al amor. No podemos ofrecer lo que no tenemos. Los invitamos, a partir del 4 de Agosto, a una serie de sesiones de 2 a 3:30 p.m. Para ayudarlos y enseñarlos más sobre la Misa. Tomen un boletín para más detalles sobre horarios.

Estamos en el Decimoséptimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario. Nuestras lecturas de hoy hablan de la providencia de Dios. La primera lectura del segundo libro de los Reyes nos habla de Eliseo, un hombre santo que visitaba frecuentemente a una mujer, el le prometió que sería bendecida con un hijo, por su generosidad cuando él visitaba su casa. Desafortunadamente, Eliseo regresó en un tiempo de depresión y sequía. Dio de comer al pueblo, “cuando terminaron de comer, sobró un poco” (v. 43).

En la segunda lectura de hoy, San Pablo nos insta a “vivir de una manera digna del llamado que hemos recibido”. Este es el mismo llamado que recibimos en nuestro bautismo, y esperamos que a través de nuestra renovación de mente y corazón, vivamos con humildad, mansedumbre y amor.

En el evangelio de hoy, escuchamos el milagro de Jesús de la multiplicación de los panes. En los evangelios de los tres próximos domingos, escucharemos el discurso de Jesús sobre el Pan de Vida. Jesús en la Eucaristía, para alimentarnos, siendo familiar con el don de Dios al pueblo elegido, el don permanente del maná en el Antiguo Testamento.

El evangelio de hoy tomado de San Juan habla de la multiplicación de los panes. Jesús al ver la gran multitud que lo seguía, consciente del hambre que tenían y de la intención de escucharlo hablar, se preocupó de cómo los alimentaría. Entendamos mejor el relato de este evangelio.

Primero, Jesús le preguntó a Felipe dónde podrían comprar suficiente comida para alimentar a todos. Con la ayuda de Andrés, encontró a un niño con cinco panes de cebada y dos peces, pero no era suficiente para todos. Este momento de enseñanza de Cristo enfatiza la compasión y la generosidad, poner un poco de lo que tenemos, Jesús lo transforma en abundancia infinita para lo que realmente necesitamos. Jesús ha realizado un milagro genuino al multiplicar los panes y los dos peces. Jesús también nos enseña a amarnos y a tener fe en los demás. El compartir la escasa comida que tenemos, nuestras propias necesidades siempre estarán satisfechas.

En segundo lugar, “Jesús tomó los panes, dio gracias y los repartió a los que estaban recostados” (v. 11). Cinco mil personas se saciaron de pan y pescado y con los pedazos que sobraron de los cinco panes llenaron doce canastos. Esto es una señal de abundancia; por eso la gente lo quería como rey porque Jesús respondió a su hambre corporal, porque estaban satisfechos. Jesús conocía sus intenciones, así que se retiró para permitirles buscar con fe, no por su experiencia de ser satisfechos físicamente de alimento, sino guiándolos a aceptar y seguir a Jesús, el Mesías.

En tercer lugar, nuestra experiencia y encuentro con Jesús en nuestra vida diaria, abre significativamente nuestros corazones y mentes, para entender que los signos y sacramentos de Su presencia amorosa son esenciales para tomar una decisión profunda, no buscar un Rey sino un Salvador amoroso.

Se revela en las escrituras tanto del Antiguo como del Nuevo Testamento que la Eucaristía está prefigurada en la primera lectura de 2 Reyes 4:42-44 y Juan 6:1-15 que Dios provee alimento para nuestro viaje al cielo. Como sacerdote, elegido y permitiendo que mis manos consagren las hostias y el vino, en la transubstanciación, en el verdadero Cuerpo y Sangre de Cristo, es el regalo más grande que Dios gentilmente me capacita para acercar a Jesús a ustedes. Humildemente siento la presencia eucarística de Jesús con tan grandes bendiciones de fe y la fe de toda la comunidad a la que estoy ministrando. Durante la consagración, soy su siervo, inclinando profundamente mi cabeza y mis dos brazos pegados al altar es un gesto que necesito para apoyarme en Cristo, el altar, el centro y el actor principal de nuestra celebración.

Aparentemente, para algunos puede ser imposible pensar en la realidad de la presencia de Jesús en la Eucaristía, sin embargo, es un acto de fe creer en Jesús. Puede parecer muy poco para exigirnos, pero requiere humildad para comprender a Jesús que optó por estar presente en el simple pan y vino, así como el Padre, que creó todo, optó por vivir con nosotros en carne humana a través de su Hijo encarnado, Jesucristo. Hoy, necesitamos darnos cuenta de que el Dios todopoderoso nos ha dado una abundancia de Sí mismo.

Que sigamos viviendo como personas eucarísticas. Cuanto más amorosos seamos, más desearemos poder servir a las personas marginadas de nuestra sociedad, llevando esperanza, paz, amor y justicia mientras todos reclamamos la realidad de la presencia de Dios y su Reino aquí en la tierra.

Dios los bendiga.

Padre Arlon, osa

The Dictate of the Heart: 10th Sunday after Pentecost, Extraordinary Form, TLM

Today is the 10th Sunday after Pentecost, the last Sunday in the month of July.  On July 17 to 21, 2024, there was the biggest gathering of Catholics, more than 50 thousand people, who participated in the 10th National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis, Indiana. There were many activities, like catechesis on the eucharist, adoration and masses during the whole congress.  It drew so many Catholics with much renewed love and faith for the presence of Christ in the Eucharist, the summit of our Christian life.  The conclusion of the Eucharistic Revival in the United States made an impressive effect on the hearts of the young families, manifesting notable change in the way they accept and perceive God in their lives.  There is such dynamic and renewed spiritual fervor.  Our beloved bishops don’t want us to have a lethargic faith and be easily lost in our encounter with God.

St. Paul, who labored much in his ministry, did not want the Corinthians to be led astray.   This is the clear message of the epistle we heard today.  St. Paul wants Christians to know that in their previous experience as pagans they may have poorly understood the realities concerning spiritual gifts.  St. Paul reminds Christians that so-called inspired utterances are not necessarily inspired by the Holy Spirit. There may be people claiming to be speaking from the Holy Spirit, but that does not mean that they really are.  St. Paul uses an illustration on this issue; thus a person who is speaking from the Holy Spirit is going to only speak the truth, and no one who is speaking from the Holy Spirit will speak false things.  These gifts are not for self-indulgence but for the community of Christ. These gifts were used to serve others and not to serve oneself. These gifts were not to be signs of spiritual achievement and prowess, but an outflow of God’s grace.  What we see in the religious world today is that many try to claim to have spiritual gifts to draw attention to themselves.

The most important thing to comprehend is that St. Paul does not merely say that God gives the gift, but rather empowers the gift to manifest that He is the one doing the work.  God is the one who makes the gift work.  The primary actor is God who activates or starts the gift to work because no person has the ability to exercise the gift by their own power.

Today’s gospel from the evangelist Luke narrates to us a parable about two men who went to the temple to pray; a pharisee and a tax collector called a publican.  Let us reflect on how they conduct themselves before the eyes of God.

First, the pharisee prayed with so much praise for himself…”O God, I give Thee thanks that I am not as the rest of men, extortioners, unjust, adulterers…fasting twice and pay taxes of all that I possess.” His style of prayer centers on himself, rather than God being the focus of praise and exaltation/adoration.  That was not a prayer at all.  Sometimes we have the same attitude like Catholics who are regular and visible in the church every Sunday, and we can sometimes feel superior to those who are not regular churchgoers or to those who do not belong to our faith, slowly trying to fix their immoral lives.  We always think that we are God’s favored children because we think we are observant of the rules compared to the sinful and despicable outsiders.    

Second, the tax collector feeling unworthy and standing from afar uttered this prayer, “O God be merciful to me a sinner.”   He accepted being a sinner aside from being regarded as public sinners.  He knows and acknowledges his sinfulness with sincerity of heart.  He is resigned completely to the mercy of God.  He did not compare himself to anyone else or even judge others, but himself.  This prayer is totally accepted by God, who is merciful to sinners, because the reason He came on earth was for sinners and not for the righteous people.

There are many people I have encountered and observed who, with their generosity of time, talent and treasure, are here, praying sincerely and lifting everything up to God.  They are quiet workers, and their prayer is an expression of their total dependence on and submission to God.  I believe that there is nothing that we can offer to Him which God has already offered everything from the beginning. What has been required is our effort to return to Him, as sinners, with our love and gratitude by being kind, generous, and forgiving to people. We follow the way of Jesus who wants us to act charitably to compensate our great debt for God’s goodness, mercy and love.  Like the publican “he went down to his house justified.”

Third, Jesus concludes saying, “Everyone that exalts himself shall be humbled, and he that humbles himself shall be exalted.”  We must genuinely humble ourselves before God and others.  We need God to forgive us.  Nobody can be proud of himself in front of God.   

In conclusion, our understanding about this gospel pericope implies that Jesus wants to teach the importance of praying with the right attitude and humility. This parable is aimed at those who think they are very righteous and look down on others.  This shouldn’t be the case.  We must always please God. 

I believe that God empowered us with spiritual gifts, whatever they are that we are gifted, to dispense them according to His divine will.  May it be gifts of healing, prophesy, discerning of spirits or gifts of understanding and diverse kinds of tongues, and may we always put them in the service of the community and free oneself from temptation of being selfish and proud.  We are all but just instruments of God.

God bless you.

Fr. Arlon. osa

The Dictate of the Heart: 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B

Today, we celebrate the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B.  I remember when God called me to the priesthood. I entered the seminary and studied classical Philosophy and Theology.  Three years after ordination, I was sent to the mission in Korea.  Being a religious priest, I retrospect that God’s calling precedes over other plans.  Before entering religious life, I had personal plans of my parents’ desire for me to follow their footsteps being educators; however, those choices did not happen.  God, who called, had given me the gift of vocation.  Nothing hinders me, and instead I obediently abide by what God wanted me to be.  

In our first reading for today, Jeremiah is feeling neither patient nor compassionate, but he has a certain anger with the religious leaders of Israel at that time. They have been perverting authority into power and self-serving rather than servant caring. They have been accumulating prestige rather than genuine service for the people. They have been driving their flock away while establishing their little kingdoms.  However, Jeremiah is hopeful that God will appoint a true shepherd, a true leader who will lead and feed their flocks to protect them.  If we think of this prophesy, it points towards the promise of God to send a “Shepherd-King,” pointing to Jesus, coming from the linage of David.  The coming of Jesus, the Messiah, was not as a political king but a leader who has been crucified and is raised from the dead. 

The second reading taken from the letter of St. Paul to the Ephesians reminds them of their salvation brought by Jesus Christ which manifests God’s love for them.  It was God’s desire to fulfill this eternal plan of salvation.  His heart is not to abandon anyone, but to let them know that they are His adopted children, not only the Ephesians, but all of us. God chose us and so we must freely give praise of His glorious grace because we too have been purchased by His blood.   We too are His chosen children.

In today’s gospel, Jesus is aware about the condition of His disciples after a long day of work. Jesus invited them to a deserted place to relax and for them to have their fill.  I suspect that they were hungry because they had been doing healings and teachings.  However, the crowds followed them, and that place was not deserted any longer.  

When we hear this gospel of Mark, we realize that Jesus is acting like a shepherd when his twelve apostles return from their first mission.  He invited them to practice their Jewish tradition to rest as they participate in the work of a creating and redeeming Lord.  We need to be cautious of some important aspects of mission when we reflect on this gospel.

First, Jesus says, “Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest for awhile.”  These words of Jesus are not just about showing pity on them, but His heart was deeply touched because the disciples were tired so they needed a good rest.  His dapostles directly gazing at Him straight into His eyes.  Jesus knows the apostles’ needs and the crowd’s needs which are totally different in terms of their hunger.  When we come to Jesus, we need to be assured that He knows everything, even from the recesses of our hearts.  We too, like the apostles, humbly gaze into His eyes, through which radiates the light of His love and compassion.

Second, “When he disembarked and saw the vast crowd, his heart was moved with pity for them, for they were like sheep without a shepherd….”   Certainly, Jesus is receptive to respond and assume His role as their Shepherd.  The first thing that the shepherd does is to feed his flock, to tend and to lead his sheep and teach them.  Since Jesus’ sheep are human beings, He assumes leadership, which is expressed in His commitment to teach and to be an example to establish a loving relationship with God and others.

Third, “Jesus began to teach them many things.” (v.34) He taught His disciples to do the task He himself is doing and to continue doing His mission of healing, expelling demons and reconciliation.  They were to trust solely on God’s providence.  He assured them that those to whom they preached would provide them with the necessities of life.  We trust in your support, love and generosity.

Is our teaching an act of shepherding?   Sheep are precious and the shepherds are important in God’s flock.  You are our sheep, searching for nourishment and for some wandering around, but as your shepherd we lead you towards Jesus, our true and loving Good Shepherd, who embraces all who seek healing and wisdom.

There is comfort and inspiration to meditate on these readings; however, we pray to God to search always the wisdom of Jesus’ ways, rather than to make more bad choices in life.

God bless you.

Fr. Arlon, osa


El Dictado del Corazón

Decimosexto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario, año B

  • Jeremías 23:1-6
  • Salmo 23:1-3, 3-4, 5, 6
  • Efesios 2:13-18
  • Marcos 6:30-34

Hoy celebramos el Decimosexto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario, Año B.  

Cuando Dios me llamó al sacerdocio, entré al seminario y estudié Filosofía y Teología clásicas. Tres años después de mi ordenación, me enviaron de misionero a Corea. Como sacerdote religioso pienso en retrospectiva, que el llamado de Dios precede a otros planes. Antes de entrar a la vida religiosa, tenía planes personales y mis padres también tenían sus planes para mi futuro. Saben, mis padres eran maestros y ellos querían que siguiera sus pasos como educador. El llamado de Dios para mí era diferente, El me llamo a el Sacerdocio. No me molesta, al contrario, cumplo obedientemente la voluntad de Dios. 

En nuestra primera lectura de hoy, Jeremías no se siente;paciente, ni compasivo, tiene cierto enojo con los líderes religiosos de Israel. Habían estado pervirtiendo la autoridadacumulando riquezas, prestigio, aprovechándose del poder de su posición, eran egoístas en lugar de proveer un servicio genuino al pueblo. Habían estado ahuyentando a su rebaño mientras establecían sus pequeños reinos. Sin embargo, Jeremías tiene la esperanza de que Dios nombrará un verdadero pastor, un verdadero líder que guiará y alimentará a su rebaño para protegerlo. Si pensamos en esta profecía, apunta hacia la promesa de Dios de enviar un “Rey-Pastor”, señalando a Jesús, proveniente del linaje de David. La venida de Jesús, el Mesías, no es un rey político sino un líder que sería crucificado y resucitado de entre los muertos. 

La segunda lectura tomada de la carta de San Pablo a los Efesios les recuerda la salvación que les trajo Jesucristo, que manifiesta el amor de Dios por ellos. Dios desea cumplir este plan eterno de salvación. Su corazón no es abandonar a nadie sino hacerles saber que son sus hijos adoptivos. No sólo a los efesios sino a todos nosotros, Dios nos escogió y por eso debemos alabar libremente su gloria, porque nosotros también hemos sido liberados por su sangre. Nosotros también somos sus hijos elegidos. 

En el evangelio de hoy, Jesús es consciente del estado de sus discípulos después de una larga jornada de trabajo, sanando y enseñando al rebaño. Jesús los invitó a un lugar desierto para relajarse y comer. Sin embargo, la multitud los siguió, y aquel lugar ya no quedó desierto.

Cuando escuchamos este evangelio de Marcos, nos damos cuenta de que Jesús es un pastor y cuando sus doce apóstoles regresan de su primera misión, los invitó a practicar su tradición judía para descansar mientras participaban en la obra de crear y redimir al Señor. Necesitamos ser cautelosos con algunos aspectos importantes de la misión que reflejamos en este evangelio. 

Primero, Jesús dice: “Vengan ustedes solos a un lugar desierto y descansen un poco”. Estas palabras de Jesús no se refieren sólo a mostrar compasión por ellos, sino que se conmovió decorazón, profundamente conmovido porque los discípulos lo miraban directamente a los ojos. Jesús sabe lo que necesitan los apóstoles y las necesidades de la multitud, que son diferentes según su hambre. Cuando venimos a Jesús, debemos estar seguros de que Él lo sabe todo, incluso lo más profundo de nuestro corazón. Nosotros, como los apóstoles, miramos humildemente a sus ojos, a través de los cuales irradia la luz de su amor y compasión. 

Segundo, “Cuando desembarcó y vio la gran multitud, su corazón se compadeció de ellos, porque eran como ovejas sin pastor. . .” Ciertamente, Jesús es receptivo a responder y asume su papel de Pastor. Lo primero que hace el pastor es alimentar a su rebaño, cuidar y guiar a sus ovejas y enseñarles, las ovejas de Jesús son seres humanos, Él asume el liderazgo, que se expresa en su compromiso de enseñar y ser ejemplo para establecer una relación de amor con Dios y con los demás. 

En tercer lugar, “Jesús comenzó a enseñarles muchas cosas”. (v.34) Enseñó a Sus discípulos a hacer la tarea que Él está haciendo y continuar cumpliendo Su misión de sanación, expulsión de demonios y reconciliación. Debían confiar únicamente en la providencia de Dios. Les aseguró que aquellos a quienes predicaran les proporcionarían las necesidades de la vida. Confiamos en su apoyo, amor y generosidad. 

¿Es nuestra enseñanza un acto de pastoreo? Las ovejas son preciosas y los pastores son importantes en el rebaño de Dios.Ustedes son nuestras ovejas, que buscan alimento y dirección,como su pastor las guiamos hacia Jesús, nuestro verdadero y amoroso Buen Pastor, que abraza a todos en busca de sanacióny sabiduría.

Hay consuelo e inspiración para meditar en estas lecturas, sin embargo, tenemos que orar y pedir a Dios que nos de sabiduría para estar en el camino con Jesús, en lugar de tomar más malas decisiones en la vida. 

Dios los bendiga. 

P. Arlón, osa

The Dictate of the Heart:  9th Sunday after Pentecost, Extraordinary Form, TLM 

 We are on the 9th Sunday after Pentecost.  The collect today says, “Behold God is my helper, and the Lord is the protector of my soul turn back the evils upon my enemies, and cut them off in Thy truth, O Lord my protector.” 

In today’s epistle, taken from the first letter to the Corinthians, St. Paul sent a stern warning to them because they coveted evil things. They were idolaters and some of them committed fornication and grumbling.  The Corinthians fell into sinful behaviors.  They forgot the wonders of God leading the Israelites from slavery in Egypt, saving them from destruction and giving them provisions in their journey to the promised land.  Nevertheless, they were unhappy and complained that they found themselves into the dessert. 

This is the great temptation when people seem ungrateful, knowing God has been journeying with them through all those years, yet many were not aware of His presence. Because of this, they were “destroyed by the destroyer” (1 Cor 10:10).

We are simply in the same status, with problems, trials, gossip, misery and trouble we experience here on earth, and yet we cannot acknowledge God’s presence and faithfulness for this and because of pain we doubt that heaven is not during this life or here and now, but in a distant future.  When we have that spiritual failure to recognize God’s guiding hands and when we experience financial difficulty, physical sickness, immorality and life’s failures, then where is God, who brings us through all these?  God is faithful no matter what.  I believe that all our temptations and sufferings are under God’s control and personal involvement.  Whatever happens to us, He is our Helper and Protector, He certainly will see us through it because of His absolute love.

It is absolute that God will never give us anything that is difficult beyond what we can handle.  God knows how much pressure we can take.  Just like what happened to Job in the scripture, where he was drained and exhausted but never faltered to grow in the trust in faith in God.  Sometimes God will stretch us to the limit but not beyond our ability to bear.

In today’s gospel taken from the evangelist Luke, he narrates to us about “Jesus drew near to Jerusalem, seeing the city, He wept over,” because the people did not know the time of God’s visitation.  He began to drive out the merchants’ selling animals for the coming sacrifice at the coming Passover celebration.  It was the time when Jesus showed his indignation towards the abuses of the people by not respecting the “House of Prayer.”  Jesus says, “It is written, ‘My house is a house of prayer,’ but you have made it a den of thieves.” 

How do we understand this verse?  It is the profaning of the temple.  The term “house of prayer” simply means a place of worship, encompassing the things we do here at the Holy Spirit Mission Church where we solely dedicate this to celebrate confession, to gather to worship together by reading scriptures and celebrating other sacraments, in particular the Extraordinary Form of the Mass. 

Our Lord, Jesus Christ, reminds us about His cleansing of the Temple from those who have made it a den of thieves, which I think sounds familiar when we become disrespectful of God’s Holy House.  We are here to experience the so called “Magnum Silencium;” that is afforded to the solemn celebration of the Latin Mass.  

Many people, especially the young adults and young couples, are attracted to this most sacred and solemn act of divine worship.  There is a unique supernatural continuity between the worship and adoration of God in the olden times and worship of God in the traditional liturgy of the Catholic Church.  The Church gives us precise instructions on how God wishes to be worshipped.  The sacrifice of the Mass is not something we create based on our personal wishes and desires, but this has been done to a precise set of norms and regulations, handed on from time immemorial.

Let us make every mass an experience of love and true worship of God manifesting our heart, mind and soul perfectly in unison with the Divine presence.  The task to create total silence during consecration may be humanly impossible because of the noise created by toddlers or young children; however, parents must be sensitive to others.  Maybe when your children are with you, you may occupy seats at the extension side of our church for an easy way to control their involuntary crying and whining.  You can do this with your loving discipline and with the help of God’s grace.  I love little children to be in the church for me to bless them and for them to be acquainted with the mass.  I have seen many of your children coming for communion at a young age who are adorable and beautiful.  They are angels worthy to affirm that they are truly loved by God.

I do believe that Jesus will restore the right and authentic way of worship. He guaranteed us that He will be with us until the end of time. He will rebuild His holy temple, for God is One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, that we might worship together in peace and tranquility despite all the attacks of evil. 

May our Catholic faith and prayers wipe out these operations of evil to attack the solemnity and integrity of the Extraordinary Form of the mass.

God bless you.

Fr. Arlon, OSA

The Dictate of the Heart: 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B

This is my second week here in the Cathedral, and I am happy that everyone has welcomed me to my new home.  I would like to express my gratitude for all the things you do to make this community fully alive for the glory of God.  This Cathedral building was built in 1907.  I heard that this building caught fire and was renovated, and the stained-glass windows are presently having a retrofitting to protect them from further damage. 

The first reading today narrates to us the humble beginning of Amos, who was a shepherd and a trimmer of trees.  Amaziah, the High Priest of the King, told him that he needs to get out from the kingdom because people didn’t need his prophecies.  Amos was telling his visions of the destruction of the kingdom if it won’t heed his call for change.  It was God who told Amos to speak so that His voice may be heard by the people of God.   Obviously, our loving God cared for His people, who were indulgent, unjust and sinners, but never heed Amos’ disturbing warnings.

The second reading, taken from the book of St. Paul to the Ephesians, is something that comforts us today where St. Paul writes, “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavens.”  Indeed, God continues to attend to our needs and in listening to these words we are filled with awe and wonder, for God does bless us!

Today’s gospel from St. Mark narrates to us the sending of Jesus’ disciples to do mission works.  They received a mission which means “sending” in a Latin word which connotes doing good with instructions about how they shall go about it. Let us be aware of the disciples’ experience!

First, “Jesus summoned the Twelve and began to send them out two by two and give them authority over unclean spirits.” (v. 7) The significance of sending them by two’s is to take care of each other, in times of danger as they journey together from one place to another and for them to become a witness to what they have accomplished with validity and trustworthiness.  As they have seen the works and personality of Jesus, they too want to share it with others. They are given instructions on what to do according to the style of their Master, Jesus.  

Second, Jesus instructed them.  It means that receiving instructions is not about how they would handle themselves as being sent, but they focused on the assurance that God, who sends them, will satisfy their needs out of His fidelity to His promise that He would walk and journey with them.  We too must always be dependent upon God as to be inspired on what to speak from our hearts.

Third, “wherever you enter a house, stay there until you leave.  Whatever a place does not welcome you or listen to you, leave there and shake the dust off your feet in testimony against them.”  The disciples of Jesus leave comforting words, miraculous healings and live the Goodnews as they boldly preached the revelation of God.  They reach out and touch the needs of others, however aware of the challenge, they trusted His words.  When humiliated and rejected, they shake the dust off as their gesture in testimony against the people.  This is not a sign demonstrating a curse or ill-will, but to give the people a warning and a reminder of God’s visitation being outrightly rejected.

We are called and sent by God.  We are itinerant missionary and thus, open for the grace of mobility.  When we come to mass, we do understand that it is both a gathering and a sending event.  Therefore, let us try to respond to this invitation traveling with the disciples and Jesus, our Lord, doing good deeds of healing, purifying and our role to live out this mission from the Lord.  Always enjoy doing the small things for His greater glory!  Like Amos, we must be tellers of the Goodnews and the glory to come according to God’s given vision.  We all know that Jesus was sent to be the “sender”.   This new evangelization scheme of the Church regarding “The Synod of Synodality”, becomes effective if there is first an encounter with Jesus, and as we would be walking, listening and participating in a mission together, there would be the encounter with our people, or community.

God bless you.

Fr. Arlon, osa


El Dictado del Corazón

Decimoquinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario, Año B

  • Amós 7:12-15
  • Salmo 85:9-10, 11-14
  • Efesios 1:3-14
  • Marcos 6:7-13

Es mi segunda semana en Catedral y me siento afortunadopor la calidez y recibimiento de todos mientras me adapto a mi nuevo hogar. Les Expreso mi gratitud al trabajo de quienes hacen que esta comunidad esté plenamente viva para la gloria de Dios. Aprendí que esta catedral fue construida en 1907, se incendió y luego fue renovada. Actualmente se están renovando las vidrieras para protegerlas de daños mayores. 

La primera lectura de hoy nos habla del humilde comienzo de Amós, quien era pastor y podador de árboles. Amasias, el Sumo Sacerdote del Rey, le advirtió que necesitaba salir del reino porque la gente no necesitaba sus profecías. Amós estaba contando sus visiones de la destrucción del reino si no atendía su llamado al cambio. Dios mismo le dijo a Amós que hablara para que su voz fuera escuchada por el pueblo de Dios. A nuestro amoroso Dios le preocupaba su pueblo, que era indulgente, injusto y pecador, pero nunca prestó atención a las inquietantes advertencias de Amós. 

La segunda lectura del libro de San Pablo a los Efesios nos consuela hoy cuando San Pablo escribe: “Bendito sea el Dios y Padre de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, que nos ha bendecido en Cristo con toda bendición espiritual en los cielos”. De hecho, Dios continúa atendiendo nuestras necesidades, y al escuchar estas palabras nos llenamos de admiración y asombro, ¡porque Dios nos bendice! 

En el evangelio de hoy, San Marcos narra el envío de los discípulos de Jesús a realizar obras misioneras. Recibieron una misión que significa “enviar” en la palabra latina que connota hacer el bien con instrucciones sobre cómo deben hacerlo. ¡Seamos conscientes de la experiencia de los discípulos! 

Primero, “Jesús llamó a los Doce y comenzó a enviarlos de dos en dos y a darles autoridad sobre los espíritus inmundos”. (v. 7) El significado de enviarlos en dos es cuidarse unos a otros, en momentos de peligro mientras viajan juntos de un lugar a otro y que se conviertan en testigos de lo que han realizado con validez y confiabilidad.Como han visto, las obras y las enseñanzas de Jesús, ellos también quieren compartirlas con los demás. Se les dan instrucciones sobre cómo actuar según el estilo de su Maestro, Jesús. 

En segundo lugar, recibir instrucciones no se trata de cómo se comportarían ellos mismos si fueran enviados. Se centraron en la seguridad de que Dios, quien los envía, satisfará sus necesidades por su fidelidad a su promesa de que caminaría y viajaría con ellos. Nosotros también,debemos depender siempre de Dios para que nos inspire sobre qué hablar desde nuestro corazón. 

En tercer lugar, “dondequiera que entres en una casa, quédate allí hasta que salgas. Cualquier lugar que no os reciba ni os escuche, salid de allí y sacudid el polvo de vuestros pies en testimonio contra ellos”. Los discípulos de Jesús dejaron palabras de consuelo y sanacion milagrosas y vivieron la Buena Nueva mientras predicaban con valentía la revelación de Dios. Se acercan y tocan las necesidades de los demás, aunque, conscientes del desafío, confiaron en Sus palabras. Cuando son humillados y rechazados se sacuden el polvo como gesto de testimonio contra el pueblo. Esta no es una señal que demuestre una maldición o mala voluntad, pero dar al pueblo una advertencia y un recordatorio de la visita de Dios es rotundamente rechazado. 

Somos llamados y enviados por Dios. Somos misioneros itinerantes y por tanto, abiertos a la gracia de la movilidad.Cuando venimos a misa, debemos entender que es tanto un evento de reunión como de envío. Por lo tanto, tratemos de responder a esta invitación viajando con los discípulos y Jesús, nuestro Señor, haciendo buenas obras de curación y purificación, y nuestro papel de vivir esta misión del Señor.¡Disfruta siempre haciendo las pequeñas cosas para Su mayor gloria! Como Amós, debemos ser anunciadores de las Buenas Nuevas y de la gloria venidera según la visión dada por Dios. Todos sabemos que Jesús fue enviado para ser el “enviado”. Este nuevo esquema de evangelización de la Iglesia en torno al “Sínodo de la Sinodalidad”, se hace efectivo si primero hay un encuentro con Jesús. Mientras caminamos, escuchamos y participamos juntos en una misión, se producirá el encuentro con nuestra gente o comunidad. 

Dios los bendiga,

P. Arlón, osa