The Dictate of the Heart: 3rd Sunday of Lent, Extraordinary Form (TLM)

Today is the 3rd Sunday of Lent. Many of our parishes here in Reno are being blessed by those who are preparing to enter the Church during the Easter Vigil, which as reported we have 626 people preparing for the Sacraments. The Rite of Christian Initiation Program is designed to assist the personal journeys to make similar affirmations, and today we will be having Rite of Scrutiny after this mass. During this interrogation of the candidates, Jesus would be meeting them in their heads and hearts to confront them even in the dark times of personal shame. They long for a brighter light and self-acceptance with gratitude into their lives. They would find something differently new. Just as Jesus told His followers that His life’s work was to complete creation, the work of revelation, our deepest desire is union with God.

Today’s epistle, taken from the letter of St. Paul to the Ephesians, urges us to listen to his advice, “Be ye followers of God…, as most dear children; walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath delivered Himself for us…..” Once we commit as followers of God, the grace of God brings a mighty change in our souls. We walk as children of light, having knowledge and holiness. I know that these works of darkness are unfruitful, whatever profit they may boast, for they end in the destruction of the unrepentant sinner.

There are many ways of encouraging, or taking part in the sins of others, by supporting them, wrong counseling, giving consent to do wrong, or concealment. If we share with others in their sins, we must expect to share in their afflictions. If we do not reprove the sins of others, we have partnership with them. A good man will be ashamed to speak of what many wicked men are not ashamed to do. We must have not only a sight and a knowledge that sin is sin, and in some measure shameful, but see it as a breach of God’s holy law. After the example of the Saints, we should call on those asleep and dead in sin, to awake and arise, that Christ may give them light.

The gospel from St. Luke 11:14-28 demonstrates the escalating tension between Jesus and these religious leaders. Instead of coming to Jesus with docile hearts and open minds, they accused Jesus of expelling out Satan by the power of Satan, and they challenged Him by demanding some sign from heaven. This is just another recurrence of Satan tempting Jesus to use His power to throw Himself at the parapet of the temple. However, Jesus soundly refuted their demands by giving this extensive teaching on spiritual conflict, the heavenly war. We learn that Jesus’ power authenticates His victory over Satan; therefore, we must decisively believe and follow Him. We either follow Christ into battle on His side, or we oppose Him and remain on Satan’s side. These are the crucial issues behind this gospel’s pericope of Luke.

What are the spiritual insights and lessons we could get out of this particular gospel text:

First, the scripture clearly mentions that Satan is real, who rebelled against God and His commandments, and called Jesus “Beelzebub,” a popular name for the prince of the demons (principe daemoniorum.), but Jesus says, “You say that through Beelzebub I cast out devils. Now if I cast out devils by Beelzebub, by whom do your children cast them out?” Thus, there is a spiritual battle raging between Jesus and the evil spirits. Since Jesus’ purpose is to glorify His Father through the human race, created in His image, Satan’s purpose is to defile and corrupt people so that their lives do not bring glory to God.

Second, Jesus has absolute authority and control against Satan. In the gospels, we read that every time Jesus casts out a demon, He rebukes the possessed and the devil obeyed. Yet in spite of His obvious power, these religious leaders accused Him of casting out demons by Satan’s power. Even though Jesus here knew their thoughts, this did not convince them that He was from God! I guess these unbelievers are seemingly blinded by the god of this world. No miracles and wonder suffice to change their hearts of unbelief. We learn from this that belief in Jesus Christ is not simply a matter of having sufficient evidence to be convinced, but the need of resignation to submit our hearts to God.

Third, Jesus says, “If I cast out demons by the finger of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you” (11:20). This phrase, “finger of God” goes back to Exodus 8:19 when magicians were telling Pharoah that they recognize God’s power thru Moses. Indeed, Jesus is saying it is an act that is clearly God’s doing. Jesus added that the kingdom of God had come upon them.

Fourth, Jesus’ deliverance of people from Satan’s bondage anticipates the coming of the Kingdom, especially in the hearts of those who believe, and for those hearts to fully submit to live in Him.

What are we going to do entering the third Sunday of Lent? Satan is our great enemy. We must be vigilant and realistic of the mischief Satan is actively doing to deceive us. If we think we have much power, then use our tongues in prayer and praise. Never hesitate to speak to God and speak about God, especially to those who are unchurched.

I have had many incidents with several families asking for minor exorcisms and prayers of deliverance from evil, both Catholics and non-Catholics, because of unexplained occurrences and Satan is blatantly manifesting. This is my first question, “Are you coming to your church?” If Catholic, I ask if they are active in receiving the Sacraments of Confession and the Eucharist? If none of these, I clearly inform them that Satan is there to get them and disturb their life when God is being set aside, or when God doesn’t have anything to do with their life. Either the person ignores or rejects the gospel and remains in Satan’s domain or, “For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves.” (Col. 1:13)

God bless you.

Fr. Arlon, osa

Engraving by Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld (March 26, 1794 – May 24, 1872)

The Dictate of the Heart: 2nd Sunday of Lent, Year A

Today is the second Sunday of Lent.  How are we handling our journey of Lent? Are we turning ourselves closely towards God, or are we just timid and frightened to respond to God’s invitation to repent and change?  We are constantly encouraged to reflect intensely on the Word of God in order to find inspiration and motivation to be transformed.

We have heard the first reading taken from the Book of Genesis which narrates to us about Abraham’s and his family’s journey towards the promised land.  Despite his old age, he accepted the mission from God to lead the Israelites towards the place promised to them by God.  Though an unknown place for him, his faith dictates to him to follow God’s promise, “I will make you a great nation, and I will bless you, make you great and for you will be a blessing” to others.

Just as we are blessed by God, like Abraham, we too must become a blessing to other people.  Remember your experience of feeding the hungry and clothing the homeless person or being with someone praying for sick or dying persons.  It is an uplifting moment when we become a blessing to them for which we feel deep joy and comfort, not only for the people we help, but also for ourselves.

The second reading today from the 2nd Letter of St. Paul to Timothy reminds us to “Bear your share of hardship for the gospel with the strength that comes from God.”  St. Paul is encouraging Timothy to persevere carrying out his mission and showing support needed to be faithful and holy thru the grace of Christ Jesus.  There are some difficult consequences related to their commitment to Jesus, but promise is given to those following the gospel with life and immortality.

The gospel story is about the transfiguration of Christ. Jesus, together with Peter, James, and John, went up to the mountain.  These three disciples were given the rare opportunity to witness an extraordinary religious experience. Maybe Jesus brought them so that they may share with other disciples when the time comes. We know that they were warned by Jesus saying, “Do not tell the vision to anyone until the Son of Man has been raised from the dead.”

What are important lessons and spiritual insights we derive from this story about the transfiguration?

First, Jesus has enlightened us that He is the fulfillment of salvation history.  St. Matthew writes this, “He was transfigured before them; his face shone like the sun and his clothes became white as light.”  And behold, Moses and Elijah appeared to them, conversing with Jesus.  It is an extraordinary event witnessed by his three apostles, where Moses represented the “Law” and Elijah represented the Prophets.  This is a significant description in the story to see Jesus being the central actor.

Second, Peter, James and John were called to accompany Jesus on the mountain. Abraham was called by God to lead his people which eventually became a great nation.  Timothy was chosen to lead the Christians of Ephesus.     I have come to the conclusion that God has chosen individuals to take a special roles for God which they have not chosen beforehand.  God called personalities to cooperate with Him, to tread the path that God has intended them to do. We must also be open and attentive to what God has been calling us. We need to pray about it.

Third, “Transfiguration” is indeed a revelation and tangible presence of God felt by Peter, James, and John. They were not transfigured per se, but I am sure that they were changed by their own experience.

I know that in this season of Lent, there are many experiences we have encountered, but we never have the time to recall or to reminisce within our consciousness and hearts that which speaks about the real presence of God. Our experiences of love, kindness from people we don’t even know, and fascinating spiritual moments filled with awe and wonder make us yearn for more which we never expected to cause us to change as a person Those beautiful transforming experiences draw us closer to the Lord.

This is also our own “Transfiguration.”  Our intense desires to look back, in retrospect, and cravings to go over the most consoling event in our life graciously give us that moment of God’s presence.  We might think that like the three apostles, we become fixated not to go down from the mountain of our transfiguration.  However, we need to wake up and follow Jesus, not to look for comfort, but rather ready to be with Him in His passion, death, and resurrection.

We have the promise to look forward; that is our final eternal abode.  God bless you,

Fr. Arlon, osa


El dictado del corazón: segundo domingo de Cuaresma, año A

  • Génesis 12-1-4A
  • Salmos 33:4-5, 18-19, 20, 22
  • 2 Timoteo 1:8B-10
  • Mateo 17:1-9

Hoy es el segundo domingo de Cuaresma. ¿Cómo estamos llevando nuestro camino de Cuaresma? ¿Nos estamos acercando más a Dios, o simplemente estamos tibios y temerosos de responder a la invitación de Dios a un cambio reno nuestra vida? Se nos anima constantemente a reflexionar intensamente sobre la Palabra de Dios para encontrar inspiración y motivación para ser transformados.

Hemos escuchado la primera lectura tomada del Libro del Génesis que nos narra el camino de Abraham y su familia hacia la tierra prometida. A pesar de su vejez, aceptó la misión de Dios de conducir a los israelitas hacia el lugar que Dios les había prometido. Aunque es un lugar desconocido para él, su fe le dicta seguir la promesa de Dios: “Haré nacer de ti un gran pueblo y te bendeciré. Engrandeceré tu nombre y tú mismo serás una bendición.

Así como somos bendecidos por Dios, como Abraham, también debemos convertirnos en una bendición para otras personas. Recuerda tu experiencia de alimentar al hambriento y vestir a la persona sin hogar o estar con alguien orando por los enfermos o moribundos. Es un momento edificante cuando nos convertimos en una bendición para ellos por lo que sentimos una profunda alegría y consuelo, no solo por las personas a las que ayudamos, sino también por nosotros mismos.

La segunda lectura de hoy de la segunda carta de San Pablo a Timoteo nos recuerda “Comparte conmigo los sufrimientos por la predicación del Evangelio, sostenido por la fuerza de Dios”. San Pablo está animando a Timoteo a perseverar en el cumplimiento de su misión y mostrando el apoyo necesario para ser fiel y santo por la gracia de Cristo Jesús. Hay algunas consecuencias difíciles relacionadas con su compromiso con Jesús, pero se les da una promesa a los que siguen el evangelio con vida e inmortalidad.

La historia del evangelio trata sobre la transfiguración de Cristo. Jesús, junto con Pedro, Santiago y Juan subieron al monte. A estos tres discípulos se les dio la rara oportunidad de presenciar una extraordinaria experiencia religiosa. Tal vez Jesús los trajo para que puedan compartir con otros discípulos cuando llegase el momento. Sabemos que fueron advertidos por Jesús diciendo: “No le cuenten a nadie lo que han visto, hasta que el Hijo del hombre haya resucitado de entre los muertos”.

¿Cuáles son las lecciones importantes y las percepciones espirituales que derivamos de esta historia sobre la transfiguración?

Primero, Jesús nos ha iluminado que Él es el cumplimiento de la historia de la salvación. San Mateo escribe esto: “Se transfiguró delante de ellos; su rostro resplandeció como el sol y su ropa se volvió blanca como la luz. Y he aquí, se les aparecieron Moisés y Elías, conversando con Jesús. Es un evento extraordinario presenciado por sus tres apóstoles, donde Moisés representaba la “Ley” y Elías representaba a los Profetas. Esta es una descripción significativa en la historia para ver a Jesús como el actor central.

Segundo, Pedro, Santiago y Juan fueron llamados a acompañar a Jesús en la montaña. Abraham fue llamado por Dios para alejar a su pueblo de él, que finalmente se convirtió en una gran nación. Timoteo fue elegido para dirigir a los cristianos de Éfeso. He llegado a la conclusión de que Dios ha elegido a personas para que asuman roles especiales. Dios llamó a las personalidades para que cooperaran con Él, para andar por el camino que Dios había dispuesto que hicieran. También debemos estar abiertos y atentos a lo que Dios nos ha estado llamando. Necesitamos orar al respecto.

Tercero, la “Transfiguración” es de hecho una revelación y una presencia tangible de Dios sentida por Pedro, Santiago y Juan. No fueron transfigurados, pero estoy seguro de que fueron cambiados por su propia experiencia.

Sé que en este tiempo de Cuaresma son muchas las experiencias que hemos vivido, pero nunca tenemos el tiempo de recordar o rememorar en nuestra conciencia y corazón aquello que habla de la presencia real de Dios. Nuestras experiencias de amor, la bondad de personas que ni siquiera conocemos y los fascinantes momentos espirituales llenos de asombro, nos hacen anhelar más cosas que nunca esperamos que nos hagan cambiar como personas. Esas hermosas experiencias transformadoras nos acercan a Dios.

Esta es también nuestra propia “Transfiguración”. Nuestros intensos deseos de mirar hacia atrás, en retrospectiva, y las ansias de repasar el evento más consolador de nuestra vida, nos brindan graciosamente ese momento de la presencia de Dios. Podríamos pensar que como los tres apóstoles, nos empeñamos en no bajar del monte de nuestra transfiguración. Sin embargo, necesitamos despertar y seguir a Jesús, no para buscar consuelo, sino más bien estar listos para estar con Él en Su pasión, muerte y resurrección.

Tenemos la promesa de mirar hacia adelante; esa es nuestra última morada eterna.

Dios los bendiga,

Padre Arlón, osa

The Dictate of the Heart: 2nd Sunday Extraordinary Form (TLM)

As we enter the second week of Lent, we offer this antiphon prayer, “To Thee, O Lord, have I lifted up my soul; in Thee, O my God, I put my trust: let me not be ashamed.”  (Ad te, Domine, levavi animam meam: Deus meus, in te confido, non erubescam.)  It is a prayer of resignation and abandonment to God of our soul and trust in Him without putting us to shame.

The epistle today from the 1st letter of St. Paul to the Thessalonians focuses on spiritual growth and maturity of faith for which Paul advises them to do unceasing prayers and to walk together in holiness.  I believe that God is deeply concerned with our openness to accompany each other in order to live our Christian life. We are all children of God, Brothers and Sisters in the Lord; therefore, listen to God’s word. He wants us to grow in the knowledge of the truth and to get into heaven. If we continue to live in darkness and in a sinful world, we refuse to live as children of God and refuse to know and love Him, or maybe just know God only to a limited degree.

In this 1st Letter to the Thessalonians 4:1-7 are specific instructions concerning, sexual purity, and the succeeding verses, 9-10, are about brotherly love and verses 11-12, are about concerns of orderly living.  I encourage you to make this your personal meditational reading material.

St. Paul says, “how you ought to walk and to please God” is a reminder that we need to walk in order to please God by keeping His will and working on our sanctification.  This points to the original plan of God to follow and be faithful to Him.  However, Paul was aware of our constant struggle and tendency to follow our desires rather than the sovereign will of God.  We struggle to follow the desires of the flesh and mind which oftentimes is contrary to God.

God has created everything good.  I don’t say that all those desires are evil; however, if we seek satisfaction that brings us away from Him because we give preference to personal pleasures opposing to God’s will, then we need to question ourselves.

Sex is not evil; however, what makes many of man’s desires evil is the self-centeredness or selfish commitment to follow those desires against God, like adultery, fornication, exploitations and taking advantage of others.  We all know that God knows our human conditions, for some called for celibacy, single-blessedness and marriage.  For those who accepted marriage, it calls them to a sacred or sacramental union, and sex is part of the couple’s mission to procreate and be partners of God’s creation.  I believe that is the dignity being shared in the sacrament of marriage, becoming also witness of God’s continuous love for His Church.  In the holy scriptures, we read specifics of God’s will clearly, and for St. Paul, exhortation is generally to achieve our sanctification that we are chosen and set apart.  According to the Greek language, “Hagiasmos” means to set apart, consecrate, dedicate, and sanctify.

The gospel story is about the transfiguration of Christ.  Jesus, together with Peter, James, and John, went up to the mountain.  These three disciples were given the rare opportunity to witness an extraordinary religious experience.  Maybe Jesus brought them so that they may share with other disciples their experience with Jesus when the time comes.  We know that they were warned by Jesus saying, “Do not tell the vision to anyone until the Son of Man has been raised from the dead.”

What are important lessons and spiritual insights we derive from this story about the transfiguration?

First, Jesus has enlightened us that He is the fulfillment of salvation history.  St. Matthew writes this, “He was transfigured before them; his face shone like the sun and his clothes became white as light.” And behold, Moses and Elijah appeared to them, conversing with Jesus.  It is an extraordinary event witnessed by his three apostles, which Moses represented the “Law” and Elijah represented the Prophets. This is a significant description in the story to see Jesus being the central actor.

Second, Peter, James and John were called to accompany Jesus on the mountain.  Abraham was called by God to lead his people which eventually became a great nation.  Timothy was chosen to lead the Christians of Ephesus.  I have come to the conclusion that God has chosen individuals to take a special role for God which they have not chosen beforehand.  God called personalities to cooperate with Him, to tread the path that God has intended them to do. We must also be open and attentive to what God has been calling us.  We need to pray about it.

Third, “Transfiguration” is indeed a revelation and tangible presence of God felt by Peter, James, and John.  They were not transfigured per se, but I am sure that they were changed by their own experience.

I know that in this season of Lent, there are many experiences we have encountered, but we never have the time to recall or to reminisce within our consciousness and hearts that which speaks about the real presence of God.  Our experiences of love, kindness from people we don’t even know, and fascinating spiritual moments filled with awe and wonder make us yearn for more which we never expected to cause us to change as a person.  Those beautiful transforming experiences draw us closer to the Lord.

This is also our own “Transfiguration,” which calls us to sanctification or holiness.  Our intense desires to look back, in retrospect, and cravings to go over the most consoling event in our life graciously give us that moment of God’s presence.  We might think that like the three apostles, we become fixated not to go down from the mountain because we are afraid to face our challenges.  However, we need to walk and follow Jesus, not to look for comfort, but rather to be ready to be with Him in His passion, death, and resurrection.

We have the promise to look forward, that is our final eternal abode with God.  It is God’s will that you and I should be sanctified and that you should avoid sexual immorality.  Learn to control your own body in a way that is holy and honorable, not in passionate lust like the unbelievers, who do not know God.  Do no wrong to anyone and do not take advantage of others.

God bless you.

Fr. Arlon, osa

The Dictate of the Heart: Wednesday First Week of Lent, Year A

I remember a story about a boy who attended a bible story class on Sundays. He was excited to know the story about Jonah. He was fascinated to know and he shared with his father, who is not a believer. He told his dad that Jonah was given a mission by God to preach repentance to Ninevites. He was scared until he was swallowed by a whale to deliver him right to the shore to fulfill his task. The father of the boy was not convinced. He was telling the boy that it was impossible for a whale to swallow Jonah because the whale has smaller throat. But the boy was insisting that the story was real. He reiterated to his father that if he would go to heaven, he will ask Jonah. The father said to him, “What if Jonah was not in heaven?” The boy was quick to respond, “Well, then if Jonah would not be in heaven, Daddy, you will be the one to ask him.”

This first week of Lent, we are asked to amend ourselves and repent, meaning turning away from sin and unbelief. Building a relationship with God and other superficially won’t make much difference. We need to accept God’s grace, not to resist and avoid a chance to change. With God there is a deeper opportunity for transformation. When I am confronted with resistance, I place myself in the loving embrace of God’s mercy and love. It opens the door of change and this season of Lent becomes a time of grace. As we experience Jesus’ love, it becomes easier to take Jesus’ heart for me to take root and be a better person.

In today’s gospel from St. Luke, people are demanding for signs. Most of us do the same thing. We want to see directly from our eye’s sensational occurrence, miracles, etc. However, Jesus is responding to us that there is not other miracles because in our midst Jesus says, “there is something greater than Jonah here.” (Luke 11:31) I believe that looking for other signs will not get us anywhere for satisfaction. Instead, let us open and listen to the movements of the Spirit and be mindful that Jesus, our Lord has suffered, died, and risen for our salvation.

The focus of our heart and mind is Jesus. From Jesus’ words, the only sign that would be given is the sign of Jonah which is pointing towards His own death and resurrection.

May our Lord’s compassion open our hearts to true repentance and conversion.

God bless you.

Fr. Arlon, osa

The Dictate of the Heart: First Sunday of Lent, Year A

Last Wednesday, we received the imposition of ashes on our forehead, a sign that we are consenting to go through the process of repentance and conversion as we believe and proclaim the gospel through words, actions and way of life as Catholics.

This first Sunday of Lent is not to think about sacrifices but about how the love for God and others is effectively working with us. This is a call to not be easily tempted by Satan, but to allow the grace of God to transform us.

The three readings today speak about our journey as we begin this season of Lent. We open our hearts to make some decisions that are not short-sighted, but a long term planning to make life healthier and successful in so many ways because we have chosen to be with God, as God continues to reach out to us for Him.

In our First Reading from the book of Genesis, we hear of an eternal garden created for the purpose of understanding the mighty deeds of God on creation. It is a place where everything is peaceful and perfectly created to make Adam and Eve live in abundance, in harmony, peace, and joy. However, they allowed themselves to be distracted by Satan.

St. Augustine teaches that this book of Genesis points us to the truth about God that He created everything, including the first man and woman, which is the sign of humanity’s dependence on God in relation to being created in His image and likeness. Thus, this concept of St. Augustine, regarding His power of creating Adam/Eve had been generated by our relationship with God. Despite the disruption because of their pride, we are reminded of God’s intention that there is the possibility of renewal, restoration and discovering the best way for change and new life. In his book “De Trinitate Book 12.10,” he is trying to look at the possibility of how we could restore the broken relationship and find our way back to God through our external and inner actions for the restoration of the true identity and creative image.

The second reading from the letter of St. Paul to the Romans speaks that, “by transgression of the one, death came to reign.” Through one man’s sin, death entered the world. St. Paul explains about the “New Adam, Jesus,” who is obedient and righteous accepting humbly living a life on the “Tree of the Cross.”

Hearing the gospel today, Jesus proves his own identity as He was “led by the Spirit into the dessert to be tempted by the devil.” Jesus’ action in this story confronting Satan proves His closeness with the Father and fidelity to His mission. There are spiritual points that we shall reflect on together for better understanding:

First, Jesus fasted for forty days; therefore, He was hungry and vulnerable. Satan said to Him,” If you are the Son of God, command these stones become loaves of bread.” Jesus replied, “Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes forth from the mouth of God.” This is a very powerful statement to reflect on during this season. It is by fasting that we become weak and yet, our spiritual power is great. The Church encourages us to give way to our ancient tradition of fasting, a powerful spiritual discipline which brings about change and the clarity of mind, body and spirit. That is the reason why medical experts give advice to fast from time to time. Fasting allows us to reveal the clearer picture of both our health and true spiritual conditions.

Second, Jesus was standing at the parapet of the temple. Satan told Him, “If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down.” And “He will command his angels concerning you and with their hands they will support you, lest you dash your foot against a stone.” Jesus made this reply, “You shall not put the Lord, your God to the test.”

Oftentimes, when we are at the lowest point, desperate and frustrated that we can’t find God’s response to our prayers, we turn to other gods. Because of not finding personal gratification, our faith wavers. We want to manipulate God according to our human terms. This is a wrong and detrimental kind of spirituality. Our life is not about what we want, but how we fulfill His holy will, be pleasing and glorify His name. Sure enough, we should not ever tempt God because we personify Satan by how we act.

Third, Jesus was taken to the highest point of the mountain, then Satan said to Him, “All these I shall give you if you will prostrate yourself and worship me.” Jesus, cried out, “Get away Satan, the Lord, your God, shall you worship and him alone shall you serve.” Nowadays, many people are selling their souls to Satan because of greed, selfishness, and power. They appear happy and satisfied but interiorly there is that boiling anger and discontentment of everything. That is why when there in no peace within, we can’t sleep and live comfortably. We are always haunted by fear and anxiety, troubled by how we worship this false-god. That kingdom promised by Satan is empty, without acknowledging the real creator, our loving God, and I could imagine how difficult life would be.

Today, we are invited to make sound decisions for ourselves. Lent is the time to assess and rediscover our genuine identity. Let us bring the broken and “disjointed” relationship of our first parents by reconstructing with openness to the Spirit of God.

Let us accept Jesus, the New Adam, to be listened to and patiently carry our own cross, not choosing to have an easy and quick way of living our Christian life.

God bless you.

Fr. Arlon, osa

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El Dictado del Corazón
Primer Domingo de Cuaresma, año A

  • Génesis 2:7-9; 3:1-7
  • Salmos 51:3-4, 5-6, 12-13, 17
  • Romanos 5:12-19
  • Mateo 4:1-11

El miércoles pasado recibimos la imposición de ceniza en nuestra frente, señal de que estamos consintiendo en pasar por el proceso de arrepentimiento, conversión mientras creemos y proclamamos el evangelio a través de palabras, acciones y forma de vida como católicos.

Este Primer Domingo de Cuaresma no es para pensar en sacrificios sino en que, si amamos a Dios y al prójimo estamos obrando efectivamente. Un llamado a no dejarse tentar fácilmente por Satanás sino dejar que la gracia de Dios nos transforme.

Las tres lecturas de hoy hablan de nuestra jornada al comenzar esta temporada de Cuaresma. Abrimos nuestro corazón para tomar algunas decisiones que no son miopes sino una planificación a largo plazo para hacer que la vida sea más saludable y exitosa de muchas maneras porque hemos elegido estar con Dios, ya que Dios continúa buscándonos para Él.

En nuestra Primera Lectura del libro de Génesis, escuchamos de un jardín eterno creado con el propósito de comprender las obras poderosas de Dios en la creación. Un lugar donde todo es pacífico y perfectamente creado para que Adán y Eva vivan en abundancia, en armonía, paz y alegría. Sin embargo, se dejaron envolver por Satanás.

San Agustín enseña que este libro del Génesis nos señala la verdad acerca de Dios que Él creó al primer hombre y mujer, lo cual es el signo de la dependencia de la humanidad en Dios en relación con ser creado a Su imagen y semejanza. Así, este concepto de San Agustín, respecto a Su poder de crear a Adán y a Eva, había sido generado por nuestra relación con Dios. A pesar de la interrupción debido a su orgullo, se nos recuerda la intención de Dios de que existe la posibilidad de renovación, restauración y descubrimiento de la mejor manera para el cambio y la nueva vida. En su libro “De Trinitate libro 12.10”, está tratando de buscar la posibilidad de cómo podemos restaurar la relación rota y encontrar nuestro camino de regreso a Dios a través de nuestras acciones internas y externas para la restauración de la verdadera identidad e imagen creativa.

La segunda lectura de la carta de San Pablo a los Romanos habla de “por la transgresión de uno, vino a reinar la muerte”. Por un hombre pecó y la muerte entró en el mundo. San Pablo explica que el “Nuevo Adán, Jesús”, quien es obediente y justo, acepta humildemente vivir una vida en el “Árbol de la Cruz”.

Al escuchar el evangelio hoy, Jesús prueba su propia identidad cuando fue “llevado por el Espíritu al desierto para ser tentado por el diablo”. La acción de Jesús en esta historia frente a Satanás demuestra su cercanía con el Padre y la fidelidad a su misión. Hay puntos espirituales que reflexionaremos juntos para una mejor comprensión:

Primero, Jesús ayunó durante cuarenta días, por lo tanto, estaba hambriento y vulnerable. Satanás le dijo: Si eres Hijo de Dios, manda que estas piedras se conviertan en panes. Jesús respondió: “Está escrito: No sólo de pan vive el hombre, sino también de toda palabra que sale de la boca de Dios”. Esta es una declaración muy poderosa para reflexionar durante esta temporada. Es ayunando que nos debilitamos y, sin embargo, nuestro poder espiritual es grande. La Iglesia nos anima a dejar paso a nuestra antigua tradición del ayuno, un poderoso discípulo espiritual que produce cambios y claridad de mente, cuerpo y espíritu. Esa es la razón por la cual los expertos médicos aconsejan ayunar de vez en cuando. El ayuno nos permite revelar una imagen más clara tanto de nuestra salud como de nuestras verdaderas condiciones espirituales.

Segundo, el diablo lo llevó a la ciudad santa, lo puso en la parte más alta del templo y le dijo: “Si eres el Hijo de Dios, échate para abajo, porque está escrito: Mandará a sus ángeles que te cuiden y ellos te tomarán en sus manos, para que no tropiece tu pie en piedra alguna”. Jesús le contestó: “También está escrito: No tentarás al Señor, tu Dios”.

A menudo, cuando estamos en el punto más bajo, desesperados y frustrados por no poder encontrar la respuesta de Dios a nuestras oraciones, recurrimos a otros dioses. ¡Por no encontrar gratificación personal, nuestra fe tejedora! Queremos manipular a Dios según nuestros términos humanos. Esta es una clase de espiritualidad equivocada y perjudicial. Nuestra vida no se trata de lo que queremos sino de cómo cumplimos la santa voluntad de Dios, seamos agradables y glorifiquemos su nombre. Efectivamente, nunca debemos tentar a Dios porque personificamos a Satanás por la forma en que actuamos.

Tercero, Jesús fue llevado al punto más alto de la montaña, entonces Satanás le dijo: “Todo esto te daré si te postras y me adoras”. Jesús, clamó: “Aléjate Satanás, el Señor, tu Dios, adorarás y solo a él servirás”. Hoy en día, muchas personas están vendiendo sus almas a Satanás debido a la codicia, el egoísmo y el poder. Parecen felices y satisfechos pero interiormente hay esa ira hirviente y descontento de todo. Es por eso que cuando no hay paz interior, no podemos dormir y vivir cómodamente. Siempre estamos obsesionados por el miedo y la ansiedad, preocupados por la forma en que adoramos a este dios falso. Ese reino prometido por Satanás está vacío, sin reconocer al verdadero creador, nuestro Dios amoroso, entonces podría imaginar lo difícil que puede ser la vida.

Hoy, estamos invitados a tomar decisiones acertadas por nosotros mismos. La Cuaresma es el tiempo para evaluar y redescubrir nuestra genuina identidad. Traigamos la relación rota y “desarticulada” de nuestros primeros padres reconstruyéndonos con apertura al Espíritu de Dios. Aceptemos a Jesús, el Nuevo Adán para ser escuchados y llevar con paciencia nuestra propia cruz, no optando por tener una forma fácil y rápida de vivir nuestra vida cristiana.

Dios los bendiga.

Padre Arlón, osa

The Dictate of the Heart: First Sunday of Lent, Extraordinary Form (TLM)

In today’s opening prayer or Collect, we pray, “O God, who does purify Thy church by the yearly observance of forty days; grant to Thy household that what we strive to obtain from Thee by self-denial, we may secure by good works.” (Deus, qui Ecclesiam tuam annua quadragesimali observatione purificas; praesta familiae tuae, ut quod a te obtinere abstinendo nititur, hoc bonis operibus exsequator.) It means that our self-denial is not about making ourselves suffer and be deprived of something, but rather about being less focused on ourselves. We need to think about others as we glorify and worship God.

Last Wednesday, we received the imposition of ashes on our forehead, a sign that we are consenting to go through the process of repentance, self-denial and conversion as we believe and proclaim the gospel through words and action, our way of life as Catholics.

This first Sunday of Lent is not to think about sacrifices but about how the love for God and others is effectively working with us. This is a call to not be easily tempted by Satan, but allowing the grace of God to transform us.

The two readings today speak about our journey as we begin this season of Lent. We open our hearts to make some decisions that are not short-sighted, but a long term planning to make life healthier and successful in so many ways because we have chosen to be with God, as God continues to reach out to us for Him.

Hearing the gospel today, Jesus proves his own identity as He was “led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted by the devil.” Jesus’ action in this story confronting Satan proves His closeness with the Father and fidelity to His mission. There are spiritual points that we shall reflect together for better understanding.

First, Jesus fasted for forty days; therefore, He was hungry and vulnerable. Satan said to Him,” If you are the Son of God, command these stones become loaves of bread.” Jesus replied, “Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes forth from the mouth of God.” This is a very powerful statement to reflect on during this season. It is by fasting that we become weak, and yet, our spiritual power is great. The Church encourages us to give way to our ancient tradition of fasting, a powerful spiritual discipline which brings about change and the clarity of mind, body and spirit. That is the reason why medical experts give advice to fast from time to time. Fasting allows us to reveal the clearer picture of both our health and true spiritual conditions.

Second, Jesus was standing at the parapet of the temple. Satan told Him, “If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down.” And “He will command his angels concerning you and with their hands they will support you, lest you dash your foot against a stone.” Jesus made this reply, “You shall not put the Lord, your God to the test.”

Oftentimes, when we are at the lowest point, desperate and frustrated that we can’t find God’s response to our prayers, we turn to other gods. Because of not finding personal gratification, our faith wavers! We want to manipulate God according to our human terms. This is a wrong and detrimental kind of spirituality. Our life is not about what we want, but how we fulfill His holy will, be pleasing, and glorify His name. Sure enough, we should not ever tempt God because we personify Satan by how we act.

Third, Jesus was taken to the highest point of the mountain, then Satan said to Him, “All these I shall give you if you will prostrate yourself and worship me.” Jesus cried out, “Get away Satan, the Lord, your God, shall you worship and him alone shall you serve.” Nowadays, many people are selling their souls to Satan because of greed, selfishness, and power. They appear happy and satisfied, but interiorly there is that boiling anger and discontentment of everything. That is why when there in no peace within, we can’t sleep and live comfortably. We are always haunted by fear and anxiety, troubled by how we worship this false-god. That kingdom promised by Satan is empty, and without acknowledging the real creator, our loving God, then I could imagine how difficult life can be.

Today, we are invited to make sound decisions for ourselves. Lent is the time to assess and rediscover our genuine identity. St. Augustine reminds us to seek the truth about God that He created everything, including the first man and woman which is the sign of humanity’s dependence on God in relation to being created in His image and likeness. St. Augustine has this idea that God’s power of creating Adam/Eve had been generated by our relationship with God. Despite the falling into temptation because of pride, we are redeemed by Jesus. God’s intention is to bring us back to Him; therefore, I conform to St. Augustine’s thought that there is the possibility of renewal, restoration and discovering the best way for change and new life. According to his book “De Trinitate book 12.10,” there is the possibility of how we could restore the broken relationship and find our way back to God through our external and inner actions for the restoration of the true identity and creative image. This is the reason why we have this season of Lent.

Let us bring the broken and “disjointed” relationship made by our first parents by reconstructing our openness to the Spirit of God. Let us accept Jesus, the New Adam, to be listened to and be patiently carrying our own cross, and not choosing to have an easy and quick way of living our Christian life. Please do good works of Charity.

God bless you.

Fr. Arlon, osa

The Dictate of the Heart: Ash Wednesday

Today is the beginning of the season of Lent. The good thing about Catholics is that we have been exposed to different seasons of the year, which is connected to our faith-life cycles. There is the season of Advent, which is the time to prepare for the coming of the Lord, then entering into the feast of Christmas and other feasts like the New Year, the Epiphany, then back to ordinary time of the year, which indicates the growing and maturing in our faith. Then there is Lent which provides us the opportunity to prepare for the most important feasts, the celebration of the passion, death and resurrection of the Lord. This liturgical season creates a habit of getting to know what we must do to appreciate the gift of salvation.

We are here today to rejoin in the practice of Ash Wednesday. We will receive the imposition of ashes on our foreheads because we want to adhere to the scripture readings today.

For the past years during the height of the pandemic, we distributed the ashes by sprinkling them on the crown of our heads rather than a cross on the forehead. Both of the rituals are accepted. However, what is important is that our Catholic practice must not be the cause of shame and to hide what we believe. This season of Lent is a time of repentance and believing in the Gospel. Ashes on our foreheads is just an outward sign. We need to get to the bottom and interiority to practice what is being demanded from us. Loving actions and true repentance for our sins must show our faith even more obviously. The letter of St. Paul taken from our first reading reminds us that, “We are ambassadors for Christ” (2 Corinthians 5:20). By our own righteousness, they will know us.

Brothers and Sisters, how would you like to begin this Lent? How would you like to practice turning towards God in your daily life and relationships? Today we are invited again to listen to Jesus’ suggestions:

First, this season is a call for intense prayer. The Church is encouraging everyone to indulge seriously on how we connect with God. Though we pray daily, we must double our prayer so that we allow ourselves to be united with Him.

Our Father, St. Augustine, had so many things to say about various forms of prayer, and he divulged the importance of prayer in our relationship with God and in the Church. He knows that we are on a journey towards God. Thus, prayer is necessary to intensify our desire to reach our goal of eternal happiness with our hearts yearning for God. Our prayers could be through daily readings, meditation of the scriptures, contemplation, recitation of novenas and rosaries and our attendance at any Spiritual retreats.

Second, we are called to fasting and abstinence by the Church for those who can. Our deprivation of our desires of food, inordinate pleasures, etc, become possible if we agree that we want to become a “new creation” and are willing to be covenanted by the Holy Spirit. Many saints struggled to resist temptations, but they allowed themselves to be controlled by the power of the Holy Spirit to succeed in their offering of fasting and abstinence. We need to feed ourselves with the presence of God, rather than excessive material intake which slows down our ascent to God. Our excessive consumption, like eating and drinking, in a way obscures Christ’s presence.

Third, we need to practice almsgiving. We need to be generous to others. Our self-centeredness deprives ourselves from being able to serve God and others. Our attitude to help is not deprivation of oneself’s needs but to be open to charity and love. If there is an absence of charity, we are not worthy of God’s call. Being a Christian is not only enhancing material well-being, but rather, we must be conscious of our duty to share, not from our surplus but from the little we have. Even the poorest of the poor knows how to give.

Our parish, the Little Flower, reminds us of our Christian duty to share in the Catholic Service Appeal. Our CSA 2023 approved goal is $117,283.00. We are not asking for participation from a few generous people only. We can achieve this goal if every parishioner participates, contributes and pledges to share. Please get the form and sign-up. We can do this; we can achieve our goal. It is not difficult if we are open to the fruits of the Spirit to change us.

St. Paul reminds us that the Spirit includes joy, love, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, and self-control. Our responsorial Psalm today reminds us, “Cast me not out from your presence and your Holy Spirit take not from me” (Psalms 51:12-13).

God bless everyone.

Fr. Arlon, osa


El Dictado del Corazón: Miércoles de Ceniza

  • Joel 2:12-18
  • Salmo 51:3-4, 5-6ab, 12-13, 14 y 17
  • 2 Corintios 5:20—6:2
  • Mateo 6:1-6, 16-18

Hoy es el comienzo de la temporada de Cuaresma. Lo bueno de los católicos es que hemos estado expuestos a las diferentes estaciones del calendario de la iglesia Católica, lo cual está conectado a los ciclos de nuestra vida de fe, como la temporada de adviento que es el tiempo para preparar la venida del Señor, entrando la fiesta de Navidad y diferentes fiestas como Año Nuevo, Epifanía, luego de vuelta al tiempo ordinario, que indica el crecimiento y maduración de nuestra fe, luego la cuaresma que nos provee para prepararnos para las fiestas más importantes, la celebración de la pasión, muerte y resurrección del Nuestro Señor Jesucristo. Este tiempo litúrgico crea el hábito de conocer lo que debemos hacer para apreciar el don de la salvación.

Estamos reunirnos aquí hoy para recibir la imposición de cenizas en nuestra frente porque queremos aceptar y vivir las lecturas bíblicas de hoy.

En los últimos años, durante el apogeo de la pandemia, distribuimos las cenizas rociándolas en la cabeza en lugar de poner una cruz en la frente. Es aceptado de ambos modos. Lo importante es que esta temporada de cuaresma, lo tomemos como un tiempo de aprendizaje, arrepentimiento y fe en el Evangelio. Las cenizas en nuestra frente no es más que una señal externa. Necesitamos entrar en el fondo y en la interioridad para practicar lo que se nos exige. Las acciones de amor y el verdadero arrepentimiento de nuestros pecados, deben mostrar nuestra fe de manera aún más evidente. La carta de San Pablo tomada de nuestra primera lectura nos recuerda que “Somos embajadores de Cristo” (2 Cor 5, 20). Por nuestra propia justicia, nos conocerán.

Hermanos y hermanas, ¿cómo van a empezar esta Cuaresma? ¿Que planes tienen de practicar volverse hacia Dios en su vida diaria y en sus relaciones con los demás? Hoy estamos nuevamente invitados a escuchar las sugerencias de Jesús:

Primero, esta temporada es un llamado a profundizar en la oración. La Iglesia está alentando a todos a dedicarse seriamente a cómo nos conectamos con Dios. Aunque oremos diariamente, debemos redoblar nuestra oración para permitirnos unirnos a Él.

San Agustín tenía tantas cosas que decir sobre las diversas formas de oración, pero divulga la importancia de la oración en nuestra relación con Dios y en la Iglesia. Él sabe que estamos en un camino hacia Dios. Por lo tanto, la oración es necesaria para intensificar nuestro deseo de alcanzar nuestra meta de felicidad eterna y nuestros corazones anhelando a Dios. Nuestras oraciones pueden ser a través de lecturas diarias, meditación de las escrituras, contemplación al Santísimo, rezar novenas, rosarios, asistir a retiros espirituales y por supuesto, asistir los Domingos a misa.

Segundo, estamos llamados al ayuno y abstinencia. Al menos que no puedan por problemas de salud. Nuestra privación de nuestros deseos de comida, placeres excesivos, etc., solo es posible con la oración y dejando que el Espíritu Santo nos ayude e ilumine. Así seremos una “nueva creación”. Los santos lucharon para resistir las tentaciones y con el poder del Espíritu Santo tuvieron éxito en su ofrenda de ayuno y abstinencia. Necesitamos alimentarnos de la presencia de Dios en lugar de una ingesta material excesiva que ralentiza nuestro ascenso hacia Dios. Nuestro consumo excesivo, como comer y beber, de alguna manera oscurece la presencia de Cristo.

Tercero, necesitamos practicar la limosna. Tenemos que ser generosos con los demás. Nuestro egocentrismo nos priva del poder servir a Dios y a los demás. Nuestra actitud de ayuda no es de privación de las propias necesidades sino de apertura a la caridad y al amor. Si falta la caridad, no somos dignos de la llamada de Dios. Ser cristiano no es sólo potenciar el bienestar material, sino que debemos ser conscientes de nuestro deber de compartir. No de lo que nos sobra sino de lo poco que tenemos. Hasta el más pobre de los pobres sabe dar.

Nuestra parroquia, Little Flower, nos recuerda nuestro deber cristiano de compartir con la Campaña del Servicio Católico. Nuestra meta aprobada por CSA 2023 es de 117,283.00 (ciento-diecisiete mil, doscientos ochenta y tres) dólares. No estamos pidiendo pocas personas generosas, pero podemos lograr este objetivo cuando todos los feligreses participan, contribuyen y se comprometen a compartir. Por favor, obtengan el formulario y regístrense. Podemos lograrlo. Se los agradecemos infinitamente.

Podemos hacer esto. No es difícil, si estamos abiertos a los frutos del Espíritu para cambiarnos. San Pablo nos recuerda que el Espíritu incluye alegría, amor, paz, paciencia, bondad, generosidad, fidelidad y dominio propio. Nuestros salmos responsoriales de hoy nos recuerdan: “No me eches de tu presencia, y tu Espíritu Santo no me quites” (Sal 51, 12-13).

Dios los bendiga a todos.

Padre Arlón, osa

The Dictate of the Heart: 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A

Today we are in the 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time, year A. It is obvious that for the past consecutive Sundays we have had scriptural readings about the Beatitudes, and the related topics give us the very solid foundation of becoming good Christians. It is a teaching coming from the Lord Himself to further mold us into a better person. Jesus calls us to pursue greater righteousness and not settle for conforming to the world around us.

We are influenced much to being attentive to the proliferation of modern gadgets to disturb our minds and hearts and be less focused on the spiritual side of us. Some are preoccupied with tremendous workload, consequently affecting our dedication to God. Work-overtime becomes a common excuse to simply live and make short-sighted decisions, all motivated by greed or fear to discover who we are. We forget who God is and about our knowledge of how God is present and active in our own lives.

Our readings speak to us right now. The first reading taken from the book of Leviticus says, “Be holy, for I, the Lord, your God, am Holy.” This is how we should be attracted to Him and live in communion with Him because God is Holy. We are called to be in a close relationship with God by keeping and fulfilling all His commandments. Our liturgical practices remind us that how we worship is the way we live in ordinary life.

The second reading from the 1st Letter of St. Paul to the Corinthians states, “Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?” St. Paul exhorts the Christian community at Corinth to live in holiness because they are individually and collectively the “temple of God” because God the Holy Spirit dwells within the holy soul of every faithful believer in Christ Jesus. Furthermore, Paul then gives a teaching about true wisdom where he says, “for the wisdom of the world is foolishness in the eyes of God” because he reminds them that when they think one of us wise according to human standards is only a foolishness to God. Thus, St. Paul convinces them to desire life according to God’s plan which he thinks is wiser. We must be looking into the supernatural level where Jesus manifests His care and love to alleviate us from every evil in order to reveal His divine glory.

The gospel always teaches us the ways of Jesus according to the evangelist Matthew: love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of God….be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect. His is the salient points of the gospel.

First, love your enemies. This is the fraction of God’s commandment which is important so that God shines through us. We mirror God’s goodness and love in the way we treat our fellowmen.

Second, pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of God. I believe that when we are conscious of our dignity being children of God, then it is easy to do this. Our hurts will continue to haunt us so it is better to pray for those who offend and persecute us because the more we pray for them, the more our wounds will be healed completely.

Third, be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect. It is Jesus’ will to live our life according to the way we are originally formed, “We are formed in the likeness of God.” In human standards becoming perfect is difficult, but we transcend our understanding to the concept of God that He shared His gift of divinity with us. It is His gift that we are oriented towards perfection.
I do believe that Jesus’ way of perfection is something that we can do. We must live our “True-Self.” Many spiritual writers call us to live the very core of who we are, deeply rooted in God’s gift of wholeness and holiness.

Jesus teaches us that we can place our confidence in Him, especially when it comes to learning about the will of God for our lives. We must understand that God is always present to dispense His grace as long as we are willing to submit and cooperate with Him.

Finally, our commitment to Jesus means more than just confession of faith. It involves a change of heart that affects our actions. When someone seeks understanding of their faith in the context of a living personal relationship with God, then their encounter with Him becomes the ultimate motivation to transform and become motivated disciples of the Lord. There is that deep understanding about the heart of Jesus which corresponds to His Heart as our own.

God bless you.

Fr. Arlon, osa


El dictado del corazón: Séptimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario, año A
Levítico 19:1-2, 17-18 Salmos 103:1-2, 3-4, 8, 10, 12-13 1 Corintios 3:16-23 Mateo 5:38-48

Hoy estamos en el Séptimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario, año A. Si se han dado cuenta, estos últimos Domingos, el evangelio ha sido sobre las Bienaventuranzas y sus temas nos dan una base muy sólida para convertirnos en buenos cristianos. Es una enseñanza que viene del Señor mismo, para moldearnos aún más en una mejor persona. Jesús nos llama a buscar una mayor justicia y no conformarnos con el mundo que nos rodea.

Estamos influenciados por estar atentos a la propagación de aparatos modernos para perturbar nuestra mente y corazón, y nos alejan de lo que realmente necesitamos que es nuestro lado espiritual. Algunos vivimos preocupados por la tremenda carga de trabajo, consecuentemente afecta nuestra dedicación a Dios. El exceso de tiempo se convierte en una excusa común, simplemente vivir para tomar decisiones torpes. Todos menos motivados por la codicia o el miedo de descubrir quiénes somos. Olvidamos quién es Dios y nuestro conocimiento de cómo Dios está presente y activo en nuestra propia vida.

¿De qué nos están hablando las lecturas en este momento? La primera lectura tomada del libro de Levítico dice: “Sed santos, porque yo, el Señor, vuestro Dios, soy santo”. Así debemos vivir en comunión con Él, porque Dios es Santo. Estamos llamados a estar en una relación cercana con Dios, y a guardar y cumplir todos Sus mandamientos. Nuestras prácticas litúrgicas nos recuerdan que la forma en que adoramos es la forma en que vivimos en la vida ordinaria.

La segunda lectura de la primera carta de San Pablo a los Corintios dice: ¿No saben ustedes que son el templo de Dios y que el Espíritu de Dios habita en ustedes?” San Pablo exhorta a la comunidad cristiana de Corinto a vivir en santidad porque son individual y colectivamente el “templo de Dios” porque Dios Espíritu Santo habita dentro del alma santa de cada fiel creyente en Cristo Jesús. Además, Pablo luego da una enseñanza sobre la verdadera sabiduría, dice, “porque la sabiduría del mundo es locura a los ojos de Dios” porque les recuerda que cuando piensan que uno de nosotros es sabio según los estándares humanos, lo cual es solo una locura a Dios. Así, san Pablo los convence de desear la vida según el plan de Dios. Debemos mirar hacia el nivel sobrenatural en el que Jesús manifiesta su cuidado y amor para aliviarnos de todo mal para revelar su gloria divina.

El evangelio siempre nos enseña los caminos de Jesús según el evangelista Mateo: ama a tus enemigos y ora por los que te persiguen, para que seas hijo de Dios… Se perfecto, como tu Padre celestial es perfecto. Suyos son los puntos sobresalientes del evangelio.
Primero, ama a tus enemigos. Esta es la fracción del mandamiento de Dios que es importante para que Dios brille a través de nosotros. Reflejamos la bondad y el amor de Dios en la forma en que tratamos a nuestros semejantes.

Segundo, orar por los que te persiguen, para que seas hijo de Dios. Creo que cuando somos conscientes de nuestra dignidad de hijos de Dios, entonces es fácil hacer esto. Nuestras heridas seguirán acechándonos, así que es mejor orar por los que nos ofendieron y persiguieron, porque cuanto más oremos por ellos, nuestras heridas sanarán por completo.

Tercero, sean perfectos, así como su Padre celestial es perfecto. Es la voluntad de Jesús que vivamos nuestra vida de acuerdo con la forma en que fuimos formados originalmente, “somos formados a semejanza de Dios”. En los estándares humanos, llegar a ser perfecto es difícil, pero trascendemos nuestra comprensión al concepto de Dios que compartió Su don de la divinidad con nosotros. Es Su regalo que estemos orientados hacia la perfección.

Sí creo que el camino de perfección de Jesús es algo que podemos hacer. Debemos vivir nuestro “Verdadero Yo”. Muchos escritores espirituales nos llaman a vivir la esencia misma de lo que somos, profundamente arraigados en el don de Dios de la integridad y la santidad. Jesús nos enseña que podemos depositar nuestra confianza en Él, especialmente cuando se trata de conocer la voluntad de Dios para nuestras vidas. Debemos entender que Dios siempre está presente para dispensar Su gracia siempre que estemos dispuestos a someternos y cooperar con Él.

Finalmente, nuestro compromiso con Jesús significa más que una simple confesión de fe, sino que implica un cambio de corazón que afecta nuestras acciones. Cuando alguien busca la comprensión de su fe en el contexto de una relación personal viva con Dios, entonces su conocimiento se convierte en la máxima motivación para transformarse y convertirse en un discípulo motivado del Señor. Existe esa comprensión profunda sobre el corazón de Jesús que corresponde a Su Corazón como el nuestro.

Dios los bendiga.

Padre Arlón, osa

The Dictate of the Heart: Quinquagesima Extraordinary Mass (TLM)

We are now in the Quinquagesima Sunday, which is the last week before we enter the season of Lent. We cry out, “In Thee, O lord, have I hoped, let me never be confounded: deliver me in Thy justice and save me. (In te, Domine, speravi, non confundar in aeternum: in Justitia tua libera me et eripe me.)

This epistle, from 1st Corinthians 13:1-13, has very famous biblical quotations written by St. Paul. This is a beautiful reminder for everyone as we prepare for Lent. St. Paul describes the very nature and effects of love or charity. He reminded the people of Corinth that their conduct had been a contrast to what they believed in. Their selfishness is total opposite from charity; it does desire its own praise, honor, or pleasure. Many times, we have the same tendency as those Christians in Corinth. We may think about serving the community and our family, doing works of charity toward others, when in fact there is an ulterior self serving motive on our part in order to preserve power, honor, and glory. In so many ways, we are guilty of this sin of selfishness. I do believe that a charitable person should neglect himself and all his interests and prefer the welfare of others to its private advantage. We do charity ultimately for Christ. We commit ourselves under the Divine principle. Let us make ourselves be pleasing dwellings of this Divine Love.

This coming season of Lent, are we willing to lay aside selfish objects and aims? We need to be watchful and diligent in our prayer life. There is room to examine our Faith in God, Hope to focus on our future with God in heaven, but most importantly we have Charity to perfectly love God and others. For God is love as He is according to 1 John 4:8-16, and we must strive to reach that height of God’s love.

Today’s gospel about the healing of the blind man points to the three important ways to process ourselves as we are about to enter the season of Lent:

First, let us try to pay attention to people around us and be curious. Curiosity is not about knowing private information. The gospel points out “that the blind man sat by that wayside begging,” probably as his daily routine. Then, Luke wrote, “He heard the multitude passing by, and he asked what this meant?” He inquired about what was happening which signifies his curiosity. He wants to know what is going on, and his being inquisitive changed his life.

This is what we need to do when we meet and see new people around us, especially first timers coming and worshiping with us. This is an encouraging attempt to be open and show our interest with our fellow believers. We don’t know whether they may need assistance in trying to follow the Traditional Latin Mass. If we are snobbish and unmindful, I believe that we truly miss the point of being God’s children.

Second, let us use our instinct to listen attentively to know what is right and advantageous. Listen also to the inner voice that comes from the heart. The gospel narrates to us that when the blind man was told that Jesus was passing by, he began shouting, “Jesus, Son of David, have pity on me!” When we believe that God is present, then we must be persistent. When others are trying to silence us, please don’t be discouraged. Don’t lose the opportunity to pursue God’s blessings by being constant and relentless.

Third, let us try to be clear about what we truly need from God. Be specific, direct, and precise. This is the best way we need to pray. Not because God already knows what we need before we pray, but in this way, we recognize our own humility to depend on Him and to show that we believe in His power. When Jesus asked the blind man, “What wilt thou that I do to thee?” he answered, “Lord, that I may see.” Jesus did not assume what the blind man needed: thus, this particular story wants us to realize how we need to look inside ourselves with our prayerful request first and foremost to do His Will in all matters that concern us.

Fourth, let us remember that all the graces of healing and blessings we have received call us to acknowledge God and to give glory to Him. Psalm 116, says, “To you, Lord, I will offer a sacrifice of praise.” After the healing of the blind man, he immediately followed Jesus, glorifying Him. The blessings received by one person caused the community to glorify God also. This gospel says, “And all the people, when they saw it, gave praise to God.”

Brothers and Sisters, these inspiring readings today, I pray will help us to heal our spiritual blindness and may our profound eagerness compel us to act as Charitable Christians and humbly cry out to God in faith. We shall be healed.

God bless you.

Fr. Arlon, osa

The Dictate of the Heart: 6th Week in Ordinary Time, Friday

I am happy to celebrate mass with the employees of the Diocesan Pastoral Center. It is a good practice to come together in prayer and offering mass which is the center of our Christian life. Our work is essential but in order to become more efficient, we always find time to worship God.

Reading this passage from the book of Genesis, I remember the conspiracy theory about the “New World Order.” It means a possibility and opportunity of having a controlled world community that is totalitarian. Those behind this theory want complete political control of people and government, one financial currency and banking system, and everybody has an Identity code for equality and unity. But here comes the Book of Genesis states, “Come, let us build ourselves a city and a tower with its top in the sky, and so make a name for ourselves; otherwise, we shall be scattered all over the earth.’” But God never allowed them because humanity thinks everything could be under their human control, this begins misunderstandings, and strife of every kind. Human beings lose their humility and depart from their reliance on God. Pride again strikes human beings’ quest for personal power and desire to be the “boss,” instead of being servants of God. This story is a humbling human experience to increase our awareness of the need for our total dependence on God in order to seek from the Lord guidance and direction in our life.

In the gospel taken from St. Mark, Jesus summoned the crowd with his disciples and said to them, “Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me.”

Ash Wednesday will be on February 22, 2023. It will be a season of Lent. Let us prepare to re-focus ourselves. Remembering our daily challenges, we face to carry our crosses each day. How do we manage to deal with those challenges in our life? Let us take some quiet time to reflect on the costs of discipleship:

First, if we really convinced that we must follow Jesus, we must learn how to deny ourselves. Dying to self is the continual denial of the flesh, denial of inordinate or selfish desires which become possible with the agreement to be fully a “new creation” convicted by the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Furthermore, when we deny ourselves, we put others first, especially, seeking God’s glory is the utmost priority.

Second, following Jesus, we need to take up the cross. The cross is the most important element of Christianity. Oftentimes, our understanding of the cross is about our struggles, pain, encountering opposition and suffering. However, those images of the cross are not according to our Christian understanding. For us Christians, the cross doesn’t cause us pain but to give us strength and give life for others because we totally rely on Jesus to be our strength. Indeed, the cross is a blessing and life. Our faith, prayers and complete surrender are what counts most in order to succeed.

Third, Jesus says, “follow me.” Everyone has given the opportunity to retrospect and think our honest response to the invitation of Jesus. It is a command but giving us free choice in order to follow Him. It is a call to a life-time commitment. But we need to understand that this calling is solely not for religious or ascetic practices, but Jesus’ statement clearly speaks that we must carry-out our mission for our family, work and community.

All we need today is the Lord, Jesus Christ, our Savior.

God bless you.

Fr. Arlon,osa