The Dictate of the Heart: 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A

When we buy new gadgets and appliances, we always look at the manual of instructions to proceed setting it up or learning how to make use of the new things correctly. I am sometimes frustrated when the font or the size of the letters are too small for me to read. However, I remember how my parents taught me to be patient in order to achieve good results. Learning perfection is not easy. How does one keep all the instructions in mind?

In the same manner, we have to realize that our way of living our Catholic Faith calls us to disclose the most beautiful instructions of the Lord through scriptures. To keep our life easy to follow the Lord, we need certain rules and instructions providing clear vision and understanding of what is expected of us. It is both simple and yet complicated, but what is affirming is Jesus’ invitation to a personal relationship with Him. How do we foster this “life-changing” relationship with Him? We are sent to be “Fishers of Men,” to go fishing for Christ so that we can gather “Intentional Disciples”. We must initiate all the movement of our actions towards others in order to bring them closer to Jesus. We also pray to sustain our faith and to nourish our lives through the Sacraments, especially the Eucharist.

The first reading from the Prophet Zephaniah is reminding us about important instructions, “Seek the Lord, all you humble of the earth, who have observed his law, seek justice, seek humility, perhaps you may be sheltered on the day of the Lord’s anger.” I believe that “pride” is the cause of the disintegrating sin for Israel.

The second reading taken from St. Paul’s 1st letter to the Corinthians tells us to be wise and learn from Jesus Christ, who became for us the wisdom from God. “Whoever boast, should boast in the Lord.”

The gospel today is taken from the evangelist Matthew 5:1-2, and it is known as the Sermon on the Mount: “Now when He saw the crowds, He went up on a mountainside and sat down. His disciples came to Him, and He began to teach them…” This is Christ’s beautiful sermon which really touched His listeners and myself personally. I would say it is the so called “Constitution of the Church” which contains several different topics. I would not attempt to comment on every section, but rather to give a brief summary of what it contains. If we would summarize this in a single sentence, it would be like this, “We are seekers of God, then how do we live a life that is dedicated to and pleasing to God, free from hypocrisy, full of love and grace, full of wisdom and discernment?”

When I share my personal reflection, I always come to think about St. Augustine’s brilliant idea in order for me to learn from him. I found these words from, our Father St. Augustine, profound reflection saying that “anyone who piously and earnestly ponders the Sermon on the Mount. I believe he will find therein … the perfect standard of the Christian Life.” For Augustine, it is very useful to understand that this is an important teaching of Jesus explaining to us the divine principles of justice guiding us to the narrow path that leads to communion with Him. Instead of taking this as a constant prophetic instruction, Jesus would plant a seed in His listeners, a life that rejoices propriety and perfection. We are simply being asked to seek God. Clearly this gospel gives a definition of how to seek the Lord. We seek the Lord by seeking justice and righteousness, by seeking peace, by seeking humility.

Beatitude is to perfect us through redemptive suffering. By acting towards goodness, humility, peace, and kindness toward each other, we will certainly know who we are. Keeping them in our hearts is difficult; however, St. Augustine explains that “the profitable thing is not suffering those evils but bearing them with equanimity and cheerfulness for the sake of Christ.”

I guess not everyone understands the complexity of this sermon. Let us remember that Jesus was born poor and went against the standard norms of the world. Jesus is a great teacher and the greatest leader; therefore, we must try to understand him and his message. We discover that these Beatitudes correspond to the “Gifts of the Holy Spirit.”

First, Poverty of spirit corresponds with fear of the Lord in which all wisdom begins.

Second, Meekness corresponds with piety, honor for the sacred Scriptures and the restrained power to live them out.

Third, Mourning corresponds with the gift of knowledge and facilitates the discernment of good from evil.

Fourth, Hunger and thirst for justice corresponds with the gift of fortitude to be truly just.

Fifth, Mercy coincides with the gift of counsel which exhorts us to forgive as we wish to be forgiven.

Sixth, Purity of heart corresponds with the gift of understanding what the eye has not seen and the ear has not heard.

Seven, Peacemaking corresponds with the gift of wisdom.

These seven articles of the Beatitudes are a free will choice to follow. However, there is an eighth one, that is for us not to fail to choose these first seven. In truth, St. Augustine is teaching us that “everything is in submission to man’s spirit because that spirit is obedient to God.”

Therefore, I don’t conform to some modern interpretation that Beatitudes are some type of social reform, trying to lift up the plight of the poor and those who were persecuted, but St. Augustine is inviting us to direct this Sermon of Jesus to our inward and interiority to form a basis or ground for our prayer life and honest conversation with God. It would be helpful to take each one of the seven and pray. Which ones are more attractive and graceful for us to make our own?

God bless you.

Fr. Arlon, osa


El dictado del corazón: Cuarto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario, año A

  • Sofonías 2:3; 3:12-13
  • Salmos 146:6-7, 8-9, 9-10
  • 1 Corintios 1:26-31
  • Mateo 5:1-12a

Cuando compramos nuevos aparatos y electrodomésticos, vemos el manual de instrucciones para proceder a configurarlo o aprender a utilizar correctamente. Aveces me siento frustrado cuando la fuente o el tamaño de las letras son demasiado pequeños para leer. Sin embargo, recuerdo cómo mis padres me enseñaron a tener paciencia para lograr buenos resultados. Aunque no es fácil. ¿Cómo se tienen en cuenta todas las instrucciones?

De la misma manera, debemos darnos cuenta que nuestra forma de vivir nuestra Fe Católica nos llama a divulgar las más bellas instrucciones del Señor a través de las Escrituras. Para mantener nuestra vida fácil para seguir al Señor, necesitamos ciertas reglas e instrucciones que proporcionen una visión clara y una comprensión de lo que se espera de nosotros. Es a la vez simple y, sin embargo, complicado, pero lo que afirma es la invitación de Jesús a una relación personal con Él. ¿Cómo fomentamos esta relación con Él que “cambia la vida”? Somos enviados a ser “Pescadores de hombres”, a ir a pescar a Cristo para que podamos reunir “Discípulos intencionales”. Debemos iniciar todo el movimiento de nuestras acciones hacia los demás para acercarlos a Jesús. También rezamos para sostener nuestra fe y nutrir nuestra vida a través de los Sacramentos, especialmente la Eucaristía.

La primera lectura del profeta Sofonías nos recuerda importantes instrucciones: “Buscad al Señor, todos los humildes de la tierra, que has observado su ley, buscar la justicia, buscar la humildad, tal vez sean protegidos en el día de la ira del Señor. .” Yo creo que el “orgullo” es la causa del pecado que desintegra a Israel.

La segunda lectura tomada de la primera carta de San Pablo a los Corintios nos dice que seamos sabios y aprendamos de Jesucristo, quien se hizo para nosotros sabiduría de Dios. “El que se gloríe, que se gloríe en el Señor”.

El evangelio de hoy está tomado del evangelista Mateo 5:1-2, y es conocido como el Sermón de la Montaña: “Al ver la multitud, subió a la ladera de un monte y se sentó. Se le acercaron sus discípulos, y comenzó a enseñarles…” Este es el hermoso sermón de Cristo que realmente tocó a sus oyentes y a mí personalmente. Yo diría que es la llamada “Constitución de la Iglesia” que contiene varios temas diferentes. No intentaré comentar cada sección, sino dar un breve resumen de lo que contiene. Si tuviéramos que resumir esto en una sola oración, sería así: “Somos buscadores de Dios, entonces, ¿cómo vivimos una vida dedicada y agradable a Dios, libre de hipocresía, llena de amor y gracia, llena de sabiduría y discernimiento?”

Cuando comparto mi reflexión personal, siempre vengo a pensar en la brillante idea de San Agustín para poder aprender de él. Encontré estas palabras de, nuestro Padre San Agustín, de profunda reflexión diciendo que “cualquiera que medite piadosa y seriamente el Sermón de la Montaña. Creo que encontrará allí… la norma perfecta de la vida cristiana”. Para Agustín es muy útil entender que esta es una importante enseñanza de Jesús al explicarnos los principios divinos de la justicia guiándonos por el camino angosto que lleva a la comunión con Él. En lugar de tomar esto como una instrucción profética constante, Jesús plantaría una semilla en sus oyentes, una vida que regocija la propiedad y la perfección. Simplemente se nos pide que busquemos a Dios. Claramente este evangelio da una definición de cómo buscar al Señor. Buscamos al Señor buscando la justicia y la rectitud, buscando la paz, buscando la humildad. La bienaventuranza es perfeccionarnos a través del sufrimiento redentor. Actuando hacia el bien, la humildad, la paz y la amabilidad entre nosotros, ciertamente sabremos quiénes somos. Mantenerlos en nuestros corazones es difícil; sin embargo, San Agustín explica que “lo provechoso no es sufrir esos males, sino soportarlos con serenidad y alegría por Cristo”.

Supongo que no todos entienden la complejidad de este sermón. Recordemos que Jesús nació pobre y fue en contra de las normas estándares del mundo. Jesús es un gran maestro y el mayor líder; por lo tanto, debemos tratar de entenderlo a él y su mensaje. Descubrimos que estas Bienaventuranzas corresponden a los “Dones del Espíritu Santo”.

En primer lugar, la pobreza de espíritu se corresponde con el temor del Señor en el que comienza toda sabiduría.

En segundo lugar, la mansedumbre se corresponde con la piedad, el honor de las Sagradas Escrituras y el poder moderado de vivirlas.

Tercero, el duelo se corresponde con el don del conocimiento y facilita el discernimiento del bien y del mal.

En cuarto lugar, el hambre y la sed de justicia se corresponden con el don de la fortaleza para ser verdaderamente justos.

Quinto, la Misericordia coincide con el don de consejo que nos exhorta a perdonar como queremos ser perdonados.

Sexto, la pureza de corazón corresponde al don de entender lo que el ojo no vio y el oído no oyó.

Siete, la pacificación se corresponde con el don de la sabiduría.

Estos siete artículos de las Bienaventuranzas son una elección de libre albedrío a seguir. Sin embargo, hay una octava, que es para que no dejemos de elegir estas siete primeras. En verdad, San Agustín nos está enseñando que “todo está en sumisión al espíritu del hombre porque ese espíritu es obediente a Dios”.

Por lo tanto, no me conformo con alguna interpretación moderna de que las Bienaventuranzas son algún tipo de reforma social, tratando de mejorar la situación de los pobres y perseguidos, pero San Agustín nos está invitando a dirigir este Sermón de Jesús hacia nuestro interior y profundizar para formar una base o terreno para nuestra vida de oración y conversación honesta con Dios. Sería útil tomar cada uno de los siete puntos y orar. ¿Cuáles son los más atractivos para que los hagamos nuestros?

Dios te bendiga.

Padre Arlón, osa

The Dictate of the Heart: Extraordinary Form (TLM) 4th Sunday after Epiphany

Today we celebrate the 4th Sunday after Epiphany. It is obvious that our collect or opening prayer today is our strong faith and understanding that God knows us to be set in the midst of dangers so great that, by reason of the frailty of our nature, we cannot always withstand. (Deus, qui nos in tantis periculis constitutos, pro humana scis fragilitate non posse subsistere). We need His grace to keep our mind and body healthy so that we may overcome the things which we suffer for our sins. This is such a beautiful reminder that the road we travel is difficult. We rely solely on God who walks with us. This is the reason why we are here, and God is with us every step of our way.

The gospel today is about the experience of Jesus’ Apostles. When they were at the middle of the Sea of Galilee, strong winds tremendously shook their boat, with big waves which almost capsized the boat. Jesus was asleep. They came to Him and awoke Him, saying, “Lord, save us, we perish.” Then Jesus said to them, “Why are you fearful, O ye of little faith.” He commanded the winds and the sea and was astonishingly obeyed. There came a great calm. Consequently, the Apostles wonder, “What manner of a man is this, for the winds and sea obey him?”

This is considered to be a dramatic story, like in a movie full of suspenseful scenes. When Jesus performed His miracle to calm the sea and the winds, we must also bring our memory to the action of Jesus when He met those possessed by the demons. The words Jesus used to expel demons are the same and exact words He uttered to calm down the Sea of Galilee. The forces of evil attack when someone is vulnerable, when someone is in darkness, and it is commonly believed that demons are at work also in the destructive forces of nature, like all kinds of calamities we encounter in life.

This gospel invites us to reflect intensely on our relationship and encounter with Christ and how we mature in our Spiritual Life. I am here to help you be able to recall the various situations you are in at this moment of your lives.

First, walking with Jesus means that we are ready to go through all kinds of trials. Our journey with Him is not a promise of complete tranquility. We need to expect some kind of tribulations and storms in life. Following Christ is not a guarantee that our life becomes easier and without sufferings. However, what is needed is our complete trust in the Lord that as we fully submit ourselves to Him, Jesus will do miracles to lead us to overcome all trials and difficulties. Jesus will absolutely bring peace in our trials, problems, anxieties and sorrows because His abiding presence in our hearts quiets down our soul and body.

Second, maybe as we go through the storms of life, God is testing us, to challenge us on how deep our faith and trust in the Lord is. The disciples were in Jesus’ company, and yet they cannot put themselves in the mighty hands of the Son of God. They waivered and doubted the fact that Jesus is God. They seemingly were with Christ to enjoy and have some comfort. Despite their hopelessness, Jesus understands well their human fears and fragility. Jesus is in complete control over our lives, and He won’t allow us to suffer.

I imagine and am amazed of Jesus’ smiling face assuring us that He absolutely understands our earthly journey. Every time we are faced with unfortunate events in our lives, putting ourselves in danger, we must be faithfully determined to call upon Jesus and rouse Him in our souls so that we avoid the shipwreck of sin that can come with vengeful thoughts and actions. I believe that we are all strengthened by the Sacraments. They are sacramental signs to dispense particular grace because Jesus wants to come and help us.

Thus, when Jesus calms all adversities in life, an important message comes across our minds and hearts about a new sense falling upon us that, being disciples of the Lord, we seek His abiding presence which we sometimes fall short to discern. We ask to let God continue to accompany us because we humbly accept our own limits. Who then is this, that even the winds and the sea obey Him?

Remember again St. Augustine, submitting his heart, saying these words, “Our hearts are restless until we rest in God.”

God bless you.

Fr. Arlon, osa

The Dictate of the Heart: 3rd Week in Ordinary Time, Year A, Friday

The first reading from Hebrews tell us that “after you had been enlightened, you endured a great contest of suffering. …You need endurance to do the will of God and receive what He has promised.” Probably some of us have engaged in conversations about our personal struggles to a friend and at times complaining that keeping the faith is hard.

Reading the passages from Hebrews, I realize that my faith walk is not really that difficult. I do understand that we struggle a lot, but we must endure. Despite the hardships, the reward will be great and the promise of “possessing life” encouraged the early Christian community, as well as us today. This reward for faithfulness has remained constant.

Today’s gospel is about the Parable of the Mustard Seed which I think connects to that promise. The mustard plant described in Mark, often grew to such large proportions and became the largest plant on earth. This relates to our knowledge that from a small beginning the Church grew and became so large that people flocked to it like birds. From a small group of early Christians, it grew to over a billion members today. In the end, the Church is there to help us possess the Kingdom of God. We need only remain committed, intentional disciples of Jesus. It is clear that these two scriptural passages from the Letter to the Hebrews and Mark’s gospel are encouraging and exhorting us to persevere. This is our daily challenge to endure in doing the will of God which will lead to what God promises, that is to grant us salvation.

We need to remember some important points to understand this parable:

First, Jesus uses the parable of the mustard seed to help explain the kingdom of heaven. It is His primary concern to save us. I am sure that even a child can understand these images in the parable about the mustard seed, which points towards the Kingdom of God as a reality that expands miraculously as our faith grows.

Second, Jesus invites us to listen with our whole hearts and to trust our destiny because He has sown the seed of faith in us. Our growth depends on our initiative to bear much fruit, though He is there to nourish us. St. Augustine has this to say, “God created us without us: but he did not will to save us without us.” (Sermo 169,11,13 L 38,923.)

Third, it seems impossible that something so small and seemingly insignificant can have such an amazing result. A word, an action, an act of charity, some little thing, can all have a big effect, maybe one that we won’t even see. It is through our dedication that we continue Christ’s mission.

Now, the Word of God encourages us to “keep the faith” by not forgetting the ways in which we shared in the sufferings of Jesus. It is obvious that the true gift we have received is not a physical thing that will fade away, but is the salvation we receive from trusting in the Lord. We keep our faith by keeping our focus and by committing our way to that of the Lord, Jesus Christ.

May St. Angela Merici, who has the love for the poor young girls and re-evangelization of families, be our model to do a small act of charity.

St. Angela, pray for us.

Fr. Arlon, osa

The Dictate of the Heart: 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Today is the 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A. This is not really very ordinary because we must focus on the plan of God to save us, sending His only Son, Jesus Christ, the Light to those in darkness. He is the reason that in this time of the church calendar, we must grow, mature, and bear much fruit as witnesses and disciples of Christ, our Lord.

We are about to finish the first month of January 2023, and yet there are many people still groping in the dark, discouraged, in pain, troubled, in despair and continuously experiencing helplessness in life. The challenge is how to make them be able to be rescued from darkness to let them live with the light of Christ. This is the message of the first reading from the Prophet Isaiah saying, “The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; upon those who dwelt in the land of gloom a light has shown.” We are asked to persevere in our faith so that our searching for the light would transform us to be the light of Christ for others to see. St. Augustine reminds us that, “God’s shining through us, we may have eyes to see and the hearts to love,”especially in this endemic period of our time.

The second reading from the Letter of St. Paul to the Corinthians tells us that “there be no divisions among you, but that you will be united in the same mind and in the same purpose.” It means that in sharing the light of Christ, we are one with Him in all things. We shouldn’t be carried away by the problems of the world, but we must focus on the abundance of grace through Jesus who lives with us and others to be encouraged to join us. St. Paul also reminds us that it is not about the wisdom of human eloquence. It is about the humility of the cross. This particular reading gives us plenty to think about. What is important is for us to live the gospel fully in all of our relationships within our family and faith community.

The gospel today taken from St. Matthew presents Jesus as the One who will bring relief and life. The gospel is divided into two parts:

First, it has mentioned some specific place for our reference and the quotation from Isaiah, saying, “The people who sit in darkness have seen a great light, on those dwelling in a land overshadowed by death, light has arisen.” And Jesus started preaching, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Jesus begins His public ministry.

Second, the calling of His apostles. As He was walking by the Sea of Galilee, He saw two brothers, Peter, and Andrew. They were fishermen who hear the invitation of Jesus, “Come after me and I will make you fishers of men.” They seemed comfortable, left their nets and followed Jesus with no questions about their immediate decision. They probably heard of Jesus’ miraculous deeds of healing and preaching and decided to take part in it. Later as they were walking, Jesus also met James and John, sons of Zebedee. The four new disciples of Jesus had witnessed more about Jesus’ ministry about the Kingdom of God which promises everyone freedom, eternal life, peace and true happiness.

Brothers and sisters, what makes Jesus appealing to us? I presume we have compelling reasons aside from seeking healing and hearing the gospel being preached before us. We have many personal reasons, some just being with someone; however, our attraction to Jesus is according to our own personal encounter that changes our lives. We become closely connected with Jesus because we accept Him as our God, who guaranteed our path and destiny to eternal life. Of course, some will drift away because their faith is weak. Their ultimate goal is to get their own gratification, and if not granted, then they look for another. God for them is like a machine if their wish is not granted. This is simply a “lukewarm” relationship with God.

We are all called to firmness of faith and intimacy with the Lord. Our constant prayers and openness to the Sacraments, especially the Eucharist, enable our hearts to be filled with much love for the Lord. As disciples and witnesses, we are open to learn and to absorb the teachings of our Master. It may be too much for others to comprehend, but Jesus calls us to “Repent,” which means change of heart, that is, be available to our being changed by our learning about this Jesus and to let God, enter into your life daily

God bless you.

Fr. Arlon, osa


El dictado del corazón: Tercer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

  • Isaías 8:23-9:3
  • Salmos 24:1, 4, 13-14
  • 1 Corintios 1:10-13, 17
  • Mateo 4:12-23

Hoy es el Tercer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario, Año A. Esto no es realmente tan ordinario, pues se debe enfocar en el plan de Dios para nuestra salvación, enviando a Su único Hijo, Jesucristo, la Luz a los que están en tinieblas. Él es la razón por la que en este tiempo del calendario de la iglesia debemos crecer, madurar y dar mucho fruto como testigos y discípulos de Cristo, nuestro Señor.

Estamos a punto de terminar el primer mes de Enero del dos-mil-veintitrés y, sin embargo, hay muchas personas que todavía andan en la oscuridad, desanimadas, adoloridas, angustiadas, desesperadas y experimentando continuamente impotencia en la vida. El desafío es, que hacer para que puedan ser rescatadas de las tinieblas para vivir con la luz de Cristo. Este es el mensaje de la primera lectura del profeta Isaías que dice: “El pueblo que andaba en tinieblas ha visto una gran luz; sobre los que habitaban en la tierra de las tinieblas se ha mostrado una luz.” Se nos pide que perseveremos en nuestra fe para que nuestra búsqueda de la luz nos transforme para ser la luz de Cristo para que otros la vean. San Agustín nos recuerda que “Dios está brillando a través de nosotros, podemos tener ojos para ver y corazones para amar”, especialmente en este período endémico de nuestro tiempo.

La segunda lectura de la Carta de San Pablo a los Corintios nos dice que “no haya entre ustedes divisiones, sino que estarán unidos en una misma mente y en un mismo propósito”. Significa que al compartir la luz de Cristo, somos uno con Él en todas las cosas. No debemos dejarnos llevar por los problemas del mundo, sino que debemos centrarnos en la abundancia de la gracia a través de Jesús, que vive con nosotros y con los demás para que se animen a unirse a nosotros. San Pablo también nos recuerda que no se trata de la sabiduría de la elocuencia humana. Se trata de la humildad de la cruz. Esta lectura en particular nos da mucho en qué pensar. Lo que es importante para nosotros es vivir el evangelio plenamente en todas nuestras relaciones dentro de nuestra familia y comunidad de fe.

El evangelio de hoy tomado de San Mateo presenta a Jesús como Aquel que traerá alivio y vida. El evangelio se divide en dos partes:

Primero, ha mencionado algún lugar específico para nuestra referencia y la cita de Isaías, diciendo: “El pueblo asentado en tinieblas ha visto una gran luz, sobre los que habitan en una tierra ensombrecida por la muerte, ha resplandecido la luz”. Y Jesús comenzó a predicar: “Conviértanse, porque ya está cerca el Reino de los cielos”. Jesús comienza su ministerio público.

Segundo, el llamado de Sus apóstoles. Mientras caminaba junto al mar de Galilea, vio a dos hermanos, Pedro y Andrés. Eran pescadores que escuchan la invitación de Jesús: “Síganme y los haré pescadores de hombres”. Parecían cómodos, dejaron sus redes y siguieron a Jesús sin cuestionar su decisión inmediata. Probablemente escucharon de las obras milagrosas de curación y predicación de Jesús y decidieron participar en ellas. Más tarde, mientras caminaban, Jesús también se encontró con Santiago y Juan, hijos de Zebedeo. Los cuatro nuevos discípulos de Jesús habían presenciado más sobre el ministerio de Jesús sobre el Reino de Dios que promete a todos libertad, vida eterna, paz y verdadera felicidad.

Hermanos y hermanas, ¿qué hace que Jesús nos atraiga? Presumo que tenemos razones convincentes además de buscar sanidad y escuchar el evangelio predicado ante nosotros. Tenemos muchas razones personales, algunas simplemente estar con alguien; sin embargo, nuestra atracción por Jesús está de acuerdo con nuestro propio encuentro personal que cambia nuestras vidas. Nos conectamos estrechamente con Jesús porque lo aceptamos como nuestro Dios, quien garantizó nuestro camino y destino a la vida eterna. Por supuesto, algunos se alejarán porque su fe es débil. Su objetivo final es conseguir su propia gratificación, y si no se la conceden, buscan otra. Dios para ellos es como una máquina si no se les concede su deseo. Esta es simplemente una relación “tibia” con Dios.

Todos estamos llamados a la firmeza de la fe y a la intimidad con el Señor. Nuestras oraciones constantes y nuestra apertura a los Sacramentos, especialmente a la Eucaristía, permiten que nuestros corazones se llenen de mucho amor por el Señor. Como discípulos y testigos, estamos abiertos a aprender y absorber las enseñanzas de nuestro Maestro. Puede ser demasiado para que otros lo comprendan, pero Jesús nos llama a “arrepentirnos”, lo que significa un cambio de corazón, es decir, estar disponibles para que seamos cambiados por nuestro aprendizaje sobre este Jesús y dejar que Dios entre en tu vida todos los días.

Que Dios los bendiga.

Padre Arlón, osa

The Dictate of the Heart: 3rd Sunday after Epiphany, Extraordinary Form (Latin)

The Extraordinary Form, though we have this “magnum silencium’, which means profound silence during the whole Latin mass, has moments when the faithful are needed to speak out loud some of the responses. For example, when I say, “Ecce Agnus Dei Qui Tollis Peccata Mundi,” then the whole congregation has to join the priest together in unison repeating this prayer three times aloud; “Domine, non sum dignus ut intres sub tectum meum; sed tantum dic verbo, et sanabitur anima mea.” (Lord, I am not worthy that You should enter under my roof; but only say the word and my soul shall be healed.) I hope that everyone has memorized this phrase by heart. This is the right attitude spoken in prayer in order to express total humbling prostration before God’s holiness and total confidence in God’s graciousness.

Today’s gospel reminds us that the centurion knows that neither he nor his servant is worthy of Jesus’ attention, but he also knows that Jesus is powerful and gracious to heal. His authority and his uniform don’t make him worthy of Jesus’ attention, nor does the generosity involved in presenting his request because of his status. What makes him worthy to be listened to by Jesus is his faith, which makes him an acceptable quest at the banquet of the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus says, “Amen I say to you, I have not found so great faith in Israel.” It is the centurion’s faith that makes Jesus’ heart move and He gives His consent to provide healing to the sick servant.

What lessons can we derive from this gospel pericope?

First, the centurion realizes that the moment he meets Jesus personally entering Capernaum, he feels that he was stripped of his authority, and he was humbled. Instead of being subject to the Roman power, he becomes a mere follower and servant of the Lord.

Second, the centurion’s words suggest that he recognizes Jesus, not as an ordinary man, but rather indicates a total surrender and awareness that Jesus is the one to whom true authority and power belong. According to the centurion‘s words, all those under him obey his words, then this time, before Jesus, he would have said these words,“If those under me do what I command at my word, surely You who have ultimate authority can command anything which includes something as incredible as the miracle of healing by Jesus’ very words alone.” Then Jesus said to the centurion: “Go, and as thou hast believed, so be it done to thee. And the servant was healed at the same hour.”

Brothers and Sisters, before receiving the Lord Jesus Christ in an infinitely more profound way in the Most Holy Eucharist, it is absolutely right that we should take on similar statements filled with faith, preparation, and longing to encounter the Lord, genuinely present in the Eucharist. I believe that it is a privileged encounter; therefore, we need to prepare ourselves to be interiorly clean, worthy of being the bearer of the Lord inside us. Indeed, it is an intimate union with our Lord.

I know that we are unworthy of having Him abide in us; however, let us not stop believing and recognizing the Lord in our life for all that it takes is His mighty word and our souls completely surrendering to Him, saying “But only say the word and my soul shall be healed.”

Let us humbly accept the Divine healing, love and mercy so that we may not lose that sense of sacred mystery in our midst. We will certainly grow in our own spiritual life to approach the Eucharist daily, for even Angels, Dominions, and Principalities tremble in awe. Bend our knees in adoration, praise, and thanksgiving.

God bless you.

Fr. Arlon, osa

The Dictate of the Heart:  2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A

After all the special feast days, we come into the reality of being in the Ordinary Time of the Church Calendar.  It is an opportunity to find meaning and growth after such abundant graces we have received.  It is time to be fruitful as the color green indicates life, spiritual maturity and growing in the faith.  This is a wonderful time to really take into our hearts what has transpired in the preceding joyous weeks. Jesus came to dwell with us.

Today is the 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time which always follows the Baptism of the Lord. The Baptism of Christ conveys the depths of our faith in the Lord to remind us of our liberation from sin and that the Holy Spirit dwells within us. Through our own baptism, we became missionary disciples of Christ; therefore, we need to be personally involved and actively engaged in living a faith-filled life, participating in a Christian community of faith and love. This is the result of our joy to savor all those happy and memorable experiences we had during Advent and Christmas.  We belong to Christ and His Church, and so we need to be engaged in our community filled with love and faith.

The Prophet Isaiah reminds us in the first reading that God has said we are his servants, through whom He shows his glory. God tells us, “It is too little for you to be my servant…I will make you a light to the nations, that my salvation may reach to the ends of the earth.” This writing of the Prophet Isaiah is not about himself, but he speaks on behalf of the people of Israel called and formed by God as His servants. It is through the chosen people that God would reveal His glory and strength because of their faith. These words written by the Prophet are very promising and inspiring; however, we must humbly accept them with great responsibility. God manifests His glory through us; thus, our lives must reflect the goodness of God because we are created in the image of God and His own people.

In today’s second reading, St. Paul is called the “Apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God.”  We are called to be faithful to participate in sharing the gospel in words and in deeds.   We are called to accomplish His Divine Will.

Today’s gospel from St. John recalls the meeting between Jesus and John the Baptist.  In the gospel of John 1:31-33, the apostle tells us that John the Baptist declares twice “I did not know Him,” referring to Jesus. I am deeply perplexed by his saying that he did not know Jesus.  But then I realized that though John the Baptist explicitly denies knowing Jesus, except by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit (John 1:31-32), John knew who Jesus was and that Jesus had a special mission from God, but he did not fully understand the implications of it all until the Holy Spirit descended upon Jesus like a dove.  John’s relationship with Jesus was first as a fellow family member,’which is an important reminder of the humanity of Jesus. Therefore, let us be open to know the lessons we heard from this gospel.

First, John the Baptist was told to look for a sign that the Son of God had come: “on whomever you see the Spirit come down and remain, he is the one who will Baptize with the Holy Spirit.”  When the Holy Spirit descended from heaven, John’s eyes were opened to seeing Jesus not just as a companion but as the Savior, our Messiah.

Second, John the Baptist tells us, “I have seen and testified that He is the Son of God.”  John the Baptist had seen and given testimony to the Lord as the Son of God based on knowledge, observation, and personal experience with Him. I believe that having our personal experiences with God’s presence in our lives, and in different moments when we know and recognize the actions of God in our lives, we cannot just keep it to ourselves. We must be happy and excited to share them with others.  God the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit has come to us and will remain forever.

Third, John the Baptist says, “Behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world.” He tells his followers, “Behold”, look, see, over there, check Him out.  He is actually making them aware of who Jesus is, having given them many signs as the “Light” coming in their midst.  He announces Jesus to be “The Lamb of God” Who, by being Lamb, is the sacrificial Person Whose life and death will bring life back from the world’s death.  He was direct to say that Jesus is the Savior of the world.  John is clarifying that Jesus, not he, John, is the Messiah. John “saw” and now affirms and testifies to this truth.

As I pray with you and celebrate mass, I see Christ in you.  I see Christ in your life and your firmness of faith.  Our encounter today may strengthen us to listen to the voice of God with clarity just like St. John the Baptist.  Let us follow that voice, and you will be strengthened in the Spirit.  To you I reiterate the words of St. Paul saying, “Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.”  Amen.

God bless you.

Fr. Arlon, osa


El Dictado del Corazón:  Segundo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
  • Isaías 49:3, 5-6
  • Salmos 40:2, 4, 7-8, 8-9, 10
  • 1 Corintios 1:1-3
  • Juan 1:29-34

Después de los días festivos, volvemos a la realidad y al Tiempo Ordinario en el Calendario de la Iglesia. Tenemos la oportunidad de meditar en las gracias abundantes que hemos recibido en la Navidad. Jesús vino a morar entre nosotros. Si notan el color con el que esta adornado el altar y las vestiduras del Sacerdote es verde, ya que el verde indica vida, madurez espiritual, crecimiento en la fe, es tiempo de ser fructíferos.

Hoy es el Segundo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario, que sigue siempre del Domingo donde se celebra el Bautismo del Señor, que transmite la profundidad de nuestra fe en Nuestro Señor Jesús, para recordarnos nuestra liberación del pecado y la morada del Espíritu Santo en nosotros. A través de nuestro propio bautismo nos convertimos en discípulos misioneros de Cristo, por lo tanto, debemos involucrarnos personalmente y participar activamente en vivir una vida de fe, participando en una comunidad cristiana de fe y amor. Este es el resultado de nuestra alegría de saborear todas esas felices y memorables experiencias que tuvimos durante el adviento y la Navidad. Pertenecemos a Cristo y a Su Iglesia, por lo que debemos participar en nuestra comunidad llenos de amor y fe.

El profeta Isaías nos recuerda en la primera lectura, que Dios ha dicho que somos sus siervos, a través de los cuales Él muestra su gloria. Dios nos dice: “Es muy poco para ti ser mi siervo… Te haré luz de las naciones, para que mi salvación llegue hasta los confines de la tierra”. Este escrito del profeta Isaías, no se trata de sí mismo, sino que habla en nombre del pueblo de Israel llamado y formado por Dios como siervos suyos. Es a través del pueblo escogido que Dios revelaría Su gloria y fortaleza a causa de su fe. Estas palabras escritas por el Profeta son muy prometedoras e inspiradoras, sin embargo, debemos aceptarlas humildemente con gran responsabilidad. Dios manifiesta Su gloria a través de nosotros; por lo tanto, nuestras vidas deben reflejar la bondad de Dios porque somos creados a la imagen de Dios y de su propio pueblo.

En la segunda lectura de hoy, San Pablo es llamado el “Apóstol de Cristo Jesús por la voluntad de Dios”. Estamos llamados a ser fieles para participar en compartir el evangelio en palabras y en hechos. Estamos llamados a cumplir Su Divina Voluntad.

En el evangelio de hoy de San Juan se recuerda el encuentro entre Jesús y Juan Bautista.

En el evangelio de Juan capitulo uno, versículo treinta y uno al treinta y tres, el apóstol nos dice que Juan el Bautista declara dos veces “Yo no lo conocía”, refiriéndose a Jesús. Estoy profundamente perplejo cuando dice que no conocía a Jesús. Pero luego me di cuenta de que Juan el Bautista niega explícitamente conocer a Jesús excepto por la inspiración del Espíritu Santo (Juan capitulo uno del treinta y uno al treinta y dos. Juan sabía quién era Jesús y que Jesús tenía una misión especial de parte de Dios, no supo entender completamente las implicaciones de todo esto hasta que el Espíritu Santo descendió sobre Jesús como una paloma. La relación de Juan con Jesús fue primero como miembro de la familia, lo cual es un recordatorio importante de la humanidad de Jesús. Por lo tanto, estemos abiertos a conocer las lecciones que escuchamos de este evangelio.

Primero, a Juan el Bautista se le dijo que buscara una señal de que el Hijo de Dios había venido: “sobre quien veas descender el Espíritu y permanecer, ése es el que bautizará con el Espíritu Santo”. Cuando el Espíritu Santo descendió del cielo, los ojos de Juan se abrieron para ver a Jesús no solo como un miembro de la familia, sino como el salvador, nuestro mesías.

Segundo, Juan el Bautista nos dice: “Yo lo he visto y doy testimonio de que Él es el Hijo de Dios”. Juan el Bautista ha visto y dado testimonio del Señor como Hijo de Dios basado en el conocimiento, la observación y la experiencia personal con Él. Creo que teniendo nuestras experiencias personales con la presencia de Dios en nuestras vidas y en diferentes momentos cuando conocemos y reconocemos las gracias de Dios en nuestras vidas, no podemos quedarnos con ellas, sino que felices y emocionados compartámoslas con los demás. Dios Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo ha venido a nosotros y permanecerá para siempre.

Tercero, Juan el Bautista dice: “He aquí el Cordero de Dios, que quita el pecado del mundo”. Él le dice a sus seguidores, “He aquí”, miren, vean, allá, échenle un vistazo. En realidad, les está haciendo conscientes de quién es Jesús, quien les había dado muchas señales como la “Luz” que venía en medio de ellos. Él anuncia a Jesús como “El Cordero de Dios” Quien, siendo Cordero, es la Persona sacrificial Cuya vida y muerte resucitarán la muerte del mundo. Fue directo al decir que Jesús es el Salvador del mundo. Juan aclara que Jesús y no él. Juan “vio” y ahora afirma y testifica esta verdad.

Mientras oramos juntos y celebro misa, veo a Cristo en ustedes. Veo a Cristo en su vida y en su firmeza de fe. Nuestro encuentro de hoy puede fortalecernos para escuchar la voz de Dios con claridad como San Juan Bautista. Sigamos esa voz y serán fortalecidos en el Espíritu. A ustedes les reitero las palabras de San Pablo diciendo: “Gracia y paz a ustedes, de Dios nuestro Padre y del Señor Jesucristo”. Amén.

Dios te bendiga.

Padre Arlón, osa

The Dictate of the Heart:  Extraordinary Form (Latin) 2nd Sunday after Epiphany

Today is the 2nd Sunday after the Epiphany, and the gospel narrates to us the best wine in the world, made by Jesus.  When I visited my Australian Augustinian confreres, many years ago, I was welcomed by our school community, meaning Augustinian Priests, teachers, and staff.  It was evening dinner, and each of the invited brought a bottle of wine.  I was happy and enjoyed time socializing and drinking wine with them.  I maybe drank too much, and I excused myself and went to my room, only to realize when I woke up nobody was there anymore. They were gone without me drinking the last and the best wine so I fell back asleep.  The following morning, one of my fellow Augustinian Priests asked me where I was. I said I went to my room for a little rest because I drank too much.  He said to me that I need to drink the same amount of water when drinking wine in order to destabilize the acid level inside my body right after a drink. There I learned the lesson that when drinking wine you need the same amount of water intake to get rid of the acidity.  Wine has been fermented which produces certain levels of alcohol as well. Remember, wine and water are essentially important after having a good evening drinking with friends, not simultaneously, but right after the wine party, make sure to drink the same amount of water as the amount of wine you drank.

In today’s gospel, Jesus performed his first miracle ever.  He changed six jars filled with water into wine.  Jesus did this, the first of His signs, in Cana of Galilee, even though He was a bit hesitant to reveal His glory; yet many witnessed it and His disciples began to believe in Him.  This wedding and banquet setting is an image of Christ’s new era with His beloved people. Jesus is portrayed as the Groom and the Church as His bride, and also having taken place at a wedding is a symbol of God’s ongoing love, fidelity, and commitment for His people.

Mary, telling Jesus they have no wine, implies that she wants him to do something and that she believes He can solve this problem.  How many times has our own mother requested us to do something and, even though being hesitant, we act and do it for her in order to please our mother and express our love for her. It is the same experience that some of us have done before.

Maybe we cannot comprehend Jesus using the greeting “Woman” to His own mother.  Well, to address her as “woman” is not showing any rudeness or hostility.  I believe that Jesus’ words, “Woman, what is that to Me and to thee?” is an expression that implies a sense of disengagement, not active hostility. It is apparent in Jesus’ statement that His hour has not yet come. Jesus acts, within His heart willing, but not yet ready. We know for a fact that no human being, not even His mother, can determine Jesus’ “hour.”  God alone determines when and how Jesus’ “hour” becomes a reality in the world.

The story progresses; then, Mother Mary was able to take that initiative to act by telling the servants “Do whatever He tells you.” This shows that Mary did not hesitate to show her deep faith in her Son’s ability to address the need in that situation. The disciples believe in Jesus after the miracle, and Mary believes in the efficacy of Jesus’ word. She trusts that whatever He says will work.

“When the steward tasted the water that had become wine,” the chief steward did not know where the wine came from, while the other servants do know. Knowing Jesus as the source of abundance makes those servants believers of Jesus. The miracle truly happened, and it remained a mystery for the chief steward because he assumes it came from the bridegroom of the wedding being celebrated. The chief steward called the bridegroom and said to him, “Everyone serves the good wine first, and then the inferior wine after the guests have become drunk. But you have kept the good wine until now.”

This is one of the important lessons to know that the real bridegroom, who served this superior wine, is none other than Jesus.  Jesus appears to be ushering into the world God’s abundant goodness and graces in a decisive way, as “The Bridegroom.”

Aside from this, we need to shift our attention to Jesus as a miracle itself, rather than the “signs” of His own miracle.  It helps us focus on the greater reality behind the miracle at Cana.  Jesus is more important than the miracle itself.  Now, we have to accept that His first act of a miracle fills the whole world up to the brim which is symbolic of God’s presence and the fulness of His love and mercy in our midst.  It is the first manifestation of God’s presence in the world through Jesus.

Jubilate Deo, omnes terra, psalmum dicite nomini ejus: date gloriam laudi ejus.  Shout with joy to God, all the earth, sing ye a psalm to His name: give glory to His praise.   As we journey together as a community, let us be open to see signs that Jesus is with us and to walk with Him.  Be grateful for the miracle of His presence.  We pray earnestly that our lives be transformed together in charity, joy, and peace.

God bless you.

Fr. Arlon, osa

The Dictate of the Heart: 1st Week in Ordinary Time, Year A

We are in the first week of Ordinary Time, and after the celebration of Christmas and welcoming the New Year, we enter into the beginning again to reflect on the beginning chapter of the gospel of St. Mark. We are again called to meditate on the ministry of Jesus. In today’s gospel, Jesus begins preaching and driving out demons. The reason why Jesus came is to bring us out from darkness. We are indeed children of God according to the Letter to the Hebrews, for we share the blood and flesh of Jesus. He is with us to destroy the one who has the power of death, that is, the devil.

During the time of Jesus, and in our present time, there are people who have the attitude of resistance against God. They are being tortured and have no peace at all. The evangelist Mark presents to us the fragility of man’s heart to corruption and not being disposed to allow Jesus to come into their hearts. Here is the story of the healing ministry which is more powerful than the devil. Jesus can free and liberate those afflicted with the bad spirits and can calm them by the way of His mercy and grace.

Jesus went to the house of Peter and Andrew, maybe to take some time to relax, freeing himself from His busy activities of preaching and healing. However, instead of taking some time to rest, He was called because Peter’s mother-in-law was sick with a fever. Jesus’s heart is to respond when the need arises. He healed her and freed her from sickness, then immediately she was back to normal. The woman got up and started serving a meal to Jesus and other disciples.

When we are cured, we are actually being set to freedom. We need to serve others. The healing of Jesus is unchaining us from the clutches of evil and calling us to love and serve others as well. When healing takes place, we are forgiven from our iniquities and liberated from the attitude of passivity and resistance to God’s grace.

Jesus continues to do His ministry “throughout the whole of Galilee.” This is the urgency of making God known and that He is in our midst. The goodness of God must be known through our good works and unselfish labor for God.

Today’s passage is inspiring in that we can trust Jesus with all our physical challenges and be cured from all our sufferings and sickness. Let the love of God heal us. The more we are restored spiritually and physically, we too are called to serve and love others. May we also become the “wounded healers” for our neighbors.

God bless you.

Fr. Arlon osa

Extraordinary Form Latin: The Feast of the Holy Family

Today is the feast of the Holy Family, Joseph, Mary, and Jesus. We offer our opening prayer, our collect today, praying, “ Domine Jesu Christe, qui Mariae et Joseph subditus, domesticam vitam ineffabilibus virtutibus consecrasti; fac nos utriusque auxilio, Familiae sanctae tuae exemplis instrui; et consortium consequi sempiternum..” “O Lord Jesus Christ, who being subject to Mary and Joseph, didst sanctify home life with unspeakable virtues; grant, that by the aid of both, we may be taught by the example of Thy Holy Family and attain to eternal fellowship with it.” It means that we are praying to God to help us to live as the Holy Family, united in respect and love. We also would be asking how to let go of the mystery and uncertainty and be able to receive life’s struggles and pains gratefully.

We also can pray for our own families’ brokenness, for gratitude of healing, for our families’ commitment, for growth, trust, togetherness, and reverence. We can pray also for other families whom we know are hurting, hoping, needy and separated. We can pray personally with our expectations, for what is real around us in our homes and, more importantly, that blessings be upon us. I know that there are so many disappointments in living the Sacrament of Marriage for some couples. Some couples never realize that raising children is going to be hard if they never educate the whole family about faith. When couples work hard with lots of expectations, they need to work to attain a certain level of patience, compassion, and trust. Parent-child relationships are directly related to the relationship with God. Prayers from those who believe, respect, love, and honor parents are heard by God. God’s blessings will be the fortune of those offspring who care for father and mother. Sometimes family time can become stressful, and it cannot be avoided to share these family conflicts with others because one cannot handle these difficult times.

Having said this, I do believe that the Holy Spirit Mission has wonderful young families with their children being trained well in the faith. I am not very much concerned about having a baby crying, and I am grateful to all these young couples for their dedication to be good parents to their children. I am really grateful to all of you.

The gospel reading for today is very pleasing because it shows us the humanness of Mary and Joseph and Jesus as a young boy. Let us look to the example of the Holy Family as we reflect on our time spent with family and friends. How do we face some family issues and accept each other? Let us widen our horizon to see the bigger picture, rather than focusing on the “little things.” Can we overcome frustrations, anger, and resentments?

In the epistle today, taken from the Letter of St. Paul to the Colossians 3:12-17, St. Paul was exhorting the Colossians that they are THE CHOSEN ONES of God and therefore they must live out the implications of their being chosen by God. Clearly this pattern is meant not just for the Colossians, but we the faithful today are the inheritors of Paul’s advice. Take a prayerful moment to silently reflect on each of the virtues St. Paul suggests and to assess how we practice these virtues: Heartfelt Compassion, Kindness, Humility, Gentleness, Patience, bearing with one another and, above all of these, are Love and Charity. As we look at this list of virtues, let us assess our own behavior and family life. Our own family life should be modeled on the Holy Family’s life. The family is the first church, and as chosen by God, what is it we learn and inculcate into our lives with our family?

When we live together in one house, it is necessary that we know how to forgive each other. We not only have to forgive each other, but we need to be aware that we need forgiveness from each other, prompted by the example of God’s forgiving heart. Being part of a family means being faithful and loving each other on our best and worst days, even to the point of doing laundry of piles of dirty clothes and cooking a meal for our family.

Today we need to appreciate this Feast of the Holy Family. There are so many things that rely on identifying the difference between the Holy Family and the ordinary family. The Holy Family was chosen from the beginning because there is the conception by the Holy Spirit, the divinity of the child, and guidance through angelic dream visions. Therefore, we must also be aware about our family and be open to the guidance of the Spirit.

We must heed the call of Vatican Council II to remember that every Christian Family is a “domestic church.” The family must be understood as a “small church.” We need to do everything to make it a place of a loving intimacy. This is the reason that the early church grew rapidly because of those who believed in Jesus and lived like a family, a community who took care of one another. They lived in “oneness of heart and mind and sharing material things in common.” (Acts 4;32) They attracted many other Jews and gentiles alike because they lived by their virtuous example.

Mary, Joseph, and Jesus, living together as a Holy Family, are the very seed of this Christian Family way of living and loving together. We still need to continue to learn and appreciate how to continue to value our family. I am grateful for your faith, and the presence of Mary, Joseph and Jesus, as we look forward to having a positive outlook in this year 2023.

May the Holy Family, pray for us.

Fr. Arlon, osa

The Dictate of the Heart: The Epiphany of the Lord

One of my favorite episodes of Christmas stories is the searching for the newborn King and Savior, Jesus Christ, by the three Magi from the East in order to pay homage and bring gifts to Him. The Epiphany story is the manifestation or the revelation of the Light, which was embraced by humanity through the representation of the three Magi or Kings.

This is the time to think what gifts we would bring to Jesus. In other parts of the world, people will just be getting ready to open their gifts to each other. It’s a long wait after Christmas and Santa Claus coming to reveal all the precious gifts we will be receiving. I still have unopened gifts that I received to put meaning to this feast of the Epiphany. I am excited for this day to unwrap these gifts. I am truly grateful to those generous people who found time to remember me this Christmas, and in return I offer prayers and celebrate mass for their intentions.

I am grateful to God for the best gift I have ever received, the gift of life, for 60 years is indeed a great blessing. My thankfulness to God is just like an ocean of water that cannot even be put into a container or a single bucket. It is a tremendous joy when we appreciate very much the goodness of God.

Today’s liturgy is about this mysterious God, Who is Love, and Who through His Incarnate Son manifests the light that shines for all nations. It is no secret that His love can be understood in the totality of His being with us, “Emmanuel.”

Why and how God loves remains the deepest part of His great epiphany. Let us reflect on the readings today.

The First Reading from the Book of the Prophet Isaiah tells us that Jerusalem is exceedingly joyful because it is the center of religious activity which all nations will be oriented to. They bring gifts from afar as a community worshiping God, Who is near to their heart.

The second reading from the Letter of St. Paul to the Ephesians expresses how God loves all of us. God is not only for the chosen people, but also all the Gentiles and pagans, who are being called by God as His people which means He has been close to all whom He created. The mystery of God has been known by all people. The gospel has been preached to us and shared as good news about Jesus being part of one whole family who believes.

St. Matthew’s gospel today reminds us of the three Magi as a fulfilment of the 1st reading from Isaiah. The Magi traveling from afar, searching and finding the Savior, is a story of great faith which had been revealed to them thru their knowledge and their decision to kneel before the King of Kings, the New Light radiating to all humanity.

Let us dwell on some points that would help us be able to understand the revelation of the infinite Light of God.

First, the Magi searched with their wisdom, knowledge, and faith; however, I do believe that they found the baby, Jesus, not through their ideas and intelligence, but by the guidance of God who is a person and who was prophesied and revealed so that we would understand the mystery of God.

Second, the bright light of the star that points and guides to the final journey of the Magi, is the reflection of the light coming from the face of God. Jesus is the Light and, in that Light, we have come to know just a bit of what God thinks of us. Because of this, kings, shepherds, and all of us had a little of our own mysteries manifested as well. God knows everyone of us.

Third, by the manifestation of Jesus to the Gentiles, the Magi indicates that we are out of darkness and pay homage to the Savior of the world who illuminates us to ourselves and others. This light shines upon us, within us, and then through us to let the splendor of God be known to all.

Fourth, the Magi returned by another route. It indicates that they too were renewed and avoided Herod. They return to a new and different way of relating to life. Hence, we take it seriously to make ourselves be born anew in the Light of Jesus. Going a different route means an enlightened heart to follow the path of surrender to God and participate in the enlightened world choosing God.

Fifth, this feast touches me deeply. The promises of God to the people, as part of the new covenant, is to forge a gifted relationship with God. The Magi offered their own gifts, but the intention was to offer the King of all Kings a gesture of gratitude for His very presence. It is the greatest gift of all, extended to all the ends of the earth.

Today we might discover a new star to guide us in our journey too. We expect to find something wonderful thru the presence of God in our family and friends with our accumulated knowledge and with humility to bend down praying in gratitude.

“Rise up in splendor, Jerusalem! Your light has come, the glory of the Lord shines upon you. See, darkness covers the earth, and thick clouds cover peoples; but upon you the Lord shines, and over you appears his glory” (Is 60, 1-2).

God bless you.

Fr. Arlon, osa