The Dictate of the Heart: Easter Sunday, Extraordinary Form (TLM)

Happy Easter Sunday, Christ is Risen Alleluia! Congratulations to Greg and Carolyn, Kevin and Max for receiving the sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation.

During the Easter Vigil, we have the blessing of fire and water, reception of the sacraments for the catechumens and the renewal of our baptismal promises. We need to recognize this mystery which we celebrate, the mystery in which we have been incorporated into Christ, and we have made that choice. That Cross has been driven deep into our hearts, the Cross with the Word of God right on it. That Cross becomes the symbol of victory over death and sin; Jesus has conquered it in order to save us.

In just a moment, as we renew our baptismal vows, we will once again renounce Satan and all his works and all his empty promises, and we will once again profess our faith in God the Father, in Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Spirit. Just as this church, which this morning was like a void and empty waste, is now once again filled with beauty and will once again be filled with our Resurrected Lord, so too will this temple of our body be restored to its beauty and will also be filled with Our Resurrected Lord in whom we profess our Easter faith.

The epistle today is taken from the first letter of St. Paul to the Corinthians 5:7-8. According to God’s design, the blood of Jesus is necessary for Him to institute the New Covenant to save the chosen people and the rest of humanity. That offering of Jesus restores the whole Body of Christ, the Church. Therefore, all the members of the Church, as His body, receive a new identity in Christ. It means that brethren who are falling into misbehaving and sins are deceivers. Christ died to deliver us from our sins. Sin does not belong in our lives, and so we deny it access. We remember that we ourselves died unto sin, but we are alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord. If Christ Jesus saved us from our sins, and He did, then we have no reason to continue living in them! We have new life in Him, a life that Father God wants to fill with good works rather than sins (Ephesians 2:10) and to grasp these simple grace teachings from this epistle, (1 Corinthians 5:8), “Therefore let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness; but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.” This is a metaphorical, symbolic, or figurative usage. The “leaven” here is “malice and wickedness”—that which jeopardizes/infects our Christian true identity.

The gospel today is taken from Mark 16:1-7 where we notice the time when some of the apostles discovered that Jesus was not anymore in the tomb. The evangelist mentioned Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome, who brought spices to anoint the body of Jesus.

How do we understand this episode in the light of Jesus’ resurrection?

First, St. Mark 16:2 reads, “And very early in the morning, on the first day of the by week, they came to the sepulcher, the sun being now risen.” It implies clearly that we are drawn to the story as participants in the action of coming to the tomb.

Second, as the women were on their way, they were discussing the difficulty to remove the stone, which was very large, but then they discovered it had already been rolled back. “And entering the tomb, they saw a young man sitting on the right side, dressed in a white robe, and they were amazed.” They were startled. We are drawn into the presence of this “young man”telling them not to be astonished, saying, “Be not affrighted, ye Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified.” The message we hear is the heart of the Easter proclamation then and now: “He is risen; he is not here. Behold, (Look) the place where they laid him” (16:6b).

Third, “But go and tell His disciples.” These two imperative verbs, Go and Tell, convey an ongoing action and immediacy to the commissioning. Jesus is already going on ahead of them to the place of his early ministry in Galilee. The disciples are the sheep who have been scattered in the traumatic events that led up to and followed Jesus’ crucifixion. The crucified and risen Lord comes among his followers as the shepherd who goes before the sheep (16:7).

With the events that we have witnessed at the tomb, we have been drawn into the early dawn hours of a new day. With the women, we have come to the tomb and the discovery of the large stone rolled away. The message of the young man is addressed to us. We too have received the commission to go and tell.

In so many biblical passages from the book of Genesis up to the New Testament stories, God manifests His living presence. Today we stand in awe and ecstasy of God’s presence among us in the crucified and risen Lord who goes before us,

We, too, become witnesses, even participants with the women, in the action of coming to the empty tomb.

Alleluia! Praise the Lord.

Fr. Arlon, osa

The Dictate of the Heart: Good Friday of the Lord’s Passion, Year A

Today the 7 speakers on the last words of Jesus will touch my heart with very powerful testimonies.  This is the second day of our Triduum celebrations which we enter in prayer in the liturgical year. Good Friday draws us close to Christ’s suffering and to the suffering of others as well. Let us try to emerge into the whole liturgy of the Word, praying for the needs of the Church, with veneration and Holy Communion.

“Father, into your hands I commend my spirit,”are the last words of Jesus on the Cross in the gospel of Luke 23:46. At the darkest moment of fulfilling His mission for the salvation of men, He has chosen to enter into the deepest human uncertainty, and Jesus sharing our humanity cried out with surrender, trust and hope.

We believe that for Jesus, death is not the end. He promised us that He will rise, and indeed His glory comes in the Resurrection!

Brothers and Sisters, what do we want to surrender into God’s hands today?

First, we may find ourselves in a similar spiritual place as Jesus’ disciples on that Good Friday. Some were at the foot of the Cross, but the rest hid themselves out of fear and being anxious about who would be the next to be killed. Their future is uncertain without their master. How did they live as followers of Christ with that reality of death and forgetting His promise? I do believe that these disciples worked hard to re-learn to trust God, to understand every word they heard from Jesus. We are not far from the reality of the reaction of Christ’s disciples. Today we surrender to God our doubts and anxieties and re-discover our utmost love and trust of God.

Second, we may find ourselves lukewarm in our prayer or conversations with God. How often do we take the time to talk to God and ask for his help? How comfortable are we in praying? We need to have no fear in approaching the throne of grace to receive mercy and to find grace when we are in need of help. Jesus, even hanging on the Cross, has comforting words for us. I am afraid that many of us neglect our prayer life and stop talking to God. Are we afraid to ask for God’s help? Do we not realize that God wants to hear what is bothering us, to walk with us and bring us joy? God wants to know, so he can bestow His mercy, kindness, and grace on us, ease our burdens and make us better Christians. Let us deepen our prayer life throughout the year. We need to make it a habit to set aside 10, 15, or 20 minutes of quiet moments with God.

Third, today we focus on renewing and strengthening our faith, but we need to continue that effort beyond Easter. Equally as important is to thank Him for His endless love and being at our side, each and every day.

Today, I come to realize that Jesus’ suffering and death are God’s own entry into all that we suffer. Jesus fully understands and is in oneness with us as He continues to save and to change us.

As we “behold the wood of the cross, on which hung the Savior of the world,” we too embrace the whole mystery of love that the cross represents: First, the cross is about my personal infidelity and sins, my own selfishness. Secondly, we are the ones who have been guilty of transgressions and are now forgiven and loved. At the foot of the Cross is the mercy and compassion of God.

God bless you.

Fr. Arlon, osa


El Dictado del Corazón:  Viernes Santo de la Pasión del Señor, Año A

  • Isaías 52:13–53:12
  • Salmos 31:2, 6, 12-13, 15-16, 17, 25
  • Hebreos 4:14-16; 5:7-9
  • Juan 18:1–19:42

Hoy, al mediodía, los 7 oradores de las últimas palabras de Jesús tocaron mi corazón con un testimonio profundo y se apoderaron de mi día. Este es el segundo día de nuestras celebraciones del Triduo al que entramos en oración en el año litúrgico. El Viernes Santo nos acerca al sufrimiento de Cristo y también al sufrimiento de los demás. Procuremos emerger en toda la liturgia de la Palabra, orando por las necesidades de la Iglesia, con veneración y la Sagrada Comunión.

“Padre, en tus manos encomiendo mi espíritu”, son las últimas palabras de Jesús en la Cruz en el evangelio de Lucas 23:46. En el momento más oscuro del cumplimiento de su misión para la salvación de los hombres, ha elegido adentrarse en la más profunda incertidumbre humana, y Jesús compartiendo nuestra humanidad clama con entrega, confianza y esperanza.

Creemos que para Jesús, la muerte no es el final. ¡Él nos prometió que resucitaría y ciertamente Su gloria viene en la Resurrección!
Hermanos y hermanas, ¿qué queremos entregar hoy en las manos de Dios?

Primero, podemos encontrarnos en un lugar espiritual similar al de los discípulos de Jesús en ese Viernes Santo. Algunos estaban al pie de la Cruz, pero otros se escondieron por miedo y por la ansiedad de quién sería el próximo en ser asesinado. Su futuro era incierto sin su Maestro. ¿Cómo vivieron como seguidores de Cristo con esa realidad de muerte y olvido de su promesa? Creo que estos discípulos trabajaron duro para volver a aprender a confiar en Dios y entender cada palabra que escucharon de Jesús. No estamos lejos de la realidad de la reacción de los discípulos de Cristo. Hoy entregamos a Dios nuestras dudas y angustias y redescubrimos nuestro máximo amor y confianza en Dios.

Segundo, podemos encontrarnos tibios en nuestras oraciones o conversaciones con Dios. ¿Con qué frecuencia nos tomamos el tiempo para hablar con Dios y pedir su ayuda? ¿Qué tan cómodos nos sentimos al orar? No debemos tener miedo de acercarnos al trono de la gracia para recibir misericordia y hallar gracia cuando necesitamos ayuda. Jesús, aun colgado en la Cruz, tiene palabras de consuelo para nosotros. Me temo que muchos de nosotros descuidamos nuestra vida de oración y dejamos de hablar con Dios. ¿Tenemos miedo de pedir la ayuda de Dios? ¿No nos damos cuenta de que Dios quiere escuchar lo que nos molesta, caminar con nosotros y traernos alegría? Dios quiere saber, para poder derramar Su misericordia, bondad y gracia sobre nosotros, aliviar nuestras cargas y hacernos mejores cristianos. Profundicemos nuestra vida de oración a lo largo del año. Necesitamos hacer que sea un hábito apartar 10, 15 o 20 minutos de momentos de tranquilidad con Dios.

Tercero, hoy nos enfocamos en renovar y fortalecer nuestra fe, pero necesitamos continuar ese esfuerzo más allá de la Pascua. Igual de importante es agradecerle por su amor infinito y por estar a nuestro lado todos los días.

Hoy me doy cuenta de que el sufrimiento y la muerte de Jesús son la entrada de Dios en todos los que sufrimos. Jesús comprende completamente y está en unidad con nosotros mientras continúa salvándonos y cambiándonos.

Al “contemplar el madero de la cruz, sobre el cual colgaba el Salvador del mundo”, abrazamos también todo el misterio de amor que representa la cruz:

Primero, la cruz se trata de mi infidelidad y mis pecados, mi egoísmo.

En segundo lugar, somos nosotros los que hemos sido culpables de transgresiones y ahora somos perdonados y amados.

Al pie de la Cruz está la misericordia y la compasión de Dios.

Dios los bendiga.

Padre Arlón, osa

The Dictate of the Heart: Holy Thursday, Extraordinary Form (TLM)

Thank you for coming tonight. Today is called Maundy Thursday. What does it mean? Maundy is a word derived from the Latin word “mandatum” or “command”. It is a command coming from Jesus to His disciples, and it is a command to love and to serve!

The epistle today, taken from the first letter to the Corinthians 11:20-32, also describes this sacred ordinance or command. St. Paul teaches that what is eaten is called bread, though at the same time it is said to be the body of the Lord. These inspiring words are to attest that the outward signs signify that it is the real body and blood, broken and shed for us which flow from His death and sacrifice. Therefore, those who partake of it are called to accept Him as Lord and to live with Him as the very source and giver of Life.

In one of the interesting liturgies today, we find how meaningful the washing of the feet is. The Jewish custom of hospitality is to offer guests the opportunity to wash their feet before proceeding to the main house. Here, we find Jesus as the main host of that event at the Last Supper. It was unheard of that a master would wash the feet of His disciples, or that one with superior status would wash the feet of one who was inferior. This explains the astonishment of Peter and the disciples when Jesus removed his robe, donned a towel, and knelt down to wash their feet (verses 4-5). Everything pointed to a role reversal, a master becoming a servant. So, Jesus the Master, the Son of God, shows an act of His humility becoming the servant of all. After He washed their feet, Jesus told them to go and do likewise. This is an important reminder. Jesus says: Love one another just as I have loved you! In the same manner, serve one another as I have served you. We are commanded to do the same today.

According to the gospel reading, Jesus washing his disciplines’ feet before the meal was already in progress knowing that He was to fulfill His Father’s will. Jesus set an example and taught His disciples an act of humility and service. We are being reminded to do the same, to love, and to have a respectful encounter.

Our Holy Spirit community has to live that mission through acts of kindness, to bring healing, hope, and light to the darkness. I am humbled to be doing the washing of the feet of others. I believe this is an opportunity to rethink how we engage in service and in acts of humility, and how we continue to build and share our faith in an ever-changing climate. It has shed light on the act of intentionality and consciousness. Let us be intentionally mindful about how we value human friendship, connection and collaboration and be grateful for those blessings we have received. Jesus showed His disciples what it meant to be Christian. In these difficult times, we must continue to wash the feet of others and show the world what it means for the Word, Jesus, to become flesh.

In the scriptural texts, the duty of those who come to the Lord’s table must do a self-examination which is necessary to enter into the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. If we thoroughly search within ourselves, and fix what we find wrong, we should stop our negativities with a caution against the irregularities of which the Corinthians, like us, were guilty at the Lord’s table of sacrilegious acts. . Let us all come together to God’s worship, so as to enjoy the bounty of God’s presence.

God bless you.

Fr. Arlon, osa


El Dictado del Corazón
Jueves Santo, Forma Extraordinaria (TLM)

  • 1 Corintios 11:20-32
  • Juan 13:1-15

Gracias por venir esta noche. Hoy se llama Jueves Santo. ¿Qué significa? “Maundy” es una palabra derivada de la palabra en latin “mandatum” o “comando”. ¡Es un mandato que viene de Jesús a sus discípulos, y es un mandato de amar y servir!

La epístola de hoy, tomada de la primera carta a Corintios 11:20-32, también describe esta ordenanza o mandato sagrado. San Pablo enseña que lo que se come se llama pan, aunque, al mismo tiempo, se dice que es el cuerpo del Señor. Estas palabras inspiradoras son para atestiguar que las señales externas significan que en realidad son el cuerpo y la sangre, rotos y derramados por nosotros, los que fluyen de Su muerte y sacrificio. Por lo tanto, quienes participan de él están llamados a aceptarlo como Señor ya vivir con Él como la fuente misma y el dador de Vida.

Escuchamos en las liturgias de hoy, cuán significativo es el lavatorio de los pies. La costumbre judía de la hospitalidad es ofrecer a los invitados la oportunidad de lavarse los pies antes de dirigirse a la casa principal. Aquí, encontramos a Jesús como el anfitrión principal de ese evento en la Última Cena. Era inaudito que un maestro lavara los pies de Sus discípulos, o que alguien con un estatus superior lavara los pies de uno que era inferior. Esto explica el asombro de Pedro y los discípulos cuando Jesús se quitó la túnica, se puso una toalla y se arrodilló para lavarles los pies (versículos 4-5). Todo apuntaba a un cambio de roles, un amo que se convertía en sirviente. Así, Jesús el Maestro, el Hijo de Dios, muestra un acto de su humildad haciéndose servidor de todos. Después de lavarles los pies, Jesús les dijo que fueran y hicieran lo mismo. Este es un recordatorio importante. Jesús dice: ¡Amaos unos a otros como yo os he amado! De la misma manera servíos unos a otros como yo os he servido. Se nos ordena hacer lo mismo hoy.

Según el evangelio, Jesús lavando los pies de sus disciplinados antes de la comida ya estaba en progreso sabiendo que iba a cumplir la voluntad de Su Padre. Jesús dio ejemplo y enseñó a sus discípulos un acto de humildad y servicio. Se nos recuerda que debemos hacer lo mismo, amar y tener un encuentro respetuoso.

Nuestra comunidad del Espíritu Santo tiene que vivir esa misión a través de actos de bondad, para traer sanidad, esperanza y luz a la oscuridad. Me siento honrado de tener la oportunidad de hoy, también yo, ser el servidor y poder lavar los pies a los demás. Creo que esta es una oportunidad para repensar cómo nos involucramos en el servicio y en actos de humildad, y cómo continuamos construyendo y compartiendo nuestra fe en un clima en constante cambio. Ha arrojado luz sobre el acto de la intencionalidad y la conciencia. Seamos intencionalmente conscientes de cómo valoramos la amistad humana, la conexión y la colaboración y estemos agradecidos por las bendiciones que hemos recibido. Jesús mostró a sus discípulos lo que significaba ser cristiano. En estos tiempos difíciles, debemos seguir lavando los pies de los demás y mostrar al mundo lo que significa que la Palabra, Jesús, se haga carne.

En los textos de las Escrituras, el deber de quien se acerca a la mesa del Señor debe hacer un autoexamen que es necesario para entrar en el Sacramento de la Sagrada Eucaristía. Si escudriñamos a fondo dentro de nosotros mismos y arreglamos lo que encontramos mal, debemos detener nuestras negatividades con una cautela contra las irregularidades de las que los corintios, como nosotros, éramos culpables en la mesa del Señor de actos sacrílegos… Reunámonos todos para la adoración de Dios, para disfrutar de la generosidad de la presencia de Dios.

Dios los bendiga.

Padre Arlón, osa

The Dictate of the Heart: Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion

The Traditional Latin Community has separate celebrations of the Passion Sunday and Palm Sunday. However, the Novus Ordo calls this day both Palm Sunday and Passion Sunday, and our liturgy becomes a combination of both the glory and anguish.

Today, we enter into the most solemn week, the Holy Week. It is called Holy Week due to Jesus’ gift of Himself for our salvation. It starts today with Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion which is Jesus’ triumphant entrance into Jerusalem, being welcomed with cheering from the people, “Hosanna, Hosanna, Son of David.” Next comes Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday to recall the trial, betrayal and suffering of our Lord. Then we have the Triduum celebration starting Thursday with the commemoration of the Last Supper, His gift of the Eucharist, and His great “mandatus”, which means His command to love and serve. Friday is the passion of Christ on the Cross which caused His death. Good Friday is the only day without the celebration of the mass. On Saturday, we are called to continue our reflection on the offering of Jesus’s life for us as we await the vigil celebration of the Resurrection. Easter Sunday culminates our Catholic observance of the Holy Week, realizing that Jesus’ death on the cross is not the end but, through His resurrection, He is risen and is alive.

Palm Sunday is an invitation to reflect on the whole Passion Story from St. Matthew. However, aside from hearing the gospel, we also need to reflect on the significance of the blessed branches and palms we carry today. This is the moment to capture into our consciousness that we have the courage signifying our sense of welcoming Jesus’ entrance into our community. To some, feeling awkward doing it is probably because they hardly welcome Jesus into their hearts. When possessing the blessed palms, bring them home and put them at your altar. Keep them until you return them next year to make the sacred ashes for Ash Wednesday. We are praying with great memories in our liturgy.

The gospel today reminds us of three important things which will be our reflection points.

First, people laid palms before Jesus as he entered into Jerusalem. The palm was their way to acclaim a man who roused their hopes with much accolade. I believe Jesus deserves a great welcome over and above any movie actor or politician because Jesus is Lord and the Messiah. Our celebration today is absolutely different from the first Palm Sunday. People were cheering a very dramatic event, and yet we are here in the comfort of the church already contemplating the price of victory.

Second, this celebration as I have mentioned to you at the beginning of my homily is a combination of those two elements: the glory and the anguish of our sorrows. This might be a real challenge for us as we enter Holy Week. There is glory in the sense that thru Jesus, the Son of God triumphantly enters into Jerusalem giving of Himself just as God gives His very Being unto our hands. Anguish and sorrow cannot be hidden due to the fact that we feel it by knowing that those people who welcomed Him succumbed to human injustice.

Third, people welcomed Him with much expectations to usher in God’s promise. They shout, “Hosanna!” – God, come to save us!” Later, many of the people are persuaded to turn on Jesus. “Crucify him, Crucify him!” People have never realized that their evil desire to let Jesus suffer is tantamount of taking away their Hope. However, the gentleness of Jesus is the complete opposite of their resistance to accept the Truth.

It is appropriate to recall the prophesy of Isaiah speaking of the innocence of Jesus, who lives His own way of doing “no harm” while walking through the shame and guilt which surrounds Him. This is the major contrast then, the gentleness of Jesus colliding with the human resistance to purity and truth.

While listening to the long narrative of the Passion, we realize that Jesus lived and died doing no harm and, more positively, doing the infinitely good thing.

Brothers and Sisters, during this whole week, let us be united with the suffering of our Lord as we try to overcome our personal suffering and the suffering of our work today. In today’s mass, always remember that just as the Father transformed Him in His suffering, we too are now one with Jesus transforming us. We are not alone!

God bless you.

Fr. Arlon, osa


El Dictado del Corazón Domingo de Ramos, año A En la Procesión con las Palmas Evangelio-Mt 21:1-11

  • Evangelio-Mt 21:1-11
  • Isaías 50:4-7
  • Salmo 22:8-9, 17-18, 19-20, 23-24
  • Filipenses 2:6-11
  • Mateo 26:14–27:66 o 27:11-54

Hoy es Domingo de Ramos, nos encontramos ya inmersos en el Misterio de la Pasión de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo. En esta Semana Santa estamos invitados a participar activamente en las festividades pascuales, por la grandeza de lo que Jesús padeció por nuestra salvación. Hoy comienza la Semana Santa. Se llama santo debido al don de Jesús de sí mismo para nuestra salvación. Comienza hoy con el Domingo de Ramos de la Pasión del Señor, que es la entrada triunfal de Jesús a Jerusalén, siendo recibido por la gente vitoreando, “Hosanna, Hosanna, Hijo de David”. Luego vienen el lunes, martes y miércoles para recordar el juicio, la traición y el sufrimiento de nuestro Señor. Luego tenemos la celebración del triduo a partir del jueves, con la conmemoración de la Última Cena, Su don de la Eucaristía, y Su gran “mandatus”, que significa su mandato de amar y servir. El viernes es la pasión de Cristo en la Cruz que causó su muerte. El Viernes Santo es el único día sin la celebración de la misa. El sábado, estamos llamados a continuar nuestra reflexión sobre la ofrenda de la vida de Jesús por nosotros mientras esperamos la celebración de la vigilia de la Resurrección. El Domingo de Pascua culmina nuestra observancia católica de la Semana Santa para darnos cuenta de que la muerte de Jesús en la cruz no es el final sino que, a través de Su resurrección, Él resucitó y vive.

El Domingo de Ramos es una invitación a reflexionar sobre toda la Historia de la Pasión de San Mateo. Sin embargo, además de escuchar el evangelio, también debemos reflexionar sobre el significado de las ramas y palmas benditas que llevamos hoy. Este es el momento de capturar en nuestra conciencia que tenemos el coraje de expresar nuestro sentido de acoger la entrada de Jesús en nuestra comunidad. Algunos pueden sentirse incómodos al hacerlo, probablemente porque apenas reciben a Jesús en sus corazones. Cuando poseas las palmas benditas, llévalas a casa y ponlas en tu altar. Guárdelos hasta que los devuelva el próximo año para hacer las cenizas sagradas para el Miércoles de Ceniza. Estamos orando con grandes recuerdos en nuestra liturgia.

El evangelio de hoy nos recuerda tres cosas importantes que serán nuestros puntos de reflexión.

Primero, la gente colocó palmas ante Jesús cuando entró en Jerusalén. La palma fue su manera de aclamar a un hombre que despertó sus esperanzas con muchos elogios. Creo que Jesús merece una gran acogida por encima de cualquier actor de cine o político porque Jesús es el Señor y el Mesías. Nuestra celebración de hoy es absolutamente diferente del primer Domingo de Ramos. La gente vitoreaba. Fue un evento muy dramático y, sin embargo, estamos aquí en la comodidad de la iglesia contemplando ya el precio de la victoria.

Segundo, esta celebración como les he mencionado al inicio de mi homilía es una combinación de esos dos elementos: la gloria y la angustia o nuestros dolores. Esto podría ser un verdadero desafío para nosotros al entrar en Semana Santa. Gloria en el sentido de que Jesús, el Hijo de Dios, entra triunfalmente en Jerusalén entregándose así como Dios está entregando Su propio Ser en nuestras manos. La angustia y el dolor no se pueden ocultar, y es que lo sentimos al saber que aquellas personas que lo acogieron sucumbieron ante la injusticia humana.

Tercero, la gente lo recibió con muchas expectativas de marcar el comienzo de la promesa de Dios. Ellos gritan, “¡Hosanna!” – ¡Dios, ven a salvarnos!” Más tarde, mucha gente es persuadida de volverse contra Jesús. “¡Crucifícale, crucifícale!” La gente nunca se ha dado cuenta de que su malévolo deseo de dejar sufrir a Jesús equivale a quitarles la Esperanza. Sin embargo, la mansedumbre de Jesús es todo lo contrario de su resistencia a aceptar la Verdad.

Espero que tengamos un programa espiritual que pueda, creo, hacer especialmente fructífera nuestra observancia de la Semana Santa y la Pascua. Si tomamos en serio sus palabras, podemos estar seguros de que nuestros corazones y mentes crecerán para estar más abiertos a recibir la abundancia y la riqueza del Espíritu de Cristo, y por la gracia de Dios, nuestra Semana Santa puede ser una ofrenda aceptable para la alabanza. de Dios y por nuestro bien y el de toda la Iglesia.

Por lo que Jesús soportó en la Cruz; no debemos mantenernos a distancia de Él. Más bien, como miembros de su Cuerpo, debemos permitir que todo lo que Él pasó nos toque en lo más profundo de nuestro ser. Finalmente, esta celebración de la Semana Santa significa para nosotros, no sólo Su Pasión y sufrimientos, sino también Su gloriosa Resurrección resucitándonos con Él como creación nueva y redimida.

Dios los bendiga.

Padre Arlón, osa

The Dictate of the Heart: Palm Sunday, Extraordinary Form (TLM)

Today is Palm Sunday, and we find ourselves already immersed in the Mystery of Our Lord’s Passion.  Every day we are invited to take part in the Paschal festivities and participate actively in our liturgy this week for the greatness of what Jesus endured for our salvation. Today begins the Holy Week. It is called holy due to Jesus’ gift of Himself for our salvation.  It starts today with Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion, which is Jesus’ triumphant entrance into Jerusalem, being welcomed with people cheering, “Hosanna, Hosanna, Son of David.”  Then comes Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday to recall the trial, betrayal and suffering of our Lord.  Then we have the triduum celebration starting Thursday, with the commemoration of the Last Supper, His gift of the Eucharist, and His great “mandatus,” that means his command to love and to serve.  Friday is the passion of Christ on the Cross which caused His death. Good Friday is the only day without the celebration of the mass.  On Saturday, we are called to continue our reflection on the offering of Jesus’s life for us as we await the vigil celebration of the Resurrection.  Easter Sunday culminates our Catholic observance of the Holy Week to realize that Jesus’ death on the cross is not the end but, through His resurrection, He is risen and alive.

Palm Sunday is an invitation to reflect on the whole Passion Story from St. Matthew.  However, aside from hearing the gospel, we also need to reflect on the significance of the blessed branches and palms we carry today. This is the moment to capture into our consciousness that we have the courage to signify our sense of welcoming Jesus’ entrance into our community.  Some may feel awkward doing it, probably because they hardly welcome Jesus into their hearts.  When possessing the blessed palms, take them home and put them at your altar. Keep them until you return them next year to make the sacred ashes for Ash Wednesday.  We are praying with great memories in our liturgy.

The gospel today reminds us of three important things which will be our reflection points.

First, people laid palms before Jesus as he entered into Jerusalem. The palm was their way to acclaim a man who roused their hopes with much accolade. I believe Jesus deserves a great welcome over and above any movie actor or politician because Jesus is Lord and the Messiah. Our celebration today is absolutely different from the first Palm Sunday. People were cheering. It was a very dramatic event, and yet we are here in the comfort of the church contemplating already the price of victory.

Second, this celebration as I have mentioned to you at the beginning of my homily is a combination of those two elements: the glory and the anguish or our sorrows. This might be a real challenge for us as we enter Holy Week. Glory in the sense that Jesus, the Son of God, triumphantly enters into Jerusalem giving of Himself just as God is giving His very Being unto our hands. Anguish and sorrow cannot be hidden, and the fact is we feel it by knowing that those people who welcomed Him succumbed to human injustice.

Third, people welcomed Him with much expectations to usher in God’s promise. They shout, “Hosanna!” – God, come to save us!” Later, many of the people are persuaded to turn against Jesus. “Crucify him, Crucify him!” People have never realized that their evil desire to let Jesus suffer is tantamount to taking away their Hope. However, the gentleness of Jesus is the complete opposite of their resistance to accept the Truth.

I hope that we have a spiritual program that can, I believe, make especially fruitful our observance of Holy Week and Easter. If we take His words to heart, we can be confident that our hearts and minds will grow to be more open to receive the abundance and richness of Christ’s Spirit, and by God’s grace, our Holy Week can be an acceptable offering, to the praise of God and for our own good and the good of the whole Church.

Because of what Jesus endured on the Cross; we must not keep ourselves at a distance from Him. Rather, as members of his Body, we must allow all that He went through to touch us at the very core of our being. Finally, this Holy Week observance means to us, not only His Passion and sufferings, but also His glorious Resurrection raising us with Him as new and redeemed creation.

God bless you.

Fr. Arlon, osa

The Dictate of the Heart: 5th Week of Lent, Friday

Today is the last day of the month of March. We are awaiting the most beautiful liturgy of the Church as we are about to enter Holy Week this coming Sunday, Palm Sunday. Most of the churches are open for meditation and prayer, centering ourselves on the Passion of the Lord, the mystery of God’s love.

There are many of us who want to know how to deal with our enemies and persecutors. I guess we need to be observant to know the true character of a person when he is in the midst of crisis, problems, provocation and moments of anger and adversities. We easily detect the way the person reacts and behaves which may surprise us to see all the unchristian traits. There is that devil or animal instinct manifesting thru uncontrolled behaviors.

Listening to the first reading from the Prophet Jeremiah, we see he was not able to escape from the people’s attitude against him. They were so mean to him that Jeremiah offered a prayer of surrender, “O Lord of hosts, you who test the just, who probe mind and heart,. Let me see your vengeance upon these people, for you I have entrusted my cause.” He was probably at his breaking point dealing with those people. He asked God to do something for revenge against them.

The gospel from John 10:31-42 narrates to us the gentleness and kindness of God despite the rejection of the people wanting to kill Jesus. It was a complete opposite behavior shown by Jeremiah to deal with those people with ill intent.
There are two ways which we found that Jesus has fulfilled:

First, Jesus has the power to take revenge on those people, and yet He did not call down fire to consume them but silently left the vicinity.

Second, Jesus reminded them that He had done so many good things and miracles. There were signs where they could not read between the lines, which specifically tells them greater things, that God is in their midst and that Jesus’ good works are coming from His Father.

Thus, in dealing with our enemies, we must be loving, positive and with great faith to imitate the example of the Lord.

May God give us the grace of perseverance to be holy, and in our moments of adversity, difficulties and anger, just pray; God hears us always.

God bless you.

Fr. Arlon, osa

The Dictate of the Heart: 5th Sunday of Lent, Year A

Today is the 5th Sunday of Lent. Five weeks is too long for those who have trouble focusing on being absorbed by penance, prayer, and charitable works. However, those who are faithful and ascetic desire more time spent in God’s presence.

We continue to dedicate our precious time in fulfilling Lenten discipline. We look forward to celebrating Christ’s Resurrection. We want to jump from the tomb of our heart’s pains and disappointments and find comfort in the power of God to live again, to rise from slumber, and to grow from our empty or broken hearts and souls.

We read from the excerpts of Ezekiel in our first reading today which narrates the vision of Ezekiel about the chosen people who are in exile and in captivity. They are leaving their beloved land, and the voice of the Lord tells the prophet to call these bones back to strengths and flesh. They would experience being reborn by the warmth of the breath of God in their true land in order to awaken their spirits.

In the second reading taken from the letter to the Romans, St. Paul seems to emphasize more on the presence of the spirit in the whole resurrection process. St. Paul says, “But if Christ is in you, although the body is dead because of sin, the spirit is alive because of righteousness.”

All the readings today encourage us to have that faith in the resurrection of the body at God’s hand which becomes the central message.

Today’s gospel about the story of Lazarus gives us clear hope believing in Jesus, who promises resurrection at the end of our earthly journey. There is eternal life in Jesus, our Lord. However, knowing this story, we cannot just focus on Jesus’ miracle, but rather establish a profound and personal relationship with Him. We are being led to process ourselves in understanding this passage:

First, Jesus says to Martha that those believing in Him will surely have eternal life and those who do believe will never die. When Jesus asks her if she believes, she says simply, “Yes Lord.” This is an expression of Faith.

St. Augustine supported the idea that faith is needed not only in things that are beyond reason because true and genuine faith can attain an illuminative role to safeguard failings and errors. In the case of Martha, the fact that she said, yes, her reason was illuminated by faith and faith informed by reason; hence, it serves the reference of her judgment which corresponds to her decision and action. Today, Jesus calls us to a decision of belief.

Second, Jesus brings Lazarus back to life, and he went out from the tomb. The power to restore or resuscitate Lazarus is a message to those spectators that believing is “living,” from the darkness of unbelief into the light of faith.

Third, Jesus’ way of restoring the life of his friend is not the resurrection per se. Jesus does not take away all forms of death and confinement from Lazarus. He would still taste death, but he was able to wake up in order to return home and come back into the human experience for a while in order to become an instrument for many to believe in Jesus. Jesus is the Messiah, who has the power to raise man from death.

Fourth, Jesus was heading to Jerusalem towards His destiny awaiting Him to be condemned, to face death, and to have His glorious resurrection. Jesus does offer as the “giver of life” and eventually, He Himself as the Resurrection. This passage is to reminisce on following the Lord where our human pains, struggles and losses would take us into a different new life.

In these remaining weeks of the season of Lent, let us free ourselves from doubts and troubled spirits, for Jesus is the fulfillment of scriptures. There should be no doubts, no need for more signs, like the early Israelites who were looking for more signs, instead of believing and accepting Jesus as the Messiah, who can raise up the dead, heal the sick, and expel demons, which are all substantially validating pieces of evidence.

God bless you.

Fr. Arlon, osa


El Dictado del Corazón
Quinto Domingo de Cuaresma, Año A.

  • Ezequiel 37:12-14
  • Salmo 130:1-2,3-4,5-6,7-8
  • Romanos 8:8-11
  • Juan 11:1-45

Hoy es el Quinto Domingo de Cuaresma. Cinco semanas es demasiado tiempo para aquellos que tienen problemas para concentrarse en estar absortos en la penitencia, la oración y las obras de caridad. Sin embargo, aquellos que son fieles y penitentes, desean pasar más tiempo en la presencia de Dios.

Seguimos dedicando nuestro precioso tiempo a cumplir la disciplina de Cuaresma. Estamos ansiosos por celebrar la Resurrección de Cristo. Queremos saltar de la tumba de los dolores y desilusiones de nuestro corazón y encontrar consuelo en el poder de Dios para vivir de nuevo, levantarnos del sueño y crecer desde nuestro corazón y alma que se encuentran vacíos o rotos.

Leemos en la primera lectura de hoy, la visión de Ezequiel sobre el pueblo elegido que está en el exilio y el cautiverio. Se van lejos de su amada tierra. Y la voz del Señor le dice al profeta que recupere la fuerza y la carne de estos huesos. Experimentarían renacer por el cálido soplo de Dios en su verdadera tierra para despertar su espíritu.

En la segunda lectura tomada de la carta a los Romanos, san Pablo parece subrayar la presencia del espíritu en todo el proceso de la resurrección. San Pablo dice: “Pero si Cristo está en nosotros, aunque el cuerpo esté muerto a causa del pecado, el espíritu vive a causa de la justicia”.

Las lecturas de hoy nos animan a tener una fe en que la resurrección del cuerpo por manos de Dios, se convierte en el mensaje central. El evangelio de hoy sobre la historia de Lázaro nos da una clara esperanza en creer aún más en Jesús, quien promete la resurrección al final de nuestro camino terrenal. Hay vida eterna en Jesús, nuestro Señor. Sin embargo, conociendo esta historia, no podemos centrarnos únicamente en el milagro de Jesús, sino establecer una relación profunda y personal con Él. Estamos siendo guiados a procesarnos a nosotros mismos, en la comprensión de este pasaje:

Primero, Jesús le dice a Marta “Yo soy la resurrección y la vida. El que cree en mí, aunque haya muerto, vivirá”. Cuando Jesús le pregunta “¿Crees tu esto? Ella simplemente le responde “Sí, Señor”. Esta es una expresión de fe.

San Agustín apoyó la idea de que la fe es necesaria no solo en las cosas que están más allá de la razón, porque la fe verdadera y genuina puede alcanzar una iluminación para salvarnos de las fallas y los errores. En el caso de Marta, el hecho de que ella dijera SÍ, su razón estaba iluminada por la fe y la fe informada por la razón, por lo tanto, sirve como referencia de su juicio que corresponde a su decisión y acción. Hoy, Jesús nos llama a una decisión de fe.

Segundo, Jesús resucita a Lázaro y Lázaro sale de la tumba. El poder de restaurar o resucitar a Lázaro es un mensaje para llevar a aquellos espectadores que creer es “vivir”, de las tinieblas de la incredulidad a la luz de la fe.

Tercero, la forma en que Jesús restaura la vida de su amigo no es la resurrección por decir. Jesús no quita todas las formas de muerte y encierro de Lázaro. Todavía probaría la muerte, solo tenía que despertarse para regresar a casa, y regresar a la experiencia humana por un tiempo más, para convertirse en un instrumento de la Gracia de Dios, para que muchos creyeran en Jesús. Jesús es el Mesías, que tiene el poder de resucitar a un hombre de la muerte.

Cuarto, Jesús se dirigía a Jerusalén hacia Su destino, esperándolo para ser condenado, enfrentar la muerte y tener Su gloriosa resurrección. Jesús se ofrece como el “dador de vida” y eventualmente, Él es la Resurrección. Este pasaje es para recordar, para que seguir al Señor donde nuestros dolores, luchas y pérdidas humanas nos lleven a una nueva vida diferente.

Estas semanas restantes del tiempo de Cuaresma, librémonos de dudas y espíritus turbados porque Jesús es el cumplimiento de las escrituras. Sin duda, no hay necesidad de más señales, al igual que los primeros israelitas que buscaban más señales, en lugar de creer y aceptar a Jesús como el Mesías, que puede resucitar a los muertos, sanar a los enfermos, expulsar demonios, son evidencia sustancialmente validas.

Dios los bendiga.

Padre Arlón, osa

The Dictate of the Heart: Passion Sunday, Extraordinary Form (TLM)

Today is the Passion Sunday, which is the 5th Sunday of Lent, a week before the celebration of Palm Sunday. We are again begging God, “to look down in mercy upon Thy family, by Thy favor may we be inwardly strengthened in heart and mind.”

Reflecting on the epistle from the Letter to the Hebrews emphasizes that Jesus is a sublime offering and sacrifice. The main thrust is the eternal redemption secured by our Lord Jesus Christ and not the animal offerings of the Old Testament. Jesus Christ offered Himself without blemish. He paid the ransom price for human redemption, and this sacrificial act was “once for all” which is an “eternal” one.

When “Christ being come, a High Priest of the good things to come, by a greater and more perfect tabernacle, not made with hands…but by his own blood.” This is in connection that Jesus’ origin comes from God, not earthly; thus, a great and perfect tabernacle. The good things were the blessings Christ won for us by His sacrificial death freely given.

Christ, “through His own blood … entered the holy place once for all time,” demonstrates the immeasurable value of His sacrifice because His blood obtained eternal redemption as compared to other offerings.

In today’s gospel, Jesus has spoken to clarify things thru His teaching. He says, “I do not have a demon, but I honor my Father, and you dishonor me. Yet I do not seek my own glory; there is One who seeks it, and he the judge. Truly, truly, I say to you, if anyone keeps my word, he will never see death.” I believe that Jesus’ words are more powerful than death for Jesus only saves and gives life to the fullest. In this gospel pericope it is clear to understand that He is sinless. He has words of eternal life when He says, “If any man keep My word, he shall not see death forever.” and the Jews said to him, “You are not fifty years old, and have you seen Abraham?” He says: “Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I am.” Thus, He is truly God. Here, Jesus is saying that he existed before Abraham. He is older than Abraham because he is truly God. He is “I am”. When Moses was at the burning bush and asked God what his name was, God said, “I AM”. This is what Jesus means when he says, “Before Abraham was, I am.” He is saying, “I am God.”

The last verse of our gospel reading: “So they picked up stones to throw at him, but Jesus hid himself and went out of the temple.” They picked up stones to throw at him. They wanted to kill him. People understood exactly what Jesus was saying and yet they rejected Him. We must be careful and shouldn’t be afraid what we say if even so they reject us too.

Today, we are in the midst of our loving Savior, Jesus Christ, who existed even before Abraham, and before Adam and Eve, and who created the world. We are in the presence of our merciful Lord Jesus who holds life and death in His hands, forgives us, feeds us and blesses us.

Some of us might say, “Well what was the point of Jesus saying anything in our reading today if all that happened is that no-one believed in him, and they wanted to kill him?” My understanding is that we believed Him, and these things were written down for us. Jesus promises us the same things, that “we will never see death.”

In conclusion, Jesus has these words for us, He says: “Which one of you convicts me of sin? If I tell the truth, why do you not believe me? Whoever is of God hears the words of God. The reason why you do not hear them is that you are not of God.”

God bless you.

Fr. Arlon, osa

The Dictate of the Heart: 4th Week of Lent, Friday

Today’s scripture readings continuously lead us to a dramatic commemoration of Holy Week, which will be two weeks from today.

Reading the Book of Wisdom 2:1-22, the wicked seem to be waging war against the good. They said, “Let us beset the just one, because he is obnoxious to us, he sets himself against our doings.” It is understandable that those wicked people confront us with their evil intent to harm and to destroy us because we are against them. We must be vigilant to oppose their vicious and destructive ways to put us down.

Jesus is harassed and confronted by the Jewish religious leaders as the hour of His passion is getting closer. He takes advantage purposefully of the discussion with them. He had spoken of the value of the testimony of John the Baptist and of all Christian testimony, but the fact was that they rejected outright His own testimony.

We should be enlightened that His words and works mirrored the same God, whom Jesus wants to reveal, especially that the Father’s love be known to all. The purpose of His coming is for the people to be reconciled with God, rather than the people blocking His work to give life. The work of God is to give life, primarily, to accomplish His mission.

It is obvious that they want to kill Jesus. It is ironic that these people claimed to be knowledgeable about God’s Law and yet they exactly resemble the “wicked” mentioned in the first reading. These religious leaders were close-minded in understanding the real message of God’s Law, to be merciful and to know the truth from those being favored by God due to their humility and kindness and the transforming grace of God shining through them. It is a clear message not to judge others’ goodness by your personal standard of truth. We heard the wisdom that “we claim to know all about God but we really don’t know anything.”

The last line of today’s Gospel reads, “they tried to seize Him,” but we must seize or capture the Lord in our hearts, not to kill Him, but to be open to receive the fulness of life, with all our remaining days to improve our spiritual life by using our time to grasp, listen, meditate and comprehend His words.

God bless you.

Fr. Arlon, osa

The Dictate of the Heart: 4th Week of Lent, Thursday

I believe we persevere in taking more time in prayer and meditation. Distraction is always there, but we must continue to follow the dictates of God’s spirit. Never feel disappointments; just embrace the opportunity to be embraced with God’s grace.

The first reading today from the book of Exodus 32:7-14 is a fascinating story about the conversation between Moses and God. God reveals to Moses the infidelity of the people and threatens to show His wrath upon them by way of consuming them with a blazing fire. Somehow, Moses implored the Lord God, “Why O Lord, should your wrath blaze up against your own people, who you brought out of the Land of Egypt with such a great power and with so strong a hand?” In this story Moses was indeed a good leader, intercessor, and a faithful shepherd. People look with wonder at his guidance and the delivering of his people from punishment.

In the gospel today, Jesus was confronted by leaders of the Jewish community. Jesus mentioned that many good men like Moses and John the Baptizer had spoken the truth about Him. Furthermore, His calling comes from above. He then assured them of defense but instead infuriated them.

The readings today have one theme in common; it is our human inclination that we want easy and comfortable ways to barter what God offers us for something that is of lesser value. We need to have a new way of understanding that what is valuable is to give up things here on earth for the things of heaven.

We must know God’s servants who could lead us to a closer relationship with Him. Is it one of our family members, a colleague, a friend, a priest or a member of our community on whom we rely in order to build a companion towards Christ.

My prayer today is to accept the help and guidance of Jesus thru people whom we rely on to help us walk towards our heavenly destiny, to follow Jesus back on the narrow path, and to walk knowing that Jesus will always be at the forefront of our journey.

God bless you.

Fr. Arlon, osa