The Dictate of the Heart: 17th Week in Ordinary Time

The World Youth Day 2023, Lisbon, Portugal is ongoing and led by Pope Francis. There are thousands of young people from all over the world to gather together and journey together in faith. It is needed that our young ones must come to one dwelling place where God is present and accompanied in their search for meaning and relationship with God.

In our first reading today from the book of Exodus, Moses’ gesture of fidelity to God followed God’s instructions and commandments to make a dwelling place. It was a place where Moses placed the Arch of the Covenant. The Israelites cannot move forward when the Dwelling was covered by clouds. And during the night, “fire was seen in the cloud by the whole house of Israel in all the stages of their journey.”

In our life, we must remember that when we are covered with unfaithfulness, anxiety, and sins, we stumble and are paralyzed. We only move when we are fully reconciled with God.

The gospel today is another parable about the Kingdom of Heaven from St. Matthew. It is likened to a net thrown away to catch all kinds of fish. God is generous to include all in His vision to be with Him in His kingdom. However, in the end, God separates the good and the bad.

Our attitude must be checked and the process of self-examination is indeed necessary. Does our life conform to His commands? Are we willing to influence others to be faithful to God?

Jesus fulfills the promises of God to us. He never rejects the old traditions but compliments them with His new insights. We must know how to discern the Word of God by asking the help of the Holy Spirit to enlighten us in our journey through life.

God bless you.

Fr. Arlon, osa

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