The Dictate of the Heart: 6th Week of Easter, Thursday

A new student here at our Parochial Little Flower Catholic School has been very observant of his fellow students. One day this boy asked one of his classmates why the students of Little flower School are happy and very much satisfied and friendlier than his former classmates in another school. He wanted to know the reason why they are different because of their behavior.

He befriended one boy who kindly told him the secret which was written in his notebook. He read it: “Don’t worry/be anxious, for God loves you. (John 13:1). Don’t feel weak, for God holds you! (Psalm 139:10) and Don’t be afraid for God keeps you. (Psalm 121:5)” These three assuring phrases in the scriptures keep us always joyful and boost our morale to live in cheerfulness all the days of our lives even out of the school vicinity. Am I right?

What is happening around us is that we face life with uncertainties which create tension and we become uncomfortable. Thus, through the Lord in the scriptures, we are reminded not to worry, not to be weak and not to fear because Jesus loves us, holds us, and keeps us always in His heart.

In today’s gospel, Jesus told His disciples, “A little while and you will see me no more; again, a little while and you will see me” (John 16:16) What does Jesus mean by “a little while?” This expression “a little while” is a Greek word “mikron” which means a brief period of time. It means a temporary absence. These words of Jesus put the disciples into a very uncomfortable situation. They failed to understand the meaning of the words of Jesus and were confused and in a dilemma! They began to have a discussion about the phrase of Jesus – “a little while.”

Jesus, the Good Teacher, knew that confusion of His Apostles; however, they were not courageous enough to ask Him questions. I believe Jesus is inviting His disciples and us to believe that all our worries, fears and sorrows in this world are human experiences; however, when we turn to the Lord, it completely changes our human suffering into joy and rejoicing.

Maybe today as we pass through waves of troubles and the deserts of anxiety, let us bear in mind that the good Lord assures us, … “In a little while” things will be fine! … “In a little while” the sunshine will appear again! Oftentimes, we may tend to lose our patience, and we may feel like giving up. Just remember today through this gospel that Jesus wishes to encourage us and strengthen us because in suffering, please do love Him strongly; in trials, trust Him deeply; in uncertainties, depend on Him greatly. These great principles mark authentic Christianity by which our Lord works in our lives.

God bless you.

Fr. Arlon, osa

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