The Dictate of the Heart: Low Sunday of Easter, Extraordinary Form (TLM)

Today is the Low Sunday of Easter. We are continuously enjoying our new birth, which is the effect or the evidence of what resurrection is about. What signs have you ever perceived that the Risen Lord has caused you to be a transformed person?

The epistle from 1 John 5:4-10 reminds us; “Whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world; and this is the victory which overcometh the world, our faith.” I believe that it is God’s grace that definitively causes the transformation of our minds and hearts. However, we have a role to play to love sinners and to continue to bring them to the Lord. Where He goes, we will go and be willing to participate in His mission to save others. We don’t want to think only of our own salvation but also to do a deeper work of faith and love in your life.

The gospel today speaks about the disciples gathering together in the upper room that first Easter evening. They were in fear because of what they witnessed before Jesus was crucified. They were emotional at the last supper and the washing of the feet. They were with Jesus while praying in the garden, but they fell asleep. They witnessed Judas’ betrayal, Peter’s denial and then Jesus’ arrest, trial, passion, and crucifixion. Then there was confusion when the body of Jesus disappeared from the tomb. The apostles experienced terrible mixed emotions of sadness, grief and confusion until He appeared to them in the upper room.

I would like to accompany you to reflect on important events that happened when they saw Jesus.

First, Jesus said to them, “Peace Be with You” to ease the doubts of those frightened disciples and to give them the grace of mercy, forgiveness, and love. Jesus showed them His hands and His side. His disciples rejoiced to see Jesus alive and among them.

Second, “As the Father has sent Me.” Jesus did not only show Himself being alive, but made them remember that He was sent by His Father. It is an opportunity to remember His disciples’ primary concern which is to be prepared for their great task rather than to succumb to their fears, doubts, and anxieties. They too were sent to the world.

Third, Jesus said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit,” which means that the disciples need not worry but continue to remain with Him for He is there to provide a gift, which is something greater to accomplish their mission. Jesus breathed on those apostles, and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.” I can imagine how God created us; He breathed unto us His breath of Life. We all share the same gift in baptism and confirmation for we are made new creations in Christ. We are now brothers and sisters in Christ, who will live forever with our crucified and risen Lord.

Fourth, the mentioning of Thomas’ name because he was not there when Jesus first appeared to the other disciples becomes an important teaching lesson for Jesus. We are not sure why, but I’ve always wondered if Thomas was not happy with the other disciples’ claim that they had seen the Lord. Thomas famously said, “Unless I see the mark of the nails in his hands and put my finger in the mark of the nails and my hand in his side, I will not believe.” When Jesus appeared again and Thomas was present, He said to Thomas, “Put your fingers here and see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it in my side. Do not doubt but believe.” Jesus manifests His patience to Thomas and Jesus’s patience with you and me.

This beautiful gospel story is really about each and everyone of us, trying to be worthy followers of Jesus. We are struggling with doubt and constantly falling short of what we know that Jesus expects from us. He says every time we attend mass, the peace which surpasses all understanding, the peace which the world cannot give, and the peace that only comes from our Lord, Jesus Christ when we most need it.

Brothers and sisters, like all disciples, we are also empowered by the
promptings of the Holy Spirit, who sends us out to the world to continue our mission. This is what our Lord does for each and every one of us. That, too, is what the miracle of Easter means for us.

May God continue to strengthen us with His grace to be witnesses of His resurrection.

Fr. Arlon, osa

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