The Dictate of the Heart: 4th Week of Lent, Thursday

I believe we persevere in taking more time in prayer and meditation. Distraction is always there, but we must continue to follow the dictates of God’s spirit. Never feel disappointments; just embrace the opportunity to be embraced with God’s grace.

The first reading today from the book of Exodus 32:7-14 is a fascinating story about the conversation between Moses and God. God reveals to Moses the infidelity of the people and threatens to show His wrath upon them by way of consuming them with a blazing fire. Somehow, Moses implored the Lord God, “Why O Lord, should your wrath blaze up against your own people, who you brought out of the Land of Egypt with such a great power and with so strong a hand?” In this story Moses was indeed a good leader, intercessor, and a faithful shepherd. People look with wonder at his guidance and the delivering of his people from punishment.

In the gospel today, Jesus was confronted by leaders of the Jewish community. Jesus mentioned that many good men like Moses and John the Baptizer had spoken the truth about Him. Furthermore, His calling comes from above. He then assured them of defense but instead infuriated them.

The readings today have one theme in common; it is our human inclination that we want easy and comfortable ways to barter what God offers us for something that is of lesser value. We need to have a new way of understanding that what is valuable is to give up things here on earth for the things of heaven.

We must know God’s servants who could lead us to a closer relationship with Him. Is it one of our family members, a colleague, a friend, a priest or a member of our community on whom we rely in order to build a companion towards Christ.

My prayer today is to accept the help and guidance of Jesus thru people whom we rely on to help us walk towards our heavenly destiny, to follow Jesus back on the narrow path, and to walk knowing that Jesus will always be at the forefront of our journey.

God bless you.

Fr. Arlon, osa

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