The Dictate of the Heart: Wednesday First Week of Lent, Year A

I remember a story about a boy who attended a bible story class on Sundays. He was excited to know the story about Jonah. He was fascinated to know and he shared with his father, who is not a believer. He told his dad that Jonah was given a mission by God to preach repentance to Ninevites. He was scared until he was swallowed by a whale to deliver him right to the shore to fulfill his task. The father of the boy was not convinced. He was telling the boy that it was impossible for a whale to swallow Jonah because the whale has smaller throat. But the boy was insisting that the story was real. He reiterated to his father that if he would go to heaven, he will ask Jonah. The father said to him, “What if Jonah was not in heaven?” The boy was quick to respond, “Well, then if Jonah would not be in heaven, Daddy, you will be the one to ask him.”

This first week of Lent, we are asked to amend ourselves and repent, meaning turning away from sin and unbelief. Building a relationship with God and other superficially won’t make much difference. We need to accept God’s grace, not to resist and avoid a chance to change. With God there is a deeper opportunity for transformation. When I am confronted with resistance, I place myself in the loving embrace of God’s mercy and love. It opens the door of change and this season of Lent becomes a time of grace. As we experience Jesus’ love, it becomes easier to take Jesus’ heart for me to take root and be a better person.

In today’s gospel from St. Luke, people are demanding for signs. Most of us do the same thing. We want to see directly from our eye’s sensational occurrence, miracles, etc. However, Jesus is responding to us that there is not other miracles because in our midst Jesus says, “there is something greater than Jonah here.” (Luke 11:31) I believe that looking for other signs will not get us anywhere for satisfaction. Instead, let us open and listen to the movements of the Spirit and be mindful that Jesus, our Lord has suffered, died, and risen for our salvation.

The focus of our heart and mind is Jesus. From Jesus’ words, the only sign that would be given is the sign of Jonah which is pointing towards His own death and resurrection.

May our Lord’s compassion open our hearts to true repentance and conversion.

God bless you.

Fr. Arlon, osa

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