The Dictate of the Heart: Feast of the Holy Innocents, Martyrs

Today, we commemorate the Feast of the Holy Innocents, the first martyrs of the Church, shedding their blood for Jesus. I would like to be a martyr because it seems that it is a real shortcut to heaven.

From the first letter of St. John, what really struck me are his words that remind me that if “we continue to walk in darkness, we lie and do not act in truth.” Indeed, I have searched for that gift of God’s forgiveness which involves recognizing my own need of repentance. How many times have I caused people hurt and suffering, not realizing that much of the problem is myself? The problem is not others, but me. I believe that the worst sin is pride and to justify our actions. Perhaps we need to realize that sin separates us from God and others.

The gospel reading today recounts the story of the massacre of infant boys in an effort to kill the young Jesus, because of Herod’s selfishness. Joseph, Mary, and Jesus went to Egypt as refugees to escape from danger.

As I reflect on today’s gospel, I remember those innocent children who are in danger because of abortion, illness and dying through no fault of their own. I wonder how many parents are able to do anything to save their children.

The Catholic Church challenges all of us to protect life and their dignity as God’s children. I believe that life should not only be respected, but above all defended. This is our stance as Catholics. This selfish senseless killing of innocent babies must be stopped.

In this feast of the Church, let us remember with conviction to console parents who have lost a child, or those innocent children slaughtered, and pray that they too share the glory of the infant companions of Jesus.

Certainly, this world needs us to bring God’s love, hope and light into every situation we encounter.

May the Holy Innocents, pray for us.

Fr. Arlon, osa

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