The Dictate of the Heart on my 32nd Presbyteral Ordination Anniversary, December 7, 2022

I am blessed to be “Bi-ritual” priest.  It means that I can celebrate both the Extraordinary Form (Latin) and the Novus Ordo. I am grateful to Bishop Randolp Calvo, DD and Bishop Daniel Mueggenborg, DD for giving this special faculty to lead Holy Spirit Mission Latin Community of the Diocese of Reno.

Today, I would like to share the “Joy of my Priesthood” as I celebrate my Priestly Ordination Anniversary.

The “Joy of Priesthood” is a gift to me. I am remembering how my priesthood has changed my life and others’ lives. I have administered thousand of times the Sacrament of Baptism, several Confirmations, and I’m guessing almost a million of the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and celebrations of the Holy Eucharist. All these sacraments bring God’s gracious love and compassion thru my Priesthood.

Little children come to me … because they see me like a father or older brother to them at the parish church. Many of the faithful come to me for various reasons: for healing,  helping couples in their preparation to receive the Sacrament of Matrimony, helping husbands and wives with related marital issues.  I’ve experienced the joy of watching a young couple fall deeper in love with each other and with God again. There are those dying persons to whom I have administered the Anointing of the Sick and I’ve taken time for people  who come unexpectedly to my office even if I’m preoccupied with office work. I have consoled and comforted grieving families because of the death of their loved-ones and helped them accept the reality of death and understand the promise of the resurrection.

Indeed, I consider all of these experiences beautiful moments to ponder and say to the Lord, thank you.  The work done for God to evangelize is never ending.

The goodness has been revealed thru your friendships and thoughtful cards. I do want to say, “I never regret my priesthood.”  It is so fulfilling and transforming.  I never expected so much joy and blessings.

Too often we all get caught up in all the things we have to get done. I know at times that I feel the pressure of accomplishing so much, and that I am not always as good or perfect as others expect me to be … I’m sorry for my inabilities.

I feel the need to take time to rest, relax, spend time with family and friends, and above all, to secure my health and spiritual growth.

I truly give thanks to God for all His blessings. My thirty two years have been a blessing for me and I hope that many people entrusted to me by God, have also been blessed by the Good Lord, too.  I am grateful for each of you, and the many ways you have touched my life without even realizing it.

May your Christmas be filled with every blessing, love and faith!

Fr. Arlon M. Vergara, OSA
Ordained: December 7, 1990
San Agustin Church, Intramuros, Manila, Philippines

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