The Dictate of the Heart: 34th Week in Ordinary Time, Tuesday

Since last week, the scriptural readings convey the end-time or the final return of God.  Reflecting on all those passages, I feel exhausted to think about how I should react and feel when the final day is about to come.  Should I be scared, warned or ignore this passing time which gives great tribulation and fear? However, preparation is at stake for all of us.

Actually, these readings speak about time.  Time, according to St. Augustine, is a measure of change, a linear of God’s mystery. St. Augustine says, “there can be no time without creation.”  So instead of being afraid, let us put the “end-time” in the context of God’s wonderful creation by watching signs about His own real presence, for He created all things.

From the first reading according to the Book of Revelation, it says, “I John, looked and there was a white cloud, and sitting on the cloud one who looked like a son of man, with a gold crown on his head and a sharp sickle in his hand,” which illustrates the time of harvesting.  I do not worry about the future, but I worry sometimes about how I spend my life and ultimately regret in the end, or i feel that I failed to be pleasing in the eyes of God because I am not going the right way. This passage speaks about being fully true to our commitment with God and to be fully alive each day according to God’s plan.  At the time of harvesting, I will enjoy the company of God whom I truly trust.  We should not wait, for this is the time of reaping.

The gospel of St. Luke points to the importance of following Christ in everyday life.  If we walk with the Lord, the final destination of the journey will end with inconceivable rewards. We are called to trust in Jesus’ words: “do not be terrified”.  I believe that if we always succumb to fear, it will paralyze us.

Let us ask the Lord to give us the grace of faith and perseverance to live out our faith and our love, and we will certainly come to experience the Kingdom of God here and now!  There is no reason to be afraid…only keep our relationship with God and others in perfect charity.

God bless you.

Fr. Arlon, osa

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