The Dictate of the Heart: 5th Week of Lent, Friday

Today is the last day of the month of March. We are awaiting the most beautiful liturgy of the Church as we are about to enter Holy Week this coming Sunday, Palm Sunday. Most of the churches are open for meditation and prayer, centering ourselves on the Passion of the Lord, the mystery of God’s love.

There are many of us who want to know how to deal with our enemies and persecutors. I guess we need to be observant to know the true character of a person when he is in the midst of crisis, problems, provocation and moments of anger and adversities. We easily detect the way the person reacts and behaves which may surprise us to see all the unchristian traits. There is that devil or animal instinct manifesting thru uncontrolled behaviors.

Listening to the first reading from the Prophet Jeremiah, we see he was not able to escape from the people’s attitude against him. They were so mean to him that Jeremiah offered a prayer of surrender, “O Lord of hosts, you who test the just, who probe mind and heart,. Let me see your vengeance upon these people, for you I have entrusted my cause.” He was probably at his breaking point dealing with those people. He asked God to do something for revenge against them.

The gospel from John 10:31-42 narrates to us the gentleness and kindness of God despite the rejection of the people wanting to kill Jesus. It was a complete opposite behavior shown by Jeremiah to deal with those people with ill intent.
There are two ways which we found that Jesus has fulfilled:

First, Jesus has the power to take revenge on those people, and yet He did not call down fire to consume them but silently left the vicinity.

Second, Jesus reminded them that He had done so many good things and miracles. There were signs where they could not read between the lines, which specifically tells them greater things, that God is in their midst and that Jesus’ good works are coming from His Father.

Thus, in dealing with our enemies, we must be loving, positive and with great faith to imitate the example of the Lord.

May God give us the grace of perseverance to be holy, and in our moments of adversity, difficulties and anger, just pray; God hears us always.

God bless you.

Fr. Arlon, osa

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