The Dictate of the Heart; 34th Week in Ordinary Time, Saturday

Today is the end of the Year of Grace 2022, the end of the liturgical year C.  Tomorrow, we are ready to face the new liturgical calendar, year A. The year 2022 has been a year with so many events in our lives, bad and good; however, we must learn from those experiences.  We must not be weary and feel down,,because God journeys with us, but we must be vigilant at all times. We must quiet our minds with deep meditation and prayer and look at life with a positive outlook.

Today’s readings from the Book of Revelation tell us that the Lord is coming soon… “Blessed is the one who keeps the prophetic message of this book.”   This is about the second coming of the Lord – the expectation that night will be no more, that eternal light will shine, and we will be without need of lamps or sun. What is necessary is to set our hearts and eyes on something that is greater and more valuable; therefore, let our lives be impacted by God.

The gospel exhorts us to be vigilant for it solely depends on our prayer and constant preparation to face the reality of His coming.  The day when the Lord comes is not thru a disaster or tribulations, but at an ordinary time when we least expect it. This gospel challenges us to take to heart this warning of the Lord.  We should not be caught unprepared but be ready to welcome Him.

Like a Boy Scout, we must be prepared.  This repeated reminder is to consider seriously and think twice that we can escape tribulations that are imminent before the Son of Man comes. This preparation does not involve storing food, water, money, or any other survival kits, but rather preparing ourselves in terms of behavior, character, and loving relationships with God and others. Am I living out my faith in a concrete way?

Let us embrace Jesus and His gospel and ready ourselves with unblemished hearts.

God bless you.

Fr. Arlon, osa

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