The Dictate of the Heart: 34th Week in Ordinary Time, Wednesday

If we are faithful to seriously reflect on the scriptural readings everyday, which are divinely inspired, and understand them according to the teaching of the Church, then for sure we will surely live a life of faith and loving service. This final week of the liturgical year, we await exceedingly the grace of knowledge to see the heavenly abode.  Our commitment to our Christian life is based on this perspective, that is, to be welcomed by God in heaven.

This desire and willingness to journey towards heaven is not easy. Our life must be an offering of sacrifices, like being humble, being faithful in doing services and helping the poor, not being carried away easily by the secular world, maintaining our conviction against abortion, same-sex marriage and immorality, striving for purity of heart and mind, ending any habitual gossiping, etc. When we are faithful to God’s will, then we are on the sure path to holiness. We must keep the attitude of surrender to God, but there is a consequence; the world will hate us.

This is the message of today’s gospel from St. Luke. You will be hated by all because of my name, but not a hair on your head will be destroyed. By your perseverance you will secure your lives (Luke 21:17-19).  I know that this is our continuous battle. We will be doing what is exactly the opposite of the majority.  We will be at war against the main stream of social media and the voices rejecting God.  It is a scary place and time in which we live, but we stand up and cry out that this is the path where we find true happiness.  We need to do more praying and make more sacrifices.  I am sure that God is on our side.  He will never abandon us.

I pray conscientiously to find the strength to be firm in my faith, knowing that my sacrifices are worth my choice for God.  I am focused on the message of the Book of Revelation that good will triumph over evil in the end because Jesus Christ, the Lamb who was slain, gives us hope during the period of persecution.

Brothers and sisters, rest assured of my constant prayers for your struggles and challenges.  Please hang on to Jesus, for he will secure our lives in the happiness of heaven.

God bless you.

Fr. Arlon, osa

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