The Dictate of the Heart: 33rd Week in Ordinary Time, Saturday

I have met some people who are honest to express that they are not sure where they go after death.  Of course, nobody knows but at least we have the hope that there is a place prepared for us when we die.  When we believe something in the context of our faith, then we are at least consoled in believing that there is life after death.  But how about those who have no faith and deny the resurrection?  I suppose that they have relied much on their shortsightedness, and they have done nothing to overcome obstacles which prevent them from seeing their way through.  My advice is to accept the Light, the Way and the Truth in Christ Jesus, who brightens our paths.

In the first reading today from the Book of Revelation, St. John had a vision about the two witnesses referring to olive trees and lampstands before the Lord on earth. These are symbols of a continuous supply of oil that keeps burning, referring to the Church, which gives enormous grace.  The beast will appear to wage war and kill them, and while their bodies lay on the street then, “after three and a half days, a breath of life enters them.” This is an image of darkness against the light. Finally the light won, “when a loud voice from heaven says to them, ‘Come up here,’ so they went up to heaven on a cloud as their enemies looked on.”  We are assured through the words of St. John that the Light conquers for those who have faith.

Knowing the gospel about some Sadducees denial about the resurrection makes us really sad.  I guess that life for them has its finality here on earth, and there is nothing to hope for eternal life.  Their way to justify their belief is by asking whose wife will the woman be when all seven husbands have died.

Jesus is direct to teach us that going to another state of life after death is totally different with regards to human relationships by which we live here on earth. Why?  Because we are like angels in company as children of God.  Therefore, we need not worry about marriage relationships because we will all be relating ourselves in love as brothers and sisters in God when we are there with God in a perfect and beautiful state of eternal life.  Do you think it is necessary to look for another relationship? For me I would rather enjoy the life of all eternity with God.  It is more sufficient to be with God rather than looking for another relationship, right?

Let us understand carefully that Jesus’ desire for us is to disconnect things we know as earthly and connect with those which are heavenly.   Our connections to this world will disappear in the afterlife, and only when we get to heaven will we pray for those who remain on earth for their salvation too.

God bless you,

Fr. Arlon, osa

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