The Dictate of the Heart:  32nd Week in Ordinary Time, Monday

I am just wondering about this reality regarding uploading photos on Facebook, and how many people express their liking. However, uploading the “Word of God“ only few people express their approval.  I guess this is the culture right now, to like the “face” they see in the pictures, but to dislike hearing the voice of God.  It is a little bit frustrating, but it is true.  We desire something that is temporal and not eternal.

St. Paul wrote to Titus in today’s epistle, that “he is a slave of God and Apostle of Jesus Christ for the sake of the faith of God’s chosen ones and the recognition of religious truth, in the hope of eternal life that God, who does not lie, promised before time began, who indeed at the proper time revealed his word in the proclamation with which I was entrusted by the command of God our savior.” Paul wants the Church of Crete to be faithful to Christ amidst conflicts.  Paul and Titus shared the firmness of faith in the Lord. As church leaders, they moved onward to greet peace to all for the transformation of Christians in Crete.

In today’s Gospel reading from St. Luke, Jesus reminds us of our responsibility for others.  He makes three points:

First, we do not lead others to sin.  It is our moral responsibility to be models of faith and be able to save others from falling into sin.  We share the very mission of the Lord to act according to what we expect of us as disciples of the Lord.

Second, we must challenge those who do sin.  We rely on the power of faith in us.  Just as we are given the gift of faith, it is fitting that we speak with courage and conviction when knowing our brethren is potentially about to tempt others to commit sin, then let our faith shine by preventing others from committing any wrongdoings that will sadden and displease God.

Third, we must forgive those who sinned, even those who have sinned against us. We need to take risks in having faith in ourselves and others.

Such risks will lead us to become the person that God is calling us to become, that is to be Christ-like, a forgiving person. The good news is that forgiveness is always available, and Jesus loves us forever.  Jesus tells us thru this gospel, forgive, forgive, and then forgive again; with just a little faith, you can do anything.  It is better to pray like the Apostles, “Lord, increase our Faith.”

God bless you.

Fr. Arlon, osa

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