The Dictate of the Heart: 31st Week in Ordinary Time, Saturday

When we labor for God, we expect support and help from others or our community.  Even Jesus appointed the 12 Apostles to collaborate with Him in preaching the Goodnews.  It is not about who is better or popular, but being united with the same goal.  We need to be rich in good works, generous and ready to share in order to keep us on the path to Christ and with Christ.

In today’s reading from the letter of St. Paul to the Philippians, we heard Paul is making an appeal for steadfastness and unity in the Christian community in Philippi. He was praising them for their continued support in his ministry; however, he emphasized that it is not about being self-sufficient but, most importantly, to be grateful to everyone.  His relationship with them is not sustained or defined by just receiving gifts from them. It isn’t just about material exchanges of goods and services in times of need.  It is about the sharing of spiritual gifts, but with the riches in Christ Jesus.  When we give, we give to God and when we receive, we receive from God.  Hence, it is a relationship with utmost respect and encouragement for each other.

In today’s gospel from St. Luke, Jesus instructs His disciples that whatever we have acquired, like material things, we must use it to advance the gospel and the work of God.  It means that our effort is always towards the fulfillment of the Kingdom and our stewardship of service for others.

Jesus could not be silent about making statements for the Pharisees who loved or served material wealth.  Perhaps some of us are blinded too that instead of appreciating the material blessings afforded to us by God, we become greedy and prioritize financial gain and personal comfort without giving thought that all material gain is a sign of God’s reward for our good behavior.

Now, I realize that all material blessings on earth given to us are not to multiply them for our consumption or to make us richer and be justified as someone better than others.  I believe that whatever is entrusted to us should be used in order to serve God. We should not seek success on this earth with material bliss.  True wealth is not money, but what is in our hearts.

Dear Lord, please take from me my pride.  Touch me that I may rely on You, not wealth, because You provide all we need.  Let us do good.  Let us be with God, for “Blessed the man who fears the Lord.” (Psalm 112)

God bless you.

Fr. Arlon, osa

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