The Dictate of the Heart: 30th Week in Ordinary time, Thursday

Last Sunday, October 23rd, the Catholic Church celebrated World Mission Sunday.  I have preached about Jesus’ mandate to all who are baptized, to participate in the challenging task of proclaiming the message of God to the whole world, even in the midst of difficulties, where this modern world is hostile to receive the message of Christ.  The mission work is not just limited to bishops, priests, religious and missionaries, but to all followers of the Lord. We must carry the Goodnews so that, through us, others may know God.  I have been a missionary for 27 years, and I am blessed for being “Sent.”  I am aware that this mission work is not only for myself, and I am always happy to bring up the name of the Order of St. Augustine, of which I am an active member

On October 25, 2022, one of my Augustinian confreres, Fr. Alfredo Jubac, OSA, visited me for the first time from the Philippines. He will stay with me for a few days, and he wants to be immersed in my work in the diocese.  Of course I am happy with his visit, for it renews our Augustinian fraternity. His presence is indeed a support, living out our charism of “being one mind and heart.”  In addition, having a brother visiting gives us time for sharing our challenging works and our battles dealing with many interior thoughts and feelings that invade our hearts.  As we listen to each other, we have realized the value of brotherhood and bonding, which actually leads us always to God.

In today’s first reading from the Letter of St. Paul to the Ephesians, he says, “Draw your strength from the Lord and from His mighty power.  Put on the armor of God so that you may be able to stand firm against the tactics of the Devil.” This is what we must learn from St. Paul, that our weight and strength is when we call on God.

Every time we read the scriptures, we are inspired and so often it rouses us to do something good and even change ourselves for the better.  We always look for the path to perseverance.

In today’s gospel, some Pharisees came to Jesus to warn Him to go away because Herod wants to kill him.

Everywhere and every time, we are exposed to the danger of dying or being killed. The Pharisees and religious leaders were targeting Jesus in order to silence Him.  Why? It is because He speaks the truth, and these people, hearing His voice, instead of walking towards the light, they continue to protect their self-interest, power and pride.

As we read this gospel, we need to resist the enticement of the devil.  We are under siege by the forces of darkness in this present world.  We must be prepared to fight off the evil one. We need to protect our entire being so that we can continue to run the race, like St. Paul, faithful to his calling to preach about peace and love for those who do not know God yet.

Let us be shielded by His truth in His word. We cannot fight off the evils without knowing the word of God. “ Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.”

God bless you.

Fr. Arlon, osa

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