The Dictate of the Heart: 30th Week in Ordinary time, Tuesday

I have encountered people who seem happy from outside appearance, but inside they carry so much pain and anguish in life.  They have tried in life to overcome them without people noticing their own pretentions. I guess it is really hard for them to keep everything inside their hearts, seemingly building up their own kingdom.

Today’s reading from the letter of St. Paul to the Ephesians tells us that we must, “Be subordinate to one another out of reverence for Christ.”  The passage is also an admonition to husbands and wives.  Maybe this advice for wives to be, “subordinate to their husbands in everything for the husband is head of his wife just as Christ is head of the Church,” becomes taboo in this period of modern history.  Couples fight for equality in their vows and commitment in marriage.  I definitely don’t see life-giving marriage in the Church where one is inferior and the other is superior.

What is essential in marital covenant is when both work to make the marriage or family work. I believe what St. Paul wants to convey is that, to live godly lives starts first with our love and respect for each other, especially in the ways we assume responsibility for others, especially to children, spouses, family, and neighbors.

When we live according to the principles of life and keep the commandment of love, for sure it is a clear path to heaven amidst this imperfect world.  Why try to think that our immediate mission is to strive to create a world in which everyone feels that the Kingdom of God may be easily found here on earth.  This Kingdom of God is primarily centered in love and respect for each other in view of God’s calling for all.

The kingdom of heaven is beyond what we can humanly expect. It would be a good help to focus on things that God wants us to accomplish, lest we become frustrated.  After all, frustration is the direct result of being an independent and individualistic person.  What matters most is for oneself rather than for the common good.

I pray today that we can also see the Kingdom so clearly when we all submit ourselves to Christ who is the head and the way to the real kingdom.  St. Paul is inviting husbands and wives to be self-giving and self-emptying, and for the whole Church to offer to each other genuine service.

Dedicated and loving service is the key in this perspective as we concretize our common aspiration building the kingdom here and now.

God bless you.

Fr. Arlon, osa

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