The Dictate of the Heart: 29th Week in Ordinary Time, Friday

God has given us various gifts which we need to be aware of, affirming how much God loves and cares for us. These gifts are for us to bring to each other.  Therefore, we must show appreciation for each other’s gifts and use them for our well-being. 

The reading from Saint Paul to the Ephesians indicates the kindness of Paul because he writes to inspire them of unity of the Spirit and peace, despite his experience of being imprisoned. There is no rancor in his heart against those who oppressed him.  St. Paul says, “to preserve the unity of the spirit through the bond of peace; one Body and one spirit.”  We must be worthy of this call of Christ, meaning to say, that the life of Jesus suggests it is a call to love, both God and our fellowmen.  We need to work hard for unity and peace.

The gospel reading implies that we must realize our calling to this present world is to be able to respond to the challenges and calling with an open heart and mind so that the Holy Spirit has the space in our life to discern well.  Surely, we can predict weather changes, the incidence of rain and the direction of the wind by using modern technology; however, Jesus then sadly points out that often we cannot determine in a peaceful manner what is right and just.  

How do we arrive at an objective understanding of things:

First of all, as humans we have both feelings and facts.  At times, we are carried away by our prejudices which we must really work hard to take them away.  Thus, to attain the objectivity we allow ourselves to engage in dialogue and cordial interaction.

Secondly, when we want to arrive at a peaceful agreement or resolution, one has to know that different opinions are better than only one idea.  It strengthens our being brothers and sisters to find the commonality of purpose.  Our differences of opinion may produce a balanced solution.  Nevertheless, mutual respect and love need to be practiced. To do this well, we must have a better way to accept and to listen well to the call that God has put in our hearts.  

St. Paul clearly mentions that “there is one Lord, one faith, one baptism and we are under one Father.”  Our unity involves diversity, but we call upon the Spirit to help us realize, as Paul tells us, that there is “one God of all, who is over all, and works through all, and is in all.”

God bless you.

Fr. Arlon, osa

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