The Dictate of the Heart: Feast of the Holy Innocents, Martyrs

Today, we commemorate the Feast of the Holy Innocents, the first martyrs of the Church, shedding their blood for Jesus. I would like to be a martyr because it seems that it is a real shortcut to heaven.

From the first letter of St. John, what really struck me are his words that remind me that if “we continue to walk in darkness, we lie and do not act in truth.” Indeed, I have searched for that gift of God’s forgiveness which involves recognizing my own need of repentance. How many times have I caused people hurt and suffering, not realizing that much of the problem is myself? The problem is not others, but me. I believe that the worst sin is pride and to justify our actions. Perhaps we need to realize that sin separates us from God and others.

The gospel reading today recounts the story of the massacre of infant boys in an effort to kill the young Jesus, because of Herod’s selfishness. Joseph, Mary, and Jesus went to Egypt as refugees to escape from danger.

As I reflect on today’s gospel, I remember those innocent children who are in danger because of abortion, illness and dying through no fault of their own. I wonder how many parents are able to do anything to save their children.

The Catholic Church challenges all of us to protect life and their dignity as God’s children. I believe that life should not only be respected, but above all defended. This is our stance as Catholics. This selfish senseless killing of innocent babies must be stopped.

In this feast of the Church, let us remember with conviction to console parents who have lost a child, or those innocent children slaughtered, and pray that they too share the glory of the infant companions of Jesus.

Certainly, this world needs us to bring God’s love, hope and light into every situation we encounter.

May the Holy Innocents, pray for us.

Fr. Arlon, osa

The Dictate of the Heart: The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas Dawn) | Extraordinary Form Latin Christmas Homily

Merry Christmas to everyone! Today has come with joy to celebrate the nativity of the Lord Jesus Christ. Today brings happiness, excitement counting and opening our gifts, and meeting family members and friends. Christmas erases loneliness temporarily because we are surrounded by those whom we love. Sorrow and loneliness are seemingly separated from us, the ongoing fears stop, and darkness comes to an end because the “Light” shines in the world; the One who comes is worth the waiting.

The Prophet Isaiah in the first reading tells us that there is a promise of God’s glory through Jesus. He brings salvation to the ends of the world. All the difficulties will be removed. Many events may have been rewarded with much comfort, peace, and joy. Indeed, the Lord Jesus will complete His work, promising us not to forsake those for whom He would be redeemed and sanctified.

The second reading from the Book of Titus 3:4-7 reminds us that if there is change in our lives in contrast with the olden times when people’s ways were sinful living, then it would surely bring the kindness and love of God, our Savior. God alone is the reason for the change of heart and life of a believer. Even though God rescues us on the merit of His great mercy, spiritual cleansing will always depend on our effort to act and do. Some of our Protestant Brethren always believe the disconnection of Faith and good works. They solely rely on God’s redeeming grace. Well, I believe that we must sincerely do our part in our salvation. We must work for it. Yes, salvation is a gift, but we must be accountable for our lives rather than just being passive because He is merciful and gracious.

The gospel today, which I decided to reflect on, is taken from Luke 2:15-20, who narrates to us about the shepherds, saying,” Let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing, which is come to pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us.” Maybe seeing the angels disappearing or rising up in the sky would be a phenomenon which the shepherds cannot understand; however, they came with haste, where they “found Mary, Joseph and the baby lying in a manger.” “What message?” I would say, “Today in the town of David, a Savior has been born to you, He is Christ the Lord.” The birth of the Messiah has taken place. That is the message; they have seen the baby and then spread the word to the people they are in contact with. They were not so religious, just ordinary workers or common people; however, I believe that what is remarkable about these shepherds is the impact of the angels’ visit which they have seen and the shepherds’ own visit to the Savior. They are filled with praise for God. They were changed and became devoted worshippers of God. What can we learn from this passage?

First, it may seem simplistic that those shepherds, before they acted on praising the Savior, meditated well. They prayed to accept the message of the birth of the Messiah. Maybe if angels manifested to those who are learned and the Pharisees, like many of us, they would maybe engage in a debate that the Messiah would not appear as a baby, but as a strong man, who has the capacity to dominate men.

Second, the birth of the Messiah, which has been narrated thru the gospel, that He came with humility, is the major stumbling block for many. Even now, intelligent people cannot accept the Christmas story. They cannot accept also that hundreds of millions of people throughout history lie in a manger.

Third, I believe that what matters is that it actually happened, rather than finding significance behind the story; well then, it is a great folly. It is the height of mystery and of a wisdom far beyond man’s comprehension. I believe that the key to finding truth is through humble action — a simple prayer, taking what one hears at face value, attending that Bible study or worship service, and opening up one’s heart to another. We must be little children with open minds and simplicity in order to believe what we are told about God’s coming on earth.

I pray that putting ourselves into the mind of St. Augustine reflects upon the humility and great love that God exhibited for us in sending His only Son to us assuming our fallen nature. “What human being could know all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge hidden in Christ and concealed under the poverty of His humanity? For, ‘being rich, he became poor for our sake that by his poverty we might become rich.’ When He assumed our mortality and overcame death, He manifested Himself in poverty, but He promised riches though they might be deferred; He did not lose them as if they were taken from Him. How great is the multitude of His sweetness which He hides from those who fear Him but which He reveals to those that hope in Him!” (Sermon 194)

When we cannot comprehend the mystery of Jesus’ Incarnation, at least we fully understand that in His richness, He accepted poverty in order for us to be rich in everything.

May God bless us with His presence. Therefore, let us give up our pondering and fall down on our knees.

Fr. Arlon, osa


El dictado del corazón:  La Natividad del Señor (Amanecer de Navidad)

  • Isaías 62:11-12
  • Salmo 97:1, 6, 11-12
  • Tito 3:4-7
  • Lucas 2:15-20

¡Feliz Navidad a todos! Hoy venimos con alegría a celebrar la natividad de nuestro Señor Jesucristo. Él nos trae felicidad, alegría y esperanza.

La Navidad borra la soledad temporalmente porque estamos rodeados de los que amamos. Las penas y la soledad aparentemente se separan de nosotros, el miedo constante cesa y la oscuridad llega a su fin porque la “Luz” brilla en el mundo, Aquel digno de esperar.

El profeta Isaías, en la primera lectura, nos dice que hay una promesa de la gloria de Dios a través de Jesús. Él trae la salvación hasta los confines del mundo. Todas nuestras dificultades serán eliminadas. Muchos eventos pueden haber sido recompensados con consuelo, paz y alegría. De hecho, el Señor Jesús completará Su obra prometiéndonos que no abandonará a aquellos a quienes Él quiere redimir y santificar.

La segunda lectura del Libro de Tito 3:4-7, nos recuerda que si hay un cambio en nuestras vidas, en contraste con los tiempos antiguos cuando los caminos de las personas son una vida pecaminosa, entonces seguramente traerá la bondad y el amor de Dios, nuestro Salvador. Sólo Dios es la razón del cambio de corazón y de vida de un creyente. Aunque Dios nos rescata por el mérito de su gran misericordia, la limpieza espiritual siempre dependerá de nuestro esfuerzo por actuar y hacer. Algunos de nuestros hermanos protestantes creen en la desconexión de la fe y las buenas obras. Únicamente confían en la gracia redentora de Dios.

Bueno, yo creo sinceramente que debemos poner de nuestra parte para alcanzar la salvación. Debemos trabajar para ello. Sí, la salvación es un regalo, pero debemos ser responsables de nuestras vidas en lugar de ser pasivos porque Él es misericordioso y bueno.

El evangelio de hoy que decidí reflexionar tomado de Lucas 2:15-20 nos narra acerca de los pastores, diciendo: Vayamos ahora hasta Belén, y veamos esto que ha acontecido, que el Señor ha dado a conocer a nosotros.” Tal vez ver a los ángeles desaparecer o subir al cielo sería un fenómeno que los pastores no pueden entender, sin embargo, llegaron con prisa, “encontraron a María, a José y al niño acostado en un pesebre”. “¿Qué mensaje?” Yo diría: “Hoy en el pueblo de David les ha nacido un Salvador, Él es Cristo el Señor”. El nacimiento del Mesías ha tenido lugar. Ese es el mensaje, han visto al bebé, luego pasan la voz a las personas con las que están en contacto, no eran tan religiosos, eran trabajadores comunes o gente común, sin embargo, creo que lo notable de estos pastores, fue el impacto de los ángeles que han visto y la propia visita de los pastores al Salvador. Están llenos de alabanza a Dios. Ellos cambiaron y se convirtieron en devotos adoradores de Dios.

¿Qué podemos aprender de este pasaje?

Primero, puede parecer simplista que esos pastores antes de actuar alabando al Salvador, meditaron bien, oraron para aceptar el mensaje del nacimiento del Mesías. Tal vez si los ángeles se manifestaran a los eruditos y a los fariseos, como muchos de nosotros, tal vez entremos en un debate de que el Mesías no aparecería como un bebé sino como un hombre fuerte, que tiene la capacidad de dominar a los hombres.

Segundo, el nacimiento del Mesías, que ha sido narrado a través del evangelio, Él vino con humildad, es el mayor escollo para muchos. Incluso ahora, las personas inteligentes no pueden aceptar la historia de la Navidad. No pueden aceptar también que cientos de millones de personas a lo largo de la historia nacen en un pesebre.

En tercer lugar, creo que lo que importa es que realmente sucedió, más que encontrar un significado detrás de la historia, pues bien, es una gran locura. Es el colmo del misterio y de una sabiduría mucho más allá de la comprensión del hombre. Creo que la clave para encontrar la verdad es a través de la humildad: una oración, tomar lo que uno escucha al pie de la letra, asistir a ese estudio bíblico o servicio de adoración, abrir el corazón de uno a otro. Debemos ser niños pequeños de mente abierta y sencillez para creer lo que se nos dice acerca de la venida de Dios a la tierra.

Ruego, que al poner en la mente de San Agustín refleje la humildad y el gran amor que Dios mostró por nosotros al enviarnos a Su único Hijo asumiendo nuestra naturaleza caída. “¿Qué ser humano podría conocer todos los tesoros de sabiduría y conocimiento escondidos en Cristo y ocultos bajo la pobreza de su humanidad? Porque, ‘siendo rico, se hizo pobre por amor a nosotros, para que nosotros fuésemos enriquecidos con su pobreza’. Cuando asumió nuestra mortalidad y venció la muerte, se manifestó en la pobreza, pero prometió riquezas, aunque fueran diferidas, no las perdió como si se las quitaran a Él. ¡Cuán grande es la multitud de su dulzura, que esconde de Él los que le temen, pero que Él revela a los que esperan en Él!” (Sermón 194)

Cuando no podemos comprender el misterio de la Encarnación de Jesús, al menos comprendemos plenamente que en Su riqueza, Él aceptad pobreza para que seamos ricos de todo. Que Dios nos bendiga con Su presencia. Por lo tanto, dejemos que nos preguntemos, cuestionemos y caigamos de rodillas.


Padre Arlón, osa


The Dictate of the Heart:  Extraordinary Form Latin Christmas Homily

Merry Christmas to everyone. We feel the atmosphere of Christmas when everyone is happy and excited to open gifts we have received. However, what truly makes us happy is the Savior, who comes to us in human history for our salvation. We cannot celebrate Christmas without Joseph, Mary, and Jesus. This time of the year, we cannot say that there is separation of the Church and State. Even in Muslim countries they have Christian symbolisms that are visible to make it “The most wonderful time of the year.” People celebrate Christmas because of the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. It is great to celebrate with our loved ones being together at Christmas. I want to bring up the reason of the season, Jesus Christ, “The Christ of Christmas.” We begin with this gospel from St. John 1:1-14 which we hear at every mass as the second gospel. Today, I begin this morning by looking at John 1:1-3 with its famous words: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being.” It is clearly stated that these verses tell us that, “the Christ of Christmas” was and is God. I want to invite you to reflect on the following points:

First, Jesus who came on earth is not just a baby; he lived with us in history, and his existence was included in the census. “In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world,” begins Luke 2:1 to put us in the proper context of the celebration of Christmas. Census is the official count of people to ensure the government of tax revenues as well.

Second, Jesus has earned a reputation of being a great preacher, teacher, and Master of his own disciples. He was not only a man who speaks of goodness and about the message of the Father, but the bible reveals to us that He is God. This is the fundamental truth that we must accept, rather than to neglect and reject His teaching.

Third, by Jesus’ “divinity,” we believe that He was not just a divinely inspired teacher, but the Son of God Himself. The Bible clearly teaches it, and it does so very strongly in this passage.

John 1 teaches that Jesus is God. In fact, it teaches it repeatedly and emphatically, saying “in the beginning was the Word.” The term, “The Word”, here is speaking about Jesus, which John makes very clear later. But it is interesting to compare where all 4 gospels begin. Mark begins with John the Baptist. Matthew goes back to Abraham (1:1) and the beginning of the Jews. Luke traces the genealogy all the way back to Adam. But John goes to “the beginning”! You can’t go back any further than that!

So, in Chapter 1, John teaches that Jesus was “in the beginning.” This is important. It is only GOD who is “in the beginning” — like Genesis 1 says, “In the beginning, GOD.” Using the same wording, He says Jesus was “in the beginning.” He is teaching us that Jesus is God! Then it goes on to say, “The Word was “with God.” A fairly literal translation of the Greek here would be: “The word was ‘face to face’ with God” or “in relationship with God.” This is evidence of the doctrine of the Trinity: from all eternity, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit have been “face to face” in relationship with each other — before anything else ever came into being or was created. Jesus was right there, “face to face” with God the Father and the Spirit, eternal, GOD!

With the verse, “AND THE WORD WAS GOD”! you just can’t put it any more clearly than that – in English! In the original (Greek) language, it IS even more emphatic, because the word “God” here is in the resounding and forceful position. The Greeks would put the word that they want to emphasize first, and so John does that here; he puts the word “God” first and says: “GOD was the word”! He is really emphasizing that “the Word” that John is talking about here, Jesus Christ, is God! St. John, the evangelist, is saying it more insistently!

In verse 3 it goes on to say, “All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him, nothing came into being that has come into being.” Just to make sure that we clearly understand how much “God” Jesus really is, the scripture emphasizes here, saying He is the God who made everything. Everyone knows Genesis 1:1, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.”

So here the Bible says, when you think of the God who “in the beginning created the heavens and the earth” — that is Jesus! That is the “God” He is. He is not just “a god”, or some minor god. He is THE God – He’s the One you think about who created everything in the beginning – that is Jesus! In fact, it clarifies it even more, saying: “without Him, nothing came into being that has come into being”! In other words, NOTHING that was created was made without Him! Jesus is God!

It says, “nothing came into being that has come into being” apart from Him. The scripture is also asserting that Jesus Himself never “came into being.” EVERYTHING that “came into being” was made by HIM. He Himself does not fit in that category of “coming into being” — because HE made everything that “came into being.” He is the Prime Mover; He is before all things; He was the Creator of everything and was uncreated Himself.

So, John 1:1-3 has this repeated emphasis: Jesus is the One who existed from the very beginning; He existed that way face to face with God the Father; He IS God, and He is that creator God of Genesis 1 who made everything, and was never created Himself. John 1:1-3 could not be a stronger statement that Jesus Christ, the Christ of Christmas, was and is GOD!

However, we also need to understand that it is not only John 1 that teaches the Divinity of Jesus. Many other scriptures do as well. We don’t have the time to look at all of them.

Therefore, Jesus is not just a “part” of God, or some “offshoot” of God, for He is the “FULLNESS” of Divinity. Everything you can think of when you think of God – that’s who Jesus is. He was and is 100% God!

St. Augustine says, “Let us celebrate with fervent devotion His birthday in the form of a servant…Since we are not yet ready for the banquet of our Father, let us grow familiar with the manger of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (Sermon on the Nativity, St. Augustine of Hippo, 354-430 A.D.)


Fr. Arlon, osa

The Dictate of the Heart: 4th Week of Advent, Thursday

We are approaching the end of the season of Advent and are excited to think of Christmas this weekend. I believe that miracles are happening when each day, we commit ourselves to reflect on each reading. There are inspiring events and moments we find useful to take life seriously.

Today’s reading from the Book of Samuel narrates to us the life story about Hannah. She was barren for many years. She had been ashamed of her condition, not receiving the blessing of motherhood from God. She was insulted by the other wife of her husband because she was given a child. She was envious and yet unshakeable in her faith. The prophet Eli saw Hannah praying consciously for the intention to bear a child. She made a promise to God that if her prayers were granted to have a child, she would give that child back to God. He found her praying in the temple of Shiloh, because the temple of Jerusalem had not yet been recovered back to the hands of the chosen people.

I remember my mother, +Rita, telling me that during her time, the first-born male child must be offered to God. She, indeed, was true to her desire. My eldest brother became a priest. I totally admire women who pray to God for blessings, to protect their child inside their womb, rather than being ashamed of being pregnant and choosing for their child to be aborted. Every child is God’s creation and, therefore, couples must make sacrifices in any way and be grateful. Indeed, Hannah did make a sacrifice, giving Samuel to Eli so that Samuel would be dedicated to the Lord and trained as a priest.

Just imagine Hannah returning to the temple after she got her wish thru the intervention of God. Samuel was her only child, but she was brave to offer him at the temple, with her unwavering faith, to God who did not fail her at all. She gave Samuel over to Eli. As any normal mother with her emotions and heavy heart, Hannah leaves the temple with joy being worthy of God’s blessings and keeping her promise, for she was devoted in faith.

In the gospel, another woman like Hannah is revealed to us. This devout woman is the Blessed Mother Mary. Mary, a young woman, heeds the call of God to be the mother of the Savior. She was chosen for this honor from her conception.

Today, like Mary, we approach the knowledge of love and mercy. In her response, she sang the “Magnificat” in praise and thanksgiving that God keeps His promise to save humanity from sins and death.

As we approach the end of Advent to prepare for Christmas, we thank God for telling us the wonders of these two extraordinary women who taught us what it is to have deep faith.

God bless you.

Fr. Arlon, osa

Extraordinary Form Latin Mass Homily | The Dictate of the Heart: Fourth Sunday of Advent, Year A

Extraordinary Form Latin Mass Homily

We are now in the Fourth Sunday of Advent.  We are spending these days of Advent, together with Joseph and Mary, as we wait, watch, ponder and receive it all as the gift which is so precious in our spiritual growth. It is a gift that is meant to be cherished.  This is what St. Paul in today’s epistle from I Corinthians 4:1-5 states that “Let a man so account of us as of the ministers of Christ and the dispensers of the mysteries of God. Here now it is required among the dispensers that a man be found faithful.” (Sic nos existemit homo ut ministros Christi, et dispensatores mysteriorum Dei. Hic jam quaeritur inter dispensatores, ut fidelis quis inveniatur.)

Being chosen as dispensers of the Goodnews, we must be faithful. We see how the world is preparing for Christmas, being busy decorating, buying gifts, and all the noise and commercialization. People are not receptive to the wilderness telling us to prepare for the Lord. Many people are not listening to the gospel and unfortunately are forgetful of the Word. However, we need to be “faithful” and we need to hear what God wants us to hear, preparing consciously for the Birth of Jesus. God will certainly come; therefore, we need to repent. This is what John the Baptist proclaimed, “Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight. Every valley shall be filled, and every mountain and hill shall be made low, and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough ways made smooth; and all flesh shall see the salvation of God.” John the Baptist baptized the people in preparation for the coming of the Savior. He was baptizing the people with water in order to get rid of the sins. He asked the people to render their heart, recreating oneself anew and preparing their heart and soul for Jesus.

What does this mean to prepare the way of the Lord? What should we prepare then? How do we prepare it? The gospel in Luke 3:1-6 is telling us to re-create ourselves by cleansing our souls. This is the very essence of letting Jesus stay in our hearts through charity. The pandemic is very tough for us all, but indeed our trust in the Lord is what makes us strong. We may not have enough resources to share, but if we have spare blessings, we can share it in any way we can.

First, extravagance is not necessary, for what we need is a pure heart and our willingness to help others. Practicing charity and almsgiving are the things we can do in times like this. We must learn from John the Baptist seeking only the presence of God, and not seeking the praise from others.

Second, John was in a desert, a voice in the wilderness, and yet people came to hear his preaching. He could have chosen a better place to prepare himself for his ministry, but he prepared in a desolate place that was free from noise and distractions. We, however, should come to a place, like the church, so that we can focus all our attention on God alone. Since we close this church, and that is not possible, we can just shut the door of our room (Matthew 6:6), switch off the television and put away our mobile phone in a drawer so we can concentrate on listening to the voice of God. The point is we need complete silence because common sense dictates that it is in quietness that we hear God’s voice.

Third, John was serious to fulfill his mission to give the baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. Repentance is necessary for conversion and salvation. The first thing is to accept that we are sinners and, with humility, repentance is possible. Change our ways.

Fourth, when we are expecting a special visitor, we clean the whole house, fix everything so that we can make the best impression in order to welcome our visitor with the best hospitality. Can’t we do that for Jesus, our Lord? We still have time these few days of Advent, to fix our lives, clean our minds and hearts and put on the garment of faith, hope and love to welcome our Savior.

Brothers and sisters please return to God – He is our salvation. He is the one that can change your life – It has to be that way. Sacrificiis praaesentibus, quaesumus, Domine, placates intende: ut devotioni nostrae proficient et saluti. Oh Lord, we beseech Thee, look down favorably upon these present sacrifices so that they may profit us both unto devotion and salvation.

God bless you.

Fr. Arlon, osa

The Dictate of the Heart: Fourth Sunday of Advent, Year A

We are in the Third day of “Simbang Gabi” in St. Therese of Little Flower Parish, and at the same time we are in the Fourth Sunday of Advent. Simbang Gabi, means “worship in the evening,” or a mass in the evening for nine consecutive days to prepare for the coming of the Lord. This is a Filipino-faith tradition every December beginning the 16th until the 24th. However, in the US, we advance it for a day so that on the 24th, the faithful may return to their respective parishes for the Christmas Vigil Mass. Filipinos are happy to share this very enriching tradition annually in the Diocese of Reno. We walk together in faith to prepare for the nativity of the Lord, that is journeying together into the mystery of the incarnation. As we encounter Simbang Gabi each year, may we draw new life from this celebration and may we continue to bear seeds of faith and hope for everyone.

I invite you to reflect on the readings today. The first reading from the Prophet Isaiah tells us about his prophecy that Emmanuel, God, is with us. This prophecy came to King Ahaz, who was confronted with so many problems, like threats of war. However, King Ahaz was proud and considered himself better that anyone else and refused to accept God’s intervention and signs. He claimed to be the center of everything.

The theme of this Simbang Gabi is, “The Eucharist: the summit and source of our Christian life.” Many of us presume that with our constant attendance at Mass, we have the full knowledge of what has transpired before our eyes. Like King Ahaz, we refuse to acknowledge that the Mass is the very heart of our worship. There are signs revealed to us, like the Priest leading us, because he is representing Jesus as the High Priest, offering the same sacrifice in Calvary for the salvation of all. We walk with Jesus thru the priest at the altar as we enter during the entrance hymn. We need to imagine that at the foot of the cross, we are gathered together to make the story of the same sacrifice of Jesus from the past, which is made present in our celebration of the Mass. God is truly with us and dwelling in the midst of the people. “Let the Lord enter; he is the king of glory.” God wants our desire and longing rather than our excuses. We must be willing to be transformed.

The 2nd reading from the letter of St. Paul to the Romans speaks about the fulfillment of the prophecy of Isaiah in which St. Paul was “called to be an apostle and set apart for the gospel of God, and to “bring about the obedience of faith.” St. Paul and all of us are called to be obedient to God who raised Jesus from the dead and who has called us to holiness. Certainly, we cannot do it alone; therefore, we must be like King Ahaz to open our hearts, for God will give us this sign: “THE VIRGIN SHALL CONCEIVE AND BEAR A SON AND SHALL NAME HIM EMMANUEL.”

The gospel taken from St. Matthew 1:18-24, explains that this was part of the fulfillment of Isaiah’s ancient prophesy when an “angel who appeared to Joseph in a dream said, Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary your wife into your home.” What could we learn from this gospel passage?

First, I believe that it is natural for Joseph to experience fear and uncertainties in life due to his inadequate knowledge of his role in salvation history. But he was awoken by an angel to answer his questions.

Second, Joseph was able to act on the word that was revealed to him. Just imagine an angel told him, “Take Mary your wife.” He was not expecting to be chosen as a spouse to the Mother of the Savior.

Third, we have seen Joseph’s total submission and obedience of faith. He is our model and the person worthy to be imitated because his resignation to the will of God is complete.

Oftentimes, we have some doubts and confusion that prevent our hearts and minds from understanding the will of God. It is true that as always, we cannot comprehend at all that Joseph acted upon the message of an angel. He acknowledged God’s intervention in moments of crisis. We need to connect with God and be receptive to see the signs.

By our own presence in the Mass, listening to His words, praying, receiving the sacraments, and knowing the meaning of the Mass, we encounter God. The Mass has given us opportunity to participate in the divine life and grace of God.

In our responsorial psalm, we say, “Let the Lord enter; he is the king of Glory.” By listening, discerning, and acting, we are given the privilege of participating in the life of God to which we are called today, like St. Joseph. We will surely overcome our fears. Love grows for the Lord through our neighbors. We are sent out every time after the Mass to bear fruit and to evangelize the world.

God bless you.

Fr. Arlon, osa

The Dictate of the Heart: Third Week of Advent, Friday

We are in the third week of Advent.  Yesterday evening was the first night of “Simbang Gabi,” with evening masses for nine consecutive days to prepare for the birth of the Lord.  The first night was presided over by Bishop Daniel Mueggenborg, DD, together with other priests concelebrating.

I encourage everyone to attend this annual event to prepare ourselves spiritually.  Today’s first reading from the book of Isaiah is to remind us to “keep the Sabbath free from profanation, and his hand from any evildoing.”  It continues to exhort us to love the name of the Lord and become His servants. For Catholics, our main day of Sabbath is Sunday because He was victorious against evil and death on Easter Sunday.  We have to connect with our actions of worship and sacrifices with our very core and spirituality.  We need to be consistent in coming to mass on Sundays, the days fully dedicated to our family to relax in and act in our commitment to love God and not just fulfill our religious obligation.

Reflecting on the gospel today, written by evangelist John, Jesus is explaining that John the Baptist was the forerunner of Jesus’ coming.  This prepares us for the new covenant being the “burning and shining lamp, and for awhile you were content to rejoice in his light.”  To switch into the new covenant, repentance is absolutely necessary; that is the reason why he prompted many to receive the Baptism of Water for the forgiveness of sins.

Furthermore, Jesus is also teaching His listeners about who He is.  He wants to assure His listeners that He is speaking the truth about Himself. Jesus is clear that His mission comes from the Father and that His works are proof of this.

What is our mission in life?  Do we recognize the realities of human suffering and losing faith in God? We must act and share in preserving the integrity of God’s creation, inspiring others to return to God thru our own witnessing as stewards of God.  Our life must create positive change to find in God unity as we journey together to eternal life, not straying from the way of truth.  For St. Augustine, our “Christian faith is a way of life,” not merely on Sundays; however, it is a sacred manifestation of gratitude to the Lord, from whom everything comes to us, as His presence is indeed a blessing.

God bless you.

Fr. Arlon, osa

The Dictate of the Heart: Homily on the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe

Homilía en la Fiesta de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe

  • Apocalipsis 11:19 A – 12:1-10
  • Judit 13:18
  • Lucas 1:26-38

Estoy feliz de ser invitado a celebrar la misa en honor a la Fiesta de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe.  Algún día (espero pronto), me gustaría ir a peregrinar a la Ciudad de México.

Esta no es solo la fiesta de los mexicanos o latinos sino también de los filipinos. Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe es la segunda Patrona de nuestro país, Amamos a la Santísima Virgen María. ¡Viva, la Virgen de Guadalupe!

Estamos en el Tercer Domingo de Adviento, por lo que debemos regocijarnos. Necesitamos estar alegres y celebrar juntos como sus hijos. Nuestras lecturas nos imploran que estemos alegres y felices porque nuestro Dios amoroso a través de María está entre nosotros. Nuestro querido Salvador Jesús está en medio de nosotros. Sabemos que desde hace varios años no podemos celebrar juntos por el COVID y las incertidumbres que hemos estado enfrentando por la pandemia. A pesar de nuestra situación, todavía hay motivos para celebrar y alegrarnos.

Es importante destacar que estamos llenos de felicidad porque podemos reunirnos nuevamente como devotos de nuestra Señora. De hecho, estamos llenos de gracia y caminamos juntos para mostrar nuestro amor a Jesús y a María, que siempre están presentes para ayudarnos. Yo sé que ella escucha nuestras oraciones, y llora por nuestro canto de las Mañanitas y el himno Guadalupano. Jesús a través de la Santísima Madre de Guadalupe es la razón por la que todos estamos aquí esta noche. Para mostrar nuestro amor fiel, gratitud y devoción.

En este momento, refresquemos nuestra memoria sobre la aparición y el mensaje de la Santísima Madre de Guadalupe. En diciembre de Mil Quinientos Treinta y uno, la Virgen se apareció varias veces en el cerro del Tepeyac a un indio campesino, convertido al catolicismo, llamado Juan Diego. Después de pedirle a Juan Diego que recogiera unas rosas en lo alto del cerro, y luego de acomodarlas en su Tilma, dejó una imagen de sí misma en la Tilma. Y la milagrosa Tilma de casi quinientos años, aún guardada en la Basílica de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe en México, ha seguido atrayendo a peregrinos y devotos de todo el mundo. Durante dicha aparición, Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe transmitió su compromiso de amor maternal, apoyo y protección para toda la humanidad. Nuestra Señora había hablado con Juan Diego que estaba preocupado por su tío moribundo, le dijo con amorosa preocupación: “¿No estoy yo aquí que soy tu madre? ¿No estás bajo mi sombra y protección? ¿No soy yo tu fuente de vida? ¿No estás en el pliegue de mi manto, en el cruce de mis brazos? ¿Hay algo más que necesitas?”

Creo que mientras continuamos viviendo esta pandemia, junto con sus consecuencias adversas en nuestro trabajo, haciendo vulnerable al mundo de tantas maneras y vidas familiares, este es un mensaje que María, nuestra Madre, quisiera reiterarnos a todos nosotros. Ella quisiera recordarnos hoy, que bajo el manto de su abrazo, no hay nada que temer y preocuparse. Nos hemos asegurado de su aliento para levantar nuestros espíritus de depresión y ansiedades.

Así como la Santísima Madre estuvo presente durante ese tiempo de crisis, todavía camina con nosotros aún más hoy.

Hace quinientos años, el pueblo de México también fue evangelizado por los españoles. En 1531, aún quedaban restos de las prácticas paganas aztecas de ofrecer sacrificios humanos a sus dioses y al mismo tiempo los mexicanos eran oprimidos por los europeos que llegaban a ocupar sus tierras. Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe se les apareció mestiza, hablando y vistiendo como una indígena azteca. Esta Señora que lleva en su seno al único Dios verdadero.

Por lo tanto, por el llamado constante de la Virgen a través de este humilde nativo, San Juan Diego, logró convertir a muchos paganos e hizo su pedido de construir una iglesia donde ella se apareció para que la gente pudiera reunirse para adorar a su hijo e invocar su protección maternal. Hasta el día de hoy, la Basílica de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe en México sigue siendo el lugar de peregrinaje católico más visitado del mundo y se ha convertido verdaderamente en un lugar de devoción y piedad.

Hoy necesitamos aprender cómo dedicamos nuestras vidas y corazones para encontrar a Jesús a través de nuestra Madre María. Sin una vida de oración constante, no podríamos escuchar sus afirmaciones maternales y no seríamos fortalecidos para estar allí para los demás.

Volvamos a nuestros hábitos de oración y hagamos de Dios el centro de vuestra vida. Solamente así podríamos ser feliz a nuestra Madre en su fiesta. Sabiendo que rezamos, el Rosario, nos confesamos, no solo asistiendo a la misa, sino que recibimos la Sagrada Comunión, ofrecemos sacrificios por la conversión de los pecadores, entonces nuestra vida será ciertamente iluminada y poder gozar de la guía del Espíritu Santo.

Imitemos su amor maternal por todos nuestros hermanos y hermanas y recuperemos una vida que defina la vida de oración como la de la Virgen de Guadalupe, para que podamos estar preparados con sentido y gozo para la venida de su hijo. Que Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe interceda por cada uno de nosotros y nuestras familias.

Madre Nuestra, Virgen de Guadalupe, ruega por nosotros.



~Padre Arlon, OSA


Homily on the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe

I am happy to be invited to celebrate mass for the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe.  How I wished I can al so go for a pilgrimage in Mexico City someday.

This is not only the feast of the Mexicans, or Latinos but also for Filipinos.  Our Lady of Guadalupe is the second Patroness of our country, We love the Blessed Virgin Mary.  Viva, la Virgen de Guadalupe!

We are in the third Sunday of Advent, so we need to rejoice.  We need to be joyful and celebrate together as her children.  Our readings implore us to be glad and happy because our loving God through Mary is among us.  Our dear Savoir Jesus is in our midst.  We know that for several years we cannot celebrate together because of Covid and uncertainties we have been facing because of pandemic.  Despite of our situation, there are still reasons to celebrate and be joyful.

Importantly we are filled with happiness because we can gather together again as devotees of our Lady.  We are indeed filled with grace and journey together to show our love for Jesus and to Mary, who always present to help us. I know that she hears our prayers, and cries by our singing of the Mananita and the Guadalupana hymn.  Jesus through the Blessed Mother of Guadalupe is the reason why we are all here tonight.  To show our filial love, gratitude, and devotion.

This moment, let us refresh our memory about the apparition and message of the Blessed Mother of Guadalupe.  In December 1531, our Lady appeared multiple times on the hill of the Piat to an Indian convert and peasant named Juan Diego. After asking Juan Diego to pick some roses on top of the hill, and after arranging them in his pontio, she left an image of herself on the Tilma. And almost five hundred years old miraculous Tilma, still enshrined in the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico and has continued to attract pilgrims and devotees from all over the world. During the said apparition, Our Lady of Guadalupe conveyed her pledge of maternal love, support and protection for all humanity.  Our Lady had spoken to Juan Diego who was worried about his dying uncle, she said with loving concern, “Am I not here who am your mother? Are you not under my shadow and protection? Am I not your fountain of life? Are you not in the fold of my mantle, in the crossing of my arms? Is there anything else you need?”

I believe that as we continue to experience this pandemic, together with its adverse consequences on our work, making the world vulnerable in so many ways and family lives, this is a message that Mary, our Mother would like to reiterate to all of us. She would like to remind us today, that under the mantle of her embrace, there is nothing to fear and worry about. We have assured us of her encouragement to lift up our spirits of depression and anxieties.

Just as the Blessed Mother was present during that time of crisis, then still she walks with us even more today.  Five hundred years ago, the people of Mexico were also newly evangelized by the Spaniards. In 1531, still remnants of Aztec pagan practices of offering humans to their gods and at the same time Mexicans were oppressed by the Europeans who came to occupy their lands. Our Lady of Guadalupe appeared to them as a mestiza, spoke and dressed as a native Aztec.  This Lady carrying the one true God in her womb in order to protect and defend against all evils.

Therefore, because of our Lady’s consistent call thru this simple native man, San Juan Diego, became successful converting many pagans and made her request to build a church where she appeared so that the people can gather to worship her son and invoke her maternal protection. To this day, the Basilica in Mexico remains the most visited Catholic pilgrim site in the world and has truly become a center of devotion and piety.

Today we need to learn how we devote our lives and hearts to meet Jesus through our Mother Mary.  Without a consistent prayer life, we would not be able to hear her maternal assurances and we would not be strengthened to be there for others.

Let us go back to our prayer habits and make God the center of your lives. That is how we can make our Mother happy on her feast day. Knowing that we pray, the Rosary, go to confession, not just attending the mass but receive the Holy Communion, offer sacrifices for the  conversion of sinners, then our life will certainly enlightened and enjoy the guidance of the Holy Spirit so that we will always be safe.

Let us imitate her motherly love for all our brothers and sisters and to regain a life defining prayer life that of hers, so that we may be bore meaningfully and joyfully prepared for the coming of her son. May Our Lady of Gudalupe intercede for you and your family.  Be safe and God bless you.

Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us.  Viva La Virgen de Guadalupe!  Viva Cristo Rey!

Fr. Arlon, osa

The Dictate of the Heart: Third Sunday of Advent, Year A | Extraordinary Form Latin Homily: Third Sunday of Advent (Gaudete Sunday)

There is a reason to rejoice as we enter into the Third Sunday of Advent. Despite my blindness, there is light and vision.  I do believe that all of us go thru all kinds of difficulties and struggles in life, especially on matters regarding work, finances, and relationships. We cannot afford to linger with these thoughts or be absorbed by this paralysis.  Instead, we cling to what has been promised us by God, always “Rejoice” for today is Gaudete Sunday.  Rejoicing in the Lord is a time to expect that something good is going to happen, but we need to wait patiently.  When we wait, sometimes we easily give up and get frustrated. Waiting is not an easy path to choose.

I feel that sometimes when we are reminded of our present situation, like what is going on with us now, we choose to be in denial.  So, let us try to journey and find consoling words thru the readings today.

The first reading today from the Prophet Isaiah reminds us that God will reveal to us His glory; therefore, our own physical disabilities will be healed, and the barren deserts will have much harvest and become abundantly fruitful. Isaiah says, “The desert and the parched land will exult…they will bloom with abundant flowers and rejoice with joyful song.” This is a promise that someday it will come. However, we should not just wait and hope and do nothing because we need to show our interest and enthusiasm to be alive, to work hard and share our conscious collaboration with the grace of God, transforming it to reality.  It is God’s work through us that we can do by becoming more definitely involved.

The second reading from the Letter of James gives us a practical tip in order to be proactive of this watchful expectation.  In reading this particular epistle, James says, “Do not complain, brothers and sisters, about one another….be patient until the coming of the Lord. See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth. You too must be patient.” (James 5:7-8) Patience is necessary to work with our fellow men and God for the realization of making our lives more faithful and fruitful.

The Israelites were able to conquer their fear of being abandoned. They continued to trust God in their journey until they were able to enjoy their new land of the covenant which was for them the good news of patiently waiting for such a great promise!  This is the cause of their genuine rejoicing; they were able to see the eternal love of God for them.  They were vindicated and restored their covenanted relationship. They have shown their fidelity and trust in God’s grace to bring about bountiful blessings upon His chosen people.

In the gospel today, I will take the last verse which is a more powerful statement coming from Jesus.  He Said, “Amen, I say to you, among those born of women there has been none greater than John the Baptist, yet the least in the Kingdom of heaven is greater than he.”

First, this statement from Jesus is a great affirmation for John, being the greatest person ever born.  John knew so well about the coming of Jesus, the Messiah.  He was taking his mission seriously as a precursor, a forerunner and the greatest Prophet.

However, he was not trying to isolate himself from his mission and becoming comfortable in the praises about him because he knew he was not.

Second, John being born of a woman, earned the words of Jesus, “the greatest,” and was never arrogant but rather internalized with the spirit of Christ through his humility, simple lifestyle, and his life of prayer in the desert.

Third, Jesus added these words, “yet the least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.”  Jesus is talking to us clearly stating that He is the person living in both the old and the new covenant.  Jesus wants the Jews to consider listening to him and invites them to be born in this new way of Christ, being affirmed by John, that Jesus is the genuine Messiah who is in their midst to establish His kingdom.

Fourth, John opened to us the hope and a call to rejoice because Jesus is indeed the reason of Hope.  Jesus comes to us to heal our sight and hearing and to help us walk the straight path of holiness towards heaven.

It is crystal clear that it was not John; nevertheless, Jesus is the real one to save us.  We need not to intellectualize everything that comes from God.  What is important is our faith that allows us to be joyful that Jesus was actually sent to us as our Savior. This season of Advent is really a time of great rejoicing because Jesus is the one being sent to us.

Let us rejoice and be glad!

Fr. Arlon, osa


El Dictado del Corazón:  Trigésimo Domingo de Adviento, año A

  • Isaías 35:1-6A, 10
  • Salmos 146:6-7, 8-9, 9-10
  • Santiago: 5:7-10
  • Mateo 11:2-11

Hay una razón para regocijarse al entrar en el Trigésimo Domingo de Adviento. A pesar de mi ceguera hay luz y una visión. Creo que todos nosotros estamos pasando por todo tipo de dificultades, luchas en la vida, especialmente en cuestiones de trabajo, finanzas y relaciones. No podemos darnos el lujo de quedarnos con la idea de ser absorbidos por esta parálisis. En cambio, nos aferramos a lo que Dios nos ha prometido, siempre “Alégrate” porque hoy es Domingo de “Gaudete”. Regocijarse en el Señor es un tiempo para esperar que algo bueno está por suceder, pero debemos ser pacientes mientras esperamos. Por lo tanto, esperar no es un camino fácil de elegir.

Siento que, cuando recordamos nuestra situación actual, como la que estamos pasando ahora mismo, simplemente estamos en negación. Entonces, intentemos viajar a través de nuestras deficiencias, encontrando palabras de consuelo a través de las lecturas de hoy.

La primera lectura de hoy del profeta Isaías nos recuerda que Dios nos revelará su gloria, por lo tanto, nuestras propias discapacidades físicas serán sanadas, los desiertos áridos darán cosecha y serán abundantemente fructíferos. Isaías dice: “El desierto y la tierra árida se regocijarán… florecerán con abundantes flores y se regocijarán con cánticos de alegría”. Esta es una rica promesa de que algún día para nosotros también llegará el fruto de nuestra espera. No solo esperar y esperar sin nada que hacer porque necesitamos mostrar nuestro interés y entusiasmo por estar vivos, trabajar duro y compartir nuestra colaboración consciente con la gracia de Dios, transformándola en realidad incluso ahora cuando las cosas no van bien para a nosotros. Es la obra de Dios a través de nosotros que podemos hacerlo al involucrarnos más.

La segunda lectura de la Carta de Santiago nos da un consejo práctico para ser proactivos de esta expectación vigilante. Al leer esta epístola en particular, Santiago dice: “Hermanos, no se quején unos de otros… tengan paciencia hasta la venida del Señor. Mira cómo el labrador espera el precioso fruto de la tierra. Tú también debes ser paciente. (Santiago 5:7-8) La paciencia es necesaria para trabajar con el prójimo y con Dios, para la realización de hacer nuestra vida más fiel y fecunda. Así como los israelitas lograron vencer su miedo al abandono, continuaron confiando en Dios en su camino, hasta poder disfrutar de su nueva tierra de la alianza que es para ellos la buena nueva, ¡de esperar pacientemente tan grande promesa! Esta es la causa de su genuino regocijo; pudieron ver el amor eterno de Dios por ellos. Fueron vindicados y restauraron su relación pactada. Han mostrado su fidelidad y confianza en la gracia de Dios para traer abundantes bendiciones sobre Su pueblo elegido.

En el evangelio de hoy, tomaré el último versículo que es una declaración poderosa que viene de Jesús. Él dijo: “De cierto les digo que entre los nacidos de mujer no ha habido ninguno mayor que Juan el Bautista, pero el más pequeño en el Reino de los cielos es mayor que él”.

Primero, esta declaración de Jesús es una gran afirmación para Juan, siendo la persona más grande jamás nacida. Juan sabía muy bien acerca de la venida de Jesús, el Mesías. Se estaba tomando en serio su misión como precursor y el mayor Profeta. Sin embargo, no está tratando de aislarse en su misión y sentirse cómodo con los elogios sobre él porque sabía quién era.

En segundo lugar, Juan naciendo de una mujer, de quien se ganó las palabras de Jesús el “mayor”, nunca desvanecido por la arrogancia sino más bien interiorizado con el espíritu de Cristo y a través de su humildad, estilo de vida sencillo y su vida de oración en el desierto.

En tercer lugar, Jesús añadió estas palabras, “pero el más pequeño en el reino de los cielos es mayor que él”. Jesús nos está hablando claramente afirmando que Él es la persona que vive tanto en el antiguo como en el nuevo pacto. Jesús quiere que los judíos consideren escucharlo e invitarlos a nacer de este nuevo camino de Cristo siendo afirmado por Juan que Jesús es el Mesías genuino que está en medio de ellos para establecer Su reino.

Cuarto, Juan nos abrió la esperanza y un llamado a la alegría porque Jesús es precisamente la razón de la Esperanza. Jesús viene a nosotros para sanarnos de la vista, el oído y caminar por el camino recto de la santidad hacia el cielo.

Está muy claro que no fue Juan, sin embargo, Jesús es el verdadero Salvador. No necesitamos intelectualizar todo lo que viene de Dios. Lo importante es nuestra fe que nos permite estar gozosos de que Jesús nos haya sido enviado como nuestro Salvador. Este tiempo de Adviento es realmente de gran regocijo porque Jesús es el que nos está siendo enviado.

¡Regocijémonos y alegrémonos!

Padre Arlón, osa

Extraordinary Form Latin Homily: Third Sunday of Advent (Gaudete Sunday)

Today is the Third Sunday of Advent which we always call “Gaudete Sunday,”Gaudete in Domino semper; iterum dico, gaudete.  Rejoice in the Lord always: again I say, rejoice.  I like this rose color vestment; it means that we are preparing in joyful anticipation. The rose vestments today are a reminder of the first rays of dawn. In the meantime, before the sun is up, we are called to “make our hearts firm” in order to walk with God through the desert, and to work with God on the fields that will bear fruit.

Sometimes during winter when we experience darkness, silence, and stillness, a world defined by absence, notwithstanding a world in which many of us could finally give in to our problems and hectic lives, we should not be paralyzed in captivity but rather sing in joyful response, pray with much joy for there is freedom and rejoicing and remember in psalm 84:2, LORD, Thou has blessed Thy Land: Thou hast turned away the captivity of Jacob. (Benedixisti, Domine, terram tuam:avertisti captivitatem Jacob.) Rejoice in Gaudete.

The first epistle today from the Letter of St. Paul to the Philippians 4:4-7 gives us hope.  Our anxieties, worries, doubts and fears are nonetheless familiar to all of us.  We are searching how we can overcome the storms of life that occupy and bother our minds and hearts.  Sometimes we think that it is impossible to resolve, even though we attempt to rationalize letting go to revert them in order to escape from and to be healed.

Today we learn from St. Paul prescribing joy and thankfulness as the necessary antidote to cure our minds from the strongholds of anxiety, which subsequently enables us to effectively commune with God in prayer.  “Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing” (James 1:2–4).  By God’s grace, our attention on what God has graciously provided us, rather than what we selfishly lack, prepares our hearts and cleanses our minds so we can freely cast our cares upon the Lord.  As a result, God will surely grant us peace thru our abandonment and prayer because it is what we truly need more than ever.  When we are attuning to God’s will, then our worry and anxiety will be healed by God’s gift of peace which allows us to live freely.

The gospel taken from St. John 1:19-28 reveals to us about John’s familiarity with the messianic presence when the priests and Levites asked John, “who are thou?” Tu quis es?  John’s response, “”I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness, make straight the path of the Lord,” quoting the Prophet Isaiah. This is proof that John was a true prophet whom scripture announced.  He was strong, dedicated and living out his mission to prepare the path of Christ. Then Jesus takes the opportunity to amaze the people of his humble service and greatness, “for I am not worthy to untie His sandals.”  St. John is pointing towards Jesus as the One coming after him and, therefore, he invites the people to listen to Jesus.

Today, we are invited to focus on the coming of Jesus and not on our own fears and anxieties because it will cause us to stumble and lose the spirit of joyful waiting.  Instead we should care about our prayer life.  By our perseverance in prayer, we are invited to listen and to live the scripture passages we hear today.

Jesus asks to live with joy at our being released from our fears, blindness, deafness, and paralysis.   WE are praying with St. Paul and St. John the Baptist to get over those disturbing moments in our lives.  Let us listen to St. John, who affirmed his belief that Jesus is the Messiah.  Our immediate response must be to be open to transforming the effect of the Words of God, the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist in order to rearrange our values, and our ways of seeing, believing, listening, and living.  It takes time to get accustomed to this change. The more we become receptive to His grace the more Jesus is about to be born which we consider that “by the grace of Thy visitation, enlighten the darkness of our minds.” (et mentis nostrae tenebras, gratia tua visitationis illustra).

Deo gratias.  Thanks be to God.

Fr. Arlon, osa

Latin Homily on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception

Today is the Feast of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, patroness of America and other parts of the world, like the Philippines. In the extraordinary form during Advent, whenever a feast is observed, the feria is commemorated, but a Mass is not permitted for this commemoration; rather, the commemoration is made at Mass by an additional Collect, Secret and Post-communion added to those of the feast.

For the information of everybody, we have a regular mass every First Saturday of the month which is not well attended because I presume that some have less knowledge of the message of the Blessed Mother given to the three children of Fatima, Portugal. This is about our devotion which we must know that there are five Saturdays with constancy of receiving the Sacrament of confession, attendance at Mass and Holy Communion for the spirit of reparation for five blasphemes which the Blessed Mother had specified, namely, the blasphemes against the Immaculate Conception.

I do accept that Sacred Scripture does not explicitly proclaim the doctrine of Mary’s Immaculate Conception, that is, Mother Mary’s freedom from original sin from the very start of her life.  However, I believe, in reading the scriptures, that this dogma is supported, at least implicitly.  Let us remember this biblical text, Luke 1:28, which is about the angelic greeting referring to Mary as “highly favored or full of grace.”  There is a Greek verb, “kecharitomene,” the past perfect participle of “charis,” which means a gift, favor or grace.  It suggests a permanence and singularity according to the biblical Greek. Such concept of singular permanent grace applies to Mary, which is the foundation of the dogma declared by St. Pius IX in 1854, “Ineffabilis Deus,” the teaching infallibly revealed by God through the living tradition of the Catholic Church.

There are other biblical texts, like John 2 and 19. The “Woman” in Geneses 3:15, alludes to the Blessed Mother, “I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring; he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel.”

So there is a certain biblical parallel between Mary, the Woman of the New Creation, and Eve, the Woman formed in original justice at the first Creation.

However, there is solid support of this dogma from the early Fathers of the Church, like St Augustine, who writes about Mary’s sinlessness responding to the Pelagian claim that by their own effort believers could be sinless, Augustine insisted that every human was a sinner; however, after saying this, he made an exception of Mary: “We must except the holy Virgin Mary, concerning whom I wish to raise no question when it touches the subject of sin, out of honor to the Lord; for from Him we know what abundance of grace for overcoming sin in every particular was conferred upon her who had the merit to conceive and bear Him who undoubtedly had no sin.” (Augustine, On Nature and Grace, (De Natura et Gratia), 42 (360)  St. Augustine meant, not only personal sin, but also original sin. It is my own belief that God from the very beginning prepared the Blessed Mother, even in the womb of her mother Anne, to be the “Ark of the Covenant,” bearing Jesus in the sinless body of Mary.  Mary has been pre-redeemed by God.  I cannot understand that a perfect and unblemished God, Jesus Christ, would be conceived by a human being stained with original sin.

I conclude that the blasphemy against the Immaculate Conception is just denying Jesus as God.  Our Protestant Brethren believe that Jesus is God, but they deny the Immaculate Conception.  Hence, when you think about it, a person who doesn’t believe in the Immaculate Conception isn’t really a Christian.

May our Lady of the Immaculate Conception intercede for us.

Fr. Arlon, osa

The Dictate of the Heart on my 32nd Presbyteral Ordination Anniversary, December 7, 2022

I am blessed to be “Bi-ritual” priest.  It means that I can celebrate both the Extraordinary Form (Latin) and the Novus Ordo. I am grateful to Bishop Randolp Calvo, DD and Bishop Daniel Mueggenborg, DD for giving this special faculty to lead Holy Spirit Mission Latin Community of the Diocese of Reno.

Today, I would like to share the “Joy of my Priesthood” as I celebrate my Priestly Ordination Anniversary.

The “Joy of Priesthood” is a gift to me. I am remembering how my priesthood has changed my life and others’ lives. I have administered thousand of times the Sacrament of Baptism, several Confirmations, and I’m guessing almost a million of the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and celebrations of the Holy Eucharist. All these sacraments bring God’s gracious love and compassion thru my Priesthood.

Little children come to me … because they see me like a father or older brother to them at the parish church. Many of the faithful come to me for various reasons: for healing,  helping couples in their preparation to receive the Sacrament of Matrimony, helping husbands and wives with related marital issues.  I’ve experienced the joy of watching a young couple fall deeper in love with each other and with God again. There are those dying persons to whom I have administered the Anointing of the Sick and I’ve taken time for people  who come unexpectedly to my office even if I’m preoccupied with office work. I have consoled and comforted grieving families because of the death of their loved-ones and helped them accept the reality of death and understand the promise of the resurrection.

Indeed, I consider all of these experiences beautiful moments to ponder and say to the Lord, thank you.  The work done for God to evangelize is never ending.

The goodness has been revealed thru your friendships and thoughtful cards. I do want to say, “I never regret my priesthood.”  It is so fulfilling and transforming.  I never expected so much joy and blessings.

Too often we all get caught up in all the things we have to get done. I know at times that I feel the pressure of accomplishing so much, and that I am not always as good or perfect as others expect me to be … I’m sorry for my inabilities.

I feel the need to take time to rest, relax, spend time with family and friends, and above all, to secure my health and spiritual growth.

I truly give thanks to God for all His blessings. My thirty two years have been a blessing for me and I hope that many people entrusted to me by God, have also been blessed by the Good Lord, too.  I am grateful for each of you, and the many ways you have touched my life without even realizing it.

May your Christmas be filled with every blessing, love and faith!

Fr. Arlon M. Vergara, OSA
Ordained: December 7, 1990
San Agustin Church, Intramuros, Manila, Philippines

The Dictate of the Heart:  Second Sunday of Advent, Year A | Extraordinary Form Latin Mass Homily:  Second Sunday of Advent

The Dictate of the Heart:  Second Sunday of Advent, Year A

For over two years of faithfully writing the daily gospel reflections on my Facebook account and on my blog just recently, I decided to just upload the two homilies for Extraordinary Form Latin Mass and for the Novus Ordo each week.  Many of my friends have told me that they miss reading the daily “Dictate of the Heart.”  It is really difficult and strenuous on my eyes dealing with gadgets that are tremendously affecting my vision. I am looking forward to better relaxing moments closing my eyes for meditation and prayers.

I encourage you to explore and leave a comment. . . .

We are in the second Sunday of Advent.  As I have mentioned, this is a season to eagerly wait in anticipation and much hope for the coming of Christmas and Jesus’ final coming. To continue the attitude of hope, we need firm Faith in the Lord. Most of the readings speak about the harmony, peace and beauty of those who live in the kingdom of God.  Everything will be infused with the Spirit of God to fulfill His vision of a better place.

The first reading from the Prophet Isaiah gives us hope that the world will be judged with justice because “the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him; a spirit of wisdom and of understanding, a spirit of counsel and of strength, a spirit of knowledge and of fear of the Lord..” As we read it, there is a beautiful image that animals and human beings come to experience exactly the paradise we have envisioned, as well as the restoration of every beauty, oneness, justice, peace, and joy in the world.  How can we achieve all this?   Let us begin with ourselves, with little steps doing good works, like treating others fairly and suspending our judgement towards others simply based on appearances, but looking beyond what is on the outside.  I know that we can do it, for God has given us the spirit of His grace.  We can do it for each other when we look beyond our own selves.

The second reading is taken from the Letter of St. Paul to the Romans.  I believe that St. Paul is encouraging us that it is our duty to consider people who are weak and poor. We must bear with them and not alienate them because of their afflictions. Jesus Christ is with us; thus we must empathize with others by ministering to them in order to achieve the vision of that Kingdom.  This is about bearing with each other as neighbors.  It is the example of Christ that we must imitate.

The gospel from St. Matthew reminds us that we are all crying out in the desert; therefore, we need to be conscious of how we must prepare for the way of the Lord.

First, St. John the Baptist preached, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”  These are also the words of the Prophet Isaiah that a voice, referring to John, calls everyone in preparation to make the path straight for the way of the Lord.  Repentance is absolutely necessary to count on God’s forgiveness, but we need to act now.

Second, St. John the Baptist led the people to the river Jordan to be baptized.  People were “going out with him” as “they acknowledge their sins.” During this liturgical season, we are encouraged to remember the day when we were baptized in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, which provides us a powerful setting for our Advent journey.  Let us go back to our baptismal promises and profoundly value that moment in our lives .

Third, St. John the Baptist saw the large number of Pharisees and Sadducees coming to his baptism.  He said to them, “Produce good fruit as evidence of your repentance.”  What it means is that people must be dead serious of their willingness to render their hearts from doing evil and instead produce good deeds and bear many fruits so that their lives can bloom and flourish every day. Being fruitful is not simply living in self-righteousness, but our endurance to change for the better could result in strong faith and hope, making straight the path to Jesus which starts first from our own hearts.

Fourth, St. John the Baptist teaches about baptism. He tells the crowd:  “I am baptizing you with water, for repentance, but the one who is coming after me is mightier than I.”  This particular verse helps us to focus on our responsibility to embrace the gift of the Lord who is mightier than St. John the Baptist.  His humility touches our hearts to be humble at all times.  If we want to be self-sufficient, independent, and perfect, then our pride will be truly a big obstacle to repentance.  It is only when we are ready to relinquish our desire for that kind of ideal life that we will be able to focus on Jesus, who “will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.”  St. Augustine teaches us that practicing humility is the only way to attain self-development.

Brothers and sisters, during this second Sunday of Advent, with much conviction that the lighting of the candle will make sense to take us out from darkness and begin to settle within us, may we have stronger faith that will lead us to actions rather than dwelling on self-disappointments and anxieties.

Let us sing with one voice glorifying God.  St. Paul says, let us “welcome one another, then, as Christ welcomed you, for the glory of God.”  Our victory is not measured by an individual success story, but how we journey together and are engaged with our family and community, experiencing peace and harmony and striving hard to build a true kingdom of God.

Come Lord, Jesus!

Fr. Arlon, osa

El Dictado del Corazón:  Segundo Domingo de Adviento, año A

  • Isaías 11:1-10
  • Salmos 72:1-2, 7-8, 12-13, 17
  • Romanos 15:4-9
  • Mateo 3:1-12

Durante más de dos años de escribir fielmente las reflexiones diarias del evangelio en mi cuenta de Facebook y en mi blog recientemente, decidí subir las dos homilías para la Misa en latín de forma extraordinaria y para el Novus Ordo. Muchos de mis amigos me dijeron que extrañan leer el “Dictado del Corazón” diario. Es realmente difícil y extenuante para mis ojos lidiar con aparatos que están afectando tremendamente mi visión. Espero con ansias un mejor momento de relajación cerrando los ojos para la meditación y oración.

Estamos en el Segundo Domingo de Adviento. Como mencioné, esta es una temporada para esperar ansiosamente la llegada de la Navidad y con mucha esperanza la venida final de Jesús. Para continuar la actitud de esperanza, necesitamos una Fe firme en el Señor. La mayoría de las lecturas hablan de la armonía, la paz, la belleza de quienes viven en el reino de Dios. Todo será infundido con el Espíritu de Dios para cumplir Su visión de un lugar mejor.

La primera lectura del profeta Isaías nos da la esperanza de que el mundo será juzgado con justicia porque “el espíritu del Señor reposará sobre él; un espíritu de sabiduría y de entendimiento, un espíritu de consejo y de fortaleza, un espíritu de conocimiento y de temor del Señor..” Como lo leemos, hay una imagen hermosa que los animales y los seres humanos llegan a experimentar exactamente. el paraíso que hemos imaginado. La restauración de toda belleza, unidad, justicia, paz y alegría en el mundo. ¿Cómo podemos lograr todo esto? Comencemos por nosotros mismos, un pequeño paso de hacer buenas obras como tratar a los demás con justicia, suspensión de nuestro juicio hacia los demás basado simplemente en las apariencias pero para mirar más allá de lo que está afuera. Sé que podemos hacerlo, porque Dios nos ha dado el espíritu de Su gracia. Podemos hacerlo el uno por el otro cuando solo miramos más allá de nosotros mismos.

La segunda lectura está tomada de la Carta de San Pablo a los Romanos. Creo que San Pablo nos anima a que es nuestro deber considerar a las personas débiles y pobres. Debemos tener consideración y no alejarlos a causa de sus aflicciones. Por lo que debemos empatizar con los demás, ministrándolos para lograr la visión de ese Reino. Se trata de sobrellevarnos unos a otros como vecinos. Es el ejemplo de Cristo, el cual debemos imitar.

El evangelio de San Mateo nos recuerda que todos estamos clamando en el desierto, por lo tanto, debemos ser conscientes de cómo debemos preparar el camino al Señor, a nuestras vidas.

Primero, la predicación de San Juan el Bautista: “Arrepentíos, porque el reino de los cielos está cerca”. Estas son también las palabras del profeta Isaías, una voz, refiriéndose a Juan, que llama a todos en preparación para enderezar el camino hacia el camino del Señor. El arrepentimiento es absolutamente necesario para contar con el perdón de Dios, pero debemos actuar ahora.

Segundo, San Juan el Bautista guió a la gente al río Jordán para ser bautizados. La gente “salía con él” ya que “reconocían sus pecados”. En esta temporada litúrgica, se nos anima a recordar el día en que fuimos bautizados en el nombre del Padre, del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo, que nos proporciona un escenario poderoso para nuestro viaje de adviento. Volvamos a nuestras promesas bautismales y valoremos profundamente ese momento de nuestra vida.

En tercer lugar, San Juan Bautista vio la gran cantidad de fariseos y saduceos que acudían a su bautismo. Él les dijo: “Haced buen fruto como prueba de vuestro arrepentimiento”. Lo que significa es que las personas deben tomar muy en serio su voluntad de desgarrar sus corazones de hacer el mal, producir buenas obras y dar muchos frutos para que sus vidas puedan crecer y florecer todos los días. Ser fructífero no es simplemente vivir en justicia propia. Pero nuestra perseverancia para cambiar, mejorar podría resultar en fe y esperanza, enderezando los caminos para Jesús que comenzarán primero desde nuestros propios corazones.

Cuarto, San Juan Bautista enseña sobre el bautismo. Le dice a la multitud: “Yo los bautizo con agua, en señal de que ustedes se han convertido; pero el que viene después de mí, es más fuerte que yo”. Este versículo en particular nos ayuda a centrarnos en nuestra responsabilidad de abrazar el don del Señor, que es más poderoso que San Juan el Bautista. Su humildad toca nuestros corazones para ser humildes en todo momento. Si quisiéramos ser autosuficientes, independientes y perfectos, nuestro orgullo será verdaderamente un gran obstáculo para el arrepentimiento. Solo cuando estemos listos para renunciar a nuestro deseo de ese tipo de vida ideal que queremos en Jesús, quien “Él los bautizará en el Espíritu Santo y su fuego”. San Agustín nos enseña que practicar la humildad es la única forma de alcanzar el desarrollo personal.

Hermanos y hermanas, durante este Segundo Domingo de Adviento, con mucha convicción, que la luz tenga sentido para sacarnos de las tinieblas y que comience a brillar en nosotros, que teniendo una fe más fuerte nos lleve a las acciones, en lugar de quedarnos en el auto-egoísmo. decepciones y angustias.

Cantemos a una sola voz glorificando a Dios. San Pablo dice, acojámonos unos a otros, pues, como Cristo nos acogió a nosotros, para la gloria de Dios. Nuestra victoria no se mide por una historia de éxito individual, sino por cómo caminamos juntos y estamos comprometidos con nuestra familia y comunidad experimentando paz, armonía y esforzándonos arduamente para construir un verdadero reino de Dios.

Ven Señor, Jesús.

Padre Arlón, osa


Extraordinary Form Latin:  Second Sunday of Advent

Today’s collect prayer gives us clear perspective of our celebration on this 2nd Sunday of Advent.  This we pray, “Excita, Domine, corda nostra ad preaparandas Unigeniti tui vials: ut per ejus adventum, purificatis tibi mentibus servire mereamur.  Stir up our hearts, O Lord, to prepare the way of Thine only begotten Son; that through His coming we may attain to serve Thee with purified minds.”

We ask God to purify our hearts and minds to prepare for His coming.  A lot of things are distracting us from paying our full attention to understand the many lessons we need to find in the scriptures, which according to St. Paul, “were written for our learning.”

The first reading taken from the Letter of St. Paul to the Romans (15:4-13) admonishes us that we must be of one mind and heart and “to receive one another, as Christ has received you unto the honor of God.”  We will be meeting ungodly people, even inside the Church; however, the words of God give us patience and comfort and, according to St. Paul, the “God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing that you may abound in hope and in the power of the Holy Spirit.” Certainly, we need to clean or to purify our hearts and to wash our hands in innocence so that we will advance ourselves preparing for Advent and Christmas.

In the gospel today from St. Matthew, John was imprisoned by Herod.  He was incarcerated a year before he was beheaded.  John heard in prison about the ministry of Jesus where thousands were following Him.  John had no direct witnessing of Jesus’ works.  He was wondering, when hearing about Jesus, if this would be the beginning of the coming of the Lord and His new covenant. Thus, he asked some of his disciples to verify this and for them to inform him what was going on outside his prison cell.  I believe that is part of his excitement and anticipation.

We know that John is a great prophet, forerunner, and announcer of the coming of the Messiah.  However, he was apprehensive of so many things going on in his life. In John’s excitement to welcome the Messiah, there is a human element to ask and to question whether Jesus’ works of compassion are only a show. I guess this is exactly what is happening to us.  There is quite a resemblance with regards to our own experience that when things do not happen according to what we have in mind and according to our own expectation, we always have doubts and questions.  How do we deal with this?

First, John did not doubt Jesus’ identity.  In Matthew 11:3, “and said to Him, Art thou He that comes, look we for another?”  This is the question of John’s disciples to Jesus.  John the Baptist wanted only a clear verification from Jesus.  “And Jesus, making answer, said to them Go: and relate to John what you have heard and seen.”  This was aside from numerous cures and miracles that testified to who Jesus is.

In an account of John’s life, he was filled with the Holy Spirit inside the womb of Elizabeth, his mother, and there is no doubt that he knew so well about Jesus being the promised Messiah whom he came to announce to the world to prepare and make His path straight. When Jesus approached John for baptism, he said, “I baptize you with water, but he who is mightier than I is coming, the strap of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire”. (Luke 3:16) Here, and in the parallel synoptic passages from Matt 3:11 and Mark 1:7, John the Baptist is just emphasizing the greatness of the One who is to come after him.  This unleashing the straps of His sandals is for him something that he cannot do.  It is his humility to think that he is not so good to be at the service of such a great and holy man, Jesus. This Advent season, we must imitate the humility of St. John the Baptist.

Second, when we are given such a great role to do, we should not be discouraged.  John the Baptist was young and a great prophet.  Preparing for the coming of the Lord is not an easy task to do.  He endured so many hardships, up to the extent that he was imprisoned by Herod for talking about the truth not to deal with immorality.  It is no wonder that after a year of confinement, John had some disturbance of heart.  He had lived for most of his life in the wilderness but focused on his mission.

The challenges we are dealing with right now should not get us down. We should not succumb to despair and even depression.  Lately, I was crippled by the spirit of depression because both of my eyes bother me again.  I have been experiencing blurry vision.  Last Wednesday, I received shots in both eyes, but instead of being carried by the spirit of depression, I called my eye doctor and instantly got an appointment to see him. What a blessing! I had kept on procrastinating to the point of denial. I was very low and had a feeling of failure but was not crippled by a spirit of doubt and discouragement.

I would say today that Jesus says, “behold I send Angel before thy face, who shall prepare Thy way before Thee.”  This is a sustained movement of God that would change us.

When you suffer any of these kinds of moods or simple doubts and stress, the devil wants to convince you that you are a failure seeking God’s intervention. It just isn’t true.  It isn’t about our lowest point but how God lifts us up.  Jesus is the answer because there are so many biblical testimonies and the promise of blessings.  All of us deal with the greatest compassion and mercy of God.

Jesus complimented John the Baptist with these words, “Assuredly, I say to you, among those born of women there has not risen one greater than John the Baptist.” Jesus doesn’t destroy John’s reputation, He exalts it. I like to think that if this is the way Jesus dealt with His forerunner, then He will deal with us in the very same way.

Domine, misericordiam tuam, et salutare tuum da nobis.  O Lord, Thy mercy and grant us Thy salvation.  Advent is a season of change and looking to a future that was not yet clear or known, but being prepared to serve with purified hearts and minds.

God bless you.

Fr. Arlon, osa