The Dictate of the Heart: Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion, Extraordinary Form, TLM

Today is Palm Sunday, the beginning of Holy Week. We gather to recall the triumphant entry of Jesus to Jerusalem. The crowd cried out in unison to welcome Jesus, the Son of David, “Hosanna in the highest”. We walk with Jesus today.

Just imagine that Jesus was followed by His disciples, and along the road many people who were touched and healed were there as well. Mary was anxious in the final days of her Son’s ministry because she knows of the impending sufferings her Son would ultimately accept. Her pain causes her heart to beat heavily while the crowd continuously cheers loudly in excitement singing Psalms and Hosannas. As Jesus enters, many people put their cloaks and palm branches along the road with much excitement of this spontaneous parade.

Where are you in this picture of our Lord’s entrance into Jerusalem? Have you imagined yourself being in the crowd? As I have said from the beginning, “we walk with Jesus today.” We are joining in, and we go along with Jesus where we become present by our faith and are encouraged to pray fervently as we go through this Holy Week.

The epistle today from the letter of St. Paul to the Philippians reminds us of how Jesus was able to take the enthusiastic welcome afforded to Him by the people of Jerusalem; however, He knows that the atmosphere will change after a few days because the religious leaders, pharisees and scribes were trying to find fault with Him. St. Paul declares that as followers of Christ we need “Kenosis,” which means emptying oneself. Jesus taught us a significant lesson as He “emptied Himself.” We must seek to understand that Jesus laid aside His divine riches in becoming human through the mystery of the incarnation. Our own success to follow the Lord is to empty ourselves from all our iniquities and set our goal which would be our “kenosis” calling us to emptying ourselves from all distractions.

We know that the Holy Land is closed now for pilgrims. The Israeli government set restrictions to visit the Holy Land because of the continuous pursuit for extremists and terrorists in the area. It is sad that all the roads leading to the Holy Land are blocked, and there is no way for the pilgrims to spend time in prayer. I guess Jesus is asking His followers around the world to come along the way called “Via Dolorosa” in union with His suffering and dying. I imagine the danger of entering Jerusalem this day has been a true passion for the Jewish Christians which is expectedly different from the previous Holy Week. We pray for the immediate end of the war in Israel.

This Holy Week, the recurring theme is “dying and rising.” We see ourselves dying from sins as the right path to knowing and purifying ourselves better. We are deeply invited to see and evaluate ourselves. In the reading of the Lord’s passion from the gospel of St. Matthew, Jesus wants us to bring our own sufferings along His way, the difficulties in our life, and the challenges now, and to foresee our own victory with Him. It is a dying to oneself that we may attain the rising mystery that Jesus leads us.

I believe that Palm Sunday is not just singing “Hosanna” in Jesus’ Passion, for there is also rising in the gospel we heard, one that leads to Easter, to New Life, Resurrection, and victory over death and sin. Glory is our destination we ponder as we bless these palms and as we walk with Jesus today.

God bless you.

Fr. Arlon, osa

The Dictate of the Heart:  5th Sunday of Lent, (3rd Scrutiny, Year A)

This weekend, we will be having the 3rd Scrutiny for the Elects, adults preparing themselves for Baptism and entering their final weeks of preparation.  This is a powerful 3rd time scrutiny and exorcism which focuses on theological reflection on the gospel about the raising of Lazarus. We see Christ, who is the Resurrection and the Life.  Let us review a little bit. In the first scrutiny, we focus on the water which the Samaritan woman wants to receive in order to quench her thirst from Jesus’ living water.  The second scrutiny is about Jesus restoring the sight of the man who was blind from birth, which focused on Christ the Light of the world. Today’s last scrutiny, Jesus raising Lazarus, reminds us that Jesus is offering eternal life.  I can sense Christ’s power and presence for this community. 

Let us remember that the Scrutiny is a rite of spiritual self-searching and repentance meant to uncover, and then heal, all that is weak, defective or sinful in the hearts of the Elects, who will be baptized at the Easter Vigil.  Additionally, this Scrutiny is intended to bring out and strengthen all that is upright, strong and good in the Elects.  Exorcism is celebrated to deliver the Elects from the power of sin and Satan, to protect them against temptation, and to give them strength in Christ who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.  I hope and pray that they will complete their conversion and deepen their resolve to hold fast to Christ and to carry out their decision to love God above all else.  

As we walk with our Elects, we too must recall the power of our own Baptism, our willingness to open our ears, eyes, and hearts to the Word of God, who speaks to us to be strong witnesses and to profess our faith in Jesus, who says to Martha, “I am the resurrection and the life, whoever believes in me, even if he dies, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die.  Do you believe this?”  Martha said to Him, “Yes, Lord.  I have come to believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God, the one who is coming into the world.” (Jn 11:23-27)

From today’s gospel passage lies the power of Jesus as the true Messiah, who restores life.  What does the raising of Lazarus say to us today? 

First, we always cling to Jesus to save our life. Maybe we are like Martha, saying, “Lord, if you had been here my brother would not have died” and “yes, Lord I have come to believe that you are the Christ…”  In the process of understanding the experience of death, there we struggle between feelings of betrayal and faith – saying “Lord, if only you had been there…” and “Lord, I know you are here…”  This expression and lamentation are an indication that we need God in our life, Who alone can save us.  When we plunge ourselves into committing sin, we literally succumb to death.  Likewise, in an experience of death of loved ones, we cling to the aid of God, the giver of life. 

Second, Martha’s profession of faith with the words, “I have come to believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God, the one who is coming into the world” is impressively revealing how she accepts Jesus as the Son of God, who has the power to restore life.  We are called to do the same, to profess wholeheartedly, that indeed Jesus is Lord of both the dead and the living. 

Third, Jesus raising Lazarus is a miracle, to manifest “the glory of God, that the Son of God may be glorified through it.”  Jesus will also raise us from the dead, and we hope for nothing more for us and our loved ones than the resurrection on the Last Day. We will see each other again in the next life when we are faithful to Him. 

In our own struggle to understand who Jesus is, through this gospel we have seen signs.  It means we have seen Jesus’ works of a miracle.  If we are dealing with a crisis of faith, then please try to consider Martha and Mary, who believe Christ as the resurrection and the life.  Believe in Jesus, as the incarnate Son of God. 

Martha and Mary inspire us and encourage us by the example of their own struggles; however, they cannot struggle for us, and we must decide what we truly believe.  Brothers and Sisters, particularly those who are preparing for their Baptism, you have to decide; do you believe? 

God bless you. 

Fr. Arlon, osa


El Dictado del Corazón

Quinto Domingo de Cuaresma, Año B (3er Escrutinio)

  • Ezequiel 37:12-14
  • Salmo 130: 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8
  • Romanos 8:8-11
  • Juan 11:1-45

Este fin de semana tendremos el Tercer Escrutinio de los Elegidos, adultos entrando en sus últimas semanas de preparación para ser bautizados. Este es un importante tercer tiempo de escrutinio y exorcismo, que se centra en la reflexión teológica sobre el evangelio sobre la resurrección de Lázaro. Vemos a Cristo que es la Resurrección y la Vida. Repasemos un poco, el primer escrutinio, nos centramos en el agua que la mujer samaritana quiere recibir para saciar su sed del agua viva de Jesús. El segundo escrutinio trata sobre Jesús devolviendo la vista al hombre que era ciego de nacimiento y que se centró en Cristo, quien es, la Luz del mundo. El último escrutinio de hoy, la resurrección de Lázaro, por parte de Jesús nos recuerda que Jesús ofrece vida eterna. Pude sentir el poder y la presencia de Cristo en esta comunidad. 

Recordemos que el Escrutinio es un rito de auto búsqueda espiritual y arrepentimiento. Están destinados a descubrir y luego sanar todo lo que es débil, defectuoso o pecaminoso en los corazones de los elegidos, que serán bautizados en la Vigilia Pascual. Este Escrutinio tiene como objetivo sacar a relucir y luego fortalecer todo lo que hay de recto, fuerte y bueno en los elegidos. Luego, el exorcismo para liberar a los elegidos del poder del pecado y de Satanás, protegiéndolos de la tentación y darles fuerza en Cristo que es el Camino, la Verdad y la Vida. Espero y oro para que completen su conversión, profundicen su determinación de aferrarse a Cristo y llevar a cabo su decisión de amar a Dios por encima de todo. 

Mientras caminamos con nuestros elegidos, nosotros también debemos recordar el poder de nuestro bautismo. Nuestra disposición a abrir nuestros oídos, ojos y corazón a la Palabra de Dios, que nos habla para que seamos testigos firmes, y profesemos nuestra fe en Jesús, quien le dice a Marta: “Yo soy la resurrección y la vida, todo aquel que cree en mí, aunque muera, vivirá, y todo el que vive y cree en mí, no morirá jamás ¿Crees tu esto?” Marta le dijo: “Sí, Señor. He llegado a creer que tú eres el Cristo, el Hijo de Dios, el que viene al mundo. (Juan 11:23-27) 

Del pasaje del evangelio de hoy surge el poder de Jesús como el verdadero mesías, que restaura la vida. ¿Qué nos dice hoy la resurrección de Lázaro? 

Primero, siempre nos aferramos a Jesús para salvar nuestra vida. Quizás nosotros, como Marta diciendo: “Señor, si hubieras estado aquí mi hermano no habría muerto” y “Sí, Señor, he llegado a creer que tú eres el Cristo…” En el proceso de comprensión de la experiencia de la muerte, luchamos entre sentimientos de traición y fe – diciendo “Señor, si tan solo hubieras estado allí…” y “Señor, sé que estás aquí…” Esta expresión y lamento son una indicación de que necesitamos a Dios en nuestra vida, el único que puede salvarnos. Cuando nos sumergimos en el pecado, sucumbimos a la muerte. Asimismo, ante la experiencia de la muerte del ser amado, nos aferramos a la ayuda de Dios, dador de la vida. 

En segundo lugar, la profesión de fe de Marta con las palabras “He llegado a creer que tú eres el Cristo, el Hijo de Dios, el que viene al mundo” es impresionantemente reveladora, de cómo ella acepta a Jesús como el Hijo de Dios, quien tiene el poder de restaurar la vida. Estamos llamados a hacer lo mismo, a profesar de todo corazón que, en efecto, Jesús es Señor tanto de los muertos como de los vivos. 

En tercer lugar, el milagro de Jesús resucitando a Lázaro, para manifestar “La Gloria de Dios, para que por ella sea Glorificado el Hijo de Dios”. Jesús también nos resucitará a nosotros y a nuestros seres queridos, luego la resurrección en el Día Postrero. Nos volveremos a ver en la gloria de Dios cuando seamos fieles a Él. 

En nuestra propia lucha por entender quién es Jesús, a través de este evangelio, hemos visto señales y las obras milagrosas de Jesús. Si estamos ante una crisis de fe, entonces tratemos de considerar a Marta y María, quienes creen en Cristo como la resurrección y la vida. Cree en Jesús, como el Hijo de Dios encarnado. 

Marta y María nos inspiran y alientan con el ejemplo de sus luchas. Sin embargo, no pueden luchar por nosotros, nosotros debemos decidir lo que realmente creemos. Hermanos y hermanas, particularmente aquellos que se están preparando para su Bautismo, tú tienes que decidir y ser honesto al contestar ¿Tú crees? 

Dios los bendiga. 

P. Arlón, osa


The Dictate of the Heart: Passion Sunday, Extraordinary From, TLM

Today, we celebrate the Passion Sunday which is the 5th Sunday of Lent.  The Passion Sunday and the Palm Sunday are two separate celebrations.  According to the liturgy of the Extraordinary Form, today’s Passion Sunday reminds the faithful about the increasing revelation of the Divinity of Christ according to the gospel of St. John 8:46-59 and His journey towards Jerusalem where Jesus started His passion.  Today is also the beginning of the two-week great solemnity as we continue to prepare for the Holy Week. 

The epistle today from the Book of Hebrews cited Jesus as a superior sanctuary as revealed by the New Covenant.  The main thrust of these verses is the eternal redemption secured by Jesus, our Lord.  There are things we must be aware of, that Christ offered Himself while the animal-sacrifice was offered by the people.  Jesus Christ is without blemish inwardly, as well as externally, while animal offerings were believed to be without blemish only in appearance.  Jesus offered Himself through His eternal Spirit, but animals could not do this as a perfect sacrifice.  Jesus’ ultimate offering of Himself through His own blood was for us gaining eternal redemption and salvation.  This is the Goodnews, the blessings of Christ who won by His sacrificial death.   This is what it meant by “Christ being come, a High Priest of the good things to come, by a greater and more perfect tabernacle…”  Jesus supplied the action which lay behind the words written in this epistle, which in our consciences ought to be perfectly free from any need to engage in such things, retaining our confidence in the perfect efficacy of the Cross and holding fast in our commitment to serve the living God through others within the context of our faith.  

Today’s gospel reminds us of the power of God to save everyone, especially those who believe and keep His holy Will.  When it comes to our living out the gospel, this is exactly what we are called to do. You are called to give a reason for the hope that is in you, but you are also called in various situations to demonstrate humility; you are called to be gentle and respectful. 

The people say to Jesus, “Are we not right in saying that you have a demon?” Jesus responded saying, “I do not have a demon.”  He is not angry with them, He just gives them an honest answer; thus we believe in Jesus who offers Himself on the cross for our salvation.  When we encounter people telling us about our doing the sign of the cross, which for them is superstitious, a folly and stupidity, if they think that way that, “you are stupid,” it means that they have understood you.   I believe that St. Paul told the Corinthian church,1Cor 2:5, 3:19, which had embraced worldly wisdom, that, “We are fools for Christ’s sake, but you are wise in Christ!” (1 Cor 4:10).  Our main goal is to live and proclaim the gospel to give glory to God and to His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, and if the world thinks us foolish for this, so be it.  

Some people won’t understand the gospel, and some people will understand and will love it.  Yet some people will understand the gospel and will hate it.  Our Catholic belief will always be in question to the world, especially to those who don’t accept what is Good.  You are called to defend the reason for the hope that is in you, and that’s all that you can do.  There is no easy way to the growth of the Church because we are all traversing to the road less traveled. 

After this mass, we will have our last scrutiny for our Elects, who are preparing for their Sacrament of Initiation.  We have three candidates from Holy Spirit Mission this year.  If we don’t make disciples like this, then our community stops growing.  Let our witnessing and our love for God and others be the source of building God’s people.  

We heard from the gospel today that people “took up stones to throw at Him; but Jesus hid Himself and went out of the temple, going through the midst of them, and so passed by” (v. 59).  People refused to accept Jesus and had shown misunderstanding.  As a result, they killed Jesus, not by stoning but by crucifying Him according to the Scripture. 

So, we offer this prayer: Lord God, our heavenly Father, enlighten our darkness with the light of your Holy Spirit as we come into the Passion Sunday.  Inspire me always that I may preach well, so that we all may hear well to transform our hearts, minds, and whole being. Let’s be as bold in our proclamation of our Lord as He was in proclaiming Himself, trusting the results to the power of the Holy Spirit.  Amen. 

God bless you. 

Fr. Arlon, osa


The Dictate of the Heart: 4th Sunday of Lent, Year B (A) 2nd Scrutiny

Today we are celebrating the 2nd Scrutiny for our Elects, and today’s readings used are those of Year A, which are read in oneness with the Mass for the Second Scrutiny. We need to reflect on these readings to value our calling to being Christ’s disciples.

For three consecutive Sundays, we have these three gospels, the Samaritan woman at the well, the man born blind, and next Sunday is the story about the raising of Lazarus from the dead. Why are they so important for us who are already baptized and for those who are preparing for the Sacrament of Initiation? These readings teach us about our baptismal promises.

First, the story of the Samaritan Woman is about believing in Jesus as the source of the Living Water. The woman accepted it and then returned to her village to proclaim her encounter with Jesus, the true Messiah. She commits herself to bring the Goodnews to others, which is our role to evangelize.

Second, today we heard the story of the man born blind who was healed and his sight was restored, but the message is his seeing God in Jesus. Our restored sight is not only for seeing, but constant conversion, as we always commit to a life that reveals God’s vision.

Third, next Sunday’s gospel is about Lazarus, who was raised from the dead by Jesus. This is the ultimate joy of our faith in Christ, that in Him we would bring back our life because He won, victorious over death and sin.

Let me expound on the readings today. In our first reading, taken from the book of Samuel, God told Samuel that God doesn’t see as humans see. We can only see part of the picture; we see the external appearances. But God sees deeper, into the heart of that person. God sees the fullness of that person’s potential. God sees that person’s intricate and detailed beauty.

The second reading, taken from the letter of St. Paul to the Ephesians, gives us a reminder of our own identity in Jesus. Before we were in darkness, but now we live in the light of Christ for we are children of light. The fruit of light involves conduct which is pervasive goodness, righteousness, and truth. Our conduct must be based on good conduct, speech, and relationships as modeled and taught by Jesus.

The gospel reminds me of my own experience, though I was not born blind like the man in the story. A year ago, for three months, I was literally blind due to Retinopathy, which is the inflammation of the small vessels at the back of my eyes which impeded my vision. I cannot forget how I prayed hard to God to bring back my eyesight. The doctor operated on my right eye, called “vitrectomy procedure.” When I recovered, I had much appreciation of God’s creation, I have an increased empathy for those people with visual disability and discovered a new perspective in the mercy and compassion of our awesome God. When we see as God sees, all we can do is stand and praise God for showing us a glimpse of heaven.

Though we have no problem with our sense of sight let us sincerely ask God to heal us today.

First, ask the Lord to “open our eyes,” physically and spiritually. Let us beg God to see as He sees by reflecting to view according to God’s ways. Sometimes we are blind because we lack knowledge, and sometimes we are blind because we have closed our eyes. Today, having gone through my own progression of faith, my eyes are fully open and I can see! Opening our eyes means changing the way we live and having a new perspective of life.

Second, we need to face those dark places. We will ask God to help us see those moments of failure and weakness as God sees them. God will never condemn us, but like with the blind man, he received an opportunity to love and to do good.

Third, Jesus said to him, “You have seen him, and the one speaking with you is he.” The blind man responded, “I believe.” Jesus shows himself to be the perfect Teacher in this miracle. He is revealing God’s works, and it is the reason Jesus heals his blindness: so that God’s work might be revealed in him.

These readings are powerful catalysts for reformation, for conversion. We turn our hearts back to Christ, acknowledging the need for our own ongoing conversion toward the one who guides and shepherds us.

Amazingly we are the light of the world. St. Paul talks about “unfruitful works of darkness,” and about the purifying power of exposing our shameful deeds to the light of day. JESUS IS OUR SAVIOR, who heals us. Our night of death and darkness is over; the light is dawning in our midst.

God bless you.

Fr. Arlon, osa


El Dictado del Corazón
Cuarto Domingo de Cuaresma, Año B (A) 2do Escrutinio

  • 1 Samuel 16:1b, 6-7, 10-13a
  • Salmo: Sal 23:1-3a, 3b-4, 5, 6
  • Efesios 5:8-14
  • Juan 9:1-41

Hoy estamos celebrando el Segundo Escrutinio para nuestros Elegidos, y las lecturas utilizadas hoy son las del Año A, que se leen en unidad con la Misa del Segundo Escrutinio. Es necesario reflexionar sobre estas lecturas para valorar nuestro llamado a ser discípulos de Cristo.

Durante tres domingos consecutivos, tenemos estos tres evangelios, la mujer samaritana junto al pozo, el ciego de nacimiento y el próximo domingo la historia de la resurrección de Lázaro de entre los muertos. ¿Por qué son importantes para los ya bautizados y para los que se están preparando para el Sacramento de Iniciación? Estas lecturas nos enseñan acerca de nuestras promesas bautismales.

Primero, la historia de la Mujer Samaritana trata de creer en Jesús, como fuente de Agua Viva. La mujer lo aceptó y luego regresó a su pueblo para anunciar su encuentro con Jesús, el verdadero Mesías. Ella se compromete a llevar la buena nueva a los demás, que es nuestra función de evangelizar.

Segundo, hoy escuchamos la historia del hombre ciego de nacimiento que fue sanado y le devolvió la vista, pero el mensaje es que vea a Dios en Jesús. Nuestra vista restaurada no es sólo para ver sino para una conversión constante, ya que siempre nos comprometemos a una vida que revela la visión de Dios.

En tercer lugar, el evangelio del próximo domingo trata sobre Lázaro, quien fue resucitado de entre los muertos por Jesús. Este es el gozo supremo de nuestra fe en Cristo: en Él recuperar nuestra vida porque Él venció y fue victorioso sobre la muerte y el pecado.

Permítanme explicar las lecturas de hoy. En nuestra primera lectura tomada del libro de Samuel, Dios le dijo a Samuel que Dios no ve como ven los humanos. Sólo podemos ver una parte de la persona; Vemos las apariencias externas. Pero Dios ve más profundamente, El ve el corazón de la persona. Dios ve la plenitud del potencial de esa persona. Dios ve la belleza intrincada y detallada de esa persona.

La segunda lectura, de la carta de San Pablo a los Efesios, nos recuerda nuestra propia identidad en Jesús. Antes estábamos en oscuridad pero ahora vivimos en la luz de Cristo porque somos hijos de la luz. El fruto de la luz implica una conducta que es bondad, rectitud y verdad omnipresentes. Nuestra conducta debe basarse en la buena conducta, el habla y las relaciones tal como los modeló y enseñó Jesús.

El evangelio me recuerda mi propia experiencia, aunque no nací ciego como el hombre del evangelio de hoy, me relaciono con el. Hace un año, durante tres meses, quedé ciego debido a la Retinopatía, que es la inflamación de los pequeños vasos en la parte posterior de mis ojos que impiden mi visión. No olvido lo mucho que oré para que Dios me restaurara la vista. El médico me operó el ojo derecho, lo que se denomina “procedimiento de vitrectomía”. Cuando me recuperé, valoré aun más la creación de Dios, sentí una mayor empatía por aquellas personas con discapacidad visual y descubrí una nueva perspectiva sobre la misericordia y la compasión de nuestro maravilloso Dios. Cuando vemos como Dios ve, todo lo que podemos hacer es pararnos y alabar a Dios por mostrarnos un poquito de lo hermoso que es el cielo.

Aunque no tenemos ningún problema con nuestro sentido de la vista, pidamos sinceramente a Dios que nos sane hoy.

Primero, pidamos al Señor que “nos abra los ojos”, física y espiritualmente. Roguemos a Dios que veamos como Él ve, reflexionando para ver según los caminos de Dios. A veces estamos ciegos porque nos falta conocimiento y, a veces, estamos ciegos porque hemos cerrado los ojos. Hoy, después de haber pasado por mi progresión de fe, ¡mis ojos están completamente abiertos y puedo ver! Abrir los ojos significa cambiar nuestra forma de vivir y tener una nueva perspectiva de la vida.

Segundo, debemos afrontar esos lugares oscuros. Pidamos a Dios que nos ayude a ver esos momentos de fracaso y debilidad como Dios los ve. Dios nunca nos condenará pero, como el ciego, recibe la oportunidad de amar y hacer el bien.

Tercero, Jesús le dijo: Tú le has visto, y él es el que habla contigo. El ciego respondió: “Creo”. Jesús se muestra como el Maestro perfecto en este milagro. Está revelando las obras de Dios, porque es la razón por la que Jesús cura su ceguera: para que las obras de Dios se revelen en él.

Estas lecturas son poderosos catalizadores para la reforma, para la conversión. Volvamos nuestro corazón a Cristo, reconociendo la necesidad de nuestra conversión continua hacia Aquel que nos guía y pastorea.

Sorprendentemente somos la luz del mundo. San Pablo habla de las “obras infructuosas de las tinieblas” y del poder purificador de exponer a la luz del día nuestras obras vergonzosas. JESÚS ES NUESTRO SALVADOR, quien nos sana para que nuestra noche de muerte y oscuridad haya terminado, la luz esté amanecendo en medio de nosotros.

Para los Elegidos, nuestras oraciones para ustedes son para que puedan continuar preparándose para recibir los Sacramentos de Iniciación en la próxima Pascua. Vivan y reflejen lo bueno que es Dios con ustedes.

Dios los bendiga.

P. Arlón, osa

The Dictate of the Heart: 4th Sunday of Lent, (Laetare Sunday) Extraordinary From, TLM

Today is the 4th Sunday of Lent, called the “Laetare Sunday,” where we are invited to reflect on the Introit antiphon from Isaiah 66:10-11: “Rejoice, Jerusalem, and come together all you that love her, rejoice with joy, you that have been in sorrow: that you may exult, and be filled from the breasts of your consolation.” Laetare means “rejoice” which expresses hope and joy during our Lenten fasts and penances. Our color “rose” today indicates a glimpse of the joy that awaits us at Easter, just before entering Holy Week. Let us take advantage of the richness of our Catholic traditions.

The epistle today is taken from the letter of St. Paul to the Galatians. St. Paul is speaking to these Galatians about being under the law, meaning to say that they keep relying on their self-effort to keep the law by maintaining a right relationship with God. Every person must be freed from any kind of slavery or bondage of sins, rather to be free for “wherewith Christ has made us free.” Let us earn approval from God by our own effort to live consistently doing works of righteousness. Our conscious action is to try harder, and that will lead us to happiness, rather than depression.

How can sinners like us stand in a right relationship with the holy God? How can we be in a right relationship with God? We must first believe, repent, and do something good. All good actions result in good realities, and we must begin to live a joy filled, fruitful and comforting life as Catholics.

In today’s gospel Jesus begins to share His kindness with the multitude of people by being sensitive to their condition. We give keen attention to Jesus’ miraculous sign by feeding everyone. This will help us to understand God’s provision to the chosen people of Israel in the Old Testament and Jesus’ multiplication of bread, which prefigures the Eucharist. Today, though, we are going to look at the miracle that sets on this gospel pericope in John 6:1-15.

First, Jesus said: “Make the men sit down,” to provide them food to eat. It is an amazing gesture of Jesus’ care and love for His people, which is also at the same time a clear message and sign of how He cares for them in all eternity. Through that boy with five barley loaves and two fish, Jesus took the loaves and the fish, He blessed them and gave thanks, and “they were filled.” I believe that our insignificant contribution, like that of the little boy, and if presented generously and wholeheartedly to Christ, makes it possible for a miracle to happen.

Second, this story about the multiplication of bread and fish is about the power of Jesus, not only to fill our own physical needs, but to sustain us to continue glorifying God. Receiving the miracle that happens at every mass doesn’t only comfort us temporarily, but suffices our desire to have that joy and eternal happiness to rest on the heart of Christ our Savior.

Third, it’s a story about God’s unlimited and powerful provision. We must believe that with Him all things are possible because He perfectly knows what we need. Our consideration is to accept our insufficiency apart from God.

In the Christian life, we must humble ourselves to accept our own weakness and powerlessness. We must remember that everything Jesus does takes us to that low place because the low place is where the abundant grace of God starts to manifest.

Jesus would like to remind us that He is actually doing the role of God in the Old Testament when He provides everything for the chosen people. Jesus is doing what God does because there is no one else to do so, especially our need of sustenance for our journey towards eternal life.

In conclusion, Jesus says, “Philip, do you remember how God gave the bread from heaven in the desert? It is a perfect way to test Philip and us. Will you rely on Jesus to trust and have faith in Him? The miracle of the multiplication of bread and fish is indeed an invitation to believe, not to cling to our opinion that it is impossible, but that it gives opportunities to grow and to be nourished by His body and blood. Jesus gives His very own life for all of us. Let us rejoice!

God bless you.

Fr. Arlon, osa

The Dictate of the Heart: 3rd Sunday of Lent, Year B (A)

Today we celebrate the 3rd Sunday of Lent. Today we will witness the first scrutiny for our newly “Elect” who are ready to receive the adult initiation. We will witness three consecutive Sundays with a gospel reading taken from St. John. This is a powerful practice in the church beginning in 500 AD for the Elect to have that expected transformation, repentance and conversion as they prepare to accept Jesus Christ as their light who brings life to them. This scrutiny calls the Elect into the living water of Baptism, to the light of holiness and to a new life in Christ through His resurrection. The congregation will continuously pray for them so that they may be cleansed and protected from evil, which we witness in the exorcism part. This is also for you to heed the call to new life and healing.

As we continue to focus on our spiritual relationship with God, today’s reading redirects us to avoid all kinds of distractions caused by so many unnecessary concerns, like felt emotions, and to focus on our human response to a sincere love and worship of the Divine.

In the first reading today, taken from the book of Exodus, we heard about the grumbling attitude of the chosen people against God. They were complaining despite God’s walking with them in the wilderness to freedom from oppression in Egypt. The goodness of God for them was not enough, for they expected instant fulfillment of their needs and desires. Today, we must carry out the attitude of humility, obedience, and respect for the presence of God. God has worked in our lives; therefore, we must be submissive to a real invitation to have an orderly life. Doesn’t everyone live like that?

The 2nd reading, from the letter of St. Paul to the Romans, tells us that just as Adam was the source of humanity that could not resist and avoid sin, Jesus Christ is the source of humanity freed from obedience to sin. We are called to be human in Christ, freeing ourselves from the slavery of sin. We have been righteous, having been justified by faith and good works, where there is freedom to be all that God created us for, to be free to know God’s love and to love God. This is our state of grace now which has been given to us by Jesus Christ our Lord.

Today’s gospel reading, taken from St. John, is a story about the “Samaritan Woman at the Well.” This is a special gospel reading for the first scrutiny to put emphasis on the Samaritan woman meeting Jesus travelling to Galilee from Judea with His disciples passing though Samaria. Let us find inspiring thoughts about their encounter:

First, there was a Samaritan woman who came at that time to draw water from the well. There may have been reasons why she came in the heat of the day to draw water, perhaps to avoid other women from town. Jesus broke down the barrier between the Jew and the Samaritan for they cannot see eye to eye. Jesus approached her and asked for water to drink. Jesus initiated the move to reach out to the woman without animosity and racial discrimination. Despite Jesus’ knowledge of her being married 5 times and living in sin, He was gentle and put no judgment upon her. This is Jesus’ way to accept us, being unmindful of our past and embracing us with much love and compassion because He wants to draw us closer to Him.

Second, Jesus says something to the woman that puzzled her, that, “if she knew who He was, she would ask Him for living water, and He would give it to her.” At this point, Jesus was not talking about the water in the well which the people drink but still thirst again. The Samaritan woman expressed her interest in the water spoken by Jesus to free her from toil of fetching daily from the well. However, she did not realize that the “living water” being offered by Jesus is something supernatural, which is His divine grace referring to the water of Baptism.

Third, the conversion of the Samaritan woman came after she gains understanding of the truth of herself and her experience of an encounter with Jesus, whom she believes to be a prophet. She then tells Jesus that the Messiah is coming and “He will tell us everything.” Jesus replies, “I am He, the one speaking with you.” Without wasting time, after hearing the word of Jesus and believing Him, she returned to her village telling her story and converting her town to Jesus.

This is a remarkable story of Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well offering her living waters and promising eternal life. The woman sees sincerity and truth about herself, seeing God face to face. She was not afraid and instead she embraced the freedom from all the burdens of her past life with no condemnation, and as a result, there is healing and new life.

To our beloved Elect, this scrutiny is meant to uncover yourselves from sinfulness, weakness and bring healing to your heart. You will be receiving the exorcism to deliver you from the power of sin and Satan. The Baptism of water purifies you. This indicates that God wants to purify you and is offering you eternal life, as shown in the stories of the Israelites and the Samaritan woman at the well. We look forward to Easter with intense prayer and preparation.

God bless you.

Fr. Arlon, osa


El Dictado del Corazón
Tercer Domingo de Cuaresma, Año B

  • Éxodo 20:1-17 o Éxodo 17:3-7
  • Salmo 95:1-2, 6-7, 8-9
  • Romanos 5:12,5-8
  • Juan 4:5-42 

Hoy celebramos el Tercer Domingo de Cuaresma, seremos testigos del primer escrutinio de nuestros nuevos “elegidos” los cuales están listos para recibir la iniciación adulta. Seremos testigos de tres domingos consecutivos con una lectura del evangelio tomado de San Juan. Esta es una práctica poderosa en la iglesia que comenzó en el año 500 D.C. para que los elegidos tuvieran la transformación, el arrepentimiento y la conversión, esperados mientras se preparan para aceptar a Jesucristo como su luz que les trae vida. Este escrutinio llama a los elegidos al agua viva del bautismo, a la luz de la santidad y a una vida nueva en Cristo, a través de su resurrección. La congregación ara oracion continuamente por ellos para que sean limpiados y protegidos del mal, del que somos testigos en la parte del exorcismo. Esto también es para que prestemos atención al llamado a una nueva vida y sanación.

A medida que continuamos enfocándonos en nuestra relación espiritual con Dios, la lectura de hoy nos redirige a evitar todo tipo de distracciones causadas por tantas preocupaciones innecesarias como las emociones sentidas y a concentrarnos en nuestra respuesta humana a un amor y adoración sinceros a lo divino.

La primera lectura de hoy está tomada del libro del Éxodo, escuchamos sobre la actitud de queja del pueblo elegido contra Dios. Se quejaban a pesar de que Dios caminaba con ellos en el desierto hacia la libertad de la opresión en Egipto. La bondad de Dios para con ellos no fue suficiente porque esperaban la satisfacción instantánea de sus necesidades y deseos. Hoy debemos llevar a cabo la actitud de humildad, obediencia y respeto a la presencia de Dios. Dios ha obrado en nuestras vidas; por tanto, debemos ser sumisos a una invitación real a tener una vida ordenada. ¿No todo el mundo vive así?

La segunda lectura de la carta de San Pablo a los Romanos nos dice que así como Adán fue la fuente de la humanidad, no pudo resistir y evitar el pecado, Jesucristo es la fuente de la humanidad liberada de la obediencia al pecado. Estamos llamados a ser humanos en Cristo, liberándonos de la esclavitud del pecado. Hemos sido justos y justificados por la fe y las buenas obras, donde existe la libertad de ser todo por lo que Dios nos creó, de ser libres para conocer el amor de Dios y amar a Dios. Este es nuestro estado de gracia ahora que nos ha sido dado por Jesucristo nuestro Señor.

La lectura del evangelio de hoy tomada de San Juan es una historia sobre la “Mujer Samaritana junto al pozo”. Esta es una lectura especial del evangelio para el primer escrutinio que enfatiza la mujer samaritana que se encuentra con Jesús viajando a Galilea desde Judea con sus discípulos pasando por Samaria.

Tres puntos para que nos ayuden a meditat sobre su encuentro:
Primero, había una mujer samaritana que vino en aquel tiempo a sacar agua del pozo. Puede que haya habido razones por las que vino en el calor del día a sacar agua, tal vez para evitar a otras mujeres de la ciudad. Jesús rompió la barrera entre el judío y el samaritano porque no pueden verse cara a cara. Entonces Jesús se acercó a ella y le pidió agua para beber. Jesús inició el movimiento para alcanzar a las mujeres sin animosidad ni discriminación racial. A pesar de que Jesús sabía que ella se había casado cinco veces y vivía en pecado, Él fue gentil y no la juzgó. Así es como Jesús nos acepta, sin pensar en nuestro pasado pero abrazándonos con mucho amor y compasión porque quiere acercarnos más a Él.

En segundo lugar, Jesús le dice algo a la mujer que la desconcertó: “Si conocieras el don de Dios y quién es el que te pide de beber, tú le pedirías a él, y él te daría agua viva”. En este punto, Jesús no estaba hablando del agua del pozo que la gente bebe y tiene sed nuevamente. La mujer samaritana expresó su interés por aquella agua pronunciada por Jesús para liberarla del trabajo diario de ir a buscar al pozo. Sin embargo, no se dio cuenta de que el “agua viva” que ofrece Jesús es algo sobrenatural que es su gracia divina refiriéndose al agua del Bautismo.

En tercer lugar, la conversión de la mujer samaritana se produjo después de que ella obtuvo una comprensión de la verdad de sí misma y de su experiencia de un encuentro con Jesús, a quien ella cree que es un profeta. Luego, le dice a Jesús que el Mesías viene y “Él nos dará razón de todo”. Jesús responde: “Soy yo, el que habla contigo”. Sin pérdida de tiempo, después de escuchar la palabra de Jesús y creerle, regresó a su pueblo contando su historia y convirtiendo a su pueblo a Jesús.

Esta es una historia notable de Jesús y la mujer samaritana junto al pozo ofreciendo agua viva, prometiendo vida eterna. La mujer ve sinceridad y verdad sobre sí misma y ve a Dios cara a cara. Ella no tuvo miedo, sino que abrazó la libertad de todas las cargas de su vida pasada, sin condenación, como resultado, hay sanación y nueva vida.

Para nuestros amados Elegidos, este escrutinio tiene como objetivo descubrirse del pecado, la debilidad y traer sanidad a su corazón. Estarás recibiendo el exorcismo para liberarte del poder del pecado y de Satanás. El Bautismo de agua te purifica e indica que Dios quiere darte, te purifica y te está ofreciendo la vida eterna, como lo muestran las historias de los israelitas y de la mujer Samaria junto al pozo. Esperemos la Pascua con intensa oración y preparación.

Dios los bendiga.

P. Arlón, osa

The Dictate of the Heart: 3rd Sunday of Lent, Extraordinary Form, TLM

Today is the 3rd Sunday of Lent. We hear that Paul was addressing the Christians in Ephesus. He told them that they must imitate God. Just as a child imitates his father, so must the believer imitate God. We imitate the attitude of Jesus by being pure in body and soul. This is our own calling, not just the early Christians exhorted by Paul to follow the Lord, and not just simple imitation, but walking in the love of God. It is in righteousness and purity of life that we offer a sacrifice to God which is pleasing to God. Our love and faith must give rise to a life which is in accordance with the will of God, rather than to do things as pagans live and do.

There are many occasions when we claim to be Catholics and yet put ourselves in danger by maintaining our sinful lifestyle. This is the reason why St. Paul warns his people concerning this error. He was warning them not to ridicule Christ by living contrary to His teachings. How dangerous it is to ignore God’s commandment and continue to live their lifestyle with immorality, which is also common even to this day. Covetousness or greed too are totally out of place among believers for we are called to be imitators of Christ. We know that Christ‘s offering of redemption for us changes every aspect in the here and now. Our minds, thoughts and our whole body and actions must be pure, and we must consecrate ourselves to God whose gift we receive to enrich us and for us to give thanks.

The gospel today led us to have an understanding that Jesus is more powerful than the evil one, and “the multitudes were in admiration at” what Jesus did after casting out the devil. His power continues to allow us to have been safe guarded against all kinds of temptations.

Our society forces us to believe that we have the freedom to do whatever we want to do and have the right not to be constrained, and no one can ever dictate or tell us what to do. This we seek for personal freedom; therefore, we must go against Christian religious belief. This is indeed a serious evil with which we are being confronted nowadays, not to be obedient to keep the will of God and not to follow the guidance of our Holy Church. The very idea of obedience is belittled and in question. However, we must listen to the eternal word of God speaking to us through Jesus Christ saying, “Blessed are those who hear the word of God and obey it.” I do believe that THE GREATEST BLESSINGS, JOY AND PEACE, are found in a life of obedience to Christ.

Our obedience to Christ is not just some optional lifestyle for us, but to genuinely live in total dependence on God who gives us the security, comfort, and satisfaction we need. All of us are part of a human journey to accept that there is a Divine being greater than us, and so we pour out our adoration and worship to this Loving God. We cannot afford to be controlled by something dark and evil.

We see here the validity of Jesus’ argument that driving out the demon means jeopardizing Satan’s kingdom and accusing Him of being the “prince of the devils.” What a ridiculous idea! Jesus says, “If I drive out demons by the finger of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you.” The expression “by the finger of God” here evokes the remembrance of the Exodus experience of the chosen Israelites from the slavery of Egypt. The people were able to live through the plagues and survive from all their sufferings through Moses, which the Egyptian magicians could not imitate and discredit because they were clearly ‘the ginger of God’ to those held captive to the evil power of Pharoah. This gospel reveals that Jesus Himself manifested and intervened to challenge Satan by bringing healing and freedom to the dumb and possessed man.

This is a good illustration that even now we have been experiencing infestation of evil spirits. Satan is keeping us away from God. The devil is always trying to say that we are his, and not God’s, because many times we ignore and deny God through our continuous sinfulness. When will we be free from Satan’s deceptions?

I would like to conclude with these beautiful ideas of CS Lewis, (Clive Staples Lewis 1898-1963), a Briton, who was one of the intellectual giants of the 20th century and a most influential writer, even up to this day. He was a lay Anglican who wrote 40 books, many of them on Christian apologetics, or books on the defense of Christianity, saying that there are two equal and opposite errors when it comes to “devils.”

First is to ascribe too much fascination and fear of the power of Satan. We have to be very careful that as humans, we are complex beings whose emotional, mental and spiritual lives intertwine. We are emphasizing too much about demons being in everything and everyone.

Second is the opposite of the first error, to think that Satan has little power over our spiritual realities. We tend to be very materialistic and deny the need to be prayerful. Remember that we are at war against Satan. We are always advised to guard ourselves from evil’s destruction, lies and temptations. Do not allow ourselves to be caught off guard.

Therefore, we must always put Jesus Christ in the equation. If we take Jesus out of the equation, not believing in His power and authority, we certainly leave ourselves more vulnerable than ever to Satan’s domination. Let us accept Jesus, our Lord, in our hearts to rule over us. To have Jesus in our life is an enormous blessing and freedom from the clutches of evil.

God bless you.

Fr. Arlon, osa

The Dictate of the Heart: 2nd Sunday of Lent, Year B.

Today is the 2nd Sunday of Lent. As we journey through Lent, it seems that there are so many things to learn from these readings. We focus on how we build and maintain a deeper relationship with God and know what those obstacles are that lead me away from God. St. Augustine, after his conversion, realized that the goodness of God is manifested through His creation, and it helped him find God’s love by appreciating the beauty of nature, the whole universe, and his remarkable understanding of God’s word. He discovered the true beauty of God by clinging to his new life with Him which led him to live in freedom under grace.

The first reading from the book of Genesis is a story about the testing of Abraham’s faith in God, that is, to offer his only son, Isaac, as his sacrificial offering ready to be slaughtered, but a messenger from heaven intercedes and Abraham is rewarded for his firm faith and obedience. The messenger from God tells Abraham, “ . . . because you acted as you did in not withholding from me your beloved son, I will bless you abundantly . . .” Our human mind cannot comprehend God’s way to test Abraham because it seemed that it caused him much anxiety, anguish, and stress. Many readers of this story feel that there is no need to test Abraham because God knows his heart, God knows how devoted he is to Him. Was the test for Abraham or for us? The test is certainly for us to understand completely that when we act on holding on to anything, even our most well-loved person, I believe that blessings wouldn’t be that great.

In the second reading from the letter to the Romans, St. Paul writes to the community that, “If God is for us, who can be against us?” It means that we do not defend ourselves from anybody’s condemnation but have God who is worth trusting. God’s presence with us is so great that we feel totally secure in Him. There is no need to
be afraid knowing that He is holding on to us constantly.

The gospel today narrates to us about Jesus’ transfiguration as witnessed by his three apostles, Peter, James, and John. During the transfiguration, Jesus was talking to Moses, representing the Law, and to Elijah, representing the prophets. The three apostles were delighted to see the appearance of Jesus radiant with light and his clothes dazzlingly white. They knew that Jesus had conversation with Moses and Elijah. They were called to believe, which challenged their knowing, and then to move on to a relationship walking back down the mountain in faith.

How many of us have realized what surfaced during that transfiguration in the life of Jesus as it relates to our Lenten journey?

First, this transfiguration in the life of our Lord is for us to take some time to reflect on God’s calling us for transformation. Is there anything holding us back from being open to the love of Christ which will transform us if we allow ourselves to witness and listen to Him? I believe that with our two senses, seeing Christ’s radiating light so that we could enlighten our path that leads to true life and the clarity of life’s purpose, and listening to Him in prayer so that our desire for the Word of God allows us to center on His Words. This kind of spirituality of Lent calls us to a faith and a listening which leads to our trusting God.

Second, Jesus’ transfiguration was an exceptional experience for the three apostles to witness His glorification and to give them hope. It also increases His disciples’ courage for what was to come. Hence, we receive the call to climb the mountain of transformation with Jesus, our Lord, which brings change, not only in our external appearances, but wholly able to change our interior life.

Third, as we descend from the mountain of transformation, let us share our faith stories with one another. We need to proclaim our experiences with God so that others may hear them. Maybe some people would appreciate our own perspective and grasp a different image of God. It is a grace though. In the scripture Jesus says, “charged them not to relate what they had seen to anyone,” which means it is not stopping us to say something but to wait until the “Son of God had risen from the dead.” I believe that the Resurrection of Jesus adds to the full understanding of the story of the Transfiguration of Christ. As believers, however, we need to confidently validate our faith in God and His continuous love for us as experienced by Abraham as well.

This season of Lent, we must acknowledge that we cannot transform ourselves alone. Jesus is the only one who can change us, for His grace is sufficiently given to us with our sincere cooperation. Let Abraham serve as our inspiration and model, the “Father of Faith to all Nations.” Just as Abraham was willing to offer his only son, Isaac, in the same manner, God, the Father Almighty, offered His only Son, Jesus Christ, so that the grace of salvation continues to flourish on earth, even up to this day, as God’s marvelous blessing!

God bless you.

Fr. Arlon, osa


El Dictado del Corazón
Segundo Domingo de Cuaresma, Año B.

  • Génesis 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18
  • Salmo 116:10, 15, 16-17, 18-19
  • Romanos 8:31b-34
  • Marcos 9:2-10 

Hoy es el Segundo Domingo de Cuaresma. A medida que avanzamos en la Cuaresma, hay muchas cosas que aprender de estas lecturas. Nos enfocamos en cómo construimos y mantenemos una relación más profunda con Dios y sabemos cuáles son esos obstáculos que nos alejan de Dios. San Agustín, después de su conversión, se dio cuenta de que la bondad de Dios se manifiesta a través de Su creación y lo ayudó a encontrar el amor de Dios al apreciar la belleza de la naturaleza, el universo entero y su notable comprensión de la palabra de Dios. Descubrió la verdadera belleza de Dios aferrándose a su nueva vida con Él que lo llevó a vivir en libertad bajo la gracia.

La primera lectura del libro del Génesis es una historia sobre la prueba de la fe de Abraham en Dios, es decir, ofrecer a su único hijo, Isaac, como su ofrenda de sacrificio listo para ser sacrificado, pero un mensajero del cielo intercede y Abraham es recompensado por su firme obediencia y fe a Dios. El mensajero de Dios le dice a Abraham: “…. porque obraste como lo hiciste al no negarme a tu amado hijo, te bendeciré abundantemente. . .” Sin embargo, nuestra mente humana no puede comprender la manera en que Dios puso a prueba a Abraham porque parecía que le causaba mucha ansiedad, angustia y estrés. Muchos lectores de esta historia dicen que no hay necesidad de probar a Abraham porque Dios conoce su corazón, Dios sabe cuán devoto es para Él. ¿La prueba fue para Abraham o para nosotros? La prueba es ciertamente para nosotros, es que comprendamos completamente que cuando actuamos aferrándonos a cualquier cosa, incluso a nuestra persona más amada, creo que las bendiciones serían abundantes.

En la segunda lectura de la carta a los Romanos, San Pablo escribe a la comunidad: “Si Dios está a nuestro favor, ¿quién estará en contra nuestra?” Significa que no nos defendamos de la condenación de nadie, sino de tener esa imagen de Dios en la que vale la pena confiar. La presencia de Dios con nosotros es tan grande que nos sentimos totalmente seguros en Él. No hay por qué tener miedo sabiendo que Él se aferra a nosotros constantemente.

El evangelio de hoy nos narra la transfiguración de Jesús, presenciada por sus tres apóstoles, Pedro, Santiago y Juan. Durante la transfiguración, Jesús estaba hablando con Moisés, que representaba la Ley, y con Elías, que representaba a los profetas. Quedaron encantados al ver la aparición de Jesús radiante de luz y sus vestidos se volvieron de un blanco deslumbrante. Sabían que Jesús tuvo una conversación con Moisés y Elías. Fueron llamados a creer, lo que desafió su conocimiento, y luego pasar a una relación con Jesus, caminando de regreso de la montaña en fe.

¿Cuántos de nosotros nos hemos dado cuenta de lo que surge durante esa transfiguración en la vida de Jesús en relación con nuestra jornada en esta Cuaresma?

Primero, esta transfiguración en la vida de nuestro Señor es para que nos tomemos un tiempo para reflexionar sobre el llamado de Dios a la transformación. ¿Hay algo que nos impide estar abiertos al amor de Cristo, que nos transformará si nos permitimos testificarlo y escucharlo? Creo que nuestros dos sentidos, como ver la luz radiante de Cristo, podrían iluminar nuestro camino que conduce a la vida verdadera y a la claridad del propósito de la vida. Escucharlo en oración para que nuestro deseo por la Palabra de Dios nos permita centrarnos en Sus Palabras.
Este tipo de espiritualidad de la Cuaresma nos llama a la fe y a la escucha, lo que nos lleva a confiar en Dios.

En segundo lugar, la transfiguración de Jesús fue una experiencia excepcional para que los tres apóstoles fueran testigos de Su glorificación y tuvieran esperanza. También aumentó el valor de sus discípulos para lo que estaba por venir. Por eso, recibimos el llamado a escalar la montaña de la transformación con Jesús, nuestro Señor, que trae cambios no sólo en nuestras apariencias externas sino totalmente capaces de cambiar nuestra vida interior.

En tercer lugar, mientras descendemos de la montaña de la transformación, compartamos nuestra historia de fe unos con otros. Necesitamos proclamar nuestra experiencia con Dios para que otros puedan escucharlas. Quizás les ayuden a fortalecer su fe y puedan captar una imagen diferente de Dios. Aunque es una gracia. En la Escritura, Jesús les mandó que no contaran a nadie lo que habían visto, lo que significa que no nos impide hablar algo, sino esperar hasta que; “El Hijo de Dios haya resucitado de entre los muertos”. Creo que la Resurrección de Jesús contribuye a la comprensión completa de la historia de la Transfiguración de Cristo. Sin embargo, como creyentes, debemos validar con confianza nuestra fe en Dios y Su amor continuo por nosotros, como también lo experimentó Abraham.

En este tiempo de Cuaresma, debemos reconocer que no podemos transformarnos solos. Jesús es el único que puede transformarnos, porque su gracia nos es dada suficientemente con nuestra sincera cooperación. Dejemos que Abraham sirva como nuestra inspiración y modelo, el “Padre de la fe para todas las naciones”. Así como Abraham estuvo dispuesto a ofrecer a su único hijo, Isaac, de la misma manera Dios Padre Todopoderoso ofreció a su único Hijo, Jesucristo, para que la gracia de la salvación siga floreciendo en la tierra hasta el día de hoy, ¡como bendición maravillosa de Dios!

Dios los bendiga.

P. Arlón, osa


The Dictate of the Heart: 2nd Sunday of Lent, Extraordinary Form, TLM

  • 1 Thessalonians 4:1-7
  • Matthew 17:1-9

    Today is the 2nd Sunday of Lent. St. Augustine, after his conversion, realized that the goodness of God manifested through His creation, and it helped him find God’s love by appreciating the beauty of nature, the whole universe, and his remarkable understanding of God’s word. He discovered the true beauty of God by clinging to his new life with Him which led him to live in freedom under grace.

    The epistle, taken from the 1st letter of St. Paul to the Thessalonians, informs us of the guidance of St. Paul to his people who accepted Jesus in their lives that they should be sanctified. He calls them to live in purity and possess his vessel in sanctification and honor, not in the passion of lust, like the Gentiles that know not God. When sexual immorality becomes part of a society, it hurts people and the church. There is a need for sexual self-control and discipline, which allows everyone to love one another genuinely and to love your spouse faithfully, rather than use each other. We need to listen to St. Paul exhorting us that, as believers, we must live in holiness to continue walking with Jesus and do things to please God, which in turn brings contentment and joy to our soul, rather than being deceived by the world’s attractions in order to satisfy our sexual cravings. As believers, we have been freed from the slavery of sin; therefore, seek Christ this season of Lent so that we too may experience transformation.

    The gospel today narrates to us about Jesus’ transfiguration as witnessed by his three apostles, Peter, James, and John. During the transfiguration, Jesus was talking to Moses, representing the Law, and to Elijah, representing the prophets. They were delighted to see the appearance of Jesus radiant with light and his clothes dazzlingly white. They knew that Jesus had conversation with Moses and Elijah. They were called to believe, which challenged their knowing, and then to move on to a relationship walking back down the mountain in faith.

    How many of us have realized what surfaced during that transfiguration in the life of Jesus as it relates to our Lenten journey?

    First, this transfiguration in the life of our Lord is for us to take some time to reflect God’s calling us for transformation. Is there anything holding us back from being open to the love of Christ, which will transform us if we allow ourselves to witness and listen to Him? I believe that with our two senses, seeing Christ’s radiating light so that we could enlighten our path that leads to true life and the clarity of life’s purpose, and listening to Him in prayer so that our desire for the Word of God allows us to center on His Words. This kind of spirituality of Lent calls us to a faith and a listening which leads to our trusting God.

    Second, Jesus’ transfiguration was an exceptional experience of the three apostles to witness His glorification and to give them hope. It also increases His disciples’ courage for what was to come. Hence, we receive the call to climb the mountain of transformation with Jesus, our Lord, which brings change, not only in our external appearances, but wholly able to change our interior life.

    Third, as we descend from the mountain of transformation, let us share our faith stories with one another. We need to proclaim our experiences with God so that others may hear them. Maybe some people would appreciate our own perspective and grasp a different image of God. It is a grace though. In the scripture Jesus says, “charged them not to relate what they had seen to anyone,” which means it is not stopping us to say something but to wait until the “Son of God had risen from the dead.” I believe that the Resurrection of Jesus adds to the full understanding of the story of the Transfiguration of Christ. As believers, however, we need to confidently validate our faith in God and His continuous love for us as experienced by Abraham as well.

    This season of Lent, we must acknowledge that we cannot transform ourselves alone. Jesus is the only one who can change us, for His grace is sufficiently given to us with our sincere cooperation. Let Abraham serve as our inspiration and model, the “Father of Faith to all Nations.” Just as Abraham was willing to offer his only son, Isaac, in the same manner, God, the Father Almighty, offered His only Son, Jesus Christ, so that the grace of salvation continuous to flourish on earth, even up to this day, as God’s marvelous blessing!

    God bless you.

    Fr. Arlon, osa

The Dictate of the Heart: 1st Sunday of Lent, Year B

Today, we enter a new liturgical season, the first Sunday of Lent. We are called to give much time to our daily meditation, sacrifices, and fasting for the remission of sins. We must do some kind of penance for personal, communal and our constant omission of the practice of Christian values. We are called to focus on the spiritual redirection of our lives towards God.

Last Sunday, some of us were unable to fulfill our Sunday obligation because of the snowstorm. There were 10 to 12 inches of snow on the ground, and most of the roads were hardly passable for the commuters. Drivers experienced the difficulty to see their own direction because of heavy snow. This is an image of our own burden and the sins we carry for so long that we lose track of our own direction. We don’t realize to stop, look, and listen to signs and warnings available to us to know where we are in our relationship with God and others.

Today is an opportunity to heed and listen to the Words of God to journey around here on earth with confidence and determination to reach our destiny to eternal life with God.

The 1st reading from the book of Genesis reminds us of how God created heaven and earth, and God saw that it was good. However, humanity failed to be faithful to God and rebelled against Him because of selfishness and disrespect. There was excessive flooding where humanity suffered because of disobedience. And after the great flood, God said to Noah and to his sons with
him, “See, I am now establishing my covenant with you and your descendants after you…….so that the waters shall never again become a flood to destroy all mortal beings.” God promised a “bow in the sky,” meaning a rainbow, as a reminder of the promise that He would continue redemptive creation through God’s everlasting love and mercy.

The 2nd reading from the first letter of Peter is a reminder about the prefiguration of the waters of Baptism to cleanse us. (v.21) Peter mentioned in his letter that Noah was saved from waters of destruction by being in the ark, and those who have been baptized in the floodwater, which means the waters of Jesus Christ, are certainly saved by being in the Ark of Christ.

The gospel of St. Mark 1:12-15 narrates to us the new beginning on the part of our Lord Jesus Christ’s public appearance. What lessons could we get from this gospel pericope as we journey through Lent?

First, the evangelist Mark tells us, “The Spirit drove Jesus out into the desert.” Though Satan tried to temp Him, he was not successful in deceiving Jesus for He is the new breed of humanity faithful to listen to the voice of God. Being driven by the Spirit, who was guiding Jesus into this experience of temptation. Jesus came out victorious by the fact that He was prepared by the Spirit to encounter and to face temptations, the enemy of God. Jesus never succumbs to temptations even during the most vulnerable moment before His passion when Satan seduced Him to abandon His mission; however, Jesus placed Himself in His Father’s hands, completely keeping His Father’s will.

Second, the gospel of Mark states that “Jesus came to Galilee proclaiming the gospel of God,” to His fellow Galileans making His first public appearance calling them to, “Repent and Believe in the gospel,” because He was committed to bring about the coming of God’s kingdom. It had been His primary focus to preach the Goodnews of salvation.

Third, Jesus earnestly proclaims, “This is the time of fulfillment. The kingdom of God is at hand.” Jesus prepares everyone to be faithful to God’s covenant by observing the path of holiness He preached.

We must be pleasing to God by believing in the Good News and taking to heart seriously, through our actions, all the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ. Just as Jesus, the Son of God, had been pleasing to the Father Almighty, we cannot displease God Himself.

Today, in this first Sunday of Lent, we have found ourselves having our own experience of desolation and darkness of our souls, maybe in the form of doubts, fear, sickness and death, and all kinds of difficulties in life; however, we are given hope and profound encouragement not to succumb to all these wild beasts of pain and struggles that create brokenness. Instead, we must be firm and constant in faith so that staying close to God, the Spirit will always lead us to the right decision and the right path.

Be ever faithful to God who loves us, I pray that God would manifest His love so that I can keep Him in my heart and for me to overcome and let go of all the things that hinder me to become closer to the Lord.

St. Augustine has these words to reflect on during his First Sunday sermon. He said that days of Lent are not only to be spent but to remember that it is mystically signified. What we have deprived ourselves by fasting, like committing sins of adultery, fornication, and any other forms of unlawful immorality and corruptions, be solicitous and generous to the alms you give and dedicate yourselves to purity of prayer. Let us practice new patterns and Christian ways and indulge in the serious business of making ourselves significantly attend to the call of conversion, enough to begin realizing again our identity as His disciples. Let us always seek Jesus and listen attentively to Him, not Satan.

God bless you.

Fr. Arlon, osa


El Dictado del Corazón
Primer Domingo de Cuaresma, Año B

  • Génesis 9:8-15
  • Salmo 25:4-5, 6-7, 8-9
  • 1 Pedro 3:18-22

Marcos 1:12-15

Hoy entramos en un nuevo tiempo litúrgico, el Primer Domingo de Cuaresma. Estamos llamados a dedicar el más tiempo posible a la oración y meditación diaria, a los sacrificios y al ayuno para la remisión de los pecados. Es necesario hacer penitencia por la omisión personal, comunitaria y practicar los valores cristianos. Estamos llamados a centrarnos en la redirección espiritual de nuestras vidas hacia Dios.

El Domingo pasado algunos de nosotros no pudimos cumplir con nuestra obligación dominical, debido a la tormenta de nieve. Había entre 10 y 12 pulgadas de nieve en el suelo y la mayoría de las carreteras eran difícilmente transitables para las personas mayores. Los conductores tuvieron dificultades para ver la dirección debido a las fuertes nevadas. Esta es una imagen de nuestra carga y de los pecados que cargamos durante tanto tiempo que perdemos el rumbo. No nos damos cuenta de que debemos detenernos, mirar y escuchar las señales y advertencias disponibles para saber dónde estamos en nuestra relación con Dios y los demás.

Hoy es una oportunidad para atender y escuchar la Palabra de Dios para caminar por aquí en la tierra con confianza y determinación para alcanzar nuestro destino de vida eterna con Dios.

La primera lectura del libro del Génesis nos recuerda cómo Dios creó el cielo y la tierra, y vio que era bueno. Sin embargo, la humanidad no pudo ser fiel a Dios y se rebeló contra Él por egoísmo y falta de respeto. Hubo inundaciones excesivas donde la humanidad sufrió a causa de la desobediencia. Y después del gran diluvio, Dios dijo a Noé y a sus hijos: “Mira, ahora estoy estableciendo mi pacto contigo y tu descendencia después de ti… para que las aguas nunca más se conviertan en un diluvio para destruir a todos los seres mortales”. Dios prometió un “arco en el cielo”, es decir, un arco iris, como recordatorio de la promesa de que continuaría la creación redentora mediante el amor y la misericordia eternos de Dios.

La segunda lectura de la primera carta de Pedro nos recuerda la prefiguración de las aguas del bautismo para limpiarnos. (v.21) Pedro mencionó en su carta que Noé fue salvo de las aguas de destrucción al estar en el Arca, y aquellos que han sido bautizados en el agua del diluvio, que significa las aguas de Jesucristo, ciertamente están a salvo mientras en el Arca. de Cristo.

El evangelio de San Marcos 1:12-15 nos narra el nuevo comienzo por parte de la aparición pública de nuestro Señor Jesucristo. ¿Qué lecciones podríamos obtener de este pasaje del evangelio a medida que avanzamos en la Cuaresma?

Primero, el evangelista Marcos nos dice: “El Espíritu empujó a Jesús al desierto”. Aunque Satanás intentó tentarlo, no logró engañar a Jesús porque Él es la nueva generación de humanidad fiel a escuchar la voz de Dios. Siendo impulsado por el Espíritu, quien estaba guiando a Jesús a esta experiencia de tentación. Jesús salió victorioso por el hecho de que fue preparado por el Espíritu para encontrar y enfrentar las tentaciones del enemigo de Dios. Jesús nunca sucumbe a las tentaciones, ni siquiera durante el momento más vulnerable antes de su pasión, cuando Satanás lo sedujo a abandonar su misión; sin embargo, Jesús se puso en manos de Su Padre, cumpliendo completamente la voluntad de Su Padre.

En segundo lugar, el evangelio de Marcos declara que “Jesús vino a Galilea proclamando el evangelio de Dios”, a sus compañeros galileos haciendo su primera aparición pública llamándolos a “arrepentirse y creer en el evangelio”, porque estaba comprometido a lograr la venida del reino de Dios. Su objetivo principal había sido predicar la Buena Nueva de salvación.

En tercer lugar, Jesús proclama fervientemente: “Este es el tiempo del cumplimiento. El reino de Dios está cerca”. Jesús prepara a todos para ser fieles a la alianza de Dios observando el camino de santidad que predicó.

Debemos agradar a Dios creyendo en la Buena Nueva y tomando en serio, a través de nuestras acciones, todas las enseñanzas de nuestro Señor Jesucristo. Así como Jesús, el Hijo de Dios, había agradado al Padre Todopoderoso, nosotros no podemos desagradar a Dios mismo.

Hoy, en este primer domingo de Cuaresma, nos hemos encontrado teniendo nuestra propia experiencia de desolación y oscuridad de nuestras almas, tal vez en forma de dudas, miedo, enfermedad y muerte, y todo tipo de dificultades en la vida; sin embargo, se nos da esperanza y un profundo aliento para no sucumbir a todas estas bestias salvajes de dolor y luchas que crean quebrantamiento. Al contrario, debemos ser firmes y constantes en la fe para que estando cerca de Dios, el Espíritu siempre nos lleve a la decisión correcta y al camino correcto.

Sean siempre fieles a Dios que nos ama, oremos para que Dios manifieste su amor para que pueda tenerlo en mi corazón y superar y dejar ir todas las cosas que me impiden acercarme más al Señor.

San Agustín tiene estas palabras para reflexionar durante su sermón del Primer Domingo. Dijo que los días de Cuaresma no son sólo para pasarlos sino para recordar que tiene un significado místico. Aquello de lo que nos hemos privado por el ayuno, como cometer pecados de adulterio, fornicación y cualesquiera otras formas de inmoralidad ilícita y corruptiva, ser solícitos y generosos con las limosnas que den y dedicarse a la pureza de la oración. Practiquemos nuevos patrones y maneras cristianas y entreguemos la seria tarea de hacernos atender significativamente al llamado de la conversión, lo suficiente para comenzar a realizar nuevamente nuestra identidad como Sus discípulos. Busquemos siempre a Jesús y escuchémosle atentamente a Él, no a Satanás.

Dios los bendiga.

P. Arlón, osa