Feast of the Archangels Michael, Gabriel, and Rafael

Today is the feast of Archangels Michael, Gabriel, and Rafael. The angels are biblical because the word “angels” has appeared several times in both the Old and New Testaments. The Catechism of the Church tells us that angels are existent spiritual and non-corporeal beings created by God. They are messengers, protectors, providers, guides, and healers given to us by God. This is how God operates in the context of love and human salvation.

St. Augustine describes the role of angels through the name given to them in particular, Michael which means, “who is like unto God.” He is the great protector against evil and protects His Church. Gabriel means the great strength of God and Rafael is God’s healer. At the end of each name of the archangel, there is “El” which means related to God as His messengers. However, we should look at angels not only in what they are but in what they do. Their main role according to St. Augustine, is to point to the Incarnate Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, and collaborators of the work of salvation of men.

In the gospel today Jesus said to Nathaniel, “You will see the heavens open and the angels ascending and descending on the Son of God.” The notion of angels is indeed a gospel truth. There are creatures of God that we cannot see but we see them in the eyes of faith.

The Church is terribly affected by many evils in the world. Archangel Michael is busy trying to eliminate our enemies with the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary and all the Saints. We are in a world where there are infestations and possessions of evil that hinder us from loving and being faithful to God. We are also the “Church Militant” where we must be active warriors of the Lord against evil. Our primary duty is to take a stance on all truths and be firm in our faith.

May the archangels and angels be our guide and protector to defend the Holy Catholic Church. Lastly, I give thanks for this new baby, Myka Madeline born today in this feast. May she too be guided by all Holy Angels and Archangels as she tries to breath the grace of the gift of life.

God bless you always.

Fr. Arlon, osa

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