The Dictate of the Heart: The Feast of the Precious Blood, Traditional Latin Mass

Today is the first Saturday of the month of July. We gather here to consecrate ourselves to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and at the same time, we are blessed to be here on the feast of the Precious Blood of Jesus.

Before His passion and death, He gathered the 12 Apostles in the upper room for the Last Supper. That was an occasion to reveal His last will for them to keep. He took the bread and said, “Take this all of you and eat of it for this is my Body.” Then He took the chalice and said, “Take this all of you and drink of it for this the is my Blood.” Through these words, and gestures, our Lord gave His own Body and Blood to His apostles. His gift out of His love and poverty is His Precious Body and Blood, His very self. We are gifted with His real Presence in the Holy Eucharist. He commanded, “Do this in memory of Me.” Our Lord had given them the authority to change the bread and wine into His own Body and Blood, perfect sacrifice to glorify and adore God and for the good of His Holy Church.

We cannot dichotomize or divide the Body and Blood of Jesus. It goes together just as we buy meat at the grocery, we cannot say “please extract the blood from the meat I buy.” Even when we cook meat there is always blood in it. Thus, even when we receive the corpus of Christ or the consecrated Host, we always get the blood of Jesus which the Church would carry until the end of time as our spiritual provision.

We have known that there are some sacrilegious actions committed because of lack of faith and moral corruptions. We are here to offer prayers for those who have committed evil against the Precious Body and Blood our Lord.

This feast is indeed an opportunity to meditate on the blood of Christ shed on the Cross for our salvation.

We must give much respect and love for we believe it is the Lord. When we have some downfall as a person, family, community and Church, it is because of our lack of respect and care towards the things of God. I believe that only through our rightful adoration, glorification, and careful doing of what is truly sacred.  Restoration of all things only happen when we learn how to give God what He truly deserves.

Finally, let us adore Our Lord in the most Precious Blood and Body genuinely present in the Eucharist.

Let us ask pardon for all those who never adore, glorify and believe in this eternal Sacrament.

God bless you.

Fr. Arlon, osa

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