The Dictate of the Heart: The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph

Today, we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. We belong to Jesus’ universal family, the Church. We also remember each of the families gathered here today to give thanks to God for the many blessings we have received, especially our patience, love, support, harmony, and peace that exist among us. The creation of a Holy Family must center on God, who created everything.

The first reading from the book of Genesis narrates to us the promise of God to Abraham saying, “Look up at the sky and count the stars, if you can…just so shall your descendants be.” God assures Abraham’s reward will be exceedingly great. This reward suggests fulfillment of such promise which is yet to come but it requires significant trust in God. Then in Genesis 17:21, God tells Abraham that Sarah will bear him a son in a year. Abraham’s response is to believe in the Lord, for He is righteous! Abraham was reminded to glance at the sky by night to reckon God’s faithful promise, and it came true to these days.

The second reading from the letter to the Hebrews cites again the story of Abraham, who boldly stands out in our mind with the strong faith he had in God. The faith of Abraham reminds us that the idea of faith without obedience is a classical teaching of the scriptures. No one can claim faith in God and subsequently be disobedient. Abraham left his place “not knowing where he was going.” (vv. 17-18) Abraham did not question God; he simply obeyed.

He trusts God who sees what he cannot see. He trusts that God knows more than he knows. He trusts God to reward those who live by faith. There is such a calming effect to a life of faith.

Does Abraham’s approach to obedience help you understand your need for faith? Here is what is critical: At every stage of life, and especially in the beginning in our search for God, in our early stage of building a family, we often go through confusion and doubt.

This is precisely the experience of the Holy Family. They also traversed the land of uncertainties during that period of unstable time. How do they overcome those trying moments in the light of the gospel today?

First, patience is necessary. Abraham went out not knowing where he was going. It took years before he arrived in Canaan where his understanding became more real even though he would never see all that God had planned. In the same way, Mary and Joseph were uncertain of the future of their Son, Jesus. However, they relied on God’s plan and providence.

Second, the need to sacrifice is necessary. Mary also heard for the first time that a suffering was going to be a part of her life as prophesized by Simeon. She took this all in and it matured in her heart and soul as Jesus matured in Galilee. Pondering is different from worrying; pondering leads to maturing, worrying leads to more worrying.

Third, the need to be in the temple was necessary to rely on God. Jesus remained in the temple as a beginning gesture of reversing the human experience from shame to holiness. He would live His whole life entrusting Himself to do His Father’s will in order to redeem us and save us from sins. As with almost every person or family He would eventually meet, Jesus invites us to know and receive our true selves as God’s Family.

So, we have a picture of a holy family- what they received from God, they returned with a grateful heart and became faithful to their lives. Let us continuously create a “Holy Family” by loving God which makes our relationships a true and real family circle, all one act of Love and Piety. The parents must show a good example of Christian virtues to provide a space for growth and holiness of every child.

Please create an atmosphere of prayer, especially praying the grace before meals, gathering your children for an angelus and night prayer, regularly coming to church together every Sunday and helping one another. Never let your family be led to your devotion to “sports-nights.” Faith and love, when lived by parents, is how you learn about God and His Church. In family, we learn our worth. For a family that knows how to love, it brings healing, which will easily fight demons that disrupt unity and harmony. Constant forgiveness, reconciliation and communicarion uncover the ugliness of imperfections.

Merry Christmas! On a day that we celebrate the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, I am happy to reflect on our family journey of faith, especially the importance of family. May the Holy Family, Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, be our inspiration.

Fr. Arlon, osa


El Dictado del Corazón – La Sagrada Familia de Jesús, María y José

  • Génesis 15:1-6; 21:1-3
  • Salmo 105:1-2,3-4,5-6,8-9
  • Hebreos 11:8,11-12,17-19
  • Lucas 2:22-40 o 2:22, 39-40

Hoy celebramos la Fiesta de la Sagrada Familia de Jesús, María y José. Pertenecemos a la familia universal de Jesús, la Iglesia. También recordamos a cada una de las familias reunidas hoy aquí y agradecemos a Dios por las muchas bendiciones que hemos recibido; paciencia, amor, apoyo, armonía y paz que existe entre nosotros. La creación de una Sagrada Familia debe centrarse en Dios, que creó todo.

La primera lectura del libro del Génesis nos narra la promesa de Dios a Abraham diciendo: “Mira al cielo y cuenta las estrellas, si puedes… así será tu descendencia”. Dios asegura que la recompensa de Abraham será sumamente grande. Esta recompensa sugiere el cumplimiento de dicha promesa que aún está por llegar, pero requiere una confianza significativa en Dios. Luego, en Génesis 17:21, Dios le dice a Abraham que Sara le dará un hijo dentro de un año. La respuesta de Abraham es creer en el Señor, ¡porque Él es justo! Abraham recordó mirar al cielo por la noche para considerar la fiel promesa de Dios y se cumplió hasta estos días.

La segunda lectura de la carta a los Hebreos vuelve a citar la historia de Abraham, que resalta audazmente en nuestra mente su fuerte fe en Dios. La fe de Abraham nos recuerda que la idea de fe sin obediencia es una enseñanza clásica de las Escrituras. Nadie puede pretender tener fe en Dios y posteriormente ser desobediente. Abraham salió de su lugar “sin saber adónde iba”. (vv. 17-18) Abraham no cuestionó a Dios, simplemente obedeció.

Confía en Dios que ve lo que él no podía ver. Confía en que Dios sabe más que él. Confía en que Dios recompensará a quienes viven por fe. Hay un efecto de tranquilidad en una vida de fe.

¿El enfoque de Abraham sobre la obediencia le ayuda a comprender su necesidad de fe? Esto es lo fundamental: en cada etapa de la vida, y especialmente al comienzo de nuestra búsqueda de Dios, nuestra primera etapa en la construcción de una familia, a menudo pasamos por confusión y duda.

Ésta es precisamente la experiencia de la Sagrada Familia. También atravesaron la tierra de las incertidumbres durante ese período de tiempo inestable. ¿Cómo superan esos momentos de dificultad a la luz del evangelio de hoy?

Primero, es necesario tener paciencia. Abraham salió sin saber adónde iba. Pasaron años antes de que llegara a Canaán, donde su comprensión se volvió más real a pesar de que nunca vería todo lo que Dios había planeado. De la misma manera, María y José estaban inseguros del futuro de su Hijo Jesús. Sin embargo, confiaron en el plan y la providencia de Dios.

En segundo lugar, la necesidad de sacrificarse es necesaria. María también escuchó por primera vez que un sufrimiento iba a ser parte de su vida como lo profetizó Simeón. Ella asimiló todo esto y maduró en su corazón y alma como Jesús maduró en Galilea. Reflexionar es diferente de preocuparse; Reflexionar lleva a madurar, preocuparse lleva a la inseguridad.

En tercer lugar, la necesidad de estar en el templo es necesario para confiar en Dios. Jesús permaneció en el templo como un gesto inicial para revertir la experiencia humana de la vergüenza a la santidad. Viviría toda Su vida encomendándose a hacer la voluntad de Su Padre para redimirnos y salvarnos de los pecados. Casi todas las personas o familias eventualmente conocerían a Jesús y nos invitarían a conocer y recibir nuestro verdadero yo como Familia de Dios.

Así es la imagen que tenemos de la sagrada familia: lo que recibieron de Dios, lo devolvieron con un corazón agradecido y se volvieron fieles a sus vidas. Creemos continuamente en una “Sagrada Familia” amando a Dios que haga de nuestras relaciones un verdadero y real círculo familiar, todo un acto de Amor y Piedad. Los padres deben dar buen ejemplo de virtudes cristianas, para brindar un espacio de crecimiento y santidad a cada hijo.

Crear una atmósfera de oración en el centro familiar es fundamental para la sanación y santidad familiar. Cuando oramos antes de cada comida, reconocemos la providencia de Dios y nos enseña a ser agradecidos. Reúnan a sus hijos para un ángelus y una oración nocturna, vengan juntos a la iglesia con regularidad especialmente todos los domingos, ayúdense unos a otros. Los deportes son importantes, sin embargo, no deben interponerse entre tus obligaciones espirituales y familiares. La fe y el amor cuando son vividos por los padres es la forma en que aprendes sobre Dios y Su Iglesia. En familia aprendemos nuestro valor. Para una familia que sabe amar, trae sanación, que fácilmente luchará contra los demonios que perturban la unidad y la armonía. El perdón constante, la reconciliación y la resciliación descubren la fealdad de las imperfecciones.

¡Feliz navidad! En un día en que celebramos la sagrada familia de Jesús, María y José, me alegra reflexionar sobre nuestro camino familiar de fe, especialmente la importancia de la familia. Que la Sagrada Familia, Jesús, María y José sean nuestra inspiración para vivir el amor de Dios.

P. Arlón, osa

The Dictate of the Heart: Christmas Vigil Mass

There was a little girl who was surprised knowing that the baby Jesus in the crib was gone. She cried and went to her room, and she asked for God’s help. She prayed, “God the Father, if you don’t help me find the baby Jesus, I will totally pull off all the lights from the Christmas tree.” I think I will do the same if you don’t find Jesus in your heart; I will turn off the sound system and the lights in this church tonight.

Brothers and Sisters, let us reflect on the inspiring readings that we heard. In the first reading the prophet Isaiah proclaims: “The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; upon those who dwelt in the land of gloom a light has shone.” To say that we have not found Jesus in our hearts means that we are walking in the dark and dwelling in a land of uncertainties. We experience anxiety, fear, frustration, anger, and sadness. Let us ask, “When will I find Jesus in my heart again?”

I would like to share one of the stanzas of a Christmas song, composed by a Filipino singer. Jose Mari Chan,

“Let’s sing Merry Christmas and a happy holiday! This season may we never forget the love we have for Jesus. Let Him be the One to guide us as another new year starts.

And may the spirit of Christmas be always in our hearts.”

This is the message of Christmas, Jesus has come, and Jesus must always be in our hearts. God made himself manifest in the person of His only Son, Jesus Christ. So, let us reflect on the powerful messages of the Goodnews.

First, Jesus, the Word made flesh, taking the risk to dwell with us in human history. St. Augustine says, “Begotten by the Father, He was not made by the Father; He was made Man in the mother whom He himself had made, so that He might exist here for a while, sprung from her who could never and nowhere have existed except through His power.” (sermon 191) Thus, Jesus humbles himself to journey with humanity proclaiming God’s perfect love and salvation for all.

Second, the Eternal Word taking on our human nature. What an enormous step taken by God who has desired to come close to us by taking on our flesh to prove this love over and over through His life and ultimately offering Himself on the Cross. St. Augustine reminds us of saying that, “What greater cause is there of the Lord’s coming than to show God’s love for us.”

Third, Jesus Christ, the Lord, tells us: I am the light of the world; he who follows me will not walk in darkness but will have the light of life. Indeed, Jesus is the Light who shines continuously on his church, his community of disciples who are walking toward the Kingdom of God. As members of the church, as disciples of Jesus, we are challenged this Christmas Day to continue the mission of Jesus to be the Light in our world. But how? Look at neighbor helping neighbor as they provide for whatever is needed in the moment. We just have to look around for the many examples of women and men who have responded to this call to be the light to the world.

Brothers and Sisters, the mystery of the Incarnation is indeed the central doctrine of our Catholic Faith. Let us take time to meditate and take pleasure of how our life has been saved by the tender child in a manger whose presence must always be in our hearts.

God bless you.

Fr. Arlon, osa


Dictado del Corazon

Misa de Vigilia de Navidad

  • Isaías 9:1-6
  • Salmo 96: 1-2,2-3,11-12,13
  • Tito 2:11-14
  • Lucas 2:1-14

Había una niña que se sorprendió al saber que el niño Jesús que estaba en la cuna ya no estaba. Lloró y se fue a su habitación y pidió ayuda a Dios. Ella oró: “Dios Padre, si no me ayudas a encontrar al niño Jesús, apagaré toda la luz del árbol de Navidad”. Creo que haré lo mismo si no encuentras a Jesús en tu corazón, apagaré el sistema de sonido y la luz de esta iglesia esta noche.

Hermanos y hermanas, reflexionemos sobre las lecturas que hemos escuchado. En la primera lectura, el profeta Isaías proclama: “El pueblo que caminaba en tinieblas vio una gran luz; sobre los que habitaban en la tierra de las tinieblas, una luz ha brillado”. Es decir, que no hemos encontrado a Jesús en nuestros corazones significa que caminamos en la oscuridad y habitamos en una tierra de incertidumbres. Experimentamos ansiedad, miedo, frustración, ira y tristeza. Preguntémonos pues: “¿Cuándo volveré a encontrar a Jesús en mi corazón?”

Me gustaría compartir una de las estrofas de una canción navideña escrita por un compositor filipino, José Marie Chan; “¡Cantemos Feliz Navidad y felices fiestas! Que en esta temporada nunca olvidemos el amor que tenemos por Jesús.

Que Él sea el que nos guíe al comenzar otro nuevo año.

Y que el espíritu de la Navidad esté siempre en nuestros corazones”.

Este, es el mensaje de Navidad, Jesús ha venido y Jesús debe estar siempre en nuestros corazones. Dios se manifestó en la persona de su único Hijo, Jesucristo. Entonces, reflexionemos sobre los mensajes de la Buena Nueva.

En primer lugar, Jesús, el Verbo, se hizo carne asumiendo el riesgo de habitar con nosotros en la historia humana. San Agustín dice: “Engendrado por el Padre, no fue hecho por el Padre; Se hizo Hombre en la madre que Él mismo había hecho para existir aquí por un tiempo, surgido de ella, que nunca y en ninguna parte podría haber salido sino por Su poder”. (sermón 191) Así, Jesús se humilla para caminar con la humanidad proclamando el amor perfecto de Dios y la salvación para todos.

En segundo lugar, el Verbo Eterno asume nuestra naturaleza humana. ¡Qué paso tan enorme ha dado Dios que ha querido acercarse a nosotros tomando nuestra carne para demostrarnos este amor una y otra vez a través de su vida y finalmente ofreciéndose en la Cruz! San Agustín nos recuerda el dicho: “Qué mayor motivo hay para la venida del Señor, que mostrar el amor de Dios por nosotros”.

Tercero, Jesucristo, el Señor nos dice: Yo soy la luz del mundo; el que me sigue no caminará en tinieblas, sino que tendrá la luz de la vida. En efecto, Jesús es la Luz que brilla continuamente sobre su iglesia, su comunidad de discípulos que caminan hacia el Reino de Dios. Como miembros de la iglesia, como discípulos de Jesús, este día de Navidad tenemos el desafío de continuar la misión de Jesús de ser la Luz en el mundo. ¿Pero cómo? Mire a los vecinos ayudando a sus vecinos mientras proveen para lo que sea necesario en este momento. Sólo tenemos que mirar a nuestro alrededor para encontrar los muchos ejemplos de mujeres y hombres que han respondido a este llamado, de ser luz en el mundo empezando con quienes tenemos al lado.

Hermanos y hermanas, el misterio de la Encarnación es de hecho la doctrina central de nuestra fe católica. Tomemos tiempo para meditar y disfrutar de cómo nuestra vida ha sido salvada por el tierno niño en un pesebre cuya presencia debe estar siempre en nuestro corazón.

Dios los bendiga.

P. Arlón, osa

The Dictate of the Heart: Christmas Day, Extraordinary Form, TLM

  • Hebrews 1:1-12
  • John 1:1-14

Merry and Blessed Christmas to all. I hope that you will have a good family dinner today as we celebrate Christmas Day.

The gospel today gives this beautiful message coming from the gospel of St. John which tell us “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” John 1:1. The Eternal Son of God is the Word to us who self-communicate His love and salvation for us. Until today, as we gather at every Mass, the Word of God continues to come down from heaven to take flesh in the form of the Eucharist. The priest makes the mystery real by making Christ’s sacrifice present, not only sacramentally in the Body of Christ present on the altar but truly, really, and personally present. Indeed, God made himself manifest in the person of his only Son, Jesus Christ.

There was a little girl who was surprised knowing that the baby Jesus in the crib was gone. She cried and went to her room, and she asked God’s help. She prayed, “God the Father, if you don’t help me find the baby Jesus, I will totally put off all the light from the Christmas tree.” I believe that we need to find Jesus in our hearts.

Brothers and Sisters, I would like to share this one of the stanzas of a Christmas song, “Let sing Merry Christmas and a happy holiday! This season may we never forget, the love we have for Jesus. Let Him be/ the One to guide us as another new year starts.

And may the spirit of Christmas be always in our hearts.” To say that we have not found Jesus in our hearts, it means that we are walking in the dark and dwelling in a land of uncertainties. Let us ask, “When will I find Jesus in my heart again?”

This is the truth, Jesus has come, and Jesus must always in our hearts. God made himself manifest in the person of His only Son, Jesus Christ. So, let us reflect the powerful messages of the Goodnews.

First, Jesus, the Word, made flesh taking the risk to dwell with us in human history. ` St. Augustine says, “Begotten by the Father, He was not made by the Father; He was made Man in the mother whom He himself had made, so that He might exists here for a while, sprung from her who could never and nowhere have exited except through His power.” (sermon 191) Thus, Jesus humbles himself to journey with humanity proclaiming God’s perfect love and salvation for all.

Second, the Eternal Word taking on our human nature. What an enormous step taken by God who has desired to come close to us by taking on our flesh to prove this love over and over through His life and ultimately offering Himself on the Cross. St. Augustine reminds us of saying that, “What greater cause is there of the Lord’s coming than to show God’s love for us.”

Third, Jesus Christ, the Lord tells us: I am the light of the world; he who follows me will not walk in darkness but will have the light of life. Indeed, Jesus is the Light who shines continuously on his church, his community of disciples who are walking toward the Kingdom of God. As members of the church, as disciples of Jesus, we are challenged by this Christmas Day to continue the mission of Jesus to be Light in our world. But how? Look at neighbor helping neighbor as they provide for whatever is needed in the moment. We just to have to look around for the many examples of women and men who have responded to this call to be light to the world.

Brothers and Sisters, the mystery of the Incarnation is indeed the central doctrine of our Catholic Faith. Let us take time to meditate and take pleasure of how our life has been save by the tender child in a manger whose presence must always be in our hearts.

God bless you.

Fr. Arlon, osa

The Dictate of the Heart: 4th Sunday of Advent, Year B

Today we are encouraged to come twice to the church to fulfill our obligation. It is the last Sunday of Advent, and the Christmas Vigil starts at 4 pm, followed by 6 and 9 in the evening. In this remaining time of Advent, we are called to intense and quiet prayer with the energy to respond to our availability to God.

Let us reflect on the readings today. The first reading from the second book of Samuel narrates to us about the relaxing experience of King David having returned the “Ark of the Covenant” to the Holy City Jerusalem after several wars in order to secure the “Ark” containing the book of Torah. In reverence to the Ark, David is contemplating on building a temple expressing this holy presence, while the Prophet Nathan receives a message from God that the house David was thinking would mean the beginning of his descendants, where the coming Messiah sprung and formed from his lineage. Basically Jesus is the descendant of King David as prophesied. David’s dream of making a house has turned into the house of the people of God, the new house with a family line which will lead from King David’s lineage directly to the coming of the Messiah, Jesus Christ. This is indeed the promise of God to David that a royal dynasty will succeed him and that his throne will last forever.

The second reading from the letter of St. Paul to the Romans expresses that, “the revelation of the mystery that was kept secret for long ages,” becomes a proclamation of the gospel of Jesus for all people, including the Gentiles. St. Paul worked hard for the fulfillment of these prophetic words “to the command of the eternal God, made known to all nations to bring about the obedience of faith.” We cannot do it alone; we must cooperate with the grace of God.

The gospel from St. Luke is about the Annunciation to Mary. An angel reveals God’s message that Mary will have a special role to play in the coming of the promised Messiah to save the world. The message becomes public only when the angels, shepherds, wise men, and apostles finally announce to the whole world with joy and peace about Jesus’ birth.

What would be our thoughts with regards to the fulfillment of God’s promise?
First, God favors Mary, but through her human response, she is troubled and frightened. That was a normal reaction. Though a virgin, her total trust in God involved humble surrender and something that involved faith that made her understand.

Second, Mary was continuously reflecting, listening, and pondering on what the angel had offered and what was revealed to her. Like Mary, it is important that in every decision we make, there is a need to go through the process of discernment. There are “angel-moments” in our lives where we ignore the messenger.

Third, the messenger reveals to Mary the name and the mission of her child to be. It is so certain that as the promised Messiah, His coming is always connected to the House of God as mentioned in the first reading.

As we go through all sorts of trials and difficulties, just think about the time when Jesus was announced by an Angel to be born. God intervenes in history to breathe again new hope and to be restored through the hovering of the Holy Spirit whose power fleshes out the perfect completion of God’s plan for humanity.

Mary, as with David, was faithful to the promise of God in their wholehearted trust to the fulfillment of the “Word.” Let it be done according to your word, continues to echo in our hearts and minds that final coming of our Savior, Jesus Christ. May we let the Holy Spirit come upon us to empower us to be Christ’s holy body, the Church, in this troubled world. Let us welcome Jesus in our hearts!

God bless you.

Fr. Arlon, osa


El Dictado del Corazón
Cuarto Domingo de Adviento, Año B

  • 2 Samuel 7:1-5,8-11,16
  • Salmo 89:2-3,4-5, 27,29
  • Romanos 16:25-27
  • Lucas 1:28-38

Hoy se nos anima a venir dos veces a la iglesia, para cumplir con nuestra obligación del último domingo de Adviento y la Vigilia Navideña. Comienza a las 4 de la tarde, seguida de las 6 y las 9 de la tarde. Durante este tiempo restante de Adviento, estamos llamados a una oración intensa y tranquila, con energía para responder a nuestra disponibilidad a Dios.

En las lecturas de hoy reflexionemos en la primera lectura del segundo libro de Samuel, que nos narra cómo el rey David se instaló en su palacio relajándose, la relajante experiencia del rey David por haber devuelto el “Arca de Dios” al Ciudad Santa de Jerusalén después de varias guerras, para asegurar el “Arca de Dios” que contiene el libro de la Torá. En reverencia al Arca, David está contemplando la construcción de un templo, expresando esta santa presencia mientras el Profeta Natán, recibe un mensaje de Dios de que la casa de David estaba pensando, significaría el comienzo de su descendencia, donde el Mesías venidero surgió y formado en la Casa de Dios. Jesús viene como descendiente de David como fue profetizado. El sueño de David de hacer una casa se ha convertido en la casa de Dios. La nueva casa con linaje familiar, que conducirá desde el linaje del Rey David directamente a la venida del Mesías, Jesucristo. Esta es en verdad la promesa de Dios a David de que una dinastía real lo sucederá y su trono durará para siempre.

La segunda lectura de la carta de San Pablo a los Romanos expresa que “la revelación del misterio que estuvo guardado en secreto durante muchos siglos”, se convierte en un anuncio del evangelio de Jesús para todos los pueblos, incluidos los gentiles. San Pablo trabajó arduamente para el cumplimiento de estas palabras proféticas “al mandato del Dios eterno, dado a conocer a todas las naciones para realizar la obediencia a la fe”. No podemos hacerlo solos, debemos cooperar con la gracia de Dios.

El evangelio de San Lucas trata sobre la Anunciación a María. Un ángel revela el mensaje de Dios: María tiene un papel especial que desempeñar en la venida del Mesías prometido para salvar al mundo. El mensaje se hace público sólo cuando los ángeles, los pastores, los magos y los apóstoles finalmente anuncian al mundo entero con alegría y paz el nacimiento de Jesús.

¿Cuáles serían nuestros pensamientos acerca del cumplimiento de la promesa de Dios?

Primero, Dios favorece a María a través de su respuesta humana, ella estaba muy preocupada. Esa fue una reacción normal. Aunque virgen, su confianza total en Dios implica una entrega humilde y algo que implica una fe que la hace comprender.

En segundo lugar, María reflexionó, escuchó y reflexionó continuamente sobre lo que el ángel le ofreció, dio y le reveló. Como María, es importante que en cada decisión que tomemos sea necesario pasar por un proceso de discernimiento. Hay “momentos angelicales” en nuestras vidas en los que ignoramos el mensaje y al mensajero.

En tercer lugar, el mensajero revela a María el nombre y la misión de su hijo. Es tan cierto que como Mesías prometido, su venida siempre está conectada a la Casa de Dios como se menciona en la primera lectura.

Mientras pasamos por todo tipo de pruebas y dificultades, basta pensar en el momento en que Jesús fue anunciado por un ángel para nacer, Dios interviene en la historia para insuflar de nuevo la nueva esperanza, para ser restaurada por la influencia del Espíritu Santo cuyo poder da cuerpo a la perfecta realización del plan de Dios para la humanidad.

María, como David, es fiel a la promesa de Dios, su confianza incondicional en el cumplimiento de la “Palabra”. Hágase según tu palabra, para hacer eco continuamente en nuestros corazones y mentes de la venida final de nuestro Salvador, Jesucristo. Que dejemos que el Espíritu Santo venga sobre nosotros para capacitarnos para ser el cuerpo santo de Cristo, la Iglesia, en este mundo turbulento. ¡Demos la bienvenida a Jesús en nuestros corazones!

Dios los bendiga.

P. Arlón, osa

The Dictate of the Heart: Vigil of the Nativity, Extraordinary Form, TLM

We are celebrating the Vigil of the Nativity. Tomorrow there will be another mass at 9 in the morning, where we will be offering the High Mass liturgy on the solemnity of the birth of our Savior.  I have prepared my Christmas message 2023 for you, so please don’t forget to take a copy with you.

I guess everyone was caught by surprise on December 18, 2023, with a document titled, Fiducia Supplicans, approved by Pope Francis. I am still waiting for concrete directions and protocols from the USCCB.  The only issued statement coming from USCCB is that, “Everyone needs love and healing.”

I would like to give some personal comments regarding this document, Fiducia Supplicans.  In the document, it says that everyone could seek God’s blessings, even people of same-sex, and not the marriage or union. It recognizes that persons in problematic and difficult situations, like divorced couples, persons living as spouses without the benefit of marriage, same-sex couples, convicts, and persons detained on charges of serious crimes may ask for blessings.  I repeat, what is true, however, is that persons in same-sex unions may request for a blessing, not of their union, but of themselves.  Thus, to refuse them a blessing when they sincerely ask for it would be arrogance and insensitivity which is contrary to the Gospel.

Remember in the gospel, Jesus always welcomes sinners to repentance. Luke 5:32, Jesus comes to save the sinners and not the righteous. It is necessary, however, that the blessing so imparted does not require formal ritual blessing as to the same sex marriage; it is not dispensing to them the Sacrament of Marriage, per se. It may not take place in the context of the liturgical activity, with many people in attendance, especially not in the context of the celebration of the mass.  We should not be confused in respect to the true teaching and discipline of the Catholic Church.  I hope that I have shared with you enough enlightenment on a personal level.  But as I have said, we will wait for more substantive guidance from the wisdom and discernment of our beloved American Bishops.  Recommendations:  Read the full document, pray, and reflect.  Be wary of the social media and other comments even those priests who criticize the pope.

The epistle today comes from the letter of St. Paul to the Romans.  St. Paul explains more about the promise of God’s son:  He was born of David’s seed according to the flesh but appointed Son of God in power according to the Holy Spirit by resurrection from the dead, so that he is now Jesus Christ our Lord (vv3-4). I do understand that St. Paul discovered his calling to be a faithful apostle through the Lord’s resurrection and then powerfully was dispatched to preach Jesus’ gospel. This calling of St. Paul is also the same calling we need to fulfill and to accomplish as our mission.

Today’s gospel taken from Matthew portrays Jesus whose Jewish identity is beyond doubt. It is within the context that Joseph mentions in this gospel Jesus’ birth. Joseph makes an important impact on the Jewish tradition, a tradition that was all about keeping the law to live according to God’s plan. We heard the following events:

First, the formal engagement to Mary after Joseph discovers that she is pregnant. Joseph knows the baby is not his, and he was in pain knowing Mary’s situation which according to Jewish law would find Mary guilty of adultery, an act that is punishable by death. However, Joseph rescued Mary after he received the message from an Angel.

Second, Joseph is a righteous man who understands the consequence of his action towards Mary. It is through a dream that God reaches out and grasps this righteous man.

Third, it is striking to hear this scripture passage saying, “Do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife.” (Mt.1:19) The angel is inviting Joseph to forsake all that knowledge and understanding to participate in the program of God’s salvation for us.

I believe that we are all a little like Joseph because we have our own ways of dealing with personal, spiritual, and professional matters, and our unique way of going through this demanding season of the year. Perhaps there is a voice we’re already dimly aware of asking us to go beyond our own limitations in order to surrender more fully to God and to assist in the welcoming of a holy child, called Emmanuel; “God is with us” in our own lives and in the life of the Church and in the world.

In today’s Vigil of the Birth of our Lord, let us return to light and take a leap of action to draw us nearer to something we do not fully understand.

God bless you.

Fr. Arlon, osa

The Dictate of the Heart: 3rd Sunday of Advent, Year B

Today is the 3rd Sunday of Advent, Gaudete Sunday. We are closer to our waiting to commemorate Christmas. Rejoice, Gaudete! We have beautiful and inspiring readings which lead us to be joyful and to be filled with rejoicing as suggested to us by St. Paul. When God is with us, we must be joyful which is an indication of God’s true presence.

The first reading today from the book of Isaiah reminds us that “The spirit of the Lord, God, is upon me because the Lord has anointed me, he has sent me to bring glad tidings to the lowly, to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and release to the prisoners, to announce a year of favor from the Lord and a day of vindication by our God.” This is the proclamation of the prophet Isaiah that Jesus will read in the Nazareth temple near the beginning of His public ministry. It speaks about God’s anointment of Jesus as Christ and His mission.

The second reading from the first letter of St. Paul to the Thessalonians says, “In all circumstances give thanks, for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus. Do not quench the Spirit. Do not despise the prophetic utterances.” These are inspiring words that we must be grateful for all things, even for things that hurt and break us. This is somewhat difficult; however, we need to find one good thing in the midst of the bad thing or experience we had before. Then we can joyfully say a prayer, “Thank you, Lord, for my suffering, for without going through it I wouldn’t be what I am today.”

The gospel today from the gospel of St. John continues to enlighten us about John the Baptist. Let us learn to get clearer awareness:

First, we hear in today’s reading explicit statements that Jesus, and not John, is the one sent. “He came for testimony, to testify to the light so that all might believe through him, He was not the light, but he came to testify to the light.”

Second, the gospel, is again about John’s being the “witness” and not the Christ. John did not deny it, but admitted, “I am not the Christ.” We could say that our faith dictates with great feeling of happiness to understand that JESUS IS THE MESSIAH, not John. Jesus was heralded by John to make people realize that Jesus is being missioned or sent to be our Savior.

Third, “the one who is coming after me, whose sandal strap I am not worthy to untie.” These humble words of John express who he was and who he was not. There is that temptation that when we don’t know ourselves, about who we are and who we are not, we create our world of make-believe boasting our ego. John was in touch with the reality of who he was.

Therefore, this season of advent is not only anticipating and waiting for the coming of the Lord but coming to our senses that we are totally dependent on God. I certainly believe that God has a purpose for me, but I feel I lack the clarity of understanding my identity, my mission and what God intends for me to do. This thought would not make us happy if we cannot have answers. The joy of Christian living is not what we have right now, but it is connected to the promise of God for us.

Many things get in the way of our really receiving this good news, including our own sense of unworthiness – who are we to receive that kind of love? Let us remember that our primary work is to focus on the joyful witnessing to Christ. We are the poor; we are American dream seekers, who are receiving the glad tidings, and we are the captives being offered liberty. There are reasons for rejoicing because we receive joy and hope from God.

Be courageous in suffering. In hardships, joy will come; after the dark comes the sun. Again, I reiterate in the letter to the Thessalonians we hear, “Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing. In all circumstances give thanks.” John the Baptist is telling the Pharisees and all of us, “There is one among you whom you do not recognize, the one who is coming after me.” That is Jesus who has wrapped us in a cloak of his gentle love, holding us closer to His heart, giving us healing of our deepest hurts and pains. This is the day to Rejoice!

Come, Lord, Jesus, Come!

Fr. Arlon, osa

The Dictate of the Heart: Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe

I am happy tonight to celebrate the Vigil Mass with you the Hispanic Community of St. Teresa in order to give thanks to God for His continuous blessing bestowed upon us through our Mother Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe. There is only one Mother Mary in the world who was chosen to lead us closer to His Son Jesus Christ.

I am also blessed to have a very supportive community growing in the love and devotion to the Blessed Mother. We must recognize that this feast is not only for the Mexicans, but this is also for the entire Americas, North, South and Central. This is the feast of the United States and also the Philippines because our patroness is also the Virgin of Guadalupe. History recorded that the second batch of missionaries who came to the Philippines were Augustinian Priests from Mexico. They had shared with us your culture and traditions, like POSADAS and Misa de Gallo before Christmas. Not only that, tonight signals the whole world to journey together to have a spiritual pilgrimage to the site of the Blessed Mother Apparition in Mexico. Even if we are celebrating here in this Church, we join thousands of people to venerate and pay homage to Our Lady of Guadalupe! Viva Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe! Viva Cristo Rey!

The appearance of the Virgin Mother of Jesus at Guadalupe, near Mexico City, is the event that we remember and the reason we are all here tonight. It was the Blessed Mother who appeared to the peasant and native American man, San Juan Diego. It is one of many events over the centuries that Mary appears to the poor and dispossessed, asking him to speak to the powerful a word of warning. It was a clear statement of God’s favor bestowed on the poor and humble instead of the rich and powerful. It was also a word of warning to power that those who are in power would be struck down and destroyed. When we hear these words, we are given that hope to realize our dreams, that we must be treated equally, opportunity would be opened for everyone and to secure our lives with prosperity safety together with the family. One day we will receive them our constant prayers, sacrifices, and fidelity to our faith as Catholics. All these aspirations will be attained. Though many of us are poor and struggling due to immigration status and other domestic problems, be firm to your faith. I encourage you to bring your family to the Church every Sunday and to encourage others thru your witnessing, good works and to keep the promise of the Blessed Mother of Guadalupe for a greater blessing only to make us closer to her Son, Jesus Christ.

Our liturgy tonight challenges us that the Patroness of the New World, the Americas, especially Mexico that every Mexican must share their Christian Faith and blessing of material wealth and uphold human dignity by virtue of your basic needs being met. I believe that it is not about seeking worldly power because it is almost a guarantee of God’s disfavor. We want to stay blessed and favored with God by being humble.

The readings of the Mass, from the Book of Revelations and the Gospel of Luke, express to us that Mary’s presence is the sign and the voice to manifest the presence of God. The story about Visitation is about how the Blessed Mother obeyed in compliance to God’s will. She made herself available to serve her cousin, Elizabeth with love and humility. Then Elizabeth recognized in her the visible sign of the coming of God when she cried, “Most Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb.” This verse illuminates the role of the pregnant Mary as the bearer of God. My heart wants to sing and rejoice that God is coming to dwell with us through Mary’s cooperation.

We are God’s people!!! So, what is the message of Mary to us all? All of us who are willing to accept our own poverty, our understanding of poverty means our total surrender and dependence on God, our Lady of Guadalupe gives us hope and strength. Now I pray with you tonight so that praying with sincerity of heart, Nuestra Senor de Guadalupe whisper to us that the coming of Emmanuel, God is with us, is indeed God’s mercy. My spirit rejoices in God, my Savior!

Viva la Virgen! Viva San Juan Diego! Viva Cristo Rey! May God bless you.

Fr. Arlon, osa


El Dictado del Corazón

Fiesta de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe

  • Apocalipsis 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab
  • Judit 13:18bcde, 19
  • Lucas 1:26-38 o Lucas 1:39-47

Estoy feliz de estar celebrando con ustedes; Comunidad Hispana de Santa Teresa de Avila, a Nuestra Santísima, ¡Virgen de Guadalupe! Démosle gracias a Dios por Su continua bendición otorgada a nosotros a través de nuestra Madre Guadalupana. Sólo hay una Madre María en el mundo que fue elegida para acercarnos a Su Hijo Jesucristo.

Tengo la bendición de tener una comunidad que me apoya y crece en amor y devoción a la Santísima Madre. Debemos reconocer que esta fiesta no es sólo para los mexicanos, sino también para toda América, Norte, Sur y Centro. Esta es la fiesta de Estados Unidos y también de Filipinas porque nuestra patrona también es la Virgen de Guadalupe. La historia registra que el segundo grupo de misioneros que llegaron a Filipinas fueron sacerdotes agustinos de México. Compartieron con nosotros su cultura y tradiciones, como POSADAS y Misa de Gallo antes de Navidad. No solo eso, esta noche es una señal para que todo el mundo viaje juntos en peregrinación espiritual al sitio de la Aparición de la Santísima Madre en México. ¡Aunque estemos celebrando aquí en esta Iglesia, nos unimos a miles de personas para venerar y rendir homenaje a Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe! ¡Viva Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe! ¡Viva Cristo Rey!

La aparición de la Virgen de Guadalupe, cerca de la Ciudad de México, es el evento que recordamos y la razón por la que todos estamos aquí esta noche. Fue la Santísima Madre quien se apareció al campesino y nativo, San Juan Diego. Es uno de los muchos acontecimientos a lo largo de los siglos en los que María se aparece a los pobres y humildes, pidiéndole que se dirija a los poderosos con una palabra de advertencia. Fue una declaración clara del favor de Dios otorgado a los pobres y humildes en lugar de a los ricos y poderosos. También fue una palabra de advertencia al poder de que quienes estaban en el poder serían derribados y destruidos. Cuando escuchamos estas palabras, se nos da la esperanza de realizar nuestros sueños, que debemos ser tratados con igualdad, que se abrirán oportunidades para todos y asegurar nuestras vidas con prosperidad y seguridad junto con nuestra familia. Un día recibiremos nuestras constantes oraciones, sacrificios y fidelidad a nuestra fe como católicos. Todas estas aspiraciones se alcanzarán. Aunque muchos de nosotros somos pobres y luchamos debido a nuestro estatus migratorio y otros problemas internos, seamos firmes en vuestra fe. Los animo a traer a su familia a la Iglesia todos los domingos y a animar a otros a través de su testimonio, buenas obras y a cumplir la promesa de la Santísima Madre de Guadalupe de una bendición mayor sólo para acercarnos más a su Hijo, Jesucristo.

Nuestra liturgia de esta noche nos desafía a que la Patrona del Nuevo Mundo, las Américas, especialmente en México, cada mexicano debe compartir su fe cristiana y la bendición de la riqueza material y defender la dignidad humana en virtud de que se satisfacen sus necesidades básicas. Creo que no se trata de buscar el poder mundano porque es casi una garantía del desagrado de Dios. Queremos seguir siendo bendecidos y favorecidos por Dios siendo humildes.

Las lecturas de la Misa, del Libro del Apocalipsis y del Evangelio de Lucas, nos expresan que la presencia de María es el signo y la voz para manifestar la presencia de Dios. La historia de la Visitación trata de cómo la Santísima Madre obedeció cumpliendo la voluntad de Dios. Se puso a disposición para servir a su prima Isabel con amor y humildad. Entonces Isabel reconoció en ella el signo visible de la venida de Dios cuando exclamó: “Bendita tú entre las mujeres, y bendito el fruto de tu vientre”. Este versículo ilumina el papel de María embarazada como portadora de Dios. Mi corazón quiere cantar y regocijarse de que Dios viene a habitar con nosotros a través de la cooperación de María.

¡¡¡Somos el pueblo de Dios!!! Entonces, ¿cuál es el mensaje de María para todos nosotros? Para todos los que estamos dispuestos a aceptar nuestra propia pobreza, nuestra comprensión de la pobreza significa nuestra total entrega y dependencia de Dios, nuestra Señora de Guadalupe nos da esperanza y fuerza. Me uno en oración con ustedes esta noche, para que orando con sinceridad de corazón, Nuestro Señor de Guadalupe nos susurre que la venida de Emmanuel, Dios con nosotros, es en verdad la misericordia de Dios. ¡Mi espíritu se regocija en Dios, mi Salvador!

¡Viva la Virgen de Guadalupe! ¡Viva San Juan Diego! Viva Cristi Rey! Que Dios te bendiga.

P. Arlón, osa

The Dictate of the Heart: 2nd Sunday of Advent, Year B

I am back to my usual work after my 28-day annual vacation. I must adjust to the cold weather of Carson City and deal with the many scheduled events in the parish. I need to be completely recovered from slight coughing and body aches so that I can celebrate the Latin and the Novus Ordo masses on the feast of the Immaculate Conception and the upcoming Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. I need God’s grace of healing.

The first reading from the Prophet Isaiah gives us the real situation of Israel being in captivity. The holy temple in Jerusalem failed to offer comfort for the people. The prophet is inviting the people of Israel to stop raising their voices of guilt so that their need of comfort may be heard. As a people, they have “to go up onto the high mountain” which is the abode of the Divine. “Fear not to cry out and to say to the cities of Judah: Here is your God.” Here comes the Prophet Isaiah shouting to those people feeling alienated and giving hope by informing them of what God is intending to do.

The second reading, the second letter of Peter, tells us in a very simple reminder that “The Lord did not delay His promise,” as some regard “delay,” but He is patient with you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. This is precisely the reason of Advent, when we are freed from alienation of sins because there is the coming of Jesus, who will rescue us from sins and allow His presence to transform us. I wish we could be better, to shape up and repent.

Today announces the beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, according to Mark. There are important reflection points to consider.

First, St. Mark added the quotation from the Prophet Isaiah, “Behold I am sending you my messenger ahead of you, he will prepare your way. A voice of one crying out in the desert; Prepare the way of the Lord.” The coming of the Kingdom of God begins with genuine repentance to become worthy of the Son of Man. Just as we come to embrace this season of Advent, we are called to acknowledge our sins and be reconciled.

Second, St. Mark mentioned how people from “The whole of Judean countryside and Jerusalem” were travelling to have John baptize them “as they acknowledged their sins.” They are called to destroy all kinds of barriers so that they can truly prepare the way for the coming of the Christ. John is baptizing the Jews in the waters of the Jordan claiming their own identity as forgiven to be ushered into God’s Kingdom and be blest in the Holy Spirit.

Third, St. Mark tells us very clearly of the role of John the Baptist. John the Baptist says, “I have baptized you with water; he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.” These humble words of John continued to fulfill his mission to prepare the path of Christ in this world, and he never took advantage of his fame as a precursor.

It is nice to realize that I am called in accordance with the call I have received. All of us need to become like John the Baptist, who helps us think that we cannot do everything, but we will just do our part. Let us not complicate our role in order to shine above others; we need to think what God’s heart has in store for us.

The Good News we must keep in this season of Advent is to listen and to rearrange our ways by keeping the stillness of Christ’s coming guided by St. John the Baptist.

I hope you can take comfort from today’s readings. Let them speak to you by becoming a new person.

Come, Lord, Jesus!

Fr. Arlon, osa


El Dictado del Corazón

Segundo Domingo de Adviento, Año B

  • Isaías 40:1-5, 9-11
  • Salmos 85:9-10-11-12, 13-14
  • 2 Pedro 3:8-14
  • Marcos 1:1-8

He vuelto a mi trabajo habitual después de estar ausente veintiocho días durante mis vacaciones anuales. Debo adaptarme al clima frío de Carson City y ocuparme de los muchos eventos programados en la parroquia. Necesito recuperarme de una tos leve y dolores corporales para poder celebrar las Misas en latín y Novus Ordo en la Fiesta de la Inmaculada Concepción y la próxima Fiesta de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe. Necesito de la gracia y la sanación de Dios.

Hermanos y hermanas para la próxima Celebración de la Fiesta de nuestra Virgen de Guadalupe de este año, me gustaría pedirles a todos que oremos por una celebración significativa. Esta es una gran Fiesta y los invito a todos a cooperar y hacer de esta una celebración solemne para que podamos ser destinatarios de las muchas bendiciones por intercesión de nuestra Virgen de Guadalupe. Este próximo martes doce de diciembre hagamos que todas nuestras actividades parroquiales sean ordenadas, pacíficas y con su máxima cooperación para manifestar plenamente nuestro amor por la Virgen de Guadalupe y San Juan Diego. Vendrán también algunos que no vienen regularmente a misa. Como parroquianos, hagamos que se sientan bienvenidos y anímelos a volver a casa. Dentro de la Iglesia, les pido su mayor devoción, silencio y respeto al Santísimo Sacramento.

La primera lectura del profeta Isaías nos da la situación real de Israel en cautiverio. El santo templo de Jerusalén no logró ofrecer consuelo al pueblo. El profeta invita al pueblo de Israel a dejar de alzar sus voces de culpa para que se escuche su necesidad de consuelo. Como pueblo, tienen que “subir a la alta montaña” que es la morada de lo Divino. “No temán gritar y decir a las ciudades de Judá: Aquí está su Dios”. Aquí viene el Profeta Isaías gritando a aquellas personas que se sienten alienadas y dándoles esperanza informándoles de lo que Dios se propone hacer.

La segunda lectura de la segunda carta de Pedro nos recuerda algo muy sencillo “El Señor no retrasó su promesa, como algunos la consideran “retraso”, sino que tiene paciencia con nosotros, no queriendo que ninguno perezca, sino que todos vengan”. al arrepentimiento. Precisamente este es el motivo del Adviento, cuando seamos liberados de la alienación de los pecados porque está la venida de Jesús, quien nos rescatará de los pecados y permitirá que su presencia nos transforme. Ojalá pudiéramos ser mejores, ponernos en forma y arrepentirnos.

Hoy se anuncia el comienzo del evangelio de Jesucristo el Hijo de Dios según Marcos. Hay importantes puntos de reflexión a considerar.

Primero, San Marcos añadió la cita del profeta Isaías: “He aquí que yo envío a mi mensajero delante de ti, a preparar tu camino.  Voz del que clama en el desierto:  “Preparen el camino del Señor, enderecen sus senderos”.. La venida del Reino de Dios comienza con el arrepentimiento genuino para llegar a ser dignos del Hijo del Hombre. Así como llegamos a abrazar esta temporada de Adviento, somos llamados a reconocer nuestros pecados y a reconciliarnos.

En segundo lugar, San Marcos mencionó cómo personas de “toda la campiña de Judea y de Jerusalén” viajaban para que Juan los bautizara “al reconocer sus pecados”. Están llamados a destruir todo tipo de barreras para poder preparar verdaderamente el camino a la venida de Cristo. Juan está bautizando a los judíos en las aguas del Jordán, afirmando su propia identidad como perdonados para iniciar el Reino de Dios y bendecidos con el Espíritu Santo.

En tercer lugar, San Marcos nos habla muy claramente del papel de Juan Bautista. Juan el Bautista dice: Ya viene detrás de mí uno que es más poderoso que yo, uno ante quien no merezco ni siquiera inclinarme para desatarle la correa de sus sandalias. Yo los he bautizado a ustedes con agua, pero él los bautizará con el Espíritu Santo”. Estas humildes palabras de Juan siguieron cumpliendo su misión de preparar el camino de Cristo en este mundo y nunca aprovecharon su fama de precursor.

Es lindo saber que soy llamado de acuerdo con el llamado que he recibido. Todos debemos llegar a ser como Juan el Bautista, quien nos ayuda a pensar que no podemos hacerlo todo, sino que simplemente haremos nuestra parte. No compliquemos nuestro papel para brillar sobre los demás, necesitamos pensar en lo que el corazón de Dios nos tiene reservado.

La Buena Nueva que debemos guardar en este tiempo de Adviento es escuchar, reordenar nuestros caminos manteniendo la quietud de la venida de Cristo guiado por San Juan Bautista.

Espero que puedan encontrar consuelo en las lecturas de hoy. Dejemos que nos hablen convirtiéndonos en personas renovadas en Dios que tanto nos Ama.

¡Ven, Señor Jesús!

P. Arlón, osa

The Dictate of the Heart: 2nd Sunday of Advent, Extraordinary Form, TLM

Today we celebrate the second Advent Sunday. The introit antiphon captures our prayer that we sincerely say, “People of Sion, behold the Lord shall come to save the nations: and the Lord shall make the glory of His voice to be heard, in the joy of your heart.” We are continuously committed to listen to the cries of St. John and the joy to call us to repentance as we prepare for the coming of the Lord.

Today’s epistle from the Letter of St. Paul to the Romans reminds us that we strengthen our hearts and hands to live with patience and hope in these troubled days. St. Paul wants his readers to know that the Church truly participates in God’s unfolding story about the truth that Christ runs from the past to the present, establishing a most certain future. It means that St. Paul argues that the Messiah has achieved what is the entire Old Testament. This season of Advent preserves and proclaims God’s great achievement in Jesus the Son.

Today’s gospel from St. Matthew, which narrates to us that John the Baptist was in prison, sending two of his disciples, should come as an absolute shock to everyone who reads this gospel, wondering if Jesus is indeed the one to come. How could John, of all people, ask a question like “Are you the one who is to come, or shall we look for another?”

Didn’t John leap for joy in the womb at the sound of Mary’s greeting (Luke 1:41)? Wasn’t it his job to prepare the way for the Lord (Isaiah 40:3)? And indeed, did he not point to Jesus and say with his own mouth, “Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world.” (John 1:29)? Did he not with his own eyes see the dove descend upon Jesus at His baptism, and with his own ears hear the very voice of God from heaven (Matthew 3:16-17)?

How could John even consider asking “Are you the one who is to come, or shall we look for another” (Matthew 11:3)? Something’s up here. Now bear in mind that John was in prison when we read the account about him from the gospel of Matthew 11, and he’s having a real-life nightmare, but instead of waking up, he remains in prison while his head is brought to Herod on a silver platter (Matthew 14:1-12).

God had not abandoned John the Baptist in prison, even though to John it felt like He had. However, St. John the Baptist sent his messengers with the Word of God because he could not go himself. Listen to the example of John the Baptist. Go to the Word of God: Read, hear, and study the Word of God.

Indeed, John knows the answer. He knows Jesus is the Coming One because he has faith. There’s no question John has faith; the question is, does John also have doubt? Yes. Doubt caused John to fear. Doubt caused John to look inward and let his emotions rule him, ­working himself into an emotional frenzy as he was literally preparing the way for Christmas, the Messiah’s 1st Coming. But faith doesn’t look in, faith looks out. In faith, John did what you and I need to do when we doubt: go to Jesus, and since neither John nor you and I can physically do that, we need Jesus’ Word to be brought to us. So John sent his disciples to bring the Word of Jesus back to him, to preach to him, because it’s only the

Word of Jesus that can strengthen, comfort, reassure, and encourage us. John wants to hear the Word of Jesus reassuring him that He is the Coming One, and that’s what Jesus does. Working yourself up into an emotional frenzy at Christmas over the gifts, the cute baby in a manger, and the holiday spirit won’t do a thing to prepare you. But the Gospel and sacraments will.

Blessed indeed are all who take refuge in Him, who find joy in feasting with Him at His Table with angels, archangels, the Holy Innocents, St. John the Baptist, Sts. Stephen and James, Sts. Peter and Paul and all those who rest in Christ. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God, indeed!

God bless you.

Fr. Arlon, osa

La Inmaculada Concepción de la Santísima Virgen María

Lucas 1:26-38

Hace dos años compuse un himno de la Iglesia Católica de la Inmaculada Concepción en Sparks, NV, donde había sido asignado anteriormente. Agradezco a la Santísima Madre que me inspiró a ponerle letra a la canción. Estoy muy sentimental con esta solemnidad de la Inmaculada Concepción porque fue cuando hice mi primera misa después de mi ordenación hace treinta y tres años. La Santísima Madre se convierte en mi madre que está tan cerca de mi corazón porque sé que ella siempre está ahí cuando más la necesito. Es inimaginable para cualquier sacerdote sin la protección materna de la Santísima Madre porque un sacerdote es un “Alter Christus”, el otro Cristo. Nuestro Señor Jesús está muy cerca del corazón de Su madre. María dijo: “He aquí yo soy la esclava del Señor. Que se haga en mí según tu palabra”. Ella es fiel en cumplir la palabra de Dios que todos debemos hacer.

It was two years ago that I composed the hymn of the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, Sparks, NV where I was assigned. I thank the Blessed Mother who inspired me to put words into the song. I am very sentimental with this solemnity of the Immaculate Conception because it was when I did my first mass after my ordination 33 years ago. The Blessed Mother becomes my mother who is so close to my heart because I know that she is always there when I need her. It is unimaginable for any priest without the maternal protection of the Blessed Mother because a priest is an “Alter Christus,” the other Christ. Our Lord Jesus is very close to the heart of His mother. Mary said, “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word.” She is faithful to fulfill God’s word which we all must do.

Hoy celebramos el triunfo de la misericordia de Dios al preparar a María, la elegida, desde el vientre de su madre, Santa Ana. Ella fue concebida inmaculadamente sin ninguna mancha de pecado. María estuvo llena de la gracia de Dios desde el primer momento de su existencia. A lo largo de su vida, María Santísima siempre ha estado totalmente vuelta hacia Dios, completamente abierta a la llamada de Dios y a su presencia.

Today, we celebrate the triumph of God’s mercy as He prepared Mary, the chosen one, from the womb of her mother, St. Anne. She was immaculately conceived without any stain of sin. Mary was full of God’s grace from the first moment of her existence. Throughout her life, Blessed Mary has always been totally turned towards God, completely open to God’s call and His presence.

La lectura del evangelio de hoy nos lleva a muchos puntos de reflexión y meditación:

Primero, sugiere que María luchó por recibir este extraordinario favor de Dios y por todo lo que implicaría para su especial misión en la Historia de la Salvación. En el Libro del Génesis, nuestros primeros padres, Adán y Eva, no pudieron resistir la tentación de comer del árbol prohibido. A pesar de las muchas maneras en que Dios los había bendecido en el jardín, tomaron más de lo que tenían derecho. Habiendo rechazado de esta manera la voluntad de Dios, se escondieron de Dios. Fue un vergonzoso acto de orgullo que los llevó a pensar que eran dioses. Por lo tanto, para restaurar esas relaciones rotas entre los hombres y Dios, fue un momento oportuno en que Dios nos buscó de regreso a Él a través del corazón misericordioso de la Santísima Madre para cooperar con Su plan.

Today’s gospel reading is leading us to many points for reflection and meditation:

First, it suggests that Mary struggled to receive this extraordinary favor from God and for all it would entail for her special mission in the Salvation History. In the Book of Genesis, our first parents, Adam and Eve, could not resist the temptation to eat from the forbidden tree. Despite all the many ways that God had blessed them in the garden, they took more than they were entitled to. Having rejected God’s will in this way, they hid from God. It was a shameful act of pride that led them to think that they were gods. Thus, to restore those broken relationships between men and God, it was an opportune time that God sought us back to Him through the gracious heart of the Blessed Mother to cooperate with His plan.

En segundo lugar, cuando Madre María se entregó a través de su “Fiat”, su Sí a Dios, se convirtió en fuente de bendición para toda la humanidad, la elegida a través de la cual Jesús vino a nosotros. Como María, debemos entregar nuestras vidas a Dios que tanto nos ha favorecido, permitiendo que Dios obre en nosotros y a través de nosotros. A través de nuestra entrega total, nosotros también damos a luz a Cristo en nuestras vidas convirtiéndonos en fuente de bendición para los demás.

Second, when Mother Mary surrendered through her “Fiat,” her Yes to God, she became a source of blessing to all of humanity, the chosen one through whom Jesus came to us. Like Mary, we are to surrender our lives to God who has so favored us, allowing God to work in and through us. Through our complete surrender, we too give birth to Christ in our lives becoming a source of blessing for others.

En tercer lugar, la santidad y la bondad de María son producto de su apertura a la palabra de Dios y al llamado de Dios que vivió en medio de los desafíos y luchas por comprender el mensaje de un ángel que le dijo: “No temas, María, porque has hallado gracia ante Dios. Vas a concebir y a dar a luz un hijo y le pondrás por nombre Jesús.” Por su gracia especial, recibe una relación íntima con su Hijo concebido a través del Espíritu Santo, que penetró su corazón humano.

Third, Mary’s holiness and goodness is a product of her openness to God’s word and God’s call which she lived out amid the challenges and struggles to understand the message of an Angel who said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. Behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall name him Jesus.” Because of her special grace, she receives an intimate relationship with her conceived Son through the Holy Spirit, who penetrated her human heart.

Hermanos y hermanas, ofrezcámonos haciendo lo que Dios nos pide y abriéndonos más completamente a la palabra de Dios y a la voluntad de Dios para nuestras vidas. Mientras tratamos de responder al mismo llamado, podemos buscar en María quien es nuestra Madre, nuestra inspiración y ayuda. Así como María tuvo una experiencia humana más oscura debido al rechazo de la humanidad hacia su Hijo Jesús, ella permaneció completamente en la palabra vivificante de Dios.

Brothers and Sister, let us offer ourselves over by doing what God asks of us and opening ourselves more completely to God’s word and God’s will for our lives. As we try to answer the same call, we can look to Mary for inspiration and for help. Just as Mary had an experience of a darker human experience because of humanity’s rejection of her Son, Jesus, she completely remained to God’s life-giving word.

Este tiempo de Adviento nos llama a ser tan abiertos como María a la fidelidad de su misión, incluso en nuestros tiempos de dolorosa lucha. Si seguimos confiando en el plan de Dios, hay ese cumplimiento y también nos convertimos en fuente de bendiciones para los demás y el mundo.

This season of Advent calls on us to be as open as Mary to her fidelity of her mission, even in our own times of painful struggle. If we keep on trusting in the plan of God, there is that fulfillment and we also become the source of blessings for others and the world.

María fue concebida sin pecado y sostenida aún más a través de estas palabras de nuestro Padre San Agustín: “Porque el único entre los nacidos de mujer fue nuestro Santo Señor Jesús, quien por la extrañeza de Su nacimiento sin mancha no sufrió las contaminaciones de la corrupción terrenal sino los disipó por majestad celestial”. (FC, Vol. 30, Cartas de San Agustín 165-203)

“Oh María, sin pecado concebida, ruega por nosotros que recurrimos a ti”.

Mary was conceived without sin and further upheld through these words of our Father St. Augustine, “For wholly alone of those born of woman was our Holy Lord Jesus, who by the strangeness of His undefiled Birth has not suffered the pollutions of earthly corruption but dispelled them by heavenly majesty.” (FC, Vol. 30, Saint Augustine Letters 165-203)

“O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.”

Padre Arlon, OSA