The Dictate of the Heart:  34th Week in Ordinary Time, Friday | Feast of St. Catherine of Alexandria

Learning something about St. Catherine of Alexandria draws everyone to her. The fact is that, in one way or another, we can relate to her struggles and examples of holy life. Every Saint has a magnificent story to share that nourishes our hunger to satisfy our quest for the truth.

St. Catherine of Alexandria, born in Egypt, was an intelligent woman who lived in the 4th century. She converted to Catholicism at the age of 18.  After conversion, she preached the gospel.  Because of her dedication to speak about Jesus, she converted the empress and military officials. She engaged in different debates about faith to the pagan philosophers.  Many were amazed at her profound knowledge of Christian faith and her wisdom and debating skills. She converted them to Christianity.  In Alexandria, she was known for her commitment to evangelize; consequently, she was tortured to death and was martyred. Her dead body was believed to be buried by angels at the foot of the hill of Mt. Sinai. Devotion started in the 9th Century in the East, with an increasing love for her during the time of the crusaders.  She is an example to young girls who are searching to find Jesus.

The first reading today in the Book of Revelation is always a narration of St. John’s vision about heaven. This is a biblical writing which is so powerful that our human condition of frustrations and confusion could be an obstacle in our pursuit of consolation and hope.  Jesus is the Goodnews!  Jesus Christ has already conquered evil and darkness; therefore, we have the hope to enter into a new life with Him.

Through the words of Jesus, our frustrations, dissolutions, and hopelessness will completely end.  What matters most are the words of Jesus, the ones that last forever. After this life, everything will be non-essentials and trivial.

Let us follow St. Catherine’s dedication to follow Jesus.  I believe that beauty, money, prestige, etc., will come to pass but our fidelity to His words and Jesus will be an exchange for eternity.

May St. Catherine pray for us.

Fr. Arlon, osa

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